The Very Bad..yeah bad day
RW Abbey: Entry
You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.
The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.
[G]reat [H]all [C]limb to the [R]amparts [A]bbey [P]ond
[Ga]te [H]ouse [Leave] through the gates [Open] Ground
[C]hampion's [C]ottage
Leon steps out from his home with a yawn, he looks around the entry noting a few beasts and the fact he oversleep a little today.
Flicktail is entering thru the gate, having been out on the roadway meeting with the GOUSIM.
Leon waves "Hey Flicktail, you’re out early, then it is mid-morning I guess"
Flicktail smiles "Hi Leon, I was just checking on our friends in the GOUSIM, so far the woodlands seem nicely quiet. How are you feeling after your holiday? “
Leon blinks "My holiday?"
Flicktail asks, "Didn’t you take a few days for yourself?"
Leon says, ""Oh..." He nods "Yeah 2 weeks, I was told too but it did help me feel better and lowered a lot of stress I had, and got some energy back not that I will take that much time off again, maybe a day here and there but not 2 weeks"
Flicktail smiles "well we did survive with your absence..." He stretches "Lovely day ta be alive “
Leon nods "Well there was Angela to help and that one vixen offered to help some as well"
Flicktail says, "Oh Rayen..oh Leon she is SO pretty"
Leon says, "I only seen her a couple times, from what I seen she can be trusted..least I hope so"
Flicktail asks, "Wot ya going to do today Leon? any plans?"
Leon shakes his head "I never or least rarely ever have plans"
Zinnia walks into the entry and she heads to the open ground, she nods a hello to Leon and Flicktail.
Flicktail says, "Good morn Zinnia, I myself am looking for books on how to do more carpentry"
Leon says, "I may go into the woods for a little while, not sure"
Zinnia smiles "Hi. today seems a good day so far, it’s sunny at least"
Flicktail says, "Well zinnia you bring a lil sunshine where ever ya go. Will you be looking for herbs Leon?"
Leon shrugs "If I see any and we need them I will get some, why?"
Zinnia smiles again and looks at Leon "Just be careful out there"
Flicktail says, "I was only curious Leon, nothing is going on so just making small talk"
Leon nods "And yes I can be careful, if needed I hide or go elsewhere and avoid an area"
Flicktail says, "mice are good at hiding if they need to"
Zinnia asks, "So how are you today Flicktail?"
Flicktail says, "oh I am VERY good Zinnia...I been outtalking with the GOUSIM already"
Zinnia says, "I never meet one of them before"
Leon speaks "I did...some seasons ago, probably a different log-A-Log now as was then"
Flicktail says, "A surely lot"
Zinnia asks, "Huh?"
Leon says, "Think he means he has spoken to them a lot"
Flicktail says, "I mean they tend to be a bit grouchy, but good beasts"
Zinnia says, "Oh, I never meet one like I said..maybe one day I will. I have read of them in the records but that’s all"
Leon says, "The abbey records have a lot of info, well on most groups around not all"
Flicktail says, "I do like their Log-A-Log..good set of lungs on that beast"
Zinnia chuckles, she nods "I have learned a good deal about that Gawtribe and updated some info on them, now some is secret and that’s ok"
Leon nods, "Good idea to update info, least what we are allowed to know”
Flicktail says, "I have not seem them squirrels in some time, but at least I am not being pelted with acorns"
Leon says, "They went deeper into Mossflower, I think or..something like that and they are our allies"
Zinnia says, "Yeah, umm...oh Anomen said they were friends to the abbey think I got the leaders name right"
Leon nods "You’re correct on the name"
Flicktail says, "We have lots of friends which is good keep the vermin away"
Zinnia nods "Yes, guess we can get a message to one of them if it’s ever needed"
Flicktail says, "the Sparra are VERY good at that"
Leon nods "Yes the sparra, bit hard to speak to sometimes but yes good messengers"
Zinnia says, "They say worm a lot and bunch words together"
Zork walks slowly to the entry, he glances at the ones in the entry.
Zinnia looks over as she sees Zork, "Good morning"
Leon nods to Zork, "Hello there Zork"
Flicktail says, "aye The Sparra's are a very proud race"
Zork grins and hugs Zinnia, he nods to the others "Ello, I were just goin' out ta de woods..close no worries, ta meditate a wee little bit and before ya say a thing, I knows ta be careful..ok"
Zinnia nods "You better be careful"
Flicktail says, "oh look we have 2 badgers together" He smiles.
