Setting Sail - The Voyage Continues

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The Golden Pike: Stern Deck


The Golden Pike - Stern Deck


The very furthest back of the ship. The stern deck is exactly where is should be. This rectangular deck sits atop the cabins below. Made from fine wood and polish. This looks the most unaltered part of the ship. Solid blocks surround the side railings. Except toward the bow. Its just simple red railings. Where you can see the entire main deck and bow of the ship. A ship stairs lead down to the larger main deck below. And just in the middle, sits the helm. Protected by blocks this finest ship helms around. Carved magnificently and polished fine. Looks like many great paws has touched this wheel.


If only we had some pirate music. The scene is perfect for it. Aikuen has relived the helmsbeast. And he stands next to wheel with one paw on it. While his other his resting on his hip. Watching the sea as he guides the boat with the merest turn. He wears a large velvet hat with a really long poofy feather sticking out of it. He is also wearing his captains uniform with proper stitching for his rank. And of course. He has his tiny flask in his pocket. As he follows with the sun to the west. Its perfect.

And out comes Robin! And Syla! Woo! The two stoats come up to Aik and smile, letting go of each other's paw. Aww, how cute! They're both wearing the necklaces that Kentar made them. "Hey Aik." they greet. "Or should we say..." Robin pauses to give a good pirate accent. "Ahoy capin'!" he laughs.

Aikuen smiles and gives them a little salute, "Ahoy mates! How are my favorite crew beasts?" he asks. He is not going to make fun of them. It lost its appeal after he has done it for a bit. He leans a little bit on the wheel, "So. What can this fine cap'n do for you?"

Robin hums and grins a little. "Jump off the ship, for one!" he laughs with a smile. Syla giggles and just shoves him a bit. "Oh, not much. We're just out enjoying the day." Syla smiles.

Aikuen sighs and leaves the wheel, placing his hat on it... Going over to the back railing, "Oh... Okay..." he acts like he is going to jump off. Before laughing and going back to the wheel and picking up his hat, "Ah i see. Wheel. If you ever need anything. Here i am... I see you got your necklaces" he chuckles and pats his pocket, "I stole my wifes" he laughs.

Syla gasps a little and blinks when he goes to the rail. And then just laughs when the otter comes back to the wheel. Robin just chuckled at it all before nodding. "Yeah...they are nice." he smiles with a nod then hums. "You...stole Fira's necklace?

Aikuen laughs and nods as he takes out the sapphire necklace. Holding it out for them to see, "Yep yep! She didn't even see it coming." he grins. The way he got it was funny. He puts the necklace back in his top pocket before going to check the wheel, "I wonder how long it will take for her to notice!

The two stoats blink and look to each other. "Uh! Why?" Robin asks with a tilt of his head. "Its a very nice necklace..." Syla says after a few moments.

Aikuen smiles but doesn't turn around to face them. Just watching whats ahead, "Why? Why not? Its just a little fun... I mean. She stole my tags a few days ago. Im just... how you say... Getting evening!" he chuckles, "Dont worry ill give it back to her tonight."

Robin oohs and laughs a little bit with a nod. "Oh, I see." he hums a little before grinning. "I hope she doesn't kill you though." he hums a little bit with a smirk. )

Aikuen chuckles and shrugs, "Oh she might... Or she can try!" he winks in reply. He sighs as he says, "But if she does. I want you to toss me in the water!" he fakes sniffs and looks down, "Sing a little song... Small funeral... Nothing big..." he chuckles.

Robin pats Aik on the shoulder and shakes his head. "No can do, Aik! It will have to be big...and no songs." he nods and laughs a little bit with a smile. )

Aikuen looks up at Rob, "Wait. NO SONGS?!?!" he stamps his foot on the deck, "What kinds nonsense is that. NO Music!? Just kill me now..." He laughs.

Rob laughs a bit. "Yeah! No songs! Sorry Aik." Syla laughs a little bit and smiles. "You wouldn't want me to sing!" she chuckles with a nod.

