Talking Like Equals

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Scioto, William

Location: Ferravale Tavern

Scioto steps into the tavern and heads to the spot he always sits in and orders an ale, after getting it he takes a sip and looks around and back to the ale taking another sip and looks to be thinking.

William has started to get into the habit of stopping by the tavern after finishing work at the pottery shop recently. The rat whistles to himself as he walks in and orders an ale. He sits down at one of the table's that happen to be near Scioto's usual spot. The rat hadn't been thinking too much about where he was sitting, just that it was an empty table.

Scioto glances over at the rat but doesn’t say anything, he sips his ale quietly not talking to anyone tonight it would seem.

William notices the cat and that the Chieftain seems occupied with his thoughts. The potter is still new to the village and while the Chief seems nice so far Will doesn't know him well at all yet. The rat wrestles with the impulse to talk to the cat verses all he's been told about vermin and verminous beasts.

Scioto empties his ale glass and sits the glass down and looks around the tavern now.

William takes a long draft of his ale to ready himself before trying to address the cat. "Somethin' troubling ya, Sir?" he asks, half expecting the cat to have him gutted or worse just for speaking to him.

Scioto slowly turns looking at William, he starts to answer when a guard comes up to him and his eyes go wide, "What did you say?" The guard frowns and whispers again, Scioto nods slowly.."Not good..dismissed, go."

William watches the guard for a moment but doesn't try to talk while the guard is talking. It doesn't seem like the news has anything to do with him. "More bad news?" he asks, unsure if he should be talking to the cat at this time.

Scioto answers, "Beast I know, he is dead..Lot has happen, few days ago the village was just about taken over, and it’s why you see some repairs being made around the village."

William nods in understanding. "I'd heard something about that. Been making bricks lately and what else I could earlier in th day," he says. The rat takes a sip of his ale. "Th beast that died," he asks, "A friend or ... not?"

Scioto nods "The bricks will be very helpful and his name was Sorrlagg, he was found dead in the woods, ally of Ferravale and Redwall." He frowns, "My own.." He sighs, "Home needs rebuilt."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Sir. I hadn't heard Ferravale was allied with Redwall. My hearing must not be as good as I thought," the rat gestures at one of his mangled ears as he talks. "Explains why I saw one of th Brothers in here th other day," he says. The rat takes another long sip of his drink. "Ya shouldn't worry too much about yer house. I'm sure it'll get fixed up soon," the rat says smiling a little.

Scioto nods "Yes my house can be replayed, rebuilt....other things can't" He gets another log, "And yes my village is allies with Redwall, we get along and any healers needed, they offer, even send a couple moles to look over the damage some, got some news the one in charge of the raven and crows, wants Redwall next and I have offered Redwall aid if its needed."

William shakes his head. "I don't think Martin or Flicktail would take kindly t that. Even if, and that's big 'if', if they did take Redwall they wouldn't keep it long," the rat says, "History's clear on that."

Scioto nods "I have heard the history, and I hope you’re right, the abbey doesn’t need heartbreak, I been through enough the past few days and almost gave up, but came to my senses. ", He doesn't go into details on that, "The one in charge of all this insaneness calls himself Vladmir Stormfeather and he has my daughter, he also has one of the main abbey beasts."

William could ask about the beast from the Abbey, but instead he asks, "How old is yer little one?" He thinks of his own daughter he'd tucked into bed only a short time ago, before coming to the tavern.

Scioto answers, "3 Seasons, she is all I have now, my mate and younger child was killed in the attack."

William is quiet for a moment. "She with th Abbey beast?" he asks, "Even at three a dibbun can get through far worse than you'd ever want em t have t go through. .... Mine's four. Clever little thing too. Bet yours is smart too." He drains the last of the ale from his glass and sets the empty glass down on the table. "If there's anything I can do t better help out, let me know. I haven't fought much lately aside from what was needed along th way t get here, but I do know how t use a sword."

Scioto sighs ,"Yes she is with the abbey beast Stormfeather has captive as well, a badger from the abbey."

William hmms. "She should be safe with th badger. I don't recall any from Redwall last I was there, but I don't go there too often these days," Will says.

Scioto nods "I dont go too often myself, but he is the dibbun caretaker, but hard to say what shape he is in, he's been missing over 3 weeks."

William says, "Usually it's a female badger they have for that job, suppose they didn't mind as long as they had a badger around. Odd, at one point some of th Abbey beasts had wanted my mate for that position. Thankfully she didn't take it. I never could live at th Abbey for long. Badgers are strong and not usually a beast one wants t be on th wrong side of. Do you have any idea where they're keepin him?"

Scioto shakes his head, "No clue, have a feelings the one beast I mentioned may of found the base, but will never know now and this Stormfeather doesn’t fight fair, no beast could fight a swam of ravens and crows, he even had Monitors here with the crows."

"Might be wrong to ask, but he wouldn't be a fox would he?" the rat asks. "I know there are many foxes that aren't that way but I've met a fair amount that were like this Stormfeather you speak of. Does he use poison?" he asks remembering a certain now long dead fox.

Scioto says, "I am unsure if he uses poisons, and he is dangerous he uses Bolas and is truly evil. He is a fox, yes."

"He sounded like a fox. Some foxes are good at being evil. Evil beasts that go near Redwall tend to die as I recall," Will muses. He looks into his glass as he thinks about his mate who he'd left at the Abbey yet again, because the Abbey was safe. The last time she'd been left there Redwall had been taken over by a hoard. Will silently hopes his wife isn't bad luck. "Is there any way to send word to Redwall and warn them or have they been informed already?" he asks the Chieftain, by now all but forgetting the cat's position relative to his own.

Scioto nods "They were told by the fox himself, word was sent to me on it, they almost didn't have my help but I had a visitor that...well after a chat I offered my help to the abbey, if they got the message of offered help, this fox does have his birds in the woods near the abbey."

"I see. So th fox has worked his way up from there. He must not be doing well against the Abbey," Will says thinking the fox wouldn't be as likely to attack Ferravale if he'd made progress on Redwall. "Must have been an important visitor," the rat comments thinking it may have been a seer or other important beast that the cat respected. "Birds can be bribed I'd think. How loyal are they to him? I've not heard of birds being used to fight much. As scouts or spies, yes, but not like this fox seem to use them," the potter says. As he speaks he notices how late it's gotten by the dimness of the room and darkness of the windows.

Scioto shrugs, "Don't know on how loyal or unloyal he is and yes was important visitor, if you will excuse me I need to check the gates and...then find a place to sleep."

William opens his mouth to offer the cat a place to stay, but Scioto is already out of earshot before the rat can get a word out. Will shrugs figuring the Chieftain has every right to hurry and check on the village with a crazy fox out and about wanting to take the place over. The rat orders a second drink to help him think over their talk before he heads home, to check on his own daughter.