Leon folds his arms over his chest, "Out in the woods?..." He sighs, "You know I thought of going out anyways I will tag along, I can get some needed herbs and some Willow Bark also...and Flicktail the abbey has 3 badgers..lot for an abbey achally"
Zork nods "Sure be good and tis nit far into de woods..I know better than ta go too far and yes ta rest when needed"
Zinnia decides she will trust him to be careful and sits down on the steps leading up to the wall tops.
Flicktail smiles and listens to the conversation
Leon says, "And we should try and be back by mid-afternoon or least by dinner time"
Zork rolls his eyes and nods "Of course"
They head to the woods, a little ways into it.
--In Mossflower Woods Somewhere—
Zork sits down to meditate and goes quiet.
Leon searches for some herbs, mint leaves and some comfrey as well as Willow Bark, staying alert as he does so.
Unknown to Leon close by is Ebony and her fellow Silent Blade beast, Darkflower..the two is at present robbing a vixen of her coins and valuables.
The vixen is trying to protect her midsection and already has some gashes on her arms and legs and one on her shoulder as she falls to the forest floor and shivers.
Ebony smirks “Take the coins and the earrings and anything else of value and then we leave before we are seen.
Darkflower nods and quickly gets to work.
Leon hears voices and hides behind a tree and frowns as he sees what is happening and tries to quickly decide what to do and if needed leave quickly before he and further back Zork, is seen as that could end badly.
Ebony turns to leave, kicking the fox and walking away, “Finish it off”
Darkflower grins and slices at the fox’s throat and follows the silent blades leader.
The vixen is barely alive and shivers, she looks in great pain from her wounds and she holds her midsection as she shivers losing energy fast.
Zork woke hearing noises and makes his way to where Leon is standing beside him “Wott be happening…oh great them”
Leon nods and frowns, “We have to..wait..she could be alive and need help” She heads over without another word,
The vixen sees him and whimpers , “Help…me..”
Leon walks over and examines her closely.
Zork follows keeping an eye out for trouble.
The vixen frowns “Baby..” She gets out before slipping into darkness forever, the baby is beside her, crying softly and then loudly probably no more than a few hours old.
Leon checks the baby and looks at the vixen, he sighs and nods “The vixen is dead, but the baby is not we need to get to the abbey.”
Zork nods and picks up the infant fox carefully.
Ebony happens to come back and smirks “Well, we have the arrow”
Darkflower nods and fires off an arrow at the badger.
Zork eeps as the arrow grazes his arm and looks at Leon “We need ta now!” He then does one thing he may regret later, he runs off into the woods towards the abbey holding the dibbun.
Leon frowns and follows finding some bushes they can hide in.
Zork is out of breath as they sit down and pants shivering some.
Leon frowns worried and listens to sounds.
Ebony hisses as her and the other rat look around “Where did they ..GO!”
Darkflower looks around "Well how should I know where they went, I don’t keep track of beasts in these stupid woods"
Ebony glares at the rat maid "Well learn then, ya don't lose beasts either, that’s a failure I won’t accept"
Dakota has fallen asleep snuggling up against the badger, then that’s about all dibbuns his age do, it’s a favorite pastime.
Leon stays silent making sure only Zork hears him as they stay behind the mass of bushes, "Great, so how do we get back to the abbey without being seen, rather not try to outrun this group right now"
Zork shrugs as he holds the little fox, "I..I don't know, guess the day is a little too nice to be in the woods..too...too sunny so not so great company outside too"
Darkflower snorts, "They couldn’t of gotten that far and who cares..we should get back ta camp, right?"
Ebony looks ready to scream, "’s called witnesses and we don't need that. They will just tell others we killed the vixen, not that a woodlander palace would care of a vermin death, but one of those beasts knows me from before"
Not far away, a beast moves stealthily through the forest, being especially careful not to make a sound. For an otter, Lee had become quite skilled in moving around without drawing attention to himself. The silent otter, however, is soon enough aware of the presence of vermin nearby. He draws one of his small daggers, which is far less noticeable than his sword would be, and stealthily slips closer.
Leon sighs, "We need to move, maybe more towards the road or further into the woods as much as I would hate that"
Zork frowns he shifts the dibbun in his arms, "Well...your call, de abbey not too far away and ya didn’t know de Silent Blades be around, and that they would come back ta where we were either"
Dakota starts to wake up again and whimpers and soon cries. One thing is clear they need to get somewhere and quickly.
