LilyMoore Louise is becoming quite the comforter :)
This happens at the same time as this log:
RW Abbey: First Orchard
You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun is filtered through leaves and thus comes out to be a much softer light, one that's a little more manageable. At least, more manageable than the comparatively harsh light of the more open entryway and a pond area almost completely devoid of large, shade-giving plants that this orchard has in careless abundance. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself beneath the trees, only serving to add to the quiet comfort of the whole scene.
[It's summer! :D]
Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [S]econd [O]rchard, [D]umble's [L]og, [A]bbey [P]ond
3 Skeps
Zinnia the badger. LilyMoore the mouse.
Zinnia is sitting under a tree, quiet tears go down her face. Yes she has taken the day off and it seems to have been a good idea. She could not really do much or felt the energy to do much writing today or fixing books really.
LilyMoore has been picking flowers in in the orchard, and now she is headed towards the pond, admiring the ripening fruit. She spots the badger and runs over to her, smiling. "Zinnia!" her smiles fades when she sees the Recorder's tears. "Zinnia! What's wrong?" She stops by her side.
Zinnia gasps and quickly wipes away her tears as she forces a smile "Nothing, I am fine just some dust stirred up is all, did you need something Lilymoore?"
LilyMoore kneels by the Recorder, looking at her with very adult-looking eyes. "I want to help you. Please don't lie to me. I want to help you." She goes to rest her paw on the badger's arm. "What's wrong?"
Zinnia frowns now, she is not as good at hiding things as well as others may "I...something just upset me is all"
LilyMoore tilts her head to 1 side and goes to hold the badger's paw. "Wanna talk about it?"
Zinnia shrugs "I...I don't know. I am taking a couple days off and it's helped some. Just something me and papa talked about"
LilyMoore suddenly looks very sad and gazes at her basket of flowers. "I might know what it is, because I talked to my own father about it the other day. I'm old enough, and I know how to listen. What's wrong?" She looks back up into the badger's eyes.
Zinnia frowns, well no one else is here, "My...father said he is getting worse and...he wanted to make sure I would be. He even gave me this key that...goes to some stuff." She tries not to cry and does a fair job of it so far. "I almost just walked away but I stayed and talked with him some"
LilyMoore goes to hug the badger. "My Dad told me. It makes me sad, too." She wants to comfort the Recorder, but she isn't sure what all to do. She only knows that hugs seem to help.
Zinnia smiles slowly and nods, she is still upset but not as much for right now, "Guess it was good me and him talked, even on that sort of subject. He was washing dishes in the kitchen and I helped...guess he figured I wouldn't walk away as easily."
LilyMoore nods slowly "If he is.......going to die soon, then we should spend as much time with him as we possibly can. Talking, doing crafts, playing simple, easy games. Stuff like that. As much as we can. For as long as we can."
Zinnia nods "I know..." She fiddles with a key around her neck now as she talks.
LilyMoore watches her for a moment. "Whazzat?" She asks, pointing to the key.
Zinnia blinks and looks at the key "Oh, it goes to a drawer in my fathers room. Inside is his will and a key that...well ends up to his chest, where he has his blade and armor."
LilyMoore looks at the key curiously. "I didn't know that he used to be a Warrior. And what's a will?" She starts weaving a flower chain. Because she's bored physically and if she doesn't do something, she won't be able to focus on the conversation.
Zinnia smiles, "Yes he was a very skilled warrior, he saved me from slavers when we first meet. And A will is like...saying what one wants their family to do or have once they..." Here she frowns but goes on "After they die"
LilyMoore seems to droop, much like what some of her flowers are doing. "Oh...." she then changes the subject slightly. "You were a slave? That is so sad!"
Zinnia nods "Yeah, I was before I came here. I escaped for about a season. I was only 4 seasons and...well Nightfur found me and tried to recapture me and that's when Papa found me, course he wasn't my Papa at the time, he adopted me few weeks later"
LilyMoore listens intently. "Cool! I'm glad that you were rescued. Did you ever know your birthparents?"
Zinnia frowns and nods "Yes...they were killed by the slaver group. My birth father was killed , he died protecting me and mother...she ran with me and they found us, they killed her and then grabbed me, see she wasn't a fighter, she knew nothing of fighting and I was only a season and a half old, was a slave till I was 3 seasons and all alone till I was 4 was hard and...I sort of trusted no one between my 3rd and 4th season. Took me awhile to trust anyone here and Flicktail took the longest. I am unsure why I trusted Papa and Uncle Oz sooner, maybe cause they were badgers"
Zinnia chuckles "Now I didn't get along with them at first...even called Uncle Oz blind fool when he tried to talk to me and I kicked him...that was till someone picked me by the scruff of the neck and gave me a good long lecture for talking to the dibbun caretaker in such a way and no it wasn't uncle Oz that gave the lecture"
LilyMoore listens intently and kind of sadly, but giggling slightly near the end "Who gave you the lecture? Was it Zork? I could see my Momma doin' that."
Zinnia smiles "It was Zork...yeah, think was the only time he ever did a lecture. I am unsure still how he later decided to adopt me but I am glad he did"
LilyMoore grins. "Me, too. I'm so glad you were able to stay and be my friend." She holds up her very long flower chain, then goes to drape it over the badger's head onto her neck and shoulders. "You make this flower chain look pretty."
Zinnia smiles and gently hugs the young mouse"Thanks, your good at cheering a beast up"
LilyMoore grins as she accepts the hug. "I try." After a few more minutes, the bell for dinner rings, and the mouse dashes inside. She's suddenly super duper hungry!
Thanks for reading!