The Letter - Mess Hall is for the Birds

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Philio, Hallow, Kassle, Flicktail, Omber

Location: Camp Willow; Outside of the Mess Hall, Mossflower Woods

What is this? An otter hanging around the mess hall. All by his lonesome and holding, what appears to be a letter? Why yes. Yes it is. Its Philio in fact, just leaning against a water barrel humming to himself. He also waves lightly to the otters that past by him, but he mostly just keeps to himself it seems. Why is he by the barrel? Hard to tell.

Weirder things have probably happened in the camp but that's not to say he's getting a few looks. He even gets one from Hallow when she stops in the doorway of the mess hall, coming fresh from lunch "Important message or something Phil?"

Philio is eyeing the package/letter looking thing by the time the Skipper sees him, "OH! Hey Skip." he shakes the letter thing a little bit, "Ummm. Something like that. It is a message... But its not mine. I'm just holding it for somebeast..." he chuckles awkwardly, "So... How was lunch?" he asks.

Hallow raises an ear brow and ventures a little closer till she can see the letter properly in his paws "Erm, lunch was nice. Who's it for?"

The letter has no visible outer markings. But it looks like it was folded around other pieces of parchment. Letter within a letter? Philio nods, "Ah... I bet it does... It smell..." He points his nose in the air, "...Real good..." he clears his throat before holding the letter back slightly, "Ummm. I don't know whose it for. The name at least. The only thing i know is... who its from." he mumbles.

Hallow frowns faintly, staring at the letter "Mm. Right...Who's it from and should I be concerned or just innocently sat here passing mysterious letters?"

Philio keeps the letter close, "Ummm. I'm not sure if i should say anything. But you don't have to concern yourself. Its nothing really important. I was just asked to hold it for a little bit. So it doesn't get messed up while she..." he stops himself before he spills the beans completely.

Hallow looks back up from the letter to Phil instead and hmms quietly as she straightens up "She eh?...Well, if you're sure it's nothing important" there's a fine line between concerned for the camp and nosy. She's resisting crossing it for now.

Philio nods furiously, trying to cover the tracks that he might have left, "I'm sure its nothing important..." he hums and wishes that she was here to tell him that its is, or not, okay to tell what it is. He leans back against the barrel next to the mess hall as he smiles, "If it was. I... Uhh. Would tell you..." Now to change the subject, "And... Hows... Skippering?" brilliant, as he slaps his forehead.

Hallow raises a brow and this time there's a trace of a smirks "Skippering? That's a new one on me. I'm curious what you might think this Skippering job might involve? Besides sticking my nose into things"

Philio chuckles awkwardly, "I was just... " he scratches his hair nervously, "I really don't know... Besides pummeling new recruits while training them..." he chuckles, and ergs, "... And other, very important like duties... Of course..." he nods and pulls at his collar.

Hallow chuckles quietly, making beasts uncomfortable is kind of fun "Well, that's not entirely my job, we're simply lacking in trainers, someone's got to give them their daily bruises. Relax Phil, no one really has a clue what I do half the day and I rather like it like that"

Philio then pulls at his chin fur, "Well. Okay then. Cause i really really don't know. And i think i'm glad about that as well." the less he knows what goes on, the better, "So. Where you off to now?"

Hallow glances up and down the path "The more mystery there is the more beasts will assume I'm doing just what I'm supposed to. Hmm, next, what's next. Well, I've got some rumours of goings on in the woods to send some scouts after. There's a few roofs with snow damage, I need everywhere checked. The river's looking very high so ever the worry we might get a small flood in the grounds, which also means making sure my house and the tavern survive...The list goes on really"

Philio snorts lightly at the first part, "Yea... Rumors?" he scratches his chin, "Like that white fox that stole the dibbun?" hopefully he got his facts straight, "Well my house is fine... And the river is no worry for us. Were used to it... But hopefully the water will die down. And nothing will come of it. Its all the snow melt. Good for fishing though." he chuckles, "Well, i hope you will be very productive. If you need any help. You know i'm mostly free in the afternoon." he nods a bit.