Darkflower nods "Understood..." She tilts her head as she hears a cry and walks a little ways "Did ya hear that Ebony?" She draws out an arrow but has yet to fire it off in any direction.
Ebony smirks "Yes, I did." She walks along the path and listens carefully as that noise means they are not too far away from them, they have to be close now." And..quietly, no loud talking and be careful as you step"
Lee hears the cry as well. He stops short, glancing around while he tries to gauge the direction it came from. He immediately turns and heads toward the cry, remaining as silent as possible. He knew something was wrong.
Leon frowns more when the dibbun starts to cry, "That’s not good, we have to move now..or distract those rats somehow." He looks around trying to figure it out, "Get the dibbun to the abbey" He picks up a rock and tosses it the other direction so it hits a tree away from them, "I will catch up" He crawls over to some other bushes and near a tall tree.
Zork tries to rock the dibbun as it cries "Shh shhh...hey wait ya be insane?" He frowns as he judges where they are, the road not too far at all and then south but he can’t leave and his friend be hurt either, "I can’t leave ya..." He looks around and mutters something under his breath as he holds the dibbun trying to calm it down and at the same time move slowly to the road.
Darkflower remains silent as she listens and studies the woods for signs of movement, she hears the rock and walks over that direction but sees nothing, “Some beast is making us look like fools I think no one is here"
Ebony is always checking all possible things, the trees and woods, any odd sounds and the direction of the wind never hurt either, she doesn’t answer her fellow vermin she simply walks around, within a few feet of the mouse in fact as she remains silent and looks left and right, as well as up and down.
Lee ducks as a rock sails over his head, thudding against a tree behind him. He can tell the crying is much closer now, and he can even hear muffled voices. He can hear the vermin nearby, but he ignores them for now, instead slipping closer to the source of the crying, probably within a few feet of Leon and Zork now, but still hidden by some tall shrubs.
Leon is fairly close to Zork, just not right beside him, he slips out from behind the tall tree to get to a ditch by the road, just a couple feet and he can use it to get back to the abbey, slightly full of water but calm water so he could swim fairly fine, even if it wasn’t as calm.
Darkflower keeps alert and longbow and arrow out but will only fire if she is told to do so.
Dakota calms a little, it’s just small whimpers now.
Zork sighs as he then spots Leon for a spilt second or two, he carefully holds the dibbun and makes his way to the edge of the road, but tries to make sure he knows where the others are, well Not Lee as he doesn’t know he is out here yet.
Ebony smirks again, well seems the badger was not the only one that seen the mouse, she did as well and for a longer amount of time to which she quickly acts to slip behind him and try to get him from behind.
Lee doesn't notice Leon from his vantage point, but he does spot Ebony. "Cripes... There's one," He whispers to himself. He moves silently to cut her off, catch her by surprise, his dagger still ready.
Leon is close to the edge of the ditch when he is grabbed from behind, he goes to slam his elbow backwards to knock the rat aside if he can but he has little room to move. If he succeeds he will end up falling backwards into the water filled ditch, if not he will have to talk his way out of being taken captive. In the water he will simple manage to right himself and swim a short ways to a fallen log.
Ebony oofs as the elbow does knock the wind from her, the mouse doesn’t need to worry on being close to the edge to fall, the rat maid out of anger shoves him backwards and hisses low, she calls out "Darkflower..shot at the already!"
Zork hears the shout and looks at the dibbun, he can't rush back and endanger the dibbun, then again he needs to keep the dibbun safe as he finds some tall grass by a tree and lays the dibbun down "Shhhhhhh" He then goes to get close to Darkflower and hopefully knock her out or least get her attention towards him and not Leon.
Lee does see Leon this time, and he rushes forward from behind Ebony, throwing caution to the wind. He sincerely hopes the element of surprise will work in his favor... if not, the otter may be in trouble.
Dakota kicks and gurgles bubbles of spit and kicks a little as he is laid down, the grass is soft and he is hidden fairly well long as he doesn’t move too much.
Darkflower starts to fire towards the ditch and her ears twitch at noise behind her and she spins to fire at the noise, whom ever she fired at she misses and hits a tree nearby instead, she cusses under her breath.
Leon lands in the water and swims under the water and then surfaces a couple minutes later and coughs a little as he climbs onto the log, well could of been worse he could of hit something besides water, he looks to see the best way to climb back out, not really seeing a good area, that’s safe anyways to avoid the rats and arrows.
