February 26 - Hidden Marsh

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Kassle, Philio

Location: Camp Willow; Dock, Hidden Marsh

The dock. A good place for swimming, fishing and a good place to find boats. Kassle extends her staff as she halts at the dockside, knocking it gently on one of the logboats she stops to look at, causing the little boat to sway and buck softly in the water. A few tiny fish scatter from underneath it, causing her to smirk slightly.

At the very end of the dock. Sitting in his boat. Philio sit and waits. Due to the waterline, his head is completely obscured from sight from the wood. Unless some beast was looking directly down on him. He is abnormally silent as he runs some string though his paws. His ears then turn to the sound of knocking and he blinks. He stands up in his boat going to peer over the wood. A small smile spreads across his face.

Kassle leans on her staff, watching the fish, apparently not yet aware of Philio. She looks from the fish to her own feet, then tips a toe, testing the water. Much warmer than it has been. The ottermaid sits, her legs dangling off into the water, laying her staff on the dock beside her as she seems to be waiting.

Philio bites his tongue. As it seems, she hasn't noticed him yet. Well. He can soon remedy that. He carefully sits back down in his boat. Placing the string back in its pile. He then unhooks the rope keeping the boat attached to the dock and he drifts away. After a few seconds when he sure he wont knock the dock. He takes a paddle from the side and he pushes around the dock. As silent as he possibly can. To the other side of where Kassle is. Now here is the tricky part. He puts the paddle back in the boat and he lays flat agasnt the keel. As he reaches up to traverse the pilings of the dock. Head first. Under where Kassle is.

Apparently he's doing well; she's still sitting there, swinging her feet above the water. Her eyes have turned from the fish, and she's looking out over the water now instead, enjoying the evening while he waits.

Philio clenches his teeth and fangs as he slowly. Ever so slowly moves around under the dock. The pilings are everywhere! And once or twice his boat just gets mere millimeters away from knocking one of them. But luck seems to be on his side tonight as he scoots into position. Just enough so he can reach her footpaws. But enough to not be seen if she looked straight down. But sadly enough to be seen, if she actually looked under the pier. Which is okay. He warms his paws up for a second before reaching up and trying to tickle her footpads. All the while still trying to be quiet. Though that may not last long.

"Ack!" Up go her legs, immediately checking for a bug or anything to account for the sensation. Nothing there upon inspection. Experimentally, she lowers her feet back down, swinging them and searching with them for reeds or grass that might be under there; though a suspicious 'Hmm' noise reveals she's probably thinking something different, even if she's not ducked under to look yet.

Philio places his free paw over his mouth to keep from making noise. Its too funny. He snorts quietly and to himself until her legs are dropped back down. He waits a moment, just admiring her footpads for a second. Before going in for a second attack. He leans up and blows air on them. The problem with that. Is that it causes the boat to drift a little off in one direction. And it knocks one of the pilings. Just enough to make a light thump. He blinks and steadies the boat again. Well. So much for his fun.

"Ack!" She twitches her legs at the air blown on her pads, then tilts her head as she hears the thump. *Splash!* She's jumped in, turning in the water to grin at the boat she now sees, under the dock. "Hello, Phil-mo." Apparently she doesn't seem to mind that she's just soaked her clothes.

The otter just blinks at her when she jumps in. A smile spreading across his face when she sees that it was done on purpose. Not his fault. And not only that, It looks like she doesn't even mind. "Hey Kass... I was just..." he gulps once before tilting his head, "Isn't the water cold?" True, otters are more adapt to it. But dang.

"Yes." The ottermaid considers carefully, looking down at the water than back up. "Yes, the water is cold." She paddles toward the boat. "But... I suspect, a great deal warmer than it has been recently." Still she shivers just slightly. "Warmer than the Broadstream is at this time of year."

Philio moves the boat closer to her. Using his paws as paddles, "Well yes. There are no floating ice monoliths anymore. Spring is just around the corner... But. Your just a little crazy aren't yah!" he chuckles and grins, as he reaches down to help her into the boat. The shiver gives him that feeling in his stomach again, "Grab my paw. Ill help you up before you freeze to death" Its not THAT cold. But its just an expression.

Kassle offers her paw out as he reaches, grinning despite her sodden outfit and her shivering. "Well, they say that there's a fine line between madness and genius, so I'll take you calling me 'crazy' to be a rather nice compliment, thankyou." She slithers up and into the boat with help. "And, thankyou again."

