March 12 - Daggers, Dates, and Dibbuns

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Jo, Philio

Location: Camp Willow; Inlet Shoreline (In front of Phil's House)

wlaking in, and like always, soaked to the skin in water along with his habit Jo says, "Hello Philio."

Philio is sitting on the side of the bank, skipping rock across the water as he hums to himself. There is a large two story cabin behind the otter. Way off in the back. Phil looks off toward Jo, and he chuckles, "You know. Your going to catch a cold eventually" he grins.

The soaked otter removes his habit again and spreads it across a bush. "I know but i don' 'ave anythin' else to wear." Jo says with a frown.

Philio nods a bit, leaning back on his paws, "You could... you know. Not go swimming..." what a thought for an otter.

Jo nods and rubs his chin thoughtfully with a paw then frowns. "Not swimming? Well I guess i could take a break from it for a tad eh?"

Philio snorts, "Just for a little bit. Till you get some other clothes. And of course gets warmer. Cause hey! I like swimming as much as the next otter. But even i have my limits..." he chuckles, "So me matey. What you been up too?"

Jo walks over to Philio and sits down next to him and shrugs, "Not much, I 'ave yet to practice more wit' me sword and such."

Philio nods, "Well. Have you tried beating up a sock?" he laughs and shakes his head, "Im just joking. But still. Isnt there anything you could do...I mean. I cant help. Im a complete duffer at blades and stuff..." he shrugs, "Its okay though."

shrugging then standing up Jo pulls his blade out of its scabbard and looks at it and starts thinking, "Hey does camp willa' have wooden trainin' dummies?" Looking hopeful Jo grins a wide grin at his free flowing idea.

Philio blinks at the blade, before looking up at Jo, "Ummm... I think so..." he stands up as well, dusting his pants, "...If we have any. There would be somewhere in the training area... Which..." he blinks, pointing randomly, "...I forgot... School was a long time ago..." he chuckles weakly.

sheathing his sword Jo just stands there staring at the water, "How good are ye' wit' a blade?"

Philio blinks and the eyes the otter, "Ummmm.... Not very... Im pretty good with a dagger... But not enough to call myself 'good at it'... Maily what they teach to everyone here... Eh...Why?"

Jo perks his ears at that, "Show me." He says while removing a dagger from his leather bag, and takes on a fighting stance.

Philio blinks and shows his paws, "I'm no fighter. I use my dagger for fishing..." he reaches for his dagger, and unsheathes it slowly. The dagger is curved. A curved blade, "I don't...I dont know much..." he holds up the dagger, fore finger on the blades side, as he makes slicing motions in the air very quickly. Not much in the way of stance, besides his body turned, and his paw behind him.

using a come here gesture with his pointer finger Jo says, "Les'ee if ye' can fight wit' it, come at me."

Philio gulps lightly, "...Well... Okay... Try not to hurt me too much... i have a date tonight." Is the first thing that pops to mind, "And i rather not be injured..." he chuckles weakly. He bounces up and down a little on the balls of his pad before going in for a quick jab straight toward his middle.

Jo slides to the side with quick fluid movements and knocks Philio's blade out of the way with his own. "Let ye' opponen' make the firs' move eh?" He makes a slow jabbing motion back carefull not to stab him accidently.

Philio has his paw knocked out of the way, even having the blade loosened and dropped. And when the other otter makes for the jab, he dodges out of the way. By falling on his butt. Phil grunts, "See... i told you...." he grumbles, rubbing his backside.

Jo throws the dagger down making it stab into the ground and jogs over to Philio and helps his up, "One, ye' need a good dagger, Two, Ye' can fight if you applied yer'self to id' but you can fight to a poin'. " He says with a smile of encouragement.

Jo says, "No' that yer' dagger is bad its used for fishin'." Jo says with a wink, "Ye' can 'ave me dagger, i don' often use it.""

Philio grunts lightly as he is helped up. Nothing hurt but his pride and a very sore bottom, "I like my dagger. Its great for fishing... I don't want to learn how to fight. And if i did. Then i would have... Only learned what i had too in school..." he sighs, going over to pick his dagger and sheath it. He looks up slowly at the otter and tilts his head, "Really. I mean. I would like to have more. In case of vermin and stuff..."

jogging back to hwere he left his dagger he plucks it out of the ground then walks back over to philio, " 'ere, 'ave it, though di' I damage yer' blade?"

While the other otter does that, Phil checks out his own dagger, "Nah mate. Just a little mark here..." he points to a tiny niche in the blade, "Its still good for a little bit..." he reaches out for the other dagger and runs it through his paws, "Its really nice..." he thinks so anyway, "Thanks mate... Ill make a belt for it when i can..." for now, it goes in place of the curved blades sheath, and the curved dagger, gets place on his belt.

nodding Jo looks sorry for a sec, "Sorry for makin' ye' do tat' I jus' wanid' te' see what ye' could do."