Ebony is still out of breath as she hisses and rubs her chest, finally managing to draw her sword, at the same time Lee catches her by surprise, she goes to try and kick him and glares at Darkflower “The otter is here..fool!..Fire at It!"
Zork whoas as the arrow sails past him, barely missing and looks at the tee it buries it's self into, he decides rather quickly to not give Darkflower a chance to fire an arrow towards Lee and goes to quickly knock her out or least try to.
Lee drops his dagger in the scuffle, and he takes a strong kick to the gut, leaving him winded. The otter is determined, though, and he grimly hangs on to the rat, attempting to knock her to the ground. In such close quarters, he is unable to draw his own sword, so instead he depends on his fists, landing punches wherever he can. "I don't normally.. don't normally 'it a female." He wheezes, "But there be... exceptions ta ev'rythin'!"
Darkflower takes aim at the otter and smiles coldly, she can’t miss from this angle and it’s a killing blow if she fires perfectly, she takes aim and doesn't get further than that as she drops the longbow and arrow and gets a face full of mud as she groans and spits out the mud, "What ..hit me.." She goes a little pale seeing a large badger and frowns "I..surrender..please"
Ebony gets a punch in the shoulder and then another in the jaw, it's not broken but it does knock her out cold as she lays there just on the edge of the ditch.
Leon manages to climb out of the ditch with some tree root help and looks around, he is a little ways further down the road now and soaking wet.
Dakota wiggles in the grass, it’s nice and soft but sounds of fighting and being alone makes one whimper softly.
Lee pants, and collapses, wheezing. He looks at his fists, shaking his head. The otter had never punched a beast that viciously before. He carefully stands, and checks to be sure Ebony is really unconscious. He then quickly disarms her, and looks for anything to tie her up with. "Wherever ye are, I know there be another vermin beast... Ye'd be wise ta show yerself an' surrender... Ye already seen wot I can do wi' me fists..."
Zork grins at Darkflower, "Ello..." He pants as he is out of breath and hopes the rat maid's fear of him keeps her where she is as he scoots back a little sitting beside her, he closes his eyes for a few moments as he goes to catch his breath, " thar." He would stand but right now he isn’t able to stand.
Ebony is unconcious, not much is nearby to tie her up with right now as she is disarmed of weapons.
Darkflower frowns and backs up a little shivering some, she watches the badger and tilts her head towards the otter, she could run as they are both out of breath it seems, she seems to decide and then takes a chance to try to bolt.
Leon looks back towards where the fighting was and the distance to the abbey as if judging the best thing to do right now, get a few guards for extra help or get back to the others in case there is injuries.
Dakota whimpers more, well enough of being alone, he now cries again.
Lee frowns, spotting Darkflower for the first time as she starts to bolt through the bushes beside him. "Stop right there!" He attempts to tackle the rat, but if he misses, she will escape... The otter is not willing to go off and leave Ebony to chase Darkflower.
Darkflower almost trips as she sidesteps and barely gets out of the tackle, she uses a little extra burst of speed and not looking behind her gets deeper into the woods.
Zork starts to grab the rat maid and only gets a few feet before he falls to his knees, more out of breath and maybe in some pain now, he sees her past Lee also and pants staying where he is, and takes some deep breaths in and out, if he had to move again it will have to wait.
Leon decides its best to get back to the others, he did alert a guard at the gate and makes his way back to where the others are now, he frowns and speeds up a little.
Dakota coos and gurgles not too far away, grass is interesting at this age it seems.
Ebony stirs a little as she may wake up soon.
Lee watches Ebony closely. He made sure to completely disarm her, at least. He still can't see Zork through the bushes, and he hopes some beast comes back from the Abbey.
Zork crawls over to the fox cub and lays down beside it, still out of breath but very slowly regaining it but right now he ant do much of anything but manages a weak smile being glad the dibbun is ok.
Leon makes his way to Zork as he looks around to see where everyone else is, "What did you do?" He asks checking for any injuries and checks his pulse as he frowns, "Maybe a small trip into the woods was a bad idea" He digs into his pockets and his pouch to find a couple herbs he mixes together, he looks at the fox dibbun as he speaks to Zork "Just stay laid down, don’t try to stand right now."
Dakota coos again and reaches tiny fingers at the badger and mouse, then starts to cry again for whatever reason.
Ebony groans, she won’t be doing much for a couple hours as her jaw hurts and she is only semi-conscious, she sees a burly Lee beside her.
