Story Time!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Camp Willow, residential center. (again. XD) Rorgan and Callie!

The sun shines down over the bustling Camp Willow. Among the busy beasts is a black furred otter walking along holding a much smaller otter dibbun and smiling as he finishes a story. "An' so the bad snake ran off an' me mates an' I got away safely."

The little otter dibbun, Callie, looks up at Rorgan with wide eyes. "An' that was it? It jus' ran off? Are you sure it wont come back?" At the thought of it returning, she starts to babble, vaugely frightened. "What if it does? Have ya evah killed a snake before? What if they don't die? Do they? Not die, I mean? Aren't they, like, Rawr, I'mma big scary snake? Wit' poison teeth an' everyting?"

Rorgan chuckles, shaking his head. "Not all snakes. I've killed a good amount of snakes, but this particular one was a pain. I fought it twice an' nearly killed it the second time, but I don't think it'll come back fer a while."

"Well, I'm /glad/ you didn't get all eated up by the snake." Callie says, relieved. "Whew, it's hot!" She complains. "Why'd it get ta be so hot, Papa? Only las' week e'rybody was all 'put ya cloak on, dont ferget yer boots." She wrinkles her nose. "Now it's all 'ya can't wearr that, you'll get too hot.' But I get too hot anyway. Do snakes get hot?"

Rorgan laughs. "Actually, snakes like the heat, but aye, it's possible fer a snake t' get too hot, but it would take a lot of heat fer that. As fer why it's so hot." He shrugs, grinning. "I s'pose the sun got tired of not makin' us warm."

"I'd be a snake then! But they're all gross and scaly, right?" Callie sticks her tounge out. "C'n we go swmmin'? Or, like, do sumtink? Tell me another story! Do ya know any udder snakes? Are they fun ta talk to?"

Rorgan can't help another chuckle escaping him. "Well...I'm sure we could find somewhere t' take a dip, but I don't quite know other snakes. Every snake I've met has attacked me in one way or another, so I'd say it's a good idea t' stay away from them."

"Okies." Callie chirrups. "I don't wanna meet any, anyway. I don't think they'd make verra good friends. You don't have any other good stories, though?"

Rorgan shrugs, thinking of anything he could tell Callie. "Well...wot would you want t' hear a story about?" He asks, thinking that he might have to make one up for the sake of not getting too graphic.

Callie tilts her head to the side, thinking. "Um, um, um... sometink fun! I dunno. Whadda ya usually do when yer not, ya know, here?"

Rorgan shrugs. "Well...I usually help beasts over at Redwall Abbey, or I travel. I've always loved travelin', so that's wot I usually do. Besides that, I escort others t' different places an' such." He wasn't about to tell his new daughter that he was a part of a guild that stole from others.

"Ooo, when you go travelin', c'n I come?" Callie seems very excited. "I've never been inside Redwall Abbey, but I've been outside it! It's so biiiiiiig!"

Rorgan nods at the question. "It's a very big place!" He spreads one paw out to show what he means. "An' if you want t' come travelin' with me, I'm sure I could figure somethin' out, but we'd have t' be careful t' not be ambushed by vermin gangs."

Callie squints at him. "That's something you c'n plan? Not being ambushed? Wish I'd knew that before!" She huffs. "But, what's ya fav'rite place ta be? Cause you've been e'rywhere, right?"

Rorgan chuckles. "Well you can't plan t' not be ambushed, but you can plan in case it happens." He has to think for a moment at the second question. "Well...I'd be tempted t' say the High North Coast, but...I'd have t' say here, because it's where I met you!" He grins at this, completely sincere.

Callie squeaks, embarrased and blushing, and hides her face behind her paws. "Really?" She smiles shyly. "I like it here, too! But, what's in da High North Coast? I didn't even know there /was/ a High North Coast." She says it like it's some imperious, royal thing, all high and mighty.

Rorgan looks ahead, thinking back to his time before he had come to Mossflower. "Well..I lived up there when I was part of a group called the Rogue Crew, an' we fought against vermin. It was very cold most of the time, but I had many friends there."

To be continued! :D
