Escape From Redwall Abbey
Characters: Kentar, Amethyst, Amarro, Bjorn
Location: Redwall Abbey
The sound of a cane is heard in the hall outside of Aikuen's old room before a knock is heard at the door. Though there's no delay before the door opens, not waiting for an answer as Kentar makes his way in. "Amy, Amy, are you here?" he asks rather excitedly, turning to look around.
The rat is indeed there though she's been out of sorts recently and hasn't been up to the infirmary to work in serveral days. The ratwife has been hiding out in Aikuen's old room to avoid being dragged back up stairs or anywhere else. Two empty wine bottles lay on the floor and another unopened on sits on the desk. The rat is still in her nightdress even though it's past noon. "Wot is et stoat?" she growls as she lets him in.
Kentar blinks a little bit at the winebottles, tilting his head slowly. "Oh! I just uh. Got a letter from Chris at Ferravale." he says, tilting his head a bit. "Amy, what's wrong?" he asks, a little worried to see the bottles open, and the one that hasn't been.
The empties on the floor have been there a while and the unopened bottle's long since grown overly warm. The rat doesn't seem drunk just annoyed to have been woken up. She cheers up a little at the mention of a letter. "Really? Wot's et say?" she asks pulling on the old stoat and trying to lead him to one of the chairs so he can read the letter to her.
Kentar sits down in the chair at the desk, not seemingly too bothered at the lack of an answer to his question. "I don't know! I just thought I'd bring it down and read it with you." he smiles, breaking the wax seal on the parchment before he opens it to read, placing a monocle in his eye to be able to see it better. "Lets see!"
Amethyst fidgets with her paws as the stoat gets ready to read. "Hurry et up, Stoat," she protests, "Wot's liddle Chris say?" Sometimes she wishes she weren't blind or that bralle would get invented already.
Kentar chuckles a bit. "Hold on, hold on!" he says, reading over the little bit. "Dear dad and Amy!" he starts before pausing to build suspense. "Its been rather eventful since Thane and I came up here and now, after talking with William, I've decided to move up here pretty much full time now." The stoat continues. "I've been well and have decided to open up 'The Garnet Bakery' in memory of mum since she never once got to live her dream, being too busy with me, you and whatever beast was looking to take over the lands at the time." Kentar pauses, sighing sadly at this part of the letter.
Amethyst puts an arm around the old stoat's shoulder as she leans against him. "Yew know she'd be proud of 'im fer thet," Amy says poding the stoat a bit to continue. "Wot else 'e say?" the blind rat asks.
Kentar smiles a little bit and wipes away at his eye with his arm, nodding. "I know." he says quietly before clearing his throat to continue. "Met some new friends too. There's an otter up here, dad. And to be honest, he really reminds me of Aikuen. Not quite the same, but he acts a lot like I remember him. Zocalo is pretty nice though, does have a bit of a temper but then again what otter doesn't? There's also a fox beggar here with no face that Thane attacked yesterday. I plan on punishing him in the only way I know he'll understand." The old stoat frowns a bit. "Rob said he'll be up in a few days, so hopefully once everything is cleared away on the road you and Amy can make it up soon. That'd be great to have the family back together after so long."
Amethyst turns away from the stoat as he continues to read. She doesn't like being reminded of the otters. "Thet all 'e say?" she asks the stoat. "Might leave soon. Very soon," she says slowly.
Amethyst turns away from the stoat as he continues to read. She doesn't like being reminded of the otters. "Thet all 'e say?" she asks the stoat. "Might leave soon. Very soon," she says slowly.
Amethyst doesn't say much about the attack on Chris though she does frown. It must not have been very bad if he's still writting to them afterward. "Oh, usually she just adds to Billy's letters," Amy says curious as to why her daughter would write a letter separtely from the ones her father sent. "What's my liddle sweetling 'ave t say?" she asks amused that the dibbun had written a letter seemingly all herself.
Kentar smiles softly as he starts to skim over it quickly to get a general idea. "Ooh, seems like a report." he grins before clearing his throat once more. "Hey mommy!" he starts emphatically. "I miss you. Why aren't you here yet? I hear there's still baddies on the road but I still want you up here. Pa came home drunk a few times recently and has been out really really late." Kentar reads, chuckling quietly, shaking his head. "Oh and I made a new fox friend too. I don't think he has a face but he's really nice and I like him. He doesn't have a home though and I want to ask pa and you if we can keep him." that part makes Kentar laugh.
The stoat nods his head slowly. "Yeah! I'd say." he chuckles before grinning. "Dunno why though." he nudges her jokingly before continuing. "But he's really nice and I like him...uhm...keep him. RIGHT! Here. Pa said you and Kentar would be coming up soon. When? I can't wait for you to be home!" Kentar pauses.
"Keep reading, Kenty," the ratwife says as she moves to gather her things together. "Also how long would it take yew t pack?" she asks as the stoat.
Kentar chuckles a bit. "I can't...that's all she wrote!" he laughs a bit and shakes his head slowly before tilting his head. "Well, I need my weapons from the gate house...other than that, I don't actually have anything." he says, tilting his head. "Why?"
"Because we're leaving," Amy says matter factly, "Now pack up so we can leave." The rat picks up her staff and heads for the door. "We should be able to sneak out one of the wallgates if we're careful," she adds.
Kentar blinks a bit and then ohs and nods his head. "Oh, okay. Sure." he says before folding up the letters, putting them into a pocket before grabbing his cane. "Uhm. We're gonna need supplies." he says with a nod. "I mean, its what? A day to Ferravale?" he says, going to open the door for her before stopping. "Oh, you should probably change...might be cold to go about in a nighty." he laughs a bit, stepping out to give her some privacy.