Zork nods, his pulse is a bit fast but better than it was earlier now, "No...problem.." He frowns as some pain is felt, not too serious as he remembers that and his legs are sore right now from walking and couple times running as he stays laid down managing to catch his breath now.
Lee glares at the rat, but then he perks, hearing some beast crying again. "Oy, is anybeast there?" he calls out. He keeps hoping a good beast replies.
Leon mixes the two herbs in water and makes sure Zork drinks it before he stands and answers Lee" Lee!" He shouts and then checks Dakota out for injuries, just in case.
Dakota has none, he is fine just grumpy and upset, hey he's a baby so..yeah.
Zork coughs as he drinks the mixture and stays laid down, he hears Lee but can’t shout right now, even if pain is lessening now.
Ebony wakes up still a bit out of it, she starts to sit up to rub her jaw, she has yet to stand and try to leave yet.
Lee draws his sword, pointing it at Ebony. "Just ye try an' make a break for it." When he hears a yell, he responds, "Leon! Ye sound close, where are ye?"
Leon stands and walks over to where he can push aside some weeds and brush, "Here" He was maybe a little over 100 feet away, just by thick forest cover, he looks at the rat maid and frowns before glancing at Lee “There was another one and a vixen but I don’t think she was part of their group, as she was pretty badly ..injured." He leaves it at that for now.
Dakota can't really do much, well least the badger is here so he is happy for now as he tries to snuffle close to him, as its slightly cold right now for a baby fox.
Zork lets the fox stay near him and manages to get him onto his chest some and stays laid down still, the pain basically gone, but he still feels weak and his legs sore yet and he decides for now not to sit up just yet, maybe in a couple minutes he will sit up.
Dakota yawns and goes to sleep.
Ebony glares at the otter but says nothing.
Lee nods grimly. "I unnerstand, mate." He looks down at the rat. "So ye an' friend decided ta hurt a fox, did ye?"
Leon waits to see what Ebony says as he looks back to where Zork and the dibbun is, he speaks "We should get back before her group shows up the other one may of went to get friends."
Ebony smirks "I do as I want, so does my group and those who get in the way pay, some with their lives as she refused to join so..death was the other choice." She does notice, well she can’t see him anyways, the missing or seemly missing badger as she smirks" Ya friend leave ya all alone?"
Zork keeps ahold of the dibbun and carefully holds him as he tries to sit up, he is a bit shaky and so leans on the tree as he sits there or sort of sits.
Leon sends a glare at the rat maid, but decides not to speak as he is unsure what he would say to her.
Dakota coos softly in his sleep starting to wake up and then slips back into sleep.
Lee frowns. "That be none o' yer concern, rat. For now, yer me prisoner. So I don't want any funny business outta ye."
Leon shakes his head, "There is a dibbun by the way, he's with.."He frowns , yeah he better go back and check on Zork as he quickly walks back over where he was “Feeling any better? Worse? Can you walk any at all?"
Ebony chuckles coldly "Well for now, can’t say it will stay that way"
Zork nods "A..bit better, pain just faint now but still little shaky ya stand, I could try ta walk but can't too well and very far." His voice sounds tried.
Dakota wiggles a little as Zork holds him and starts to cry a little again.
Lee frowns. "We'll see about that... Soon as I can get ye tied up, I'm marchin' ye ta Redwall for questionin'."
Ebony smirks “Whatever you say river dog."
Leon checks Zork again and nods, he looks over where Lee and the rat maid is and sighs, "We need to get to the abbey before the other members of that group return"
Zork nods and stands slowly, shaky on his foot paws, he holds the dibbun fox in one arm and uses the other to lean on the tree for support, "Yeah..back is good.Least it’s close...I can walk, sort of"
DoraRose has gotten a little concerned, and has followed the trail of footprints from the road to the Wandering path. She has her battleax in paw, and is wearing a black knee-length tunic over brown leggings. Her thin-boot-clad feet make no noise as she comes up the path to where the rest of the people are. She stays quiet for now.
Leon keeps a close eye on Zork and looks around, " can't, not too great anyways."
Zork frowns, he looks down at the sleeping fox dibbun and back to Leon, "Yes..can, just gonna go slow, then sit or lay down."
Ebony looks over hearing voices now where she is now sitting by Lee, she has yet to try and run away as she isn’t stupid to try right now, not with a sword pointed at her.
DoraRose decides to make herself known, and so steps over to her husband. "Leon? What's going on? Is everyone alright?" She is wearing her mottled traveling cloak, and now she pulls it closer around herself.
