12.22.08 - Still Prickly

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Location: Redwall Cavern Hole

Characters Involved: Layne, Lucas, Nathan, Sivaine, Rajani

An armful of seasoned wood from storage under her arm, shedding thin flecks of bark and sawdust, Layne totters into the Cavern Hole to primp the afternoon fire. This time of the season, keeping the stonework of the abbey warm takes a fire in almost every room, almost every hour of day or night. There's a shifting, scratchy clunk as she sets the small logs down, and crouches to rake through the embers of the last batch of wood to get the hottest parts lively. Coals wink and shimmer, and restless ashes leap up the chimney.

Lucas makes his appearance out f the kitchen not long after, following a random comment from one of the kitchen staff that there was a black mouse plus wood sighting. He was part way through getting himself a cup of tea at the time so the cup's come with him as he quietly heads for Layne. Sneaky attempt.

It would serve Lucas right if that black mouse turned out to be Elder Sinclair, who's forty seasons old if he's a day and has a wheezy cough that sounds like a searat clawing his way out of a pickle barrel. Filled or not, depending on how damp the weather is. Luckily for the sneaky Lucas, it was indeed the Layne he was tracking. Sneakings and creepings will fail, however, as one of the embers Layne is raking with the poker pops out of the fireplace to scuttle in front of Lucas' feet, and her eyes follow it that way.

For Lucas' sake we must hope he can recognise beasts on other features besides fur colour or he really would have some very confusing conversations. Still, he does recognise Layne, he's that good. The sneaking is of course abandoned as soon as he spotted and he peers down at her "Good morning way down there"

They're joined by the newly arrived Nathan, tired-looking and balancing a plate of food on his hand. Breakfast, lunch, whatever it is - he's starved. He gives the pair a glance and a bit of a grin, nodding and tossing a, "Morning!" in their direction. His other hand is wrapped around the handle of a mug which steams and emits pleasant smells. Hot cider maybe.

Layne settles back on her haunches, still crouched, her head tilted up. Her head is usually tilted up when she talks to Lucas. She needs to get a ladder. "Hey." A quip, a ~bon mot~ about their heights, perhaps, frozen at her mouth as the other mouse enters. Her whiskers flick and she nods a greeting. Unfamiliar travelers are certainly nothing unusual at Redwall, though they don't usually manage to find their way out of the Great Hall quite so quickly without a complementary map. The scent of the hot cider elicits an extra sniff-- a smell Layne likes very much, indeed.

Lucas' ears perk and a blink later he's distracted by the new arrival, a short nod offered "Good morning there sir" not seen him before but he clearly has food so Lucas doesn't have to offer and instead considers the chairs "Nice warm fire, comfy chairs, lunch soon enough. I'm sure there's something missing but it's probably nothing"

Nathan finds his way to the largest, coziest chair and sinks into it, sipping the cider as he does to, which is an impressive task and gets his nose wet. His tongue rubs across it and he gives a short, pleased exhale before taking a larger swallow, the heat helping chase off lingering chills from his time spent outside a little while ago. "I'd venture to say a pretty girl," he aims a Lucas with a brief grin, "but you've got one of those, too." Layne gets a smile as well, and he kicks his feet up.

"Slippers," murmurs Layne. "You didn't offer to get him slippers." She finishes waking up the fire, and is just laying the wood into the hearth when the newcomer makes his second comment. Her coloration is too dark to show a blush, and in any event her head is facing into the fireplace. Nonetheless, not all the warmth there is from the kindling. "I think I like him-- can you pay him to follow us around and say nice things, Lucas?"

Nathan snorts out a light chuckle, setting down the mug after another swallow. "I hardly need to be paid to say the truth, miss. ... well. Actually my mum used to give me pennies for not telling lies, but I was /wee/." He makes a gesture at the air next to the chair, about two feet from the floor. A grin goes toward the other mice. ".. I'm Nathan."

Lucas chuckles quietly as he studies his tea for a moment "It's that obvious, perfect strangers can tell" he's bemused. Layne gets a glance "You know, I'm not even sure that the abbey has a supply of slippers hidden somewhere but then I've never looked" he doesn't wear shoes, it'd be very odd if he wore slippers. He finally moves to flop in a chair and settle down with a small nod to Nathan "That's lucky, my money is somewhat non-existent...and it would be very weird if you kept following us around...no offence Nathan and it's nice to meet you. I'm Brother Lucas" he's still trying to get used to the title.

