The Long Patrol has arrived! But not in Ferravale....oh, well. Maybe we can kick some evil behind here soon... :D (Marek's Revenge TP)
FV:Pond This is a large pond that is close to the fields and the orchands of Ferravale. The pond looks very well cared for and in warm months flowers of all colors grow around it. The pond is large enough to have a small fishing boat big enough for two beasts and also for a good number of beasts to swim in. In winter beasts can enjoy ice skateing. There is also a couple oak and maple trees here growing by the large pond. Exits: [P]ath [T]o [G]raveyard, [B]ack
Flicktail the fox. Nightbreath the ermine. Blisa the cat, Ferdinand the ferret and DoraRose the mouse. John the squirrel.
Flicktail is sitting in the water looking very much the drown rat with his fur all sodden
Nightbreath walks over to the pond, about to begin his daily meditations. He nods to Flicktail and removes his grey hood. He breathes deeply.
Flicktail exclaims, "breath o the night ello!" he waves getting water everywhere
Nightbreath blinks as water droplets spatter onto his whiskers and he can't help laughing softly. "Tail of the Flick! Greetings," he says with a smile.
Flicktail says, "I am pleased to se you safe, the abbey was taken ya know" Flicktail says, "as was me sword"
"Alas," Nightbreath murmurs. "But allies have arrived," he says, perking up a little. "The Long Patrol is camped in the woods."
Flicktail says, "I ave not seen em yet, and I need know where me blade is...I don't wanna be the first champion to lose it"
"Aye," Nightbreath says. "Twould be unfortunate." He smiles softly.
Flicktail says, "breath o night yer a seer...can you elp me?"
"With what?" Nightbreath inquires, his ears twitching a little.
Flicktail says, "I need to find me blade and elp the beasts"
The sound of voices can be heard, and soon after the first sound is noted, the owners of the voices appear through the trees. It's Blisa and Ferdinand coming through the trees in deep discussion, DoraRose and 4 stoat guards trailing behind. Blisa looks older and more serious than she did only a season before.
"Excuse me one minute," Nightbreath says, before rising and walking over to the new arrivals. "Hail, Warrior," he says to DoraRose after nodding to Blisa briefly. "I found something of yours in the woods."
Flicktail cocks his head watching as he exits the water
DoraRose raises an eyebrow, tapping the head of her battleaxe absently, mostly to assure herself that it's not what the Seer found. "Oh? What of mine did you find?" Blisa pauses for just a moment to nod in return to the ermine, then continues her now whispered conversation with her most trusted bodyguard. Ferdinand listens as he waves to the fox.
"Your husband," Nightbreath says with a quick grin. "Has he arrived in the village yet? I believe he planned to come here as soon as he could."
Flicktail moves over to listen to the conversation
Blisa and Ferdinand go quiet and listen as this piece of news sinks in. DoraRose's face brightens tremendously. "No, he hasn't. Oh, that's wonderful! Wait....Oh! That means the Long Patrol have arrived! This is wonderful news! How is Leon? Did he seem alright?"
Nightbreath smiles, murmuring, "I knew you'd be happy," before speaking at normal volume. "He seemed well considering the circumstances of this region. He had no ill news other than regarding the Gawtrybe; apparently they have a new leader that hates Leon's companions and threatened them. But as far as I could tell he was fine."
Flicktail says, "I have to speak wi th that we can get our abby back...and with Chief Blissa"
DoraRose nods, still grinning from ear to ear. "Good." Blis alooks at the fox, smiling slightly. "Yes, retake Redwall, rescue my father, and make Marek fear me and my snake. That shouldn't be too hard...everyone seems ot fear Basilisk." She chuckles some. Ferdinand smirks. "Do you blame them?"
"Flicktail--Could we continue our discussion later?" Nightbreath asks. "I just recalled a task of some importance my Apprentice and I must undertake immediately." He shrugs apologetically before disappearing into the village.