Hallow frowns faintly and nods "Mmm that's the newest one. One problem seems to leave and another begins. I've still got to find out more about this white fox anyway but for now I have to assume Flicktail and the abbey have it under control unless they ask for help" she runs a paw over her head with a small sigh "Well, it's not like there aren't other missing dibbuns to worry about, it's a big wood" she shakes her head sharply "Anyway. I like water, just not in my living room. Glad for the fish though, just keep an eye on the thing, if it gets much higher might have to recruit a few to add to the river banks a little"

Philio nods, "I don't know more about it, than you do... But Flicky seem to be on the case. Last I've heard." he hrms to himself before chuckling, "Waking up to water in the living room is pretty funny, you have to admit" at least he thinks so, "And ill keep you posted on the river level. Right now its alright. But with spring popping around..." he shrugs, "Flash floods. But ill warn yah to get them to wall the riverline." he nods a bit, before his elbow decides its time for a bath, as his arm slips and lands in the barrel.

"They know what the fox would want with a dibbun. They have foxes and other 'vermin' species in their own order." She doesn't seem to approve of the word. "Why not request that those who can, and allies, put the feelers out to the cities, the markets and such. Doesn't sound like kidnapping for food, so it's got to be profit." Kassle isn't even looking up as she approaches, she's tying string around a little bag. "As for the river, I'm assuming that this winter gave you more snow than usual?" In contrast to Philio, she's rather serene.

Hallow nods along with Phil, smirking as his arm takes a dip and she'd comment but then she hears Kassle and looks round. Another small nod and she goes on "It's always profit and my feelers are almost permanently out, such as they are these days. My bird's having a busy week anyway" literally. Her poor tiny kestrel's been flying all over and not happy about it "It's been a long winter, more than enough snow...but I worry about this sort of thing every year"

Philio slowly slicks the water off his elbow. Good thing he wears a sleeveless vest, or else it would be soaked as well. He grumbles a bit before Kassle's voice makes him forget all about it. Quickly looking toward the voice with a smile, "Hey Kass." he grins before listening to the conversation. Lot of big words going on. But he gets the gist of it well enough. But not enough to actually surmount an opinion himself. So he goes with what he knows, "River rising happens ever year. Just some years is more than crazy. Those who live near it, have to be careful." he nods a bit.

"Snowmelt." Kassle grins in response to Philio's. But she's nodding to the both of them. Skipping to the river, rather than dwelling on the dibbun. "We had similar at the broad', but... Well. We didn't exactly build the same sort of houses. My holt was more of the tunnel and then upward variety, so it was only the heavy snow that scared us." She's now actually tying the tiny bag to her staff.

Hallow has started raising her brow at the bag, curious and mildly puzzled "Heh, well most of the houses here aren't right on the edge of the river. The main grounds is on a smaller off shoot though and wouldn't you know it, someone went and built the Skipper's house there...Mind I do have a couple of feet of stilts which is more than the tavern has. I'll forever be grateful their cellar isn't underground" she tilts her head at Kass "Broadstream is that? Passed by the area once but didn't have the time to look around much"

Philio watches the bag. He knows what it is, and he smiles at it. Before grinning at Kass, "I know what snowmelt is!" he chuckles, "Lucky for you guys. Our house is right on the stream line... about a stones throw, more or less... But. Our house was built to be like that. Were used to it!" he laughs before looking concerned.

Kassle finds Philio very interesting sometimes. Very odd. Probably why she likes him. His laugh followed by the immediately concerned face gets a sort of smirk and puzzled eyebrow. Funny otter. She nods to confirm for Hallow. "Broadstream. Old home."

Hallow is still curious about the bag and keeps eyeing it. First mysterious letters, now bags. She nods slowly "Came from the south myself, only trip on to the north and it was on the hunt of some beast. Still, don't travel much now"

Once his elbow has decided to dry up, goes back to leaning. Think he would learn by now, "I like to travel and such. Dont get to most very often. Course that come from being born here." he chuckles, "But yea."

Kassle decides to have a little fun and slowly rotates her staff as if she might have a habit of doing so. Just a small innocuous movement; that happens to mean the bag is made to move from side to side as the staff turns. "Travelling is good, I think. But I like to have a reason. Have never been too far south."

Hallow frowns at the bag as she talks "Well I used to travel before I got here. Saw pretty much the whole of Southsward and most places between. Heh, never quite got to the north though...Alright. I think you're doing this on purpose now. What's in the bag?"

Philio chuckles at Hallow for the bag. So he wants to have fun as well. He quickly takes Kass' arm and makes a pouty face, "NO! Dont tell her what's in the bag! Its for her own good!" he grins and chuckles quietly.