Lee grows impatient, never once taking his eyes off Ebony. "I swear, I think I should fire me own guards... Is nobeast comin' wi' some rope?"
Leon shakes his head and starts to say something else and turns to see Dorarose, he walks over to give Dorarose a hug, at the same time a couple guards do finally find them and frown at the grumpy Lee, one has a rope and the other will help keep an eye on the rat "S..Sorry sir, this is a bit of a hidden area off that clearing"
Zork glances at Dorarose and gives a small wave as he stays leaned on the tree, " Someone should take the dibbun" He says softly.." Can't walk and carry him at same time...don't think"
Ebony stays where she is and lets the guard tie her up with the rope, staying silent now she plans to answer no questions what so ever.
Lee says, "It took ye long enough."
DoraRose hugs the Master Healer back, then quickly makes up her mind. "Leon, I think you should carry the Dibbun while I guard you and Zork. We'll have to be moving slowly, and I don't know how quickly Lee will want to get back to the Abbey with his prisoner."
Leon nods "Yeah, need to head back and soon.." He looks over "Lee, we need to head back now" He does take the dibbun carefully and looks at Zork, he walks over to where Lee and the two guards are, dibbun in arms, "Someone needs to help Zork back also."
Zork lets Leon take the dibbun and moves a little from the tree, standing, sort of, but not that greatly without a cane that yes he left at the abbey.
Ebony just remains silent, she will follow them but silently. She catches sight of the badger and manages a chuckle.
DoraRose sighs and goes over to a nearby tree. Swinging her axe expertly, she hacks of a huge limb. After trimming and tearing off all the little branch things, she hands the makeshift walking staff (which is a bit too short) to Zork. "Sorry that it's not quite the right size. I hope it'll help." She ruefully examines the sap on her axe blade. It'll take a while to get the weapon back into its former glory.
Lee sighs, nodding. "Yes, let's get back... Now." He makes sure to keep an eye on Ebony at all times.
--Back inside the abbey--
Zork manages to get to the abbey, but his legs are pretty weak and he is still a little tried from earlier and he looks like he may pass out, a couple strong otter guards come to his aid to help him to the infirm which ends up a good plan as he does pass out right before he gets there, He will wake in a couple hours most likely as it’s not that deep of an unconcious state just too much in too little time and moving just little too quickly for him.
Leon frowns as he catches sight of what happen and sighs, he still holds the dibbun fox in his arms and looks down at him, he looks at a novice "Have someone check Zork.." They nod and head off.
Ebony starts chuckling as she watches, " Gee hope he is ok, well not really I don’t!"
DoraRose also enters the Abbey, holding her battleax loosely yet firmly. She sighs heavily and lets a slightly awestruck Novice take Nightsong to the weapon's storage area. She gives the rat an irritated glare, which turns into a stare.
Lee roughly shoves Ebony. "Shut up, rat, I don't wanna hear anymore lip from ye, unnerstand?"
Flicktail ears perk "Son..why are you shoving a rat round?”
Leon looks at Ebony "It’s not funny.." He still holds a small fox dibbun in his arms, a very small one.
Ebony hissses at Lee, "Oh do be quiet..and you as well mouse" She looks at the dibbun "So that’s what the vixen was pitiful"
DoraRose rolls her eyes and looks at the infant in her husband's arms. "How tiny..." She murmurs, stroking the fox cub's paw gently.
Flicktail begins to look very..NOT happy "Lee, Son WOT did this filthy..VERMIN do”
Leon ignores the rat maid and nods "Not to old either, maybe few hours not sure." He looks at Flicktail "Killed a beast. that’s what the rat did and she had a helper who got away." A novice comes up and talks to Leon who nods "Good, she can make sure he is ok then and make sure he stays in the infirm a few days" The novice nods and heads off again.
Lee looks at Flick. "I believe she murdered this infant's mother."
Ebony looks at them "Like a abbey cares about a vermin, not my fault she choice not to join my cause, tis only her fault" She chuckles "Maybe your friend will die too, he didn’t look so well...that be fun, I think"
DoraRose purses her lips in anger as she watches the Novice take the Dibbun to the Infirmary, to be looked over by Angela. Blue eyes flashing slightly, the warrior glares at the rat. "Watch your mouth! If Zork dies, I'll hold your personally responsible, and I'm /really/ sure that you DON'T want to do that, rat!"
Leon has had a bad day already, he walks up and slaps the rat across the fact and glares at her, then without a word storms off to the infirm.
--PART 2: