Visiting with Uncle Zee and...did Marek just quit?!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Zinnia opens the door to the tavern and glances around as if looking for some beast and so far she seems to have had no luck what so ever.

Zee is sitting at a table in the far back just finishing some lunch. It looks to be some soup, bread and a mug of green tea.

Zinnia frowns as a tall ferret bumps into her and she backs off a little as she mutters quick "Sorry" To them and quickly heads further away from the now glairing ferret, she sighs and then sees Zee and smiles as she goes over to him and if he allows her, to hug him, "Uncle Zee!"

Zee gets a look of surprise when Zinnia appears and hugs him, he does allow it and blinks "Why are you here lass, wot has happen?" There is some worry in his voice as he asks as he is unused to seeing her outside the abbey, unless it's important.

Zinnia chuckles and smiles "To see you silly. Abbot Benar is doing this trip to different areas and I am with the group and Ferravale is the next stop. So I came ahead of the others to see you and to let Chieftain Scioto know, who is nowhere in sight seems." She glances around and back to her uncle "Where is he?"

Zee smiles now and nods relieved there is no other news, "Well it all sounds fun, How is your father he is ok..right?"

Zinnia nods "He is fine, he stayed at the abbey to repair the forge, a minor repair and who knows it may be done now and the fact he has the wheelchair he can't really go on long, well sort of long trips anymore. "

Zee says, "I seen him a few days ago, most likely after your trip started as he mentioned you was with the abbot."

Zinnia sits down "Well then you would know he was ok if saw him a few days ago, was he done with the forge repair?"

Zee nods "I believe so Zinnia, and he was fine then" Yes no need to worry the child on what they spoke of so he leaves it simple, I mean his nephew was alive and that’s what matters.

Zinnia nods, "That’s good, maybe he will be at the Feast in a week and..well about a week. You could come if you like Uncle Zee." She then smiles "You could even come along with us on the rest of the trip, I could ask Abbot Benar about it, we have been telling different stories based on different subjects at every stop and I am sure you have LOTS of stories to tell others and I am sure they would love to hear them"

Zee shrugs "I do not know lass, besides I may slow you all down. I can move fast when I feel the need but not all the time lass, and it’s more an abbey trip so I think I will stay here. As for the feast, not interested. I went to one and that’s enough."

Zinnia frowns but nods "Alright, but...well if they tell stories while here could you maybe tell one then?" She waits on a reply.

Zee answers, "I will think on it, maybe it depends on what the story would need to be about first, then I may decide whether to give one of me own or not. Did Oz come with the group or stay at the abbey as well?"

Zinnia nods "He is one of them in charge, as is Papa, Elmef and Angela."

Zee chuckles "Your father in charge huh, well least he has 3 others to help him, not sure he be good to be totally in charge." For different reasons he thinks to himself." And you’re only away another week or..maybe little over so all should be fine"

Zinnia smiles, "Yes back week after tomorrow, after the feast at the Quarry, which you can still go to by the way."

Zee shakes his head but smirks, "We will see if I go or not, I do agree the abbey food is very good. It’s also good here as well."

Zinnia says, "I tried it a couple times when I was here a few days before, remember...not that it was all good at the time to be here"

Zee sighs "Do not remind me on that time, it’s the past anyways"

Zinnia says, "True, true it is the past and will stay there. But I am here to day for much better reasons"

Zee nods "Yes the past, I am glad you came to visit on a good note instead of a bad, I was a little worried at first when you first came." He takes a long drink of his tea.

Zinnia says, "I am as well, I dislike bringing any bad news. But that one insane mouse and his group is long gone and it’s been rather peaceful again and that’s good. Need some peace for a long while. Also the weather has been nice most of the time for the trip"

Zee sips his tea as he yawns "Yes, all good to know lass, all good to know. Fall be here before you know it and then winter...then spring and back to Summer."