Layne is already dusting her paws over the growing blaze, the last motes of sawdust drifting off to spark as they fall. She stuffs her paws into the pockets of her vest as she rises and turns, surreptitiously wiping them in the process, and shuffling forward a pace to keep her tail clear of the hearth. Even if her tail is rarely considerate of her, she tries to look out for it. "Brothers don't get a pay raise? Or is it that nothing doubled is still the same? Ah, well." For the moment she lurks around the fringes of the fireplace, readjusting a log with the poker here or prodding at a twig there. "Layne," she supplies, almost as an afterthought.

"Not sure if I'd call me a /perfect/ stranger," Nathan mutters, amused. "I'm not very good at it, I'm too quick to get to know beasts and ... there, no longer a stranger. In fact, you're the second Brother I've met in the space of a half-day. It's a real pleasure, Lucas." A nod then goes to Layne, and a fatigued kind of smile which is nonetheless genuine. "And you as well, Layne. Pleasure."

"Can't heave a scone without hitting a brother around here. Kinda fits, this being an abbey 'n all," says Layne, finally deciding the fire is perfectly sculpted as it stands and laying the poker back onto its hook, where it scrapes lightly on the wall as it waggles to a stop.

Lucas sips from his tea and eyes Layne with mock suspicion "Any scones that come my way are getting eaten" another flick of the eyes and he looks back to Nathan "Only recently arrived?"

Nathan delicately picks up a hot pasty, using a napkin because of how hot it is. The question comes as he's taking a bite, and he chews and swallows while nodding, then responds, "Last night. Cold as hell's not out there, too. How convenient that I ran out of money on /midwinter/, couldn't pay for the inn room anymore."

Layne's own scones aren't much good other than as projectiles, as it happens. Making scones is harder than it looks. Meh. "And how convenient that the abbey doesn't charge for room and board. Couldn't have plann'd that better if you tried, assuming you didn't actually try?" She comes around to the back of Lucas' chair and /leans/, arms folded under her, peering mildly and with no more than a humorous trace of accusation in her smirk.

"I did not, in fact," Nathan aims at Layne, grinning. "I am happy to trust in the strange, twisted ways of the world to do all the planning for me. It's less work, for one thing." Another bite; chew and swallow, and he adds, "And, well. When I /do/ try planning nothing seems to work out anyway." This is delivered with an ironic little smirk. "Might as well just bow to the whim of the Lady Fate, as it were."

Lucas' ears twitch round to Layne as she's behind him now but they're soon forwards again, he trusts her even if can't see her "Perhaps next year save the money and leave the inn altogether. We seem to get twice as many visitors in winter, would hardly be alone in shelter seeking"

"Ahh. Yeah, she cheats at cards," nods Layne, her bangs swaying over her brows like a black waterfall. "Well, anyhow, Lucas' job is to say 'welcome to the abbey, make y'rself at home'. My job is just to do things behind the scenes so the abbey doesn't blow away in the first good winter storm." Lucas trusts Layne? Hmm, well, she's not making bunny ears with her fingers over his head-- though to be honest that seems kind of superfluous around here, with everybody equipped with rabbit-, hare-, or mouse-ears. Well, everybody who happens to be a rabbit, hare, or, um, mouse.

The problem with exercising outside in the bright sun and coming indoors is that it /ruins/ your vision. Temporarily. To Sivaine, Cavern Hole looks like it's underwater, all greeny dimness and swimming shadows, with the odd shipwreck of a table. Amazing she managed to find leftover lunch in the kitchens, but here she is with her meal and a mug of something, flushed-faced from exertion and the cold with a slight sheen of sweat and shirtsleeves rolled up to her elbows.

"Heh, yeah, perhaps I will," Nathan says to Lucas's suggestion. "No way to know where I'll be next winter. I'm not over-eager to go.. home.. anyway, hey Siva." His ears fold back, attention now on Sivaine as he leeeans back into his chair, and picks up his mug again. It's lifted to his mouth and hides a sudden, quirky kind of smile.

