Holy cow! DoraRose just slapped Leon! And what in the planet is Lee wearin'?! Oh my cow, what is happening?!(Marek's Revenge TP)
Ferravale tavern
Basilisk the whiptail snake (that just promises insanity, doesn't it?). Leon the mouse. Melibella and Asha the rabbits. Blisa the cat, DoraRose the mouse, Lysa the rat, and 4 other guard types. Fury the ferret (that is seriously cool alliteration there, man). Lee the otter.
Melibella enters the tavern slowly and holds the newborn close to her and frowns, every time a vermin creature goes by she backs up or goes to the side, what ever to be out of the pathway.
Leon points to a seat in the far back and sits down, "Its alright trust me. most here wont hurt you and others that may are afraid to as they could get in trouble and the troublesome ones usually stay near the fighting pit way over there" He points to where it is and takes another couple sips of tea, "I seriously need a vacation"
Asha nose twitches as a lot seems to happen at once, she gives a small whimper at all the sights and sounds around her.
Leon hmmms and looks around, "I will be right back" He stands and goes over to a vole who seems to thrilled to see him, he pushes them away and says a few words to which they nod and soon he is walking back over to the rabbit with a bottle of milk for the baby, "Here..." He sits down leaning back in the chair.
Melibella takes the bottle and smiles, "Thank you.." She rocks Asha who seems very happy now that she has milk and ever so often makes a cooing sound.
Leon manages a smile and has a coughing fit, and takes a few sips of the tea he made.
Melibella frowns at the mouse as she feeds Asha, "Are you sure your ok?"
The door opens, and a small white cat comes in, escorted by a ferret and 5 other miscellaneous bodyguards, armed ot the teeth. Upon seeing the mouse healer, the kitten, who is none other than Blisa, screeches and runs over to him, saying, "I had heard you were dead! DoraRose is devastated! Lysa! Go get DoraRose!" A female rat with a good 13 knives nods eagerly and runs out the door.
Melibella eyes go wide as she sees all the vermin come to their table and frowns holding her newborn closer.
Leon looks up and speaks " I..." He gives a wait motion as he coughs roughly again and drinks some of the tea mixture and tries to talk, "They...are fine..." Coughs and frowns as he just leans back to finish the tea.
Asha just sleeps one of her pastimes...sleep and eat and that's it
As the door begins to shut a beast catches it with its tail. It is long looking, almost like a monitor lizard, but the creature beyond is much, much more fearsome. Opening the door with his muzzle a beast slithers in. It's body covered in dark green scales with ember eyes. Black skin can be seen where the scales begin to split, prehaps do to overfeeding. The fattened serpent somehow manages to get most of its bulk through the door frame and grins at all the tasty, juicy, tavern beasts sitting about the room. He gives them all a coy smile, "Good eveningssss..." The whiptail snake hisses.
Melibella frowns, great what is that, she gulps and looks ready to bolt, "I..I am not staying in here with..." As she moves Asha whimpers a little.
Leon looks up from his tea, "Just-coughs roughly- sit.." He sighs, he has got to get this coughing under control, the herbal tea will help but it will take a little while. Yeah he meet this snake already and he is sure it will remember him too.
Blisa turns, a bright smile still on her face, but it falters a little when she remembers the snake. Right. She promised to let him be her bodyguard. Blech. "BASIL!" she shouts in a commanding, fearsome way. "Get over here and stop trying to scare beasts! And so help me, if you hurt a single creature in here with no reason, I'm going to claw your eye out! Y'hear me!" Glancing sideways at the rabbit, she adds, "And no looking at this rabbit or her Dibbun! EVER!" A shriek of frustration can be heard from outside, and DoraRose's voice can be heard yelling, "Why are you still in the doorframe?! Move, you stupid reptile! My husband is in there so GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" The mouse goes to climb over the snake, black battleaxe in paw.
The snake widens his cheshire like grin. Who could ever believe that this completely innocent snake would ever harm a fly? Basilisk takes a bow, "Basssilisssk would never dream of harmingsss these critterssss...even though they do look very well marbled." Despite his order Basilisk does glance at the hare and her dibbun. He sizes them up for a brief moment, for what purpose is unknown. Basil does however grunt as the mouse clammers over him, "Esssspecially the moussse on my back. And you sssay /I/ eat too many cheessse bunsss."
Melibella frowns and holds Asha close, she doesn't trust snakes and is worried, for now she just stays quiet.
Leon manages a chuckle as he hears Dorarose and of course the chuckle causes him to cough, he takes the last sip of the tea he had and scoots the cup aside as he looks at Basil, "Well..its you-coughs-" He sighs, ok he will just let the herbs kick in, stupid cough.
DoraRose finishes clambering over the reptile, garnering admiring glances from many of the tavern patrons. Glaring at the snake, she goes to whack him with the flat of her battleaxe -- not enough to hurt, but enough to let him know she's ticked off at him. Storming across the tavern, the creatures at the bar should be able to see the tears forming in her eyes. When she reaches the group, she sniffs, then goes to slap her husband. Blisa gasps, stunned. She thought the mouse warrior would be happy... Ferdinand and the other guards just stare, mouths agape.
