Fighting Zarola And After Math..

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happen RIGHT AFTER ==

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

Spring brings soggy grass -- though green, now -- in this open ground. The ground is saturated with melting snows and spring rains, causing muddy spots to dot the field here and there. Green growth is sprouting up everywhere, taking over the tiny bits of snow that can still be spotted hither and yon in secluded areas of the open ground. All and all a cheery scene, with the new growth and such -- but hazardous for the unwary.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]

Zarola hisses as it seems her prey gets away and turns to the badger, "You intruptedzzzzzzzzz breakfast zzztripdog"

Zork swings his large blade, "I have this now, what do you have?" Anger is in his voice.
Zarola chuckles as she hisses circleing the badger, most leave her be and for good reason too as she shows her fangs and claws, "I have clawzzz and fangzzz and am zzzzeasons younger than you " Her powerful tail move back and forth, "Your not to have that outzzzz maybe zzzhow you whyzz"  She lunges for the badger's side.
Zork sidesteps out of the way and swings his blade at the monitors tail, eyes narrowed and his temper is starting to rise a little. "I am a seasoned fighter and won’t let you harm me friends!"
Zarola hisses loudly as the blade cuts deep into tail and she hisses more and uses it to slam into the badger's back if she can.
Zork sees it coming out of the corner of his eye and goes to get out of the way, just barely as it does get him off balance a little.
Zarola goes to take her claws to his back and again slam her tail into his back after that, the force is most likely enough to finish making half her tail come off if she connects with his back.
Zork swings his blade at the same time and leans his head back to avoid her claws as he was facing her, he tenses up as the tail hits him painfully in the back and he falls forwards onto the ground and slowly stands snarling at the monitor again as he grips his blade in both paws and takes a fighting stance taking a couple deep breaths.
Zarola gasps as her the lower half of her tail comes off and glares at the badger, she notices the deep breaths and grins showing her fangs "Whatzzz the matter ztripedog? can take a break while I hunt down your friendzzz." She catches sight of where the abbot and otter dibbun went, "Therezzz?...and who is Oz?" She smiles coldly "De dibbun watcherzzzz....I zeee now, I zzhall over power a blind badger easyly."
A deep growl forms, "Ya leave my little bro alone, ya touch him, or Lorimis, or Starlight it be de last thing ya do!!" Anger building as he grips his blade tightly and then charges the monitor" Redwallllllll!"
Zarola chuckles insanely, she sidesteps just in time to avoid major injury, and gets a line of red on her arm, she makes another attempt to claw at the badger's back, "Brother?..zzzounds like a challenge"
Zork takes a deep breath in as he feels the claw marks appear on his back and pants as he starts to sweat and grits his teeth in pain from his back and oddly his chest as he holds a paw there and takes a deep breath, and turns facing the monitor, "You..will stay, stay away from Oz. I won’t let you near him" He takes the blade back on two paws again and is slightly shaky?
Zarola smirks "Are we having troublezzz breathing?" She seems to delight in this and again backs up to the dorm steps, 'I will letzzzz you relax. I am checking on zzomeonr, who zzzhould I eat first hmm? A dibbun or the abbot?" Yes she is purposely trying to anger him, "Hmm ZZZZtripdog?"
Zork narrows his eyes and raises his blade and charges her again, "Your won’t touch no beast!" He goes to aim for her chest as he swings his blade, his aim is starting to get a little off now and not as strong.
Zarola eyes go wide as she barely again avoids him hitting where he aims, she hisses as a deep gash forms on her arm, she sees a couple ferrets who look like they rather not come to her" Kill him!" The ferrets do as they are told and the two ferrets attack the badger on either side as the monitor watches, ready to still attack as well.
Zork looks on either side of him as two ferrets join in the fight and swings his blade beheading one and the other gets a stab in Zork's shoulders the badger makes a fist and punches the ferret out cold and pants as he holds his bleeding shoulder and almost staggers backwards, he keeps his balance and a shiver seems to go through him.
Zarola shakes her head as the ferret dies and one is knocked out, it matters not to her. Blood goes down her shoulder as she watches the badger and using all her strength she goes at him full force aiming to slam him to the ground.
Zork sees her coming but fails to prevent himself from falling backwards, he tenses up as the wind is knocked out of him and tries to get another breath, he uses his energy to push the monitor away from him enough to also try and wound her more, but is showing some signs of having trouble.
Zarola starts to laugh as she goes to try and rip his throat out with her claws till she is shoved off and she gets stabbed in the side of the arm, the same arm he just wounded and she rolls to the side and hisses loudly.
Zork lays on the ground and manages to avoid death and gulps a little at just how close that was, he slowly gets up and is very shaky on his foot paws and holds his chest and his sword in the other paw as he pants and seems to have trouble fully getting his breath back. He looks at the monitor "S..Serves ya..ya right scum, don't mess with me"
Zarola smirks, "Izzz that zooo zztripedog? You zzeem to be having trouble?" She shows her fangs" I am barely tried at all"
Zork frowns, " Yes, I am a trained..fighter, a warrior and blacksmith and as long as I still...still breath" He coughs a little, "You won’t be harming any beast"
Zarola watches him and smiles her insane smile" Oh, we zzzhould fix that then, zzhouldn't we?"
Starlight crawls from her place under the bed and to the dibbuns room and then looked outside frowning at the fight .
Zork grips his sword and frowns at the fact it’s a bit oddly heavy to him and decides it’s the fact he hasn’t sleep in a day and a half and now this fight has really worn him out, "Like you..could"
Zarola grins and rushes forwards to slam her arm into his chest, probably opening herself to get wounded herself, but she aims to try and kill this fool badger.
Starlight frowns and stays inside for now.
Zork swings his blade up and to her neck, least he aims there as he one again hits the ground and tenses up in pain as it jars his shoulder, which already hurts some and this makes it worse and pain isn’t helping any other pain leave , it seems to make it worse as he gasps out for air. Sweat goes down his face as he shivers a little.
Zarola hisses loudly as the blade cuts deep into her shoulder and her side gets some of the blade as well, She hisses in his face and, "Let the pain goezzzz away." She tilts her claws paw and aims for his throat as her foot paw holds him down, he isn’t getting out of this one it appears.
Starlight makes a bad decision and climbs out the window and lands on the ground with a small eep, she then runs on all fours and straight to Zarola and jumps up and sink her teeth into her arm if she can and this time bites down harder than she did last time.
Zork grits his teeth as pain flows threw him, not from the claws, something else, he sees Starlight and yells "Starlight No!!"
Zarola suddenly has her plan, once again stopped as the otters teeth sink into her wrist and all the way to her bone, blood seeps down her arm as she shakes her arm to free the dibbun from her wrist and gets up and away from the bagger so she has more room to get this dibbun off her.
Starlight just holds on more and starts kicking the monitor with her legs, yes it probably will do no good but she is trying to keep her away from Zork.
Zarola hisses, the kicks don't really matter to her. She goes to try and pry the otters teeth off her wrist and hold on to her with her other clawed paw.