Sivaine's ears perk, then angle back slightly. She pauses where she is and closes her eyes, but bright spots still dance over her vision. "... Hi. Nathan," she gets out.

Lucas glances upwards to Layne "You make me sound like a glorified door opener of some sort" smirk says he's amused though. A flick of the ears to the new arrival before he looks over "Hello Siv" perfectly chirpy, it's all a rather nice day to him still.

To Layne, there's nothing to indicate any tension-- not at first. Nathan's greeting to Siv is offhand and casual, and it certainly wouldn't be unusual for them to have met before, elsewhere in the abbey or on the road. The back of Lucas' chair mumbles a stuffed complaint as Layne's head droops and comes to rest on her arms. The heat from the nearby fireplace is cozy, almost cloying. Just a nice afternoon in the Cavern Hole. And then Siv replies. Layne's eyes snap open, suddenly bright opals against the sheen of her fur. That did not sound like a friendly Sivaine. That sounded like a Sivaine on the thin edge of stabbing something until it stops moving. Layne's own ears go up, attentive.

Nathan just. Drinks his cider. He takes a few slow swallows and lowers the mug, tilting his muzzle at Sivaine in a slight gesture toward a nearby chair. "Join us, will you? You look exhausted." There's a tiny smile as he says this, tugging across his mouth. His tongue darts out to lick cider from his upper lip.

"..Lucas." This isn't a very happy greeting either; it bears a certain resignation, and Sivaine deigns to squint into the relative gloom, making out shapes around the merry glow of the fire. She winces. "Um." The syllable hangs in the air, an awkward weight.

Layne will probably go unnoticed for a bit yet, dark color and three-fourths of the way behind Lucas' chair. Brow furrowing behind her bangs, she angles her head without lifting it, looking Sivaine over. Of course, any connection between her current mood and the placid mouse talking to her is lost for the time being. Maybe she had a bad day, or her arm is still hurting her, or Harper said something, or Harper -didn't- say anything-- there's so many things that could be irking Sivaine it's hard to decide what today's menu is. So for now, Layne just listens as the thread of tension rasps at her shoulderblades and looms.

Lucas' chirpiness fades quite quickly as he pays more attention to Siv's tone. He tilts his head questioningly to the mousemaid. Has he done something wrong? Or is it Nathan? He seemed perfectly nice. Tall mouse is slightly confused. He gives Nathan a brief glance but no, that mouse still looks smiley. His eyes flick back to Siv again "Erm...everything alright?"

Her vision is starting to clear, but Sivaine's eyes shift away from the little gathering, uneasy. "It's fine," she lies, a furrow forming in her brow and her mouth setting in a pained line. "I just have to eat and run. Literally. So."

Nathan isn't discouraged. He sets his food on a small table next to his chair, rises out of the seat. "Come on.. sit," he encourages Sivaine, taking a step toward her. Gently he moves his hand to relieve her of the plate and make maneuvering into a chair easier. The big, comfortable ol' armchair is where he nudges her toward - the one he just vacated. "Might as well.. be comfortable while you have the chance," Nathan suggests, tone low.

"Hard day, Siv?" rises Layne's voice, as she seems to float up behind Lucas' chair, backlit by the fireplace.

"Don't do this," Sivaine murmurs, looking quite uncomfortable but offering no resistance to Nathan's ministrations. "I don't.. just. I. Can't."

Sivaine asks, "Just stop?"

Layne says, "Everybody with legs can sit, Siv."

Sivaine says, "Why are you forcing me into this." She won't open her eyes.

Lucas is growing more confused by the second, looking between Siv and Nathan. He's not questioning yet, just puzzled. Offering a seat doesn't seem like a terrible thing to him.

Ok, there's enough tension between Sivaine and Nathan to frost a cake. Layne's paw balls up and she coughs into it, her eyes following some invisible path along the floor.

Nathan huffs out a soft breath. ".. it's just. Sitting, talking," he says to her, still holding Sivaine's plate. "Just. Sit before you fall over. I'll even go if you want me to."

Sivaine looks like she's trying to do the impossible and close in on herself, leaving no mental surface exposed. "I. Just," she breathes, then sighs. "..fine. No. Stay, or. I can't /think./" Into the armchair she goes, and just.. sits there.

The fire sputters and pops, and Layne returns from whatever mental hermitage she crawled into, blinking. Her dark form is behind the chair one moment, then the next is standing next to Sivaine's, one paw on the armrest. "Siv?" murmured, sotto voce, almost directly into the other mouse's ear. It's not a question-- from the tone, it's an offer of help.

They've reversed positions. Now Nathan is standing up, Sivaine's plate in his hand. He gives a thoughtful glance at Layne while holding it out for Siv to take.

Lucas knows it's something between Siv and Nathan but he can't think past the fact that Nathan has only just arrived at the abbey so he's worryingly puzzled and not sure if he's intruding just being there. He's very quiet and Layne gets an uncomfortable glance, just to see if she looks anymore clued in.

"Yeah. Hi." Sivaine reaches out to take the plate, rather listlessly, and passes a glance to Layne in the meantime. "Sorry. I, uh, yeah. Guess you've met. Heh." It's a weak little smile, one worthy of culling.

Once he plate is out of his hold, Nathan draws back a step. His hands slide into his pockets, and he looks sidelong at Layne for a moment. "Yeah," he responds, this directed at Sivaine. "Yeah, we met," he affirms, voice low.

Nothing given, nothing gotten, and Layne is left to step awkwardly back without anything to focus on. There's nothing in Nathan to provoke anger; and nothing from Siv to offer sympathy to. Confused, she mills for a moment, taking an aimless route back towards Lucas, like an ant foraging. Finding no crumbs.

Rajani peeks his head inside and looks around couriously, the dark mouses head tilting while he looks at everyone but has yet to say a word.

Lucas gets no extra information from Layne so good to know it's not just him. He looks back to Siv and Nathan "Um, yes, just met...is something going on?" he doesn't believe asking will make things any more uncomfortable than it already is. Foolish mouse. He's a little distracted so hasn't spotted Rajani yet.

"..you know." Sivaine looks down at her plate. "I don't think I'm really that hungry." Her eyes flick to Lucas and a little frown crosses her features. She.. doesn't answer. There's the silence that comes with waiting.

"Ah, heh," Nathan says with a gruff chuckle as this question is asked. His shoulders move in a slight shrug. "We just..." Pause. His eyes slide across Sivaine's face. "Am I the storyteller this time?" There's a faint note of teasing there.

Suddenly giddy with the vertigo of confusion, Layne returns to the stable island that comprises Lucas and his chair, and clings to the side of it like a buoy. One paw searches for Lucas', perhaps looking for confirmation that he's still there. No, she doesn't know what's going on, and it shows in every wobbly motion.

Sivaine closes her eyes again. "I suppose you can be," she murmurs. Her ears are slightly angled, and she seems to be concentrating on just.. staying there, staying calm, staying still. "Not much of a story."

"Well." Nathan moves to pick up his drink from where he left it, brings it up to his mouth and takes a sip. Clears his throat. "Depends on who you're asking. Me and Siva.. Siv, sorry." He gives her a sheepish kind of smile. Boyish, almost. ".. we were, what, eight seasons? Spent a summer together. ... and then she left." This is stated softly, matter-of-fact. Nothing accusatory in the tone.

Sivaine twitches an ear nonetheless. "/You/ left."

"You left first," Nathan responds. ".. I mean, actually /left/. At the end of the summer. With her mother and such." This is directed at Layne and Lucas.

Rajani pokes his head back in after having been distracted a moment and missing part of what is being said. He then sidles in but stays mostly in the background.

Something dormant in Layne's memory sprouts, and catches just enough light to prosper. Ardice mentioned someone... /Nathan/. Layne's ears go to half-mast, and she silently berates herself for not making the connection sooner...

"And you weren't there when I came back," Sivaine replies, her voice a desert of emotion until she continues. "In any way that mattered. I wore than damnable thing for a year, and you- gh." She sets her things down with careful movements, and then suddenly rises.