"Your welcome i guess?" Philio says to the crazy compliment. And then when she is up he bows his head slightly, "Now don't get water everywhere. Oh drat! Too late!" he laughs, taking off his coat, going to drape it over her shoulders. Now its Phil's turn to shiver. But he takes it with a smile, "You alright? Do i need to go burn a tree or something?" The boat has two wide benches. They both sit on the back one, near the stern. A side pocket on each side, each one holding a oar. And in the bow. What looks like a basket covered in a picnic cloth. The stern of the ship holds some random equipment. A towing line, and few other random assortment of things.

Kassle smirks, slowly sitting upon the seat, shivering under the coat, but drawing it around her carefully. "Oh, what? No! Please, don't burn any trees, I certainly wouldn't want you to do that. Er, sorry about the water..." She looks around, noting the boat and its contents. "So, a... a picnic?"

Philio chuckles, and holds up his paws "Okay!! I wont burn any trees? But if you don't stop shivering... I may have to do something about it... Oh i don't know... Maybe... Something like this." he scoots closer and puts an arm around her, "There... Are you warm now?" The water thing gets a chuckle. He doesn't care one tick. All he really cares about that she stop shivering. He taps his nose when she asks about the picnic, "Maybe..." he grins. Like he knows something.

"Getting there." She grins, and draws the coat further around her with his arm there. "Hm. You have a picnic and a cloth in this boat, alongside the usual boat equipment... This is our second date, as well, and a picnic seems often associated with a date. Unless, of course, you're purposely decoying with an intent to surprise..?"

There is a wink from the otter as he gives her what can only be classified as a side hug with one arm, "Maybe. Possible. Could be. No one knows. Even i don't know!" he grins, "But! What i do know. Is that..." Is what? Philio isn't going to tell. He grins before asking, "Are you all warm enough?" He says, going to pull the oar out of the pocket. On his side. Get this date a-started!

"Even you don't know? Hm. Well, now, won't that make everything a little difficult for this date?" She takes hold of the oar on her side, leaving the coat draped over her, not so much cold or shivering now. She pushes the oar and draws it back, fluidly, like all her movements. "I'm warm enough. Thankyou."

"Ah, Good Then. I would not be happy if you were. Make this date seem a little... Chilly?" Philio chuckles, and goes with her rowing. Like her. His motion with the oar is fluid. But only with the oar. Not the most graceful of beasts he is. He matches her speed as they row farther and farther into the inlet, "Yep. Even i don't know" He finally answers, "But that's the beauty and the fun part... I like to be a little spontaneous once in awhile... Don't you? Just for kicks?" he asks, as he starts to steer the boat to a particular spot. But still not saying where.

She rows, but blindly then, if neither of them know which spot. Blindly, still, if only he knows and isn't telling. She's still smirking. "A little chilly? Hm." She hesitates around the question. "Perhaps... Very occasionally... I rather like to have some things planned."

Philio smiles, and gives her a wink. He does know. This whole thing is planned out. All inside his little brain. But he doesn't want to give it away just yet, "I know... Well... I tell you one thing. That basket... Is a-part of it... Buts that's it! That's all i'm saying..." he chuckles, "Oh... and... Over there..." he points to where a mountain of reeds grow in mass. Okay. So two things.

Kassle turns her head, looking from picnic basket to the reed mass. "So. Picnic basket and over there. My logical guess would be to believe that we'll be picnicking over there... However, that seems rather deceptively simple considering how you've done things so far."

Philio wrinkles his muzzle at her, "Good guess. As... Thats a part of it. But i have already said too much!" he makes the motion of zipping his lip. He hums a happy little tune, until they run aground in the reeds, "Aha! We are here! Wait here please..." He jumps though the reeds is lost among the tangle. And instead of hearing a splash there is a light thump, "Okay..." Everything is ready, "Toss me the towing line! Its the rope thing in the back!" He hopes she wont look in the basket just yet.

Kassle doesn't look in the basket. She lets him keep whatever is in there as a surprise, but does reach for the towing line, her mind ferretting over the thud- not splash. Very interesting. "Okay, tow line coming over!" She calls, swinging it a little then flinging it as best she can where she thinks she can hear his voice from.