Starlight finally let’s go as she kicks the wiggles in the monitors paw, "You is mean! you need go away or I bite you again."

Zork gets up on his foot paws and loosely holds his sword. He is having trouble breathing but he can’t go anywhere right now, he holds the blade up "Release The dibbun!"
Zarola offers the badger a smile with fangs showing, "Release the dibbun?" She laughs insanely, "Poor choicezzz of words zzztripedog!" With that she releases the dibbun by going to grip her by the throat and then throwing her fairly hard onto the ground.
Starlight starts kicking more as the monitor tries to make her not breath, she then hits the ground and lands in a way that would make it hard to tell if she is ok or not. She is knocked out and so she doesn't move.
Zork snarls as he sees this, any pain or trouble breathing he has he pays it no attention as this has peeved him off, he swings the blade at the lizard with all his strength, not really aiming for any certain area.
Zarola moves away since it’s clear the badgers swing is off, a few scales are taken off her side. She goes to take both her clawed paws at the badger "Oh no..izzz it dead?" Least she hopes the dibbun is dead as she laughs.
Starlight isn’t dead but she is clearly unconscious and still has yet to show any movement.
Zork pants and narrows his eyes at the monitor, his foot paws are shaky as he stands and he frowns at the fact the sword is suddenly heavy for him, the pain he was feeling feels a 100x worse now as he gasps, he only has some claw marks on his back and a cut on his cheek what the heck is with other pains, he weakly swings the blade at Zarola, "You..w...will pay fer that.." He closes his eyes and opens them again.
Zarola grins, "I willzzzz, zzzeems you are having troublezzz, thizzzz is fun."
Zork glares at the monitor " having no trouble" He uses all the strength he has to bring the sword down upon the monitor.
Zarola is in shock as the blade cuts into her side, she hisses and quickly claws towards the badger's neck, she is a little tried herself so may miss if he moves.
Zork quickly covers his throat with his arm, the claws go across his arm instead and leaves marks, he then takes a deep pained breath and goes to shoves the lizard backwards .
Zarola falls backwards and hissses loudly at the badger, "Thizzzzz izzzz not over!" She goes to back up.