Lucas blinks and snaps out of his staring for a moment as there's a paw by his paw. Oh, it's Layne's, that's alright then. A brief glance to her is given before he takes the paw. He definitely hasn't blinked out of existence. He looks back to the other pair a second later and his ears perk to the little story. He looks rather surprised "Oh..." his brain may need kicking, the hamster inside's too busy staring to work it's little wheel.

"I .. gave her a necklace," Nathan says, voice very low. It's interesting being narrator and a character - antagonist? - at the same time. "... which, she threw out, I'm told. Siva." One hand reaches in an absent-minded gesture to catch her by the arm when she rises, touch light.

This would be so much easier on Layne if Nathan swept in, arrogant and twirling moustaches, black cape a-flutter. 'Ah-ha! Caught you at last, my proud beauty! Nuh-haa-haa!' Why does he have to arrive reasonable and personable, and tossing compliments? That's hardly a fair way for a villain to behave, now is it?

Rajani blinks his blood-red eyes and scratches the back of his head, the chain wrapped around his arm giving the softest of clinks while he watches Siv and Nathan.

Light as it is, the touch is enough to halt her. Sivaine looks at Nathan for a long moment, eyes half-shut, trying to get a grip on her breathing. "Siv," she says quietly. "Things change. /I/ ch- Why do you /think/ I threw it out; don't look at me like that!" Her eyes flicker briefly to Lucas and Layne, then shut - why. Are you watching this. "Don't.."

Layne isn't watching -this-. Her eyes are on the paw holding hers, on the armrest of Lucas' chair. If anybody told Layne a year ago that she'd be the one having the happy, stable relationship around here, she'd have told them they were mad as a pasta shower-curtain and would they like to buy some swampland she has for sale?

".. sorry," he mumbles, honestly shamefaced. His eyes close. Apparently the added 'a' makes all the difference. One hand comes up and rubs the side of Nathan's face, and he exhales. The other hand still holds Sivaine by the arm. "... you're not so different."

Rajani may be ignorant of many things but he knows better than to bound up to Siv and start talking like he usually does. He sidles a little further along the wall, making his way towards Layne and Lucas while giving Nathan and Sivaine plenty of room.

Nathan adds in the same low tone, "Still prickly as anything."

Lucas can't honestly look away it seems, it's just one of those things. Siv's expression does start to break him out of it though and he blinks a couple of times, his brain whirring back into action. Distraction. Need a distraction. He'd happily accept half the ceiling caving in as a good thing right now. He can't think of a good one so, a small cough and "How's the arm? Everyone? Everything in general? The weather?" all emergency subject changes rolled into one, he's panicky inside.

Rajani calls out, "The weather is coldcold! Lots of the snow-stuff!" That covers that question!

Not to disparage Lucas' intelligence, which is hardly lacking, but this is why Layne sometimes considers herself the brains of this operation. >.> She nudges at the brother's shoulder and gives a quick shake of the head. It says, 'no, we do not say this now.'

"Right. Well," Sivaine exhales, turning away from him. "That happens. You really- you- do you have any idea-" She huffs, closes her eyes, and her ears flicker at the sounds of normal conversation trying to reestablish dominance. "I can't talk to you. Not right now. I /can't./ There are things I- there are /things,/ Nathan, do you understand? This isn't a book you can just pick up when you have the time!" She looks at him then, but this probably isn't how he wanted it, with her gaze somewhere between hurt and accusatory. "I can't even think, just.." Another glance at Lucas and Layne; she grimaces.

Nathan still holds onto Sivaine's arm, even with her turned somewhat away from him. His muzzle angles very slightly to the side. "... then just. Don't think," he suggests, a little smile moving across his mouth again. "Just relax. Relax."

Rajani finally makes his way over to Layne and Lucas, the dark mouse whispering from just behind them, "Who is the other mousy and why is he holding Sivmousies arm?" He can move rather quietly when his chain does not rattle.

"I really," Sivaine manages, "want to hit you. Again."

Nathan lifts his eyebrows, just a notch. "And I really want to kiss you. Again. How about a trade-off?"

Layne clears her throat. Loudly. The gargoyles on the roof startle. "What, she punches your mouth?"

Nathan glances sidelong at Layne, and smirks. "She smacked me last night. At least this time I'd be prepared."