"Uff! I got it! Thanks... Okay. hold on... Mind the reeds" The line goes limp too fixed as its obvious the otter is pulling on it. From wherever he is. Philio hums while he is doing this. He continues to pull on the rope until the boat comes into view. Resting in a little shallow area. Inside the mass of reeds. It turns out. There is a little island. The reeds were hiding it from view. A very secluded spot in the middle of the inlet. Its very beautiful. With all the reeds surrounding it. Like ramparts of a castle. The ground is also firm. Unlike other marsh islands. Phil grins as he says, "Welcome to my little spot of heaven..." he grins, going to get the basket. He walks back over and places it next to... Two other baskets. Of the same size and shape. And even the same colored cloth. The otter laughs at this.

Kassle sits back down as the boat begins to move. She grins as she sees the island. "Hm. I was wondering. I did imagine we might be picnicking in the boat for a little while, there. It's lovely." The ottermaid moves to disembark, still drawing the coat around herself. "Hm, solid too. Very nice." And then, noticing the baskets. "Three courses?"

"Thank you. I found it when i was younger. As far as i know. No one else knows about it..." Laughing, "I'm not that hungry!" Philio chuckles as he begins to circle the baskets, "Three baskets. Each identical, except for weight. Which one. Which one..." he smiles, "Go ahead and pick one. Though i do recommend opening this one first..." he kicks the far left one lightly. It was the one on the boat. Each basket contains something different. Such as. The one the otter is pointing out. Is a picnic meal in a basket, for older otters. Grilled fish sandwiches. Assortment of cheeses and preserved fruit. And a bottle mulled wine. With wine glasses to boot. Phil, goes all out.

Kassle actually does as is suggested, opening the indicated basket. "Oh. Yum. And..." She grins, tapping a claw on the wine. "Very nice... Hm. I wonder what gave you the idea to include that? Thankyou." She eyes the other baskets with interest, though it seems, would be content to work on the first if bidden. Certainly, her stomach decides to tell her that it likes the look of the picnic.

Philio smiles, "Just a little something i threw together. As for the wine. A little otter told me... you." he chuckles. He has the same idea as her and spreads the cloth that was keeping the food hidden, on the ground. After, he starts to spread out the goodies, "Come join me and feast!" he pats the spot next to him. The other baskets in due time.

Kassle smirks, wandering over to join him on the blanket. "Hm. From the shed? It even smells like the same batch..." Her nose is twitching toward it, even corked. She watches as he lays all the food out as well. "Hm. How long did this take to set up and acquire all this?"

Philio chuckles and winks, "Perhaps..." he pops open the cork and lays out the glasses. And he hands her the cork. As he pours. A little sloppy. He answers back, "Oh... A few hours..." he sighs, "Acutely. About the time i left you at the infirm. To about the time you arrived at the dock... I was just finished..." he smiles weakly as he hands her a glass.

"So, basically, all the hours of daylight you had left, and some of the evening? Have you stopped to eat or drink anything before now? I mean, thankyou for all this. And it is truly very lovely, but I don't want you driving yourself to fatigue for a date..." She smiles, though concerned, paw rolling the cork without her realising the habit.

Philio scratches the back of his head, "Well. I did have lunch. When i got finished with fishing. And i knew there would be a picnic later tonight. So i didn't have anything besides water...after that... Sides. It was no trouble at all. I did it because i wanted to... I was fun thinking about it..." he smiles back at her. He doesn't seem tired.

The ottermaid grins, and moves to nudge him with a shoulder gently. "Well, thankyou. And, I'm glad that you had fun. That it wasn't so much trouble." Kassle reaches for and raises her glass slightly. "To you, for this lovely picnic. Hm. First toast I've made in a while."

Philio smiles and that warm felling in his stomach returns. Its so wonderful. He reaches for the other glass, and smiles, "Thank you very much. Well your lucky. First toast I've heard ever made to me!" he laughs and takes a little sip, "Mmm... You have wonderful taste..." he chuckles and then eyes the other basket. He watches it for a few moments before munching on a piece of dried apple, "When you think your ready. Go ahead and open the next one in line... No hurry..." he chuckles as a once whole fish sandwich now has a bite in it.

Kassle takes her time then, eating a sandwich herself, nice and slowly. Sure, she's very curious, but she's sure he must be as anxious to open the basket. She finishes the sandwich off, licking each of her claws, then washing it down with a rather dainty sip from her wine. It takes as long for her to set the cup back down. Finally, she turns her attention to the basket, a paw reaching slowly to open it. "No hurry." She grins.