Kassle smirks and stops the staff. She opens her mouth, then finds a Philio attached to her arm. With a 'sorry' look and a small shrug of helplessness, she tilts her head to him. "For your own good. Apparently." Addressing Hallow.

Hallow snorts, an eye brow raised at Phil "Y'both realise I'm in charge of how much the both of you work right?"

Philio frowns and looks between the bag and Hallow. The bag, and Hallow. Who to choose. He sighs and gives up, "Okay... You can tell her what it is... I don't want to work more than i have too... And miss you..." he fake sniffs, "... Ill just have to live with it..." he can't keep it up, and he laughs out load.

Kassle smirks and shakes her head. "I have a letter. Just came from the kitchen. Have candied chestnuts in the bag." Kassle delivers all the clues to why she has the bag at the same time as she answers the question, aiming a little nudge at Philio. "And I thought you liked fishing."

Hallow chuckles quietly "Idle threats work every time" she shakes her head "Seems hardly worth it for just chestnuts though. Assume the letter is the one Phil's been holding onto?"

Philio grins stupidly at Kass, "I do like Fishing... I just like you better..." he ergs and shrugs, then showing the letter/package thing that he has been holding onto, "Here it is. I didn't lose it." he chuckles.

Flicktail comes walking up...a large fish suit slung over his shoulder..a hook in the "fishe's wooden mouth as he whistles

Kassle grins and reaches to take her letter. "Thankyou. Now. All we need is a bird." That confirms an answer for Hallow, too. "Very glad to hear that, though, softie." She teases Philio, before tilting her head to some approaching whistling.

Hallow rolls her eyes at Phil's words, young beasts. With a shake of the head though she looks back to the letter "Well I could lone you the use of my bird if she gets back again soon. You would have to let me know where to send her though" she glances round at the sound of whistling and seems faintly surprised "Hello Flicktail, what brings you here?"

Flicktail says, "Looking fer a Dibbun slaver Hallow..supposed ta be in is one o me kittens.....Me and a Long Patrol be out huntin e beast' he takes the fishhook off teh "fish costumes" wooden mouth and hands itto Philio "thisbe yers lad, fergotta give it back to ye"

Philio sticks his tongue out at Kassle before nudging her, "Hey. I cant help it!" he grins before glancing over to the whistling, "Its Flicky... And his bass costume thing." he chuckles, as he is handed it, "Uff... Thanks?" he laughs, unraveling the costume to get a look at it.

Kassle has fallen quiet. But she is giving that fish costume a rather... interesting, wary look. Hm.

Hallow frowns faintly at the mention of slavers "Mm. I'd heard something about it but I didn't know whether you had the situation under control or not. Still planned to send a few scouts out though. Mind I'm surprised the Long Patrol are involved this far in land" the fish thing gets a funny look but she's gone all businessy.

Flicktail says, "Notyest Skippa...Aven't gotten me Dibbun back yet, ear tell it e Blighta be hidin round e camp somewhere.....E long patrol be covering Halyard Village so e doesn't get away e doesn't"

Philio is very confused at the costume. Its not even his. Its not even his size. He looks to Kassle, "Its a long story. Its not mine, i promise." he grins and rolls it back up, tucking it under his arms. He is not all into the 'businessy'. So he just leans by the barrel.

Flicktail's costume is a very real looking, wooden fish head, with some kind of fishy looking blanket designed to stretch out in a current to resemble the undulating motion of a fish

Kassle bites her lip to keep from laughing now. Not so good. Think of missing dibbuns- that's not funny. Still. The fish costume. She keeps her mouth shut tight with a small 'hmm' noise in reply to Philio.

Hallow frowns at Flicktail and sounds a little insulted "We do not harbour slavers here"

Flicktail says, "Easy Skippa oi know that, oi said e be in Mossflower AROUND camp Willa,at be why oi come ere, oi know wat Camp Willa do wi suchVermin...."

Hallow tightens her jaw "Nothing I'd lose sleep over. We will keep watch and I'll have some patrols check the woods in the area along with anywhere else I can think of"

Philio nods to both Skip and Flickys argument. They both make sense. He then has a little idea, he reaches over with his free arm, and wraps it around Kass leaning in to whisper, "Hey. Wanna go find a bird? Or..." he shrugs.

Flicktail blink blinks "skippa..Oi been real worried and ain't been sleepin much..Oi..oi didn't ean to say something wrong.."heloosk down "Oi hope ya arn'tmad at me.....