Zinnia keeps a smile as she looks around "I am unsure where the Redwall group will stay at for sure, maybe the path or maybe elsewhere. We have tents and things like that and our own food with us, hmms unless Abbot Benar planed on getting supplies while here. I don't know"

Zee nods, "Well guess you will find out. I can pass the word on ta chiefy your here and all that"

Zinnia nods "That would be good, I have not seen him yet"

Zee says, "I am sure he is around somewhere, he is a busy beast after all"

Oakenpaw comes strolling in with his staff, Matilda, and moves to put on an apron

Zinnia looks at Oakenpaw "What are you doing with the apron? Thought you were a healer here Oakenpaw"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye but I find that when I have no patients, that helping as bar keep lets me know these bests better"

Zee doesn’t look up "Long as you let Marek know, he is the tavern owner after all so..yeah, he is in charge of the tavern."

Coming from the fighting pit enters two beasts. A small ferret in a thick wool sweater. The other is a brown furred fox. With most of his wardrobe ruined Bandit has resorted to wearing some of his older clothing, an old, slightly torn black cloth vest that was two sizes too small back before the fox's chest caved in to his pot belly. "Alright, and you say this was a weasel that stole from you? Grey fur? and a cloak...yeah...THAT will narrow it down in this town." Bandit tries not to say sarcastically. He pats the ferret on the arm, "We will see what we can do." He says before the two part ways.

Zinnia looks over at Bandit as she looks around the tavern

Oakenpaw Draws Bandit an ale and puts some coin in the till and brings Bandit a cold quart of ale

Zee finishes his tea going quiet for now.

Bandit turns to see two badgers in the tavern, one of which is familiar, "Zin? Is that you Zinnia?" Before he has a chance to react to this information he is brought a welcomed quart of ale. " realize that I'm on duty right now...right?" The fox says as he drinks from the ale anyway.

Zinnia nods "Yes it’s me, I came ahead of the Redwall group to visit my Uncle Zee"

Oakenpaw says, "It's because you’re on duty" he turns "Ello there Zinnia..welcome"

Zee gets some more tea as he nods "Yes, visits are always nice."

Drinking from his ale the fox nods to the badgers, "Oh! I didn't know you had family up here." He finishes the drink, wiping off his snout with his free paw, "How is the old abbey these days. I would come visit but...well, I got a new job." The fox spreads out his arms, "I'm the village's new head guard! Can you believe it?"

Oakenpaw asks, "I thought you were 2 of the villages head guards wot?" He chuckles.

Zinnia says, "The abbey is fine, Papa and Uncle Oz is there, and I am on a trip with the abbot, for another week. Then there is a feast, but it’s not at the abbey"

Zee looks at the hare, “You’re an odd one Oakenpaw, very odd."

Oakenpaw nod nods "Aye it's a hare thing”

Bandit licks his chops, fondling remembering the feasts he has attended, "I'm afraid I must agree with the beast who brought me a free drink." Setting down the mug on the counter the fox replies, "I'm afraid I can't speak long though, duties and all that." The fox looks sour, "I swear, who ever invented paperwork was wanting to make a torture device..." With a shrug the fox's happy disposition returns, "How long is the party in town? And when and where is this fancy feast being held?"

Oakenpaw cocks his head "Flicktail told me to keep a supply of lettuce on hand that you really LIKED it”

Zinnia says, "I am unsure how long, couple days and the feast is at the quarry"

Zee nods as he listens drinking his 2nd cup of green tea.

Oakenpaw head back behind the bar to begin washing mugs.

Marek walks in from the staircase and starts to do whatever needs done. Making sure the food is being made, whats being made and orders done right, as well as drinks and where they go. He looks at the badger maid curious but decides to not worry on asking whats going on.

Zinnia says, "As to where they are staying, not sure..may be just outside the village, I may stay with Uncle Zee those couple days though."

The fox nods, wagging his tail to all but the comment on the lettuce. ...Leeetuuuuuuusssss... "Well then, if nothing else is needed here I think I will..." He casts a glance at Marek and for once he shows no ill content towards him. He mock salutes, half waves to the beast before turning to the others, "I should be off. Scioto isn't paying me to sit around filling myself with ale and beer." At least as far as Scioto knows..."Take care beasts." HE says before walking off to the exit.

Marek watches the fox as he looks at Zinnia and finally speaks, “What is going on? Who is staying where?"

Zinnia says, "The abbot, Abbot Benar and some others are on a trip and Ferravale is one of the stops. They are staying a couple days and most likely will be here tomorrow. And I mentioned the feast, but no worries that’s not here, it’s at the quarry in like a week or so."