Philio smiles as he watches her eat. Once again. He finds it cute. Like most things she does. And while she is looking away. He has been slowly scooting ever so closer. Inch by inch. And of course. Eating himself. They are good sandwiches. And he is going to enjoy them as well as enjoying her company. When she reaches for the basket. He says, "Alright. I hope you like what's inside..." Inside the basket. There is a brown package. But its obviously a book. By how its shaped and how it feels.

Kassle reaches carefully to draw out the book-shaped package, inspecting her claws, and rubbing them into the blanket to be sure they're clean, while the unopened package sits upon her lap. "You... got me a book?" She sounds absolutely enthralled already, and she's not even opened it yet.

"Yep yep! You told me you like books. And i saw this. So i had to give it to you..." Philio smiles, and taps the top of the package, "I know. I shouldn't be giving things like this so early. But. When i thought of it. I just had to give it to you. It made me happy. And even more so now!" he grins, "Go ahead an open it..." Inside the package contains on old maroon backed book. With faded black lettering along the spine, 'Flora and fauna of Mossflower'. The pages look ancient.

Kassle opens it very carefully, and smiles, pleased, that she did. "Oh, my... Th-thankyou, Philo, but... where did you get this? It looks old, but well kept... I can still make out every curve of letter..." She's turning a few pages, eyes roving the words with interest.

Philio smiles and leans over peering over her shoulder. Looking at her flipping the pages. He has a very big smile all across his face, "Umm. I actually own it... It belonged to my mother. And was given to me... And now belongs to you. I really hope you like it..." he grins.

"I really, really, honestly do... It belonged to your mother... I, I can't take something like that from you." She blinks, shutting the book very carefully, turning her head to look back at Philio, quite surprised by the new bit of news. "She gave it to you, so it must be important."

Philio blinks at her. Didn't really expect that. Well he kinda did. But wasn't. If that made sense. He reaches over and puts and arm around her, "Listen. She didn't give it to me. Herself. I got it. And hundreds of other books like it... When she... well ummm... " he blinks, "When she was taken..." he sighs, "And i had it. And i know it would be better in your paws. Please take it..." He takes her paw and lightly places on top of the book, "Please..."

Kassle nods, sympathetically, her own paw leaving the book to find his as his arm suddenly appears around her neck. "I... I see. I understand, and, I think I can." She nods then. Smiling. "How about, then, rather than completely take it, I can take care of it for you?" She smirks, just slightly "I don't know if your mother would approve, but... It will even give you more of an excuse to visit me, hm?"

"...Okay. I think that sounds good. And I'm sure she would... Of course she would. But..." a small smile, "...If that let me come visit you more often. Then. That's always a good thing... Sure. Ill let you borrow it." he squeezes her sides, "... I'm just glad its in good paws. Instead of in my room..." he almost makes the motion of reaching over to kiss her. But he wimps out at the last second.

Lucky him; it's only quick, but she's tilting back to aim a tiny kiss at his nose even as he's about to make the motion. "Thankyou for allowing me to borrow it. And I promise I'll take good care of it." She smiles. "I'm glad to hear that she'd approve, too. That's important."

"Y-y-your... w-welcome!" Philio's speech center is thrown out the door at this kiss. Even if its just at his nose. Still, "I know you will take good care of it. Me ma was kinda like you. Really smart. Loved books..." he sighs, "At least. Thats what i was told. You guys would probably be good friends... She would probably set us up. If we didn't already know each other!" he chuckles, "Anyway. Im glad you like it... That makes me feel happy. Right in the bottom of my stomach."

Kassle smirks, smiling gently as he talks of his mother, but smirking at the last part. Only sort of understanding what he means. "I'm sure I would've liked your mother then. Hm. Perhaps the books are her way of setting us up." Then, she tilts her head. "So, there's something other than food to make an otter happy in the stomach?"

Philio blinks and scratches his head, "Wow. I never really thought of that... Aye. She must have... That's crazy..." he smiles, looking at the book and chuckling. He leans into her a little bit, trying to get comfortable, "Well Aye. I know this sounds weird and stupid. And don't laugh at me. But. When i do nice things to you. I get this warm feeling at the bottom of my stomach. It makes me happy... Right there. Like i could feed off it... And be happy forever..." he blinks, "So... Happiness is like a food?" he chuckles weakly.