Flicktail asks, "where is that snake anyways? I like that fellow. oh and hello Dora Rose"
DoraRose nods a greeting as Ferdinand looks at the Abbey Champion in shock. Blisa just laughs. "Have you met him? He wants to eat beasts! And I'm not sure where he is...I'm sure he's alright though. He has armour, so it's hard to hurt him." )
Flicktail chuckles tp Blissa and Dora Rose "oakenpaw tol me all about Basalisk, andhow he swallowed someting o yer mum's and you whacked im till e gave it back
Told by some beast (who did not give their name) that he would find the young leader near the pond, John makes his way over to the pool. Getting lost on the way, due to him being unfamiliar with the area, he finally found it. Seeing the beasts, he hails them, saying, "'Ello there, friends!"
Blisa chuckles, too. "Yeah, I remember that. It was a necklace. I still find it interesting that he listened to me..." DoraRose turns and waves to the squirrel, smiling as she shifts her hold on her black battleaxe. Ferdinand shakes his head. "That thtupid thnake ith a pain."
John comes over, and, hear the ferret, chuckles. "Aye, tha' 'e is..." he nods. "How 'ave ye beasts been?"
Flicktail hols out his arms "Can I get a hug from me Favorite Nice Blissa, and 'Ferdy' and Dora rose? I could use one" the wet fox says
Blisa smiles at the squirrel. "We just heard that the Long Patrol is nearby, so I at least am doing splendidly. And you?" Ferdinand looks at the sopping fox warily. "Um, no thank you. I don't feel like getting wet at the moment." DoraRose busts out laughing and shakes her head at the Abbey Champion.
Flicktail says, "I am afraid what the breath o night said is true, we ave been betrayed by the Gawtrybe squirrel who as forced treesong to be is mate"
"Good." The squirrel says, "Than are they goin' tae 'elp out anytime soon? Ain't good tae anybeast if they jus' stand idly abou'." Turning to the drenched fox, John adds, "Is tha' why Ekon was in a foul mood? An' wha' is thae beast's name?"
Blisa shrugs. "I heard what the set day was, but I don't want to say it here, just in case there are any spies hidden in trees or something. I will tell you right before we are to leave." DoraRose grits her teeth. "Avar, or Alvar, or something like that, I'm sure. I wonder how he did it? I was starting to think of Treesong as my friend; I'll kill that guy if he has hurt her."
Flicktail says, "if the darned SQUIRRELS would talk ta me I could go be treesong's champion"
John nods, "Aye, well thae tribe are odd bunch, arn't they?" He grunts. "Ah don' like any o' 'em either, thae Ah thin Ah met tha' Alvor beast once or twice..."
Blisa taps her foot. "If Treesong or Ekon had stayed the Chieftain of the tribe, I know we would have their help. We need to investigate..." she adds in a low voice. DoraRose shakes her head and smiles slightly at the fox. "She might have a true love somewhere who would be a more fitting champion for her, Flicky. Sorry."
John snorts, adding, "An' Ah don' think they'd take kindly tae a fox comin' near 'em."
Flicktail says, "then , Mrs. Dora Rose, we need to find that love and elp IM"
DoraRose smiles at the fox. "Yes, we do. But I think our friend is right; I doubt they would appreciate a fox comign to fight with their Chieftain." Blisa stays quiet fro now, mostly because she is thinking. Ferdinand and the other 4 guards are doing their job; guarding the young cat.
John shrugs. "As for who tha' beast is, Ah woundn' knae- Ah only met Treesong a few times." he sighs. "Ah'd dae it mesalf, if only tae get 'em back on our side."
Blisa suddenly grabs hold of Ferdinand's paw and starts to walk off. "It was nice to see you all. C'mon, Ferdy, I have an idea..." Ferdinand waves over his shoulder as he allows himself to be dragged away. The 4 other guards silently follow. DoraRose sighs, then turns and waves. "Hope to see you again soon! I better go and make sure her idea is a good one..." and soon the whole party is out of sight.
Thanks for reading! :)