Nathan Logs

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

12.21.09 - Happy Midwinter

Nathan arrives at Redwall and reunites with Sivaine.

12.22.09 - Just Some Guy

Nathan interrupts Sivaine's workout to talk to her.

12.22.09 - Still Prickly

Nate with grumpy Siv.

12.22.09 - Underwater Kisses

Nate talks to Siv when she's half-asleep.

12.23.09 - Second To One

Nate with not-so-grumpy Siv.

12.23.09 - Wherever She Goes

Nate and Harper talk about Siv; then Siv and Harper talk about Nate.

01.02.09 - Whenever Summer Was

More Nate and Siv.