Lucas blinks at the sound of a new voice and he finally looks round to see red eyes "Ah!..." but it's just Rajani and he sighs and deflates a little a second later "Sorry" Layne's nudge gets a glance and he just flops back into his chair. Maybe he can work on becoming deaf, it seems so much simpler right now. The talk of hitting gets an ear twitch but he's all surprised out.

Sivaine looks at him incredulously. "Are you even listening to me?" she asks.

Nathan's gaze is back on Sivaine, a faint smile present. ".. I'm listening, Siva."

Rajani falls silent. Apparently no one wants to tell him so he just watches closely, head tilting slowly to the side again. Much more of that and someone is going to shove a gramaphone onto his shoulder to prop up his head.

Layne's head twitches just enough to blink at Rajani as he materializes behind them, but she really doesn't have any answers that would satisfy.

"You," Sivaine starts, then takes a moment to breathe evenly. Well. Evener. "You. Do you have any /idea/ what you- you are /laughing/ at me. Nathan."

"I'm /not/ laughing at you," Nathan insists, giving her a slow, gentle tug in closer to himself. "I'm not. I promise. I'm .. trying very hard not to." The affection is obvious in his tone and expression.

This is not going to end well and blood -stains-. Layne squeezes Lucas' hand and continues on from her earlier comment, as if nothing was said in between. "Siv-- didn't you need to finish outside? Right away?"

Lucas doesn't consider it a good time to recap. It's like gossiping about people right in front of them. He's still listening at least, but it's idle. He's not trying to work it all out. He's briefly distracted by paw squeezing and Layne gets an ear twitch but he's content to stay flopped for now.

Rajani hmms to himself. Beasts look sideways when you tilt your head enough. He scratches his head and continues to look rather puzzled but also courious.

"I-" Those last words strike an odd chord with Sivaine, resonating somewhere inside and.. tears. Bead on her lashes. "What happened to 'when you're ready?'" There's a hint of pleading in her tone; then she shakes her head. "/If/ I- you just. Walked. In."

".. well. You said you never wanted to see me again," Nathan reminds her. His thumb rubs at her wrist. "I figured I'd try a different strategy."

Layne sees the attempt to break this up not only goes nowhere, it never even passes the Oort Cloud of Romantic Tension that swirls around the two of them. She slumps a little and keeps beside Lucas. See? See? Not every relationship at the abbey is a Wagnerian Opera!

Rajani suddenly gets a thought in his mind...'Is this how relationships should be?' He has not seen them before! 'Should I try to hug the arm of the girl I like while she gets grumpy?' Hmmm...

Sivaine's fingers flex. "Mnh-" She inhales sharply through her teeth. "You are /hurting/ me, Nathan. Really, really. Hurting me." It ends in a quiet whisper; she looks away from all of them. "Let me go."

"That was never what I wanted," Nathan says evenly, gaze scanning her face. And he says it again, softly. "I'm sorry. I'm /sorry/." His hand eases and drops from his hold on her.

Lucas wouldn't dare hug onto grumpy girls arms, it's a good way to get hit. In his case probably by Layne. He frowns slightly at the hurting comment but fortunately Nathan doesn't seem to keep pushing and lets go so he's still quietly listening.

Sivaine takes a shuddering breath, teeth ever so slightly bared. "I. Can't talk to you right now," she repeats, and leaves the circle of chairs.

Rajani perks his ears up when Siv mentions she is being hurt, the mouse taking a step forward but then stopping when Nathan lets go. He blinks a few times and watches Siv.

Soft voices are almost as unnerving as loud, and this is going places Layne doesn't particularly want to be, so after a last squeeze of reassurance to Lucas' paw, she starts to back quietly out of the room, headed for the kitchen. Given that the only person who might notice her absence at this point is Lucas, she doesn't think saying goodbye is appropriate.

"Well.. you're doing fine, considering," Nathan responds, hands back in his pockets.

Another ear twitch and Lucas watches Layne go, his ears folding briefly before he flicks his attention back onto the others with a tiny sigh.

Sivaine doesn't respond; she just leaves. Never mind food.

Nathan exhales slowly, watching her go. That went well.