Aikuen uhs and continues to stamp his foot, "This is... the most UNCALLED for thing ever. You must sing songs for your fallin cappytan." he sighs, "Well... If you must then. Then make Seb sing..." he laughs.

Robin blinks and laughs. "Sure! We'll make the badgery badger sing!" he nods with a laugh. Syla hums and ohs. "Oh. The badger." she hums. "I haven't seen him around lately..." she thinks. )

Robin blinks and laughs. "Sure! We'll make the badgery badger sing!" he nods with a laugh. Syla hums and ohs. "Oh. The badger." she hums. "I haven't seen him around lately..." she thinks. )

Aikuen hums a bit, "That will be fun. Sing a song for little ole me. ME neither really. Nor have i seen Boomer around. Maybe they are being badgery together or something." he shrugs and laughs.

"Mum said he was sick." Robin nods. "Sea sick. And apparently the garlic thing isn't working." he hums a little bit. "Being badgery indeed." he chuckles a bit.

Aikuen nods, "Oh... Well... Hopefully. He will get better soon." he hrms, Boomer is probably hiding somewhere then. Heh. All the same. We will be hitting land pretty soon. He can get his land legs again." he laughs.

The stoats nod. "Yeah.' Robin hums a bit. "So, where's our first stop? And when will we get there?" Syla asks with a tilt of her head.

Aikuen turns the wheel slightly, "Our first stop is and island called 'Terra' Said to be uninhabited.... And we should make it in a few days." he grins, "Hopefully we will be landing there. And not some pirate ridden island!" he laughs loudly at that.

"Ah! I see..." They smile as they look off into the distance. "Where after that? Ashurah?" Robin asks as he looks back to the otter captain.

Aikuen hrms and shakes his head, "Oh god no. We will be island hopping to our next destination..." he pulls out a map of the western sea. Its old. And slightly crumbled. He opens it and shows the stoats. There is a bunch of zig zags as the line head form island to island, "We have all this first... then..." he points to a line that heads off the map, "Then we will be heading to Ashruah." he chuckles.

"Wont they be looking for you there or did your side take over everything again?" Will asks catching mention of the otter's island.

Aikuen rolls up the map and places it back where he found it. Behind the helm, "Hey Will. And... i dont know. Its another reason why me and Kentar are going. Also want to see my old best friend..." he nods a bit. Taking the wheel once more laughing at the stoat. Be afraid of the rat.

William smirks when his nephew jumps. "But I didn't. Wouldn't hurt for you to pay attention to what's around you." To the otter he asks, "Do we have a plan for what t do once we get t Ashurah in case they aren't happy to see you?"

"Dad said they'd be disguised or something. Nothing would happen unless they found out Aik and dad were unmasked." Robin nods. "Dad told me the plan." he chuckles.

Aikuen nods, "Well use the same disguise as Jero'e. And make fake tags." he nods, "Will be perfectly fine... As long as, yep..." he nods at Robin, "Sides. I also want to see my old place... I... Want to see if it has survived the war for so long..." he nods a bit more.

Robin chuckles a little bit and nods. "Yeah!" he hums. "So. Will it just be you and dad to go onto the island?" he asks. "Or are you going to take one of the badgers just incase?" )

Aikuen hrms and thinks about it, "Hey... Thats not a bad idea... But... Having a badger with you. Its kinda... Well... " he laughs, "It kinda points you out! We're trying to go incongnitus..." he nods.

The stoat nods a little and ahs. "I suppose." Rob chuckles before Syla hums. "I'm going to go get something to eat. See you later." she smiles giving Robin a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Robin blinks a bit and wasn't expecting that. He just smiles dorkishly and hums.

Aikuen chuckles and wink at Robin when Syla, "Hmmmm... Thats... Interesting..." he says as he looks back to the ocean, "Maybe you want to go get something as well!" he winks again.

Robin huhs a bit and then shrugs. "Nah. Not hungry." he chuckles a bit and smiles.

Aikuen nods a bit and says, "Well. Still... I... Would be hungry." he laughs and his done. He grins as he reaches out into his pocket. Pulling out his hip flask and taking a bit of a swig. Before pocketing it.