Kassle raises her brows. "Happiness is like a food? Hm. I think you'd be hard pressed to live off of it, though, hm?" She smiles, but seems to note the request for her not to laugh. And thus, she doesn't laugh, simply smiles gently. "Well, I'm very pleased to hear that you're happy, and um, honoured that you're made happy by, well, being nice to me."

Philio smiles and nudges, "Feel like i could live off it... Okay. You can laugh. I know it sounds silly. But if you were in my body. You know what i'm talking about. cant really explain it..." he sighs, "But i like it. I really do. And i am going to keep it up..." he looks her straight in the eyes, and gets real close, "And you can stop me!" he grins and laughs.

Kassle sets the book down very gently. She treats it almost as one might treat a baby animal. "I can't?" She doesn't seem to mind his proximity, smiling back at him. "And, you know, I think I'm at least beginning to understand what you mean. I'm glad it's something you like."

Philio smiles. A smile that shows that its one so natural. It just pops on his face because he cant keep it in, "You do? Well. That makes things a bit easier. Because even i don't! All i know that it is. What it is..." he chuckles, "I have to say something..." he takes one of her paws and squeezes it, looking back into her eyes, "... The moon is reflecting in your eyes. You are so beautiful... And i want to stay here. But it is getting late..." still not tearing away from her.

Kassle nods slightly. "It is getting late..." She sort of... mumbles. She's not sure what to do with her eyes now; they're used for looking, she never considers them being looked at instead. The ottermaid looks down, looks at the book, looks back up. "Um... Thankyou." She manages after a few moments. Mentally, cursing slightly; she can diagnose an illness or recommend treatments from the smallest of things, work out aspects of characters from small details, yet can't manage a better reply than 'thankyou'. Her whiskers twitch slightly at the thought.

Philio smiles slightly, squeezing her paw softly. Just to acknowledge something. Before truly smiling back at her, "And when i look at you... All i see is... All i want... is too ..." He leans in and his nose touches hers. Almost going to kiss her. And then suddenly he is pulled back out. By some unseen force. He then goes to stand quickly, releasing her paw, with great pain, "We should... We should get back to the main land... Yah..." he turns around and mentally punches and curses at himself.

Kassle blinks. Her eyes suddenly up front as their noses touch. Again, she's a little confused over what to do, but when he pulls out, she blinks again, even more confused, and slowly draws back herself. The ottermaid watches as he turns, slowly nodding as he talks about getting back. "I... I suppose we should. I mean, it is becoming rather late."

"Y-Yes. Getting very late. I have... stuff i need to do tomorrow. yes... And you do to. Being... a healer and cook..." he sighs heavily, rubbing his eyes. Before going to turn back to her. And. Once the again. There is that feeling in his stomach. He gulps once or twice before going to pack the leftover food into the basket. And then into the boat. He mumbles to himself as he works. But he doesn't know that he is.

The ottermaid nods again, slowly. "That would make sense..." She agrees, just a little sadly. More so confused, though. "Plenty of work to do in the morning, I suppose. But... Philio, thankyou for this, it was really very lovely."

Philio looks back to her, when the second basket is put away, "I just wanted to show... I wanted to -..." he sighs cutting off his train of thought, and shakes his head, "I'm glad to have done it. I had great time with you... a wonderful time..." he takes a deep breath resting on the side of the ship before turning back to another basket. The last basket. The un open one. He blinks at it. And points it out, "Can you... Ummm... well..." his brain is no doing the talking, "Can you open that... You'll probably like it... its just a little something... so tiny. But can mean so much..." As he slowly walks forward mentally. The basket is empty. It WAS a ruse at the beginning. But not anymore. The otters mind catches him up to what is going on. And he cant stop himself.

Kassle nods, extending her paw for the basket and carefully opens it. "Hm. I guess we forgot about this one?" She watches him, concerned, not quite paying all of her attention to the basket in front of her.

Philio gets right where he needs to be, by the time she looks up and talks to him. Right next to her. He takes a deep heaving breath before he says, "Because its not in the basket... Its something that cant be stored... Its something that's meaningful... Its-..." he steps forward quickly and goes to wrap his paws around her back pulling her in a hug tightly. And without thinking. And without giving his mind and body to say no. He presses his lips against hers. And kisses her. With all the might that he can. All the emotions that he has stored up inside because of her. Suddenly flows out like a tidal wave.