Melibella frowns and blinks at this, she isn't sure what to say and just sits there, and keeps a close eye on the snake.
Leon starts to smile but as he is slapped he lays a paw on his face and stares as if in shock at this, "W...What was that about?" He asks in total shock, what kind of hey your back is that?
Fury was already in the tavern and had been napping upstairs before coming down for lunch. What he saw astonished him when he entered the room, "What is the meaning of this?"
One of the windows across the room is pushed open suddenly, and an otter pokes his head in. "Wot be goin' on?"
DoraRose sniffs, then hollers, "Why do you keep doing this?! It's seems like every time my back is turned, you're getting kidnapped and half-killed!! Why do you keep doing this?!" she's starting to sob now. Blisa glances over at the otter and holds her paws out helplessly, not sure what to do about family arguments. Ferdinand spots his fellow ferret and imitates his boss's reaction.
Even the large snake seems to cringe when the mouse is slapped. Recognizing Leon as the beast that managed to out wit him at his game, the lets see you talk your way out of being dinner game, Basil gets a chuckle out of it. The serpent moves slowly, going across the far wall until he coils up in a small corner. A group of not nearly drunk enough beasts takes the opportunity to get out of the tavern. In fact once the snake moves it seems that the busy tavern has cleared out.
Melibella leans back and rocks her newborn back and forth, Asha slowly starts to go back to sleep now as she is feed a little more milk.
Leon takes a deep breath and speaks, "I did not plan on being grabbed by a vixen. Hudson is still out there and he has our dibbuns, I was going to go find the Gawtrybe for help or the shrews as someone though Log-A-Log was near the river. How was I to know- coughs again- I be grabbed and taken to Hudson. I did help the rabbit maid and her newborn by the way, but..." He sighs trying to stay calm. "Yes Hudson tried to kill me and probably thinks me dead, he has a lovely new sword by the way guess which one? I saw it pretty clearly when he stuck it in my face and tried to stab me with it!"
Fury tells everyone in the room "All right, stop this. I am here to keep Leon safe, on orders of the Abbey Champion and my fellow Sand Strider Warriors." He then turns to Blisa and tells her, "Get that giant reptile out of the front door!"
Lee climbs in the window, staring at Fury. "Really? Just wot is yer name, eh?" He turns and nods to DoraRose. "Long time, no see, Marm..."
Fury addresses Lee with a curt bow, "I am Bilasarn, but I am also called Fury."
Blisa poufs up, a little enraged. "How dare you? Who do you think you are?! I am Blisa, daughter of Scioto, Chieftain of Ferravale in his absence. Basilisk the snake is one of my bodyguards, and he will /not/ be forced to leave his post. He has strict orders to not eat anyone, or else lose an eye. Now do not you /ever/ speak in that manner to me again!" DoraRose sniffs as she glances at the otter, then turns back to her husband. "I don't know! All I know is that if I ever do loose you, for real, I won't survive! You're a healer, not a warrior! Please, please /stop/ putting yourself in harms way! PLEASE!" the mouse is really crying now, and is striving not to.
The snake chuckles at all the chaos he has generated. Basil likes the attention. "Beassstsss, calm yourselvessss." He also like to throw people for a loop with a curve ball everyonce in a while. He moves to seperate the beasts about to be mauled by Blisa and coiling around Dora and Leon to force them together. He is long and large enough to do this. "Basssilisssk hatesss to ssssee matesss torn apart by little thingss such as almosst dying." The snake goes to wrap his tail around Blisa and set her off in a corner, "And asssss for you young missss, shouldn't a cheiftesss be a little more forgiving of her ssssubjectsss. It's what your father would want." Basil smiles innocently. Not at all enjoying the chaos he creates...nope, not in the least. Well, maybe a little bit.
Melibella looks over at the snake and down at the now sleeping Asha in her lap.
Leon shakes his head, "Hudson has the dibbuns!..Hudson has Martin the warriors Sword! I may know an idea where he is or went and will help find him the..." Luckily he stops at this point in time as he sees Dora crying and stands to wrap his arms around her, softing his tone. "I am sorry Dorarose, I...I will, will have to be nearby when any major fighting happens, being a healer I will need to be there to well...heal beasts, but I can still be careful Dora...I love you."
Fury asks Leon, "Are you willing to have me help you with this...Hudson fellow?" He looks up at Basil, "For a giant reptile, you have a point."
Lee frowns at everybeast, raising his voice. "Oy, Hudson is mine ta pursue. 'E an' I have unfinished business. Beasts may 'elp, but Hudson is me own problem."
DoraRose wraps her arms around her husband and cries, ignoring all the chaos around her. Blisa goes to slip out of the snake's grasp and clamber up him, aiming to sit at the base of his head. "What do you know about forgiving and being a leader? Hey!" She turns to everyone else in the room, which is basically only the people talking and her guards. The barkeep is hiding under the bartop, and the rest of the tavern patrons left as soon as they could. "All of you! SIT DOWN AND NO TALKING UNTIL I ASK A QUESTION!!" she is looking very ticked off all of a sudden. Wonder why?
