Ferravale Graveyard

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The Ferravale Graveyard was made in seasons past and has been described as perpetual gloomy place regardless of weather fair or not.


To get to this place from the Ferravale's entrance one must go west, then north, then to the village pond, and there one will find the pathway to the Graveyard.


Known graves:


Wife of former chieftain Scioto and mother of the former chieftain Blisa, a cat. Died during Lorimis’ 13th season as Abbot, in late summer.


Next to Dazzle's, child of Dazzle and Scioto, a cat. Died during Lorimis’ 13th season as Abbot, in late summer


Squirrel warrior from the highlands to the north, found dead during the Second Winter of Thundersnow, Lorimis’ 23rd season as Abbot of Redwall.


Former head guard of Ferravale, a wildcat. Died during Lorimis’ 17th season as Abbot of Redwall, in late summer.


Former master healer of Ferravale, a stoat. Died at the beginning of the Summer of Friends and Renewal, Benar's 1st season as Abbot of Redwall.


Sister of Scioto, and aunt to Blisa. A cat who worked for and later slain by Nightfur during the First Winter of Thundersnow, Lorimis’ 19th season as Abbot.


A rat assassin. Died during Lorimis’ 16th season as Abbot, in late spring.


An owl, died during Lorimis’ 13th season as Abbot, in late summer.


A lizard friend of Ferravale, found dead at the end of Lorimis’ 13th season as Abbot, in late summer.

Scioto's Grave

The former chieftain died at the beginning of the Summer of Journeys, Benar's 5th season as Abbot of Redwall, and he was presumably laid to rest in Ferravale's graveyard.