Robin hums a little and smirks a bit. "I like her...sure...but I'm not hungry!" he laughs with a nod.

Aikuen chuckles and nods, "Sure sure... Matey." he laughs, "So anyway. How do you like the ship so far? Even if you have sleep with the crew?"

Robin huhs a bit and ohs! The stoat shrugs. "Its okay. I'd prefer to have my own room. I don't like sleeping in the crew quarters with beasts I don't know." he nods

Aikuen nods, "Well. You can buy your own ship. And have your own dang room! And i will sleep in the crew quarters!" he laughs, "And i will be happeh with it! Sides. You get to meet all sorts of colorful characters!"

"Yes like the fox we have," Will says, "and badgers .... lots of badgers on this trip."

Robin chuckles a bit slightly. "Yeah...well...I want my own room." he nods. "Maybe I can find an unused room around here or something." he nods. "Or maybe put up a tent." he thinks. )

Aikuen laughs at the quiet rat, "Exactly. They are so... Colorful characters! And we are all together... Like a tight family..." he then shakes his head, "Unless you plan to sleep in the hold... Or in sickbay. You are probaly gonna have to put up a tent." he laughs.

William shakes his head, "Yeah you do that. Pitch a nice little tent below deck an see what happens." Will doesn't like the sleeping arangements much either but he just rolls with it and has been keeping a closer eye on his possessions of late.

Robin huhs and ohs! "Yeah...a tent sounds good to me." he laughs a little bit and thinks for a few moments. "Wonder if I can get one big enough for me." he thinks, shrugging.

William sighs, "At least you know how t swim in case it were t fill with water for some reason."

Aikuen laughs, "Its cold. Dank. Wet... And smells like mold and varnish. But hey! If you want too.. Be my guest of the hold!" he snorts, "There is already water in there. If you are quiet. You can hear it sloshing around... And its smellyneess!" Hard to tell if he is now just poking fun.

Robin huhs a little and tilts his head. "Are you serious?" he asks, tilting his head a little bit with a hum.

Aikuen laughs, "Well. There is one in the middle hold. Its extra sail. Just make sure it don't blow away. We might need it..." he chuckles.

Robin nods and laughs. "Right! It will be good!" he smiles. "Maybe the last deck down will be good for me." he nods.

William is quick to agree with the otter.

Aikuen nods a bit, "Well yeah. All ships are like that... A little water is alright...Still... If you want too!" he winks.

Robin hums and thinks. "Okay. Second lowest deck!" he laughs a little bit.

Robin ohs and hums a bit. "Wow we're smaller than I thought." he nods and then laughs a bit. "Anyways. Oh! Storage room!" he smiles. "That sounds good." he nods. )

Aikuen nods, "We are quite a small ship... I made it like that. I wanted speed!" he zooms his paw through the air. He then chuckles a bit, "The storage room. Thats interesting... It might... Work. Though the swords and food might be a bother!" he laughs.

Robin grins. "The food wont be. I'll probably nibble a bit at night." he nods. "And I'll just move the swords. )

Aikuen chukles, "Well. Go right ahead then. Will. You can join them if you really need too." still doenst understand why they cant just common it up. He used to. The otter yawns loudly as he lets go of the helm. To leans against the back railing.

"In the storage room? .... Do I look like a stoat?" Will asks glancing behind himself. Nope tail's still not fuzzy. Good.

Robin smirks and pokes William in the side. "Hey! I'm not a stoat either!" he nods. "I'm a weasely thing. There's a difference. )

Aikuen laughs at the pair, "Yep... A pair weasely things..." he grins, "though the tails are not very convincing." he stretches and chuckles.

Robin laughs a little and nods. "Weasely thing!" he nods as he yawns a bit. "I'm hungry." he nods. "I'm going to go grab something to eat. I'll se you two later." he nods. )

Aikuen smiles and nods at the stoat, "Okay then...." he winks. He then stretches over the railing again. Before tuning around to look at the net that follows behind them. Mmmm. Primary fish catcher.