Hallow raises a brow at Flicktail before looking skywards for a moment "I think you misunderstand me. I lose no sleep over what the camp would do if he were found here. I am not mad at you and I will help" she sighs faintly and glances back to the main part of the camp, back to a rather sober mood "I should go and organise some patrols. Maybe you can convince Phil to dress up as a fish and dance about for spring eh Kassle?" sense of humour's still in there somewhere as she starts off for the main grounds.

Flicktail says overly loud "well Philio as been talking about how to tell her e cares about her....but asn't found e roight way yet, think that were ok ta say Skippa?

"Sound's good." Kassle replies to Philio. But lingers. She smirks at the idea of getting Philio to dress as a fish and then pauses as she hears Flicktail. Hm. "Well. That was subtle." Eyeing Philio smirkily.

Philio nods at Kassle, just about to take her paw. Then suddenly there is mention of him dancing in a fish costume. He tilts his head. THEN there is what Flicky said. Oh boy. He pulls out his collar heavily and becoming really nervous, "I uhh... I. Was. JustsayingThatAndicant-" he feels really weird now, "...Yesflickyisrightidocareaboutyou..." he blinks really quickly, blurting that out and then quickly looking down.

Flicktail um..e said...Yes flicky is roight...I do care about you" the fox chuckling as he translates. "In fact Oi ave it on good Athority, e got a ring for ye...don't ye Phil?

Hallow barks a laugh as she wanders off, answering Flicktail's previous question "Oh I think you're alright Flick. It was blatantly obvious already!" she pauses at mentions of a ring though and looks back again.

Flicktail prances from foot paw to footpaw "SHOW er Phil!

Kassle smiles at Philio, moving to lean into and hug him a little. "Well, I knew that." But then, the ring mention gives her pause. "A... Um." She eyes the fox, then Hallow, then back to Philio. Not sure what to say now. "Um. But. We. We really should.. find that bird." Her brain draws up the last task she remembers thinking of, as a defense. Far too public a place for her.

Philio right eye begins to twitch at Flicky. He is getting the feeling of just punching him in the muzzle. Yes that would be bad for hitting the champion. But come on! This is not how he wanted it! But he is controlling it right now. It might be good for him that this is happening. He looks down a bit, then looking to Kass. Then looking back to the ground. Now he feels like he could throw up. Dang nervousness. He looks back to her and nods quickly, "...failnessollota..." In nervous speak, that means 'yes'.

It gets a little less public because within the minute when no one's looking the Skipper has silently disappeared, entirely and quite mysteriously. She is the Skipper though, she's got to be good at this sort of thing.

Kassle looks a little perplexed. "Felling a what?" She blinks slow and looks around. Well, the Skipper's vanished... "Come on. We'll get this letter off to start..." And worry about anything else after the bird is found. Left unsaid, but clearly implied. She is reaching for his paw though, in trying to wander toward some trees.

Philio gulps a few times, and by golly, he looks sick. He nods a bit at the bird thing, and by the time his paw is grabbed. The nervous inside him is overwhelming. But since she is not perusing it. That keeps him sane for the moment. Nodding once again, motioning that he is ready to go. Then squeezing her paw while being lead off to some trees. Hopefully, he will be able to speak some darn English again soon. He just cant right now.

Kassle turns back as they reach a few trees. And, happily, a small black and white wagtail is hopping about, building a practice nest. Obviously, he's never done it before. And chirps irritated at his odd collection of twigs. Kassle is about to point it out when she turns. But. He looks sick? She looks worried, about to ask an obvious question by the looks of things.

The otter is more than a little sick. Though its not physical, its all mental. Philio follows, still keeping a pretty good grip on her paw. Like he is afraid to lose it. He does spot the bird as well and then his eyes are torn away by hers. He notices her worried look, and he tries to smile, "...Uhhh... Im... Okay..." his face tell otherwise.

Kassle narrows her eyes. "I have charcoal. On me. The moment you start wobbling, I'll make you eat it..." If it's not the one thing it's a cure for, it'll at least bring up whatever might be making him ill. Though, it's all a veil. Somewhere in her, she knows it's the whole nerves and mental thing. Can't ignore what just happened completely.