Kassle semi-flails at first, being rather caught off guard. She huffs and lets out a sort of squeak. She's going to be rather breathless when he breaks, but she's not pushed him away, or fought him off, interestingly. She may just be far too surprised or shocked, but perhaps more likely, even if she hasn't realised completely, perhaps she doesn't mind so much.

The kissing continues to just a little bit longer. Philio is just going with it. It just feels right to him. And the flail and squeak gets passed over. He can no longer hide it anymore. And when its over, he releases her lips from his, and he lets out a breathless sigh. Then going to nose her nose. He smiles, "...Sorry... I couldn't help it..." he grins, and rests his nose on hers.

Kassle blinks. Thinks about saying something, catches her breath, and blinks again. "I'm... I am sure," She blinks again, still out of breath "That there's supposed to be some rule about that happening on the third date? Though I can't say I've ever actually dated before, so maybe that's normal?"

Philio blinks at her and chuckles, "Third date? I always thought it was when you feel that its right..." he chuckles, "Its normal... I really like you. And... I just... I just wanted too... I hope i didn't overstep my boundaries..." he says, as he is still pretty much hugging her.

Kassle looks down at the hug, glancing from arm to arm, or shoulder to shoulder. Really, that's more of what's in view right now. "I don't think so... About, um, overstepping your boundaries exactly... Just, perhaps, a little slower? Not that, that wasn't nice, but... Rather fast."

Philio blinks at her. And nods, rather sadly, but he smiles softly, "Okay. As long as i didn't make you uncomfortable..." he unwraps his arms and stands back, "That's fine. I... I can do that. I want this to work. And if you wanna go slow..." he takes deep breath. As the urge to kiss her has come back, "Then... Then-Then that's alright with me..." he sighs and nods. He is sadden by this. But it wouldn't be as bad if she slapped him. Which he was kind of expecting. So its good.

Kassle is smiling. So it should be good. She's certainly shocked by all the newness and in waters she's not used to at all. "Slow will work better I think." She nods. Better than moving too fast and scaring her off. She takes a breath that she didn't realise she'd been holding off. "Still, that was nice. You do that well." She smirks.

Philio stares at her for a few more seconds before answering, "I do? Well. Thanks. Didn't know i did it well... Your the only... beast i have ever, well... Done that too." he chuckles and leans down picking up the basket. A new lump of feeling good has settled in stomach. as for her, He would say it was the most magical thing in the world. But thinking that it would be odd, he goes another path, "You do that amazingly..." he smirks right back at her.

Kassle tilts her head. "..Snap." She admits, slightly amused. "So, we've both done rather well for a first attempt then." She smirks, and then starts to look around to see if anything's been left about. Mostly, they've been rather tidy, though, anyway.

Philio chuckles heading over to the aground boat, setting the last basket in, "Huh. We must have then. Maybe we're just born with it... I liked it anyway..." it was very good. He grins, reaching out to help her in the boat. If she needs it of course.

Kassle takes his paw anyway. Doesn't really seem like she needs it, but allows herself to be helped into the boat. "Well, we can do it again in time. But give me warning so that I can take a nice big breath next time. Promise I'll return the favour in kind." She pokes her tongue out.

Philio smiles at her and chuckles, making sure that she is properly seated in the boat, "Alright. Sounds like a plan...Oh boy. Something to look forward too!" he unties the towing line from a reed. Then he puts his shoulders against the boat, slowly inching back in the water. When its free-floating he quickly hops over the stern, and plops right next to Kass, "Miss me?" he smirks. Letting the boat edge out of the marsh by itself.

"Of course. You were out of the boat for a whole six seconds." The ottermaid teases, reclining against said boat. If they're going to let it drift, she's going to relax. "Hm. Well, I still think it's rather late, but I like this slow method of getting back. It's relaxing."

Philio smiles at her, taking out his paddle, and paddling like a canoe, "Then slow it is... Miz Kass. Just let me handle the work... You max and relax..." he smirks. He doesn't want to keep her out too late. But on the other hand. He slowly and smoothly pushes the boat forward. Hardly a ripple is made in the silent night as they head over. Back to the dock. Hopefully this wont drift off Kass to sleep. But it wouldn't matter much to Phil. He would be happy either way.