Starlight starts to wake a little

Zork holds his chest and takes a deep breath and looks at Zarola, "It...isss..foul..lizard.." He holds up his blade and suddenly drops it, it may get her foot paw but that’s not what he was aiming for, "Seasons...." He gasps in pain and has a scare look on his face, the blade he could lift for easily is suddenly so heavy.
Zarola does get a couple toes clipped and narrows her eyes, she tilts her head and smirks seeing the badger in pain, "Whatzzz the trouble?" She scoots back and decides to go crawl off someone to tend to her wounds. The knocked out ferret stirs but the monitor grabs him by the throat and takes him with her and goes to hide in some dark corner of the abbey grounds, some bushes by the wall will do nicely, to the ferret she says , "Tend to my woundzzzz...then we can discuzzzzz lunch" The ferret gulps and tends to the wounds and then finds out what she meant by lunch.

Starlight slowly wakes up and whimpers

Zork manages a glare at the monitor and frowns as pain goes threw him and the sword he can’t lift, he didn’t think he was that tried as he breaths in and out and shivers, he barely hears Starlight and slowly goes over to her, "Sta..." He holds his chest and falls sideways and frowns
Starlight hurts from where she hit the ground earlier and limps over to Zork and goes to lay a paw on him looking worried.

Zork looks at Starlight with a pained look, "Your..alive...oh " He is clearly in pain and tries to get up and only manages to get up long enough to get to the infirm door.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Zork barely makes it into the infirm, using any strength he has and still dragging the sword along, he lets that drop at the doorway. He doesn’t have that many wounds at all just claw marks on his back and shoulder, not too deep and a cut on his left cheek. He takes in a pained breath and holds his chest shivering some and takes one step and falls over. Well he made it to the infirm, sort of. He gasps as it hurt some but not as much as anything else and it’s clear he is having trouble breathing.

Starlight had followed and frowns, she goes to sit in a corner and stare.

Angela had been helping an amputee patient with some exercises when the badger comes stumbling in. She is instantly on alert, and hobbles over to him, kneeling down on the floor beside his large frame. "Where's it hurt, son? Show me." She is checking his pulse and breathing. A trio of Novices, having gotten kind of used to the old healer's ways, have cleared off the biggest examination table and are preparing hot water, bandages and pain-killing herbs and poultices.

Zork tries to take a few breaths but doesn’t speak, and whatever hurts has got him scared, he has fear in his eyes as he holds his chest and coughs , he takes a couple breaths as he grits his teeth and manages to speak.." C...Chest..back..."He shivers as if cold and shakily rubs his arm a little. "Ca...can't b..breath..good"

Angela frowns slightly, then goes into all-business mode. "Help me get this badger on the table!" The trio of Novices, as well as about 5 others, come rushing up and go to lift the badger onto the examination table. Angela is over at the herb cabinets, and is busily pulling out herbs and setting them on the counter near the examination table. "Hurry! You! When ye set 'im down, make as big a batch of white willow bark tea as ye can!"

Zork doesn't complain as he is lifted up, he tries to help but does a poor job of making it less hard to get him laid down, the room seems, to him, to spin some as he still shivers and closes his eyes as he tries to block out the pain he is having. His one wrist is seen to have some marks on it, probably the monitor he was fighting. His breathing doesn't get any better lying down, maybe slightly worse even.