Philio gulps again, "... I.. Is... It wont come to that..." he hopes, "...I'm fine. Just need to take a little breather..." and he does so. And after a few moments his color is beginning to return to his face, "...There see..." Still looks sick, "...Come on... Lets... Lets talk the bird down..." He nods a bit. Now instead of being completely nervous. Something else is brewing inside him. And he better control it.

Kassle gives him a worried stare, then reluctantly nods. "Okay. If you're sure. And, the bird. Yes. Good idea." Immediately Kassle turns, notes the species and attempts a warbling whistle, rolling on her tongue. Above, the bird looks startled, then looks down suspiciously at them. Then decides to ignore Kassle and address Philio. "Wotwaterdogs-a-wa-ant?" In a rather singsong tone.

Philio watches her, do her thing. And by golly. That puts a bit of a smile on his face. Didn't know she could do that. He stares at her until the bird begins to squawk and he looks up. The otter blinks heavily at the bird when it seems that he is looking at him, instead of Kass. He clears his throat and nods, "Yes. Um. Hello. My name is Philio. And this is... Kassle... We... We were wondering, if we could use your services..." he asks slowly. He can understand bird talk. And can even talk a little sparrow. But he doesn't know with this particular species.

The wagtail regards Kassle suspiciously then eyes Philio again, once he's mentioned her. "Youmateno-lay-eggs-inmynest!" He sings again, tail bobbing anxiously as he hops. Kassle looks rather indignant. "I /am not/ going to lay eggs anywhere thankyou very much..." The bird ignores her.

Philio pulls at his collar as he watches the bird, "She is not going to lay eggs in your nest. Nor can she, if she wanted to. She is a mammal. And doesn't lay eggs..." seeming to get his words, and his brain back. Now that the other thing has been put away for now. He seems more confident, "We were asking if you could deliver a message for us."

"Wotyoupay? Thisnotruse-to-steal-mynest?" Because clearly his horribly constructed... pancake of twigs is an enviable nest for any creature. Kassle mutters and shakes her head, moving to pass the candied nuts to Philio. She can tell this bird isn't going to acknowledge her.

"Sorry..." Phil mutters to Kass, when she passes him the candied nuts. He opens up the bag, "We promise this is no ruse to take your.. Ahem. Nest. We just want you to deliver a messages... and here." he holds up a single nut, "...This bag of candies nuts. If you do this for us."

The bird tweets and warbles loudly. Telling other birds to stay away from his nest -and- the nuts the otters are offering. Those, in his mind, are already his. "Itakenuts. Itake-your-let-ter! GivetoOmber. Omber-take-let-ter. Ombertakenuts!" He hops to a lower branch and puffs his tiny form up. He's not much bigger than a sparrow. "Butnestis-notfor-her-er..." He dictates fiercely, inclining his head at Kassle. Who simply mutters angrily under her breath.

Philio holds back the bag, just in case the bird is thinking about double dealing him. He then gets really tired of him talking to her that way, "Listen. Omber. She is not going to take your nest. She has other places that she calls a nest. And has no need for this one. So your going to be nice to her. And stop talking like she is some nest theft. Or no big bag of delicious nuts for you." There are always other birds that they can get.

Omber blinks at him, stares at Kassle, and tilts his head. "Promisenotto-steal-nest?" He asks to make sure. The ottermaid narrows her eyes and puts her paws on her hips "Do I /look/ like I'll steal your nest? I don't even have /wings/..." She points out. Which seems to make Omber reach a realisation, blinking in surprise. "You... Younothave-wi-ings! Istrue! Omberisbel-ieving-you..." He decides, and hops from foot to foot. "Butnotabout-no-eggs. Otherwise-howyoumake-an-ott-erchick?" It's a rhetorical question, and the bird seems soothed anyway.

Philio nods, "See. She wont steal your nest. Got no wings. Need no nest." and then he blinks at the last question, "Well. Errr... Uhh... Well. You see. Were mammals... So. We have live young... And..." and there goes his train of thought. He pulls at his collar, and messes up his hair. He is just uncomfortable, really.

"Our legs get laid in holes." Kassle tells the bird, dryly. Sounding like she's calmly spewing a fact. "We can't fly and we climb badly." Putting into his head that they would only not want his nest because of the hole thing and the bad climbing. Omber just looks entirely confused by Philio. He doesn't believe that. Live young? What sort of bird do they take him for? But Kassle's makes sense. Some other birds do that too. Birds of course, are perfectly sensible creatures to him. "Omberissee-ing. Omberasksjust-one-thi-ingmore-andOmberwill-take-let-ter!"

