Questioning Blisa's leadership (And she's only the temporary Chieftain because of the Marek's Revenge TP)
Just inside the gates of Ferravale
DoraRose the mouse. John the squirrel. Alvar, another squirrel.
The midday sun is hiding behind a rainbank, the sky dark and grey from the grumpy-looking storm clouds. DoraRose Strongheart is out wandering through Ferravale by herself, her only weapon her bastard sword. It's blue cat's-eye pommel stone matches it's owners eyes as she stops just inside the gate and speaks in low tones with a female rat guard, who is sharpening one of her 13 knives as she listens.
A cloaked figure comes from the tavern, a squirrel no doubt, as his bushy tail twitches in annoyance behind his head. Cursing the ill weather, John makes his way over to the gates, intending to take care of a few things in the wood. He pauses to nod a swift greeting towards the mouse.
The mouse nods in return, politely smiling lightly. The ratess grins in a slightly unnerving manner and flips her knife in the air, then sheaths it. the last few words of DoraRose's sentence can be heard as the squirrel gets closer, "...worried about Blisa. She has allot of responsibility for one so young."
John's ears perk up at the mention of the young leader. "Ah don' mean tae be rude, bu' that Blisa seems a tad bit..." He pauses, looking for the right word, "Unfit in thae, ehm, head. It coul' be due tae nervousness, perhaps?" The squirrel gives a small shrug.
The rat stiffens and snarls, but DoraRose just gently lays a paw on her arm, then turns to the squirrel. "How so? She has experienced allot of sorrow in her life, and she's doing the best she can."
Alvar comes along the path looking left and right, ears slightly flat as he nears the village.
John shrugs again. "So have Ah an' so 'ave ye, no doubt. Me point bein', she seems a bit young tae be a chieftain- I have'nt been 'ere for all that lon', so excuse me if Ah don' know all tha' much."
DoraRose nods. "Yes, she is. But she is the only heir to Scioto, who was captured by Marek at the takeover of Redwall. When we take the Abbey back, we will rescue Scioto and he shall return to his place here as Chieftain." The guards at the gates bar the way into the village and ask the approaching Gawtrybe squirrel, "Are ye friend or foe? Who're ye with?"
Alvar glares at the guards , "I am with no one and friend or foe depends, I am looking for Treesong." Wow he just spoke a lot and waits for a reply.
John's eyebrows raise. "Ahh. So she's Scioto's babe...That would only make 'er a few seasons, wouldn' it?" He turns towards the other of his kind. "'Ello there, Kinsbeast. Yer 'un o' thae Gawtrybe, aye?"
One of the guards whispers to the other, just loudly enough for Alvar to hear, "Treesong. She's the leader of the Gawtrybe. Miss Blisa says they're allies." The second guard nods, and they unblock the gate. "Ye may enter. Welcome to Ferravale." DoraRose chuckles slightly. "She's almost 6 seasons old. Not much of a babe anymore." The rat nods vigorously in agreement.
Alvar taps his footpaw. "I KNOW she is leader...for now anyways she be leader"
"Well, thae last time Ah saw 'er she was only tae or three seasons ol'..." John glances over at Alvar. "Last Ah saw 'er, Ah think she was headin' intae the town." Turning back to the rat and mouse, he continues talking to them. "As for Marek, 'un o' his captains are probably wantin' tae skin me alive." He chuckles. "Ah did knock 'er teeth ou', though."
The guards bare their teeth. "We weren't talkin' to you. Now, are ye goin' to enter, or are ye goin'ta stand there and insult us?" DoraRose smiles wryly at John's statement. "Good. She probably deserved it."
Alvar folds his arms over his chest, "You guards need to...quiet" Ok he doesnt fully speak well all the time, "I will be leader soon, not her, she is lost in her we will not be doing "
John shrugs. "She most likely did. Ruined me best sack, though..." After hearing the squirrel, John says, in a rather flat tone, "Oh. Sae yer thae 'un who won' help ou' thae abbey an' would rather us all die, aye?"
DoraRose chuckles, then cringes as the Gawtrybe mutineer's words reach her ears. Great. She decides to hightail it out of there. She's really not in the mood for a fight at the moment, and, besides, she had promised Blisa that she wouldn't be long. She taps the rats arm, and together the females slip away, leaving the others to fight/argue it out...
Thanks for reading!