The Novices all rush around, doing as the Healer tells them. One brings over what is probably the largest teapot in the Abbey, filled to completely full with white willow bark tea. Angela pours out a cupful, dilutes it with cold water to cool it, and offers it to the badger. "Ye need to drink this. It'll make the pain stop." She adds some other unidentifiably herbs into the teapot to steep with e willow bark. The first cup is straight white willow bark. With no sweetener. Yuck.

Zork groans and opens his eyes, he takes a small sip and makes a face and coughs. He tenses up in pain again and takes a deep breath, but he tries to drink the tea and coughs after drinking almost all of it, a little getting on his tunic as he shivers again and looks at her threw half closed eyes now.

Angela pats his shoulder and refills the cup. "Hush, I'm right 'ere. There's somethin' going wrong with yer 'eart, but I'm gonna do all I can to make it better. Trust me." A Novice brings a blanket and goes to gently place it over the badger, tucking it around his shoulders.

Zork frowns, his breathing seems to go worse as he tries to speak and tenses up in pain, he looks at the slightly blurred Angela.."I....ohhhhhh, the..mon..monitor..." He shuts his eyes tightly again and tries to relax, maybe that’s a bad thing even.."W..Why arm..." His speech becomes slightly slurred now..he knows something isn’t right.

Angela places a gentle paw on his forehead. "Hush, just stay calm. Ye might die otherwise. Hush." She doesn't mention that he might be dyeing anyway. No need to worry him more. "There's somethin' wrong with yer 'eart. That's why yer arm is feelin' like it is. Now hush. I'll keep the Dibbun in here for a little while." She goes to give him more tea, which tastes better than it did before she threw those other herbs in.

Zork seems to relax some, or best he can threw pain and labored breathing, he can’t control his shivering as he drinks the tea with some help and coughs a little. He had a little pain before but it passed this isn’t so far, it has eased just a little but still hurts a lot as he finishes the tea and takes a deep breath coughing a little as some of the tea went down wrong maybe.

Angela smiles softly, seriously frustrated that there is nothing more she can do except keep him calm and still and make him drink white willow bark. Sigh... "That's the way. It's alright. I'll give ye yer tea a little more slowly. I'm sorry. Don't worry." Another Novice comes up and places a cool wet towel on the badger forehead.

Zork nods weakly, "So..weak. Never felt so...weak" His eyes flutter a little but he does keep them open

Angela nods and offers the badger another cupful of the tea. "That happens a lot with beasts who 'ave problems with their 'earts. Don't try to do anythin' need to stay calm and still, or ye will die." She gently presses the wet towel, making some of the water squish out.

Zork frowns, "Not..had problems before...can't not do..warrior." He manages a few bits of tea sips and shivers again, he is too weak to move, "Arm..can't places" He coughs as he takes another couple sips and the breathing seems to worsen some, and his pulse is not doing to good either and he looks ready to pass out soon.

Angela checks his pulse again and frowns a little. "Hush, I know. Ye might not ever be able to be a warrior again, I'm afraid." She shakes her head as a Novice hollers as he tries to pick up the big whopping' badger sword. "I might have to have yer brother put that sword of yers back where it belongs. I ain't lettin' you pick it up for a long while." The Novice groans and hobbles over to a chair, complaining about a possible pulled muscle...

Zork has grown quiet, some of the pain is lessening and some still there but it’s hard to tell that as his breathing is still troublesome and his pulse weak,..."Ozzy.." He says weakly, taking a couple pained breaths and shivers slightly, "Gotta...tell tell..." His speech starts to get slurred as he starts to slip into a faint..." l...luv little...bro." His eyes then shut. Yes he is still alive, barely alive and barely holding on, but holding on for now.

Angela sighs deeply and lets her frustration show now that the badger is passed out. "Move 'im to a bed and keep constant watch on 'im. If he dies....let me be the one to break the news to 'is brother. I think 'twould be best." The novices nod and go to move the badger into the nearest cot, being as careful as they can to not jostle him.

Zork is moved, and that takes a lot of strong beasts to do so, to a cot, he shivers slightly and mutters something unheard and slips deeper into a faint, he is not in a deep faint and it’s hard to tell when he will wake from it. His breathing and pulse stay low, they don’t get any better but no worse either at least.