Philio looks to Kass, and tilts his head. Well. Whatever makes the bird believe us, the better. Though laying eggs in the ground seems a bit funny. He doesn't laugh though, nor smile. He goes back to Omber, "Oh... Oh yeah. Sorry. I was thinking stupidly. What she said is true..." he nods just to try and ruse that it is, in fact, true, "Okay. Ask away. Then we will give you the letter and the nuts." he crosses his arms in front of him.

Omber looks back at Kassle, then leans forward to Philio, failing to whisper conspirationally. entirely. "Itisalright-ot-er. Iamknow-ing. Youaremale-like-Om-ber... Omberisonly-know-ing-ofeggsandnests-fromhis-mo-ther-nagging! Findamatefindamate..." The last an apparent impression of his mother. "Iamwish-ing-to-a-ask-foryouto-kee-eepmynestfrom-o-therbir-irds!" This, with him looking between them, asking the both of them to keep others away from his... twig pile. "We'll try our best..?" Kassle ventures, looking to Philio and trying not to laugh. Funny little bird.

Philio is actually a bit taken back as the bird leans closer. He blinks as the bird speaks and when he is finished. He cant really think of anything to say. He just looks to Kass and blinks. Oh, the uncomfortableness. But face it Phil. He blinks at Kass and smiles softly, before going to nod at the next part, "Yea. We'll try out best... No one will take your nest..." He looks to Kass, and chuckles lightly.

"ThenOmber-is-ple-easedthatwe-have-de-eal!" He hops again, happy this time, and shouts another warbling cry into the area; no come to nest-otters will eat you. Or, to that effect, anyway. Kassle grins. "Right. Find an otter who lives in the Broadstream. But half an hour flight from Ruingate is too far toward that city, and an hour flight from the ocean is too far that way. Anything in between, and the otters will know, if they live there, of," She hesitates, debating saying the Holt name out loud. Then changes her mind and says it quickly. "Totwenniun. The letter must reach an otter named Shatreet. People will know her, I'm sure because she's a baker. So if you forget the name, ask for a baker. There aren't many otters like that up there." She stops, and waits expectantly. Omber doesn't seem to know beast customs and manners. He doesn't give any suggestion that he understands, but then, no one has asked him that.

The otters' ears go back slightly at the cry. Boy that's loud. Philio then glances back to Kass when she mentions her holts name, and pretty much the exact location. Then the names as well. If he was trying to find information on her. That was the mother load right there. But good thing he is interested in her for just the benefit of knowing her more. And nothing else. But it still causes him to smile deeply at her. He then looks back to the Omber, "Alright. Did you get all that?" He does ask.

Omber jumps, and blinks with surprise at Philio, feathers bristling slightly, as though he's worried he's being called stupid. "Ombernot-da-aft. Omberbe-hear-ingall! Omberknowswhe-ere-togo-o!" She affirms, proudly. Then sticks a leg out for the letter. "Tiewithstringworms-Ot-tershavestring-wo-orms? Nofallo-off!" Kassle nods, and comes forward with some string, ready to tie the letter. She doesn't seem overly bothered at all the information she let out. The bird needs to know where to go, and she seems to be trusting Phil'. She pauses, and looks to the other otter. "Can you tie a sailing knot? Or something stronger than a stitch knot anyway? If so, than please. It'll be better than my attempt."

Philio snorts at the bird, "Alright! Alright! Just wondering..." he then looks to Kass, "Uhh... Yeah sure thing Kass." Course he knows knots. He owns his own boat. And, He like to be... Knotty. He smirks at her reaching up to take the string, when the bag full-o-nuts stops him. He is still holding it, "Oh... Oops. Here..." he hands the bag to Kass before going back to the knot. He makes what is called a surgical knot followed by a loop knot, then a square knot to finish it all up. All being concerned, to not make it too tight on the birds leg. Now, Unless some beast were to just cut it off the string (or the leg). Its almost impossible to take the package off without the knowledge of knots. Considering where its going. That's shouldn't be a problem. He smiles as he backs away, "There we go. Nice an tight." he chuckles.

