Abbot's Processional Summer 2015 LOGS :D

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This page was imported from a forum post dated July 09, 2015 in the category Chatterbox by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Thu, 07/09/2015 - 12:06


Abbot Benar's Processional

I decided to post links to the logs that had something to do with the Abbot's processional on here in as close to chronological order, from earliest to latest, somewhere where people can enjoy them :)

The Abbot's Processional, Part 1: Leaving the Abbey /and/ Part 2: The Ruins of St. Ninians (sorry it got long)

Abbots Processional Part 21 Ruins St Ninians Church Also Entitled Would They Be Churchmice N

Abbot's Processional:Stories of Our Pasts

Leon went ahead of the group here: I can still save lives!

Abbot's Processional, part 2.somethin': The ruins of St. Ninian's Church; For the love of learning

Here D.R. meets the Taggerung (Yes, I said Taggerung, people.): Abbot's Processional, part 2.somethin'-else (See how special I am? :P): St. Ninian's church

Abbot's Processional, part 3: Brockhall

Abbot's Processional: part 3.5?: Brockhall

Here Zinnia and Rayen went ahead of the group: Going On Ahead To Ferravale

Zinnia chattin' with her uncle: Visiting with Uncle Zee and...did Marek just quit?!

Abbot's Processional: Part 4:Ferravale

I think this means Silverstorm went ahead to Camp Willow: This is NOT the best way to meet new friends!

LilyMoore Louise gets lost and found (Abbot's Processional in Ferravale RP and Helping Marek Redeem Himself RP)

A lost beast is found

This may or may not have anything to do with the processional, but whatever: Welcome Back

Access denied (sorry if you can't read it :( )

"I don't know what to do with you, Marek. I just don't." (Abbot's Processional in Ferravale RP and Helping Marek Redeem Himself RP)

Abbot's Processional, part 3.somethin'-and-whatever: Ferravale

The Abbot's Processional Part 4: Camp Willow

Flicktail and Silverstorm are in Camp Willow because of the processional: Chats In A Tavern, Sometimes They Help And Sometimes They Don't

Flicktail's in Camp Willow because, um, well, the processional! Pride and Prejudice - CW Style

Don't worry, Zypher and Aibne, Flicktail will leave with the rest of the Redwallers soon :) A Dockside Meeting - Camp Willow

He's not with the Redwallers, but whateves: Late in the Evening at Camp Willow

Silverstorm is in Camp Willow because she's a Redwaller (and I am so empathizing with her in this log...I <3 her X3): Troubleing Afternoon

The Abbey Group Departs! - Camp Willow

Home is where you feel welcome and loved (Abbot's processional RP)

Zork and Nissaya head to the feast: On the way to the feast! :D /AND/ Prolog to Abbot's Processional, part 5: The Sandstone Quarry and the FEAST! :D

This thing got so long.....good luck reading through it all in 1 setting: Abbot's Processional, part 5: The Sandstone Quarry and the Summer 2015 FEAST! :D (It got long. Sorry. I don't like doing part 1 and 2 of logs)

If I've missed any logs, just let me know and I'll add them onto here....but you have to either page #mail me the link or post it on here as a comment :)

Thanks, and enjoy! :D


EDIT: Here's Zinnia's journal entries about the trip: Sister Zinnia-Redwall Abbey Recorder Logs :)