Oakenpaw washes some mugs "Hello there Mr. Marek.I am just donating some of me time to your tavern.”

Marek takes all this info in "Well then, I will not be here when they are. I will be elsewhere, It would of been nice to of known this before but no matter and Its Marek not Mr. remember Mr. Oakenpaw"

Zinnia frowns, "Umm..sorry. I will be letting Scioto know, though he probably already knows...I think or well he will here little later once I tell him."

Zee listens as they chat among themselves, he sips his tea quietly

Marek shakes his head at the badger maid, " It matters not, Mr. Scioto is the chieftain of this village it’s his duty to know things. There are beasts in the abbey that hate me and wish me dead Ms. Zinnia, so I will not be around for them to place harm upon me."

Zinnia says, "I don't think they would harm you, then I don't really know. But you are the tavern owner, so they would most likely see you if they come in here anyways, ummm wouldn’t they?"

Oakenpaw says, "No one will harm you while Matilda and I are around"

Zee listens as he sips his tea.

Marek says, "You cannot control what beasts do Mr., Oakenpaw and neither can the abbot, I was inside the abbey a day..well half a day and yes no one harmed me there, it's against the rules. That’s not the case here. Besides I am not welcome anywhere near the abbey beasts, so as I said will be elsewhere. Maybe I will leave a few days, away from any possible crossed paths"

Oakenpaw says, "Nay but I can defend any beast"

Zinnia frowns,"Well..I won't harm you, I am interested in speaking with you on some things about you. Maybe recent events or your side of things."

Marek shakes his head, "Whatever you say, no need to I will not be here. Besides whats here anyways...Reseda gone. I will never get forgiveness I seek from Redwall beasts and you know what I don’t really blame them after all I did and caused. I have only one friend and I can't go visit here as I am forbidden to."

Zee yawns as falls asleep in a nearby bench, he will be fine as most leave him alone.

Zinnia says, "I..I am sorry for that. Maybe you can talk to Abbot Benar while he is here. The Redwallers will probably be here 1-2 days before we head off to the next location"

Marek shakes his head as he walks upstairs. He returns maybe half an hour later with a few items in a large knapsack "I left Zaram a note, he is Recorder here so most likely can stay..gee they are not against him, just me. I am leaving so no need to tell Mr. Benar anything, as he said their hospitably is bared to me so good day to you. Oh and Zaram can have the tavern, it’s his cause I ..QUIT! " He then storms off out the door and waits till he is a good bit away before he lets some tears fall and slips off down a path adjusting his crossbow and disappears into the woods.

Oakenpaw shakes his head, "Stubborn beast”

Zinnia frowns as she watches him head off, she looks over at Zee and sighs, great he is sleeping and looks to Oakenpaw, "That’s not a nice thing to say"

Oakenpaw says, "Do not patronize me Sister Zinnia, I have to work around these beasts, I do not like to see a beast upset, but that beast is dead set on causing himself grief so if you know a way to get thru ta him salute ya Wot? I have tried"

Zinnia says, "what he says is true, he is bared from being in or near the abbey and it includes things such as this trip, he wouldn't be welcome."

Oakenpaw says, "No beast is barred from the place HE calls home, this is his Home and if they do not welcome him THEY can stay away not him. But I accuse no one. You saw him leave wouldn't even listen"

Zinnia says, "I wouldn’t harm him but I know some who would, and might see being outside the abbey gives them a right to . Maybe he didn’t want to stay in his room all day or maybe he just needs to go cool off for a while."

Oakenpaw says, "I dunno, sounded like he quit ta me"

Zinnia says, "And he did ask for forgiveness, but didn’t get it. I could go look for him, I..don't know. I wouldn’t want to worry beasts on where I am."

Oakenpaw says, "He doesn't need forgiveness from me.I happen to like him and he’s run off.”

Zinnia says, " not know what to say, maybe you could go look for him then. No one would care as much if you did and as for him leaving, well, he may have his reasons, he did just lose a friend not too long ago and maybe he fears losing another"

Oakenpaw says, "He has friends he does not see. I am his friend"

Zinnia stands "Well maybe he needs to know that. I am sure he didn’t go too far. Anyways I am tried and Uncle Zee said I could stay at his hut while here so I think I will do that." She goes to head to the hut she mentioned.