Philio looks up, after he arranges his belt. He smiles, "It perfectly alright mate. At least im not too hurt. So ill be good for my date tonight. That's all i really care about. Besides now i know that i need a little more practice... May train in my spare time now" he hrms lightly.

looking about the areas Jo admires the foliage, Ahh nature, "Date?" He asks out of curiosity.

Philio watches him for a little bit, going to very slowly and carefully put himself back on the ground, "Oh yes. A date. You know. You met a nice beautiful girl. And you start courting her? You know, a date!" he laughs.

eh? Jo thinks to himself then blushes and rubs his footpaw on the ground knowing what philios means, "Oh yeah I...." He blushes slightly more, "Really 'avent er courted a girl otter."

Philio smirks lightly at the otter, "...Well... You look about of age ... And there is a lot of otter-maids around here... so..." he winks, "...You should give it a try. Its really wonderful. I tells yah." he chuckles, "... A Handsome catch like you. Should be no problem!"

blushing a little more, he looks at philio in an inquiring look. "ye' think there is someone out there who would um, date me?" Jo looking like he is in the clouds he thinks more about it.

Philio chuckles at the question, "Well yah. You can juggle, and you can obviously fight. Fun and protection. Plus your nice. There is a lot of things going for you... Just need to make yourself available." he winks, "... And just try it."

Jo asks, "T-try it? how??" He asks out of wanting to know, possibly badly...."

Philio chuckles going to stand up again. His butt wont let him sit any longer, "...Well Its really simple... And really difficult at the same time...." he smiles. "... All you really have to do is... When you spot one that you like. Just go over and say 'hello. How are you... my name is' blah-blah-blah... BUT That is easier said then done. I for one, am a nervous wreck. And i ran into a door after talking to her for a bit..." he chuckles, "But it was worth it..." he smiles warmly.

nodding showing that he is listening Jo asks, "And what's she like?"

Philio looks off toward the water, watching it ripple, "What is she like?... Well... She is absolutely... amazing. She is beautiful. Deep blue eyes... and soft fur. Smarter then anybeast i have ever met... Her smiles just makes me... fall apart... it makes me happy, really..." he smiles goofily and goes quiet.

suddenly a sparra flies in in great alarm, "A message for Jo of Redwall, and yes it is urgent!"

Jo quits blushing and looks at the sparra, "from whom??"

"Flicktail, Champion of Redwall, He says, "Careful beware of another white fox, not me but a fox who kidnapped a dibbun from Redwall, The name is Francis and he is comin' through yer' area so camp willow should be on their tails"------"That is all of the message, do you wish to give him a message back? I must be swift."

nodding Jo starts his message, "Aye there be a message, Ok Flicky we will as ye' say, be on our tails." He says with a frown, "That is it."

with hardly a blink of an eye the sparra disappears and heads back to flicktail.

Jo exclaims, "A fox kidnapping a dibbun!!!" He says angrily."

Philio is still pretty out of it, and when the sparrow comes into the play, he is thrown back form the sheer presence of it. He lands on his rear again, and by the time he is up to say something. The bird is already gone. He blinks at it before turning to Jo, "...And this surprises you? Vermin do bad stuff all the time... I hope they deal with 'it' quickly..." he growls lightly.

Jo nods to what philio says, "so shall we be on our tails??"

Philio nods a bit, "Yeh... we will be... We should go tell the guard. If they don't know already... And im going to go warn Kassle myself. Just in case..." he hrms, "I cant fight. But i can to save her if need be..." he sighs, "Stupid vermin... Cant just leave good enough alone..."

Jo thinks a little bit more about the situation and speaks again, "I am wondering if i should go to Redwall or I should find flicktail." Frowning as he says this and getting more angry than before, "And 'ere I thought we weren't in the dark ages, jeez! I can' believe this!!"

Philio scratches his chin fur, "Well. If you go to redwall house. That will help if there are any more dibbun-nappings... But if you go to flicky... i bet you can find the perpetrator even quicker..." he thinks about it for a minute, "Do whatever mate... And i know. But as long as there is an easy way out. Vermin well always take it. Even if it ruins the lives of others..." he rubs his eyes.

grabbing his habit Jo slips it on and ties the habit cord so it stays put then straps his sword back on his waist, shouldering his bag he suddenly pauses, "eh, does camp willa' 'ave anything more comfortable for flyin' in?"

Philio watches him, as he thinks about where Kass might be right now, "Ummm. Yah. The general store. Main grounds. Got a bunch of ottery clothing... They are pretty light considering..." he nods a bit.

Jo asks, "Ok um can ye' show me where this store is?" Asking out of a must hurry and do something that may help get the dibbun back kinda tone."

Philio rubs his chin and then nods, "Yah sure... Come on. Follow me..." and he starts to run off toward the center of the camp.