Kassle recognises the first knot, then shakes her head as the others are added. Strange. The one thing she hasn't really been able to do so far, and it's knots; an otter specialty. Are we sure she's even an otter? She smirks and then is fishing something from a pocket while she's holding the nuts. Soon, she has two bags of nuts. "Half now, half when you return, preferably with a reply if there is one written fast enough, yes?" Addressing the bird, but a glance at Phil for approval, perhaps. "I'll give this other bag to Philio, here, until you return. Oh, and Omber, one more thing. Mention my name only to Shatreet, okay? Kassle." She provides it. "Knotgood." Omber approves, then tilts his head at Kassle. "MentionCast-les-onlyto-one-beastbakerSha-treet." He proves his understanding, then nods at the fairness of the bargain. He expected that.

Philio knows she is an otter. And one heck of an otter if ever was one. He finds her very interesting. Not like any other ottermaids. Probably why he has fallen in love with her. He nods at the mention of two bags. He was going to suggest it himself if it didnt come up. He takes the other bag, waves it a bit to show what it is before going to tie it to his belt, "Right. That makes it fair. Also. If we hear her name outside of here. Were gonna know who..." he nods forcefully. Implying something bad.

Kassle raises her eyebrows. She hadn't even entertained the idea of threatening the bird, even as a bluff, but it seems to be effective. Omber dips his head and readies himself for flying. "Ombergofly-will-doassa-ay. Notellname-nosayca-stles-beforebak-erotter. YesIgo-now-kee-eeppromise!" The last directed at everyone, even himself, as he immediately hops into the air. Efficient, at least.

Philio nods, "Will do Omber..." And then watches the bird retreat into the air before going back to look at Kass, "Think he will make it?" he asks, going over to her. Very very close he is.

Kassle goes to lean on him slightly. As if physically tired from the whole thing. She even looks a little weary. "Oh, I'm sure. Wagtails. I used to see them all the time." She mutters. "They always go to talk to each other near where he's supposed to be going. So he'll get there." Explains how she knew that call, anyway.

When she leans, a snake of an arm, goes to wrap around her middle. To hug her a bit. Philio then places his nose in her hair, to kiss her head, "Well. As long as you know what's up. And what's going on. Then i'm sure he will get there." he snorts, "Well. If he knows that... Hopefully the nuts will be enough incentive to get him back!" he chuckles slightly, "Anyway. You seem a bit tired. Want to head over to my place. You can rest until dinner is ready..." he suggests.

"That. Would be very welcome. Thankyou Phil-mo." She smiles gratefully, still leaning on him, and staff in the middle, in front of them both. Kassle rubs at her forehead, smiling though, at the hair kiss. "I think I need a quiet, dark room. For about an hour. And... a candle or a small fire to help me think."

Philio takes her paw, with his own remaining. And gives it a tiny rub, "Sure thing missy Kass. Come on. Its just west of the docks..." and with a little coaxing, he manages to turn this huddled conglomerate of otters and staff, toward the direction of the river, "What's the candle for?" he asks. Just generally.

"Fire. It's relaxing to watch. And facinating. The flame dances." Kassle explains "And then my mind wanders and thinks of things in the darkest corners that I may have missed before. With the right plants, like lavender or jasmine, the smoke from the flame gets to smell really, really good- also relaxing." All she needs is a bath to go with it.

Philio blinks at her. The dancing fire he can get. Its the plants that makes him tilt his head at her. Never tried. Nor does it sound like something he wants to try out. Not now at least. He nods a bit, "Then. Sure. I can get you a candle as well. Now the lavender and jasmine... I'm not sure. We might have some in the garden... Or maybe in the stores... not sure." unless of course she brought her own, "Whatever makes you relax the most..." he nods, "Then i will do it..." The sounds of river and young otters at play can be heard. Very near the inlet it seems.

Kassle has probably got lavender in that pocket. But jasmine's a rarer occurrence. "Well. It's the candle I really want. Thankyou." She smiles, tiredly. "The scents are just something I've learned to appreciate as a bonus." She tilts her head to the sounds. Well. Those will do nicely.

Philio snorts and chuckles at her, "Ah well. We have plenty of candles. That's for sure... Ill get you one, no problem..." They have reached the river. To the left is the dock. Off in the distance where the sounds are mostly emanating from. Parents running after their kids as they jump in and out of the water. Dibbuns at play. Phil smiles at them before turning the huddle to the right. Heading to where the inlet begins to shallow out. He takes a few breaths, "Dad... Will probably not be home yet..." he ponders aloud.
