A Dockside Meeting - Camp Willow

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aibne, Zephyr

Aibne walks along the path grumbleing as he walks along its walkway and looks up to find his way to the dock and snorts as he sits down by the shoreline.

Zephyr is already seated on the dock, legs dangling over the edge. She's brought a handful of candied chestnuts with her and is munching away quite contentedly. The sunset is beautiful but almost over and now the sky is darkening and the first stars are beginning to appear. Aibne's sudden presence does not go unnoticed and she tilts her head over to look at him. "Evenin', mate. Look like you got a thorn in yer pawpad. What's botherin' ya?"

Aibne looks over and nods "Sorry, tis just that one fox. I don't trust foxes and that one angers me. So I am tryin' me best to keep me distance from him till he leaves "

Zephyr nods and laughs. "Ah...you mean Flicktail? Aye. If it makes you feel any better, I don' trust 'im either." And to be honest, the sooner he's gone, the better. "I guess aye, just stay away from 'im." She tosses another chestnut in her mouth and then remembers her manners. "Wanna chestnut? Might not cure your ills but it's pretty tasty."

Aibne smiles as he goes to take one of them, "Thank ya, yeah and he is rude as well. Tried ta tell someone this was his old home. Not sure why he could of ever lived ere'...not sure why beasts trust him"

Zephyr rolls her eyes and eats another chestnut. "It was, actually, many, many seasons ago. Long afore I got here and long afore most of the otters who live here now lived here. He apparently has quite the history in this place. Did grow up here, somehow."

Aibne nods as he tries a chestnut and smiles "These are good. Oh by de way I found some mushrooms, not ta worry safe ones. Been thinkin' more and more on stayin' ere; maybe. Sort of wished the one otter maid lived here but that be ok"

"An otter maid, eh?" Zephyr grins sideways at him. "Do I sense someone has a little love interest, mmmm?"

Aibne shrugs and chuckles "Maybe, I don't know. I Helped her few days ago and before that spoke to her in de woods few times. But she is a novice in that abbey, not that I ever been there...and not sure I would go"

"Well....she could always come here." Zeph expertly tosses a chestnut into the air and completely misses it with her mouth. "Dangit." She paws around for it, finds it and eats it anyways. "What's 'er name?"

"Silverstorm" Aibne answers, "She is intresting and..different, but also seems to want to not talk to many beasts 'ere some reason"

Zephyr shrugs. "E'eryone has a story and some beasts have just lost their trust in others. I'm sure Silverstorm has her reasons for being the way she is. Heaven knows you and I have been through a lot. She probably has as well."

Aibne frowns "Yeah.." He then smiles "But some good things have happen ta me lately, me and me sister Mint have a home now"

Zephyr passes him another chestnut. "Well we're happy to have you here, mate. 'ave you found a cabin that ya like?"

Aibne nods "I found one cabin and is nice, and I can help gather food and fish. And maybe I can find other ways to help too, maybe as a guard once me leg is better"