Giving a coy smile the snake nods to the ferret, "Of coursse, we ssssnakes are lonersss by trade. It givesss usss...a different perssspective..." He glances up to Blisa on top of his head and chuckles, "It sssoundsss like itsss passsts the cheiftainess's bed time...prehapsss I should take her home?" His coy smile slowly turns into something sinister however as he asks, "Unlesssss she wantsss me to eat some unruly beasstiess?"
Melibella stands and carefully holds her daughter Asha and goes to leave the tavern and head to the Inn.
Leon just comforts Dorarose and hugs her tightly, his coughing has stopped but he still isn't feeling all that great, "Its ok...I will stay outta trouble, well best I can anyways no more going outside Ferravale as I wouldn't think Hudson would come inside here." He gets a thought and looks at the snake. "Eat Hudson, he may try and harm my wife and if you don't eat him or Lee isn't here...I WILL kill Hudson myself."
Fury isn't in a defiant mood. He needs to live long enough to help with taking down Hudson. So he sits down and invited Leon and his wife and Lee over with a, "Sit." But his fur is bristling all over like hedgehog quills.
Lee frowns, before sitting. "Hudson won't make it back 'ere. Hudson will perish at me blade, an' his head will be a trophy for Marek..."
DoraRose is shocked at her husband's confession, but she doesn't react about it. What she has to say on the matter can wait until later. She sits near Fury and goes to pull her husband down to sit beside her. Blisa bares her teeth furiously at the snake, muttering, "Don't try me, Basil." Glaring around the room, she focuses on the otter and snaps, "Whaddaya mean, trophy for Marek?" Ferdinand notes what the otter is wearing and says, "Hey, that armour lookth kind of like what the tax collector wath wearing when he came here. How'd you get it?"
The snake chuckles nervously then slithers around to the door, depositing the tiny Blisa at the table where Fury invited them to go. "Bassilisk eat Marek AND Hudssson?" He asks joyously.
Leon sits by Dorarose and for now stays silent.
Fury looks Lee over, "You are right, that is the armor of Marek's army. So the question is, what is your game otter? Oh, and your name will do too." His eyes narrowed in mild suspicion.
Lee frowns. "Me name, though it be no concern o' yers, is Lee. Head Guard o' Redwall Abbey." He peers at everybeast. "I'm surprised none o' ye, beside Leon, whom I save just last night, has asked 'ow I can be outside the Abbey..."
DoraRose sniffs. "I figured that you escaped out the North wallgate like I did..." she suddenly turns to her husband, since what he said is now finally sinking in. "Whaddaya mean, Hudson has the Dibbuns?!" Blisa crosses her arms, glad that a civilized conversation is happening, and upset at the latest turn of events. "Why are you wearing Marek's hordesbeasts armour? Did you defect?" She waves and nods distractedly at the snake, indicating that yes, he could eat both of their enemies.
The snake nods in reply, and both because he thinks the mouse warrior is a crazy ax wielding mouse warrior. So he smiles and nods politely when addressed. The level of tension in the room has risen, that much he can feel. "If I can eat Marek..." the snake begins to smile again, showing off his fangs as he slithers slowly towards the otter, "Doessss not that mean I can eat the beasssts that work for him?"
Leon frowns, "Yes he has the dibbuns, Sister May, Streamheart and he almost killed Oz. When I spoke with Hudson last night he seemed to delight in this fact, he also assumes Oz is dead and I sort of lied to Hudson and told him he was dead. Oz is...according to Lee, in the Redwall infirm, not too good of shape but he is alive."
Fury climbs onto the table in a smooth motion, still bristling, leaning into Lee's face, "I already know why you are out of Redwall, Lee. Because Marek let you. Your here for a reason that I bet is being up to no good. So either explain yourself or I will have to do my job."
Lee's paw reaches for one of his hidden daggers. "Ye get out o' me face, or there will be a fight. Me motives are none o' yer concern, suffice ta say that Hudson is me priority, savin' me wife Stream'eart is me main agenda. As for me other plans, I'm afraid this tavern be too dangerous a place ta reveal 'em..."
Blisa puts her paws to her temples, thinking quickly. "Okay, fine, then. Lee, you may wait in the holding cell until you feel safe enough to tell us of your plans." she strides over to the snake and goes to perch at the base of his neck again. "Guards, please escort the otter there. Ferdinand, please escort DoraRose, Leon and Fury to my home..." she decides travel by snake might be unsafe when going through a door, and so she hops down and heads out the door. Ferdinand groans and takes DoraRose by the paw, following the kitten. The mouse warrior goes to try and get her husband to grab the battleaxe shaft and follow. The rest of the guards surround the otter, aiming to escort him to the holding cell when he's ready, knowing that the kitten is safe with the snake and Ferdinand and DoraRose with the whopping big axe.
The large snake makes one final hiss as he turns for the exit, "I look forward to sssseeing you all again...prehapssss for dinner..." He smirks at what he considers to be his own dry wit. Basilisk takes his exit, leaving behind an air of foreboding doom that is only broken when he gets stuck in the door frame. With a sigh he sucks in his gut as much as he can and squeezes through.
I had to log off here :( Thx 4 reading! :D