Open-Air Fight....mwahahaha ;)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


A large area of fields and orchards takes over the northern parts of the village right up to the surrounding palisade walls, hiding the path entirely with just a few dirt trails leading through the vegetation. The crops now have order to their arrangement and poles tell what crops grow where. Here also is a small toolshed and an old stone cider press. Across the fields a wide stream flows and curves, cutting a couple paths, where the paths are a simple stone bridge crosses each path to the other side. By the fields a large storage building with a windmill built onto the side sits. There is also a grain Mill by the stream for wheat and corn meal. At least one beast can usually seen in the area, around the railings near the top of the newly build barn is an archer constantly watching for birds on the fields to add to the stockpile and occasionally keeping trouble from stirring.

Exits: [B]ee [H]ive Area, [T]o the [M]ill, [P]ond, [O]rchards, [S]outh

Blisa and Ferdinand, cat and ferret, respectively. Malcoda the magnificent marten and a spoofed fierce ferret dude. Dogan the plump mouse.

The street of Ferravale is fairly busy, and there is a crowd gathering around a charismatic beech martin who is taking some money from the crowd in a bag, "That's right, place your bets, me versus that huge ferret!" The crowds moves out to the farm, northward, to see what they think is a walkover between a skinny little martin and a huge ferret.

A small white kitten, about 5 seasons old, and a young adult ferret dressed in the uniform of the Ferravale guard, have come over to investigate, curiosity tugging them to the front of the crowd.  Most of the creatures in said crowd move otu of their way, recognizing Blisa, daughter of Scioto, and her bodyguard, Ferdinand, who is now frowning.  "We thouldn't be here."  He whispers to his charge, but she just shrugs and tugs him forward a little more.

A somewhat plump mouse shoves his way through the crowd meanwhile, raising his voice desparately. "The tavern! Please, goodbeasts, tell me where the tavern is!" He sounds on the point of despair by now.

The ring is nothing but a circle on the ground drawn in charcoal by a rat in the crowd. The beech martin calls to the crowd, "First out of the circle with both footpaws loses." He turns to the mouse, "The tavern is south and east of here." He sounds rather annoyed.

Blisa stops near the edge of the ring, ignoring her bodyguards' whispered urges to leave. "Are you sure you're allowed to fight here, in the open, with betting going on?" She asks innocently, hoping that the marten doesn't know who she is. "There's a fighting pit in the tavern; it's very well built."

Malcoda grins at Blisa, "Yes, but I kind of wanted more room, the place is a little small. And who might you be, little kitten?" The ferret enters the ring.

The mouse, meanwhile, sits down and leans his chin on his paw. This might be good.

Malcoda points to himself, "Ladies, gentlemen and birds...I am Malcoda, in this corner. Say, ferret, what is your name?" The big ferret chuckles, "Waard."

Blisa looks ready to bite somebody. She /hates/ being called little. And it ticks her off when people ask her something, then walk away before she can answer. She purses her lips, deciding to tell him later and let him stew under her glare. Ferdinand lays a paw on her shoulder, prepared to draw his sabre if necessary. He doesn't like this...

Waard the ferret lunges at Malcoda...and he steps slightly out of the way, tripping him and then getting to work...

Dogan claps at the blow but looks nervously at Blisa as well.

The big, dumb ferret did not know what hit him. Shots to the upper torso region, the diaphram, the head and finally the windpipe staggred him.

Blisa widens her eyes and soaks in every move. She gently copy them with Ferdinand later. Speaking of her bodyguard, he looks unhappy about something. Probably and open-air fight with bets on it. He's really sure it's not allowed...

The ferret stopped coughing and charged, but Malcoda redirected his force so that he was tottering with one foot on the circle's edge. Waard manages to keep one foot in the ring.

Blisa raises and eyebrow as her eyes widen. "Isn't he out now? Doesn't that mean he lost?" Ferdinand watches closely. He feels that there's a trick here somewhere...

Malcoda does not need a trick. He jabs Waard in both eyes and knees his stomach, sending him all the way out of the ring with a chilling, "I win."

Blisa makes a muffled shreiking sound, keeping her mouth closed. She fights to keep an excited smile off her face and covers her mouth with a paw. Ferdinand looks impressed. "Very good. Get him to the infirm!" He shouts, and some off-duty guards who were in the crowd nods and come foreward to do so.

Malcoda lets the ferret get taken away as the betters throw money at him, amazed and chatting amongst themselves. He bows to the wildcat gallantly, "I see you where impressed with my performance, miss."

Blisa smiles and gives a curtsey. "Yes, I was. You must be a great fighter. But I still think you might've broken a law." Ferdinand watches the crowd disperse, his paw on his sabre hilt, on alert and on guard.

Malcoda sees a chance and kneels down to meet Blisa's face, "How would you like me to teach you how to do this, and many other remarkable things?"

Blisa raises her eyebrows. "Like what kind of things? And I'd have to ask Daddy...and you should probably ask him before you do another open-air fight. He's the Chieftain here." Ferdinand smiles slightly. She handled that well. He doesn't have to intercede....yet.

Malcoda nods, "I will for sure. Come to the inn fighting pit sometime, and I will be there if I can." He smirks slightly.

Blisa cocks her head to one side, smiling curiously. "I'll be there. Ta-ta." She turns and minces off (well, she is a cat. They do that.) and Ferdinand follows, smiling and nodding good-bye to the marten.

Malcoda walks south, deliberately avoiding Blisa, "Soon...I will have my protégé." He slinks off, humming a creepy song.

Thanks for reading!  :)