Amethyst blinks then pushes the stoat out the door and slams it shut. The blind rat changes clothes as quick as she can and stuffs her nightie into her bag. The rat joins the stoat in the hall and gives him an annoyed look. "I have been in this place much too long," she says as she grabs for his arm.
After a quick stop off in the bunkroom to get his pack, Kentar and Amy make their way into the kitchens, having encountered nobody in the great hall yet. He lets go of the blind rat's arm and then starts to shift around, cramming whatever might be useful into the pack. "I gotta admit, I'm glad to be getting out of here." he says.
Amethyst acts as the stoat's cover keeping the cooks distracted while the stoat grabs whatever he can get his paws on. When they start to get suppious she goes to find the stoat and encourage him to get moving again. "Run, the cooks don't want us poking 'round th kitchen," she hisses in the stoat's ear as she slips out the breezeway.
"And then we'll have to figure something else out about those shrews because I'm not sure if we have enough of them." A tall, russet-colored squirrel enters the kitchen right then accompanied by a wildcat. She pushes the door open and pauses, a puzzled frown painted on her features. She doesn't recognize these two and the bag the stoat is holding looks rather stuffed. "Good evening." Amarro nods.
Standing behing the squirrel, with arms at his sides, is a well muscled wildcat in chain mail with a shield strapped to his back. He quirks a brow at the two, holding his response to the squirrel. He leans on the doorframe, arms crossed. He mutters something under his breath, inaudible to the other beasts in the room.
Kentar is old. Actually, he doesn't look like much of anything. When he's got the pack full, he buttons it up and stands with a crunch, wincing a bit before grabbing his cane, only to turn and see Amarro. "Uh. Hello. Ain't got time, just on my way out. Bye." he avoids any further questions, knowing they're not -supposed- to leave at any point, going to follow his rat counterpart to the breezeway, pausing to glance at the cat for a moment, shuddering at the thought of what effect he could have in the Abbey's attempt to win the war.
Amethyst is too far away to hear the squirrel. She runs to the wall of the Abbey and feels along it until she finds a gate. Now comes the tricky part, opening it and getting out in the correct number of pieces.
"Hey!" Amarro's exclamation is cut short as the two THIEVES run outside and race off in the darkness. Mumbling something about this not being her job the squirrel takes off after them. "Where are you going? You can't be /out/ here! Stop!"
Bjorn hurries after the squirrel, sliding the shield from his back should he need it. He doesn't waste his breath calling for them, but does get closer to them, edging past Amarro.
Kentar gets up next to Amy before blinking. "I guess my weapon's well have to wait." he shrugs a little bit, only to glance up at their perusers. "Gah..." he frowns, standing as tall as he can. Which really, is very short.
"Yew shoulda got em sooner," the rat said to the stoat. "Doubt either yew gonna open th gate ere?" she says to Amarro. The rat considers the possibility that they may need to loop around and find another way out.
Amarro stops running when she realizes they're stuck at the gate and heaves a sigh as she draws closer. "It's /dangerous/ out here, you're supposed to be inside. Why on earth would you want to leave right now anyways? The road is crawling with lizards."
Bjorn lowers his shield to one side, doubting these two are much of a threat. "Someting's worth te risk of leaving, ja?" the wildcat suggests, though he has no clue what that reason would be.
Kentar sighs a bit. "Yes. We're leaving. Mainly because we've been here just way too long." he frowns. "We had things to do! Places to visit. And being stuck here...well. We've had enough of it." he nods. "I don't care about the lizards." he says. "We're heading in the other direction anyway. And going home."
Amethyst nods in agreement with the stoat. "We'll stay clear of th road if makes yew feel any better," she adds wanting to be on the move already.
Amarro pauses, considering this. In all honesty, it might be safer for them to actually be outside the abbey. And if they really want to leave /that badly/... She glances over at Bjorn, waiting to see if he's thinking the same thing she is and reaching for the keys on her belt at the same time.
Bjorn shrugs, "I guess is not a big problem. Less beast to worry about, an' once tey get outside te wall, tey're not our problem anymore." he's obviously not accepted the general Redwall attitude of helping all beasts, even those from outside Redwall.
The stoat blinks a little at the feline's words, nodding his head. "There! See? Besides, we'd get out with or without your help." Kentar nods, eyeing the squirrel. "But if you're going to help, let us out the main gate. That way I can get my weapons." he suggests. "C'mon...we're gonna leave anyway. Just make it easier for everybody."
Amarro gnaws on her lower lip but finally acquiesces. "Alright. Let's go." She motions with her head towards the front gates. "I'm just going to say I'm sending them out on a scouting mission." She says quietly to Bjorn. "They obviously don't want to be here, might as well let them go."
Bjorn nods to her, sliding the shield back onto his back as he follows, putting himself between the squirrel and the two vermin, just in case. "Ja, seems reasonable. If tey want to try teir luck out tere, let 'em have at it."
Amethyst follows Kentar to the main gate so he can get his weapons. The rat pulls her cloak tighter around herself to try and keep out the cold night air. The rat plans to avoid the road as much as she can and cut through the woods.
Kentar smiles to himself when they agree to let him go from the main gate. The stoat hums a little bit to himself as they go, putting his pack on his shoulders. "Hey, I'll be a sec, going to get my weapons from the gatehouse." he says as he ducks into said location for a second.
Amarro explains some things to the guards, a bored expression on her face. They don't belabor the point and eventually, without much fuss, the gate is opened to allow the stoat and the rat to pass. "Good luck." The squirrel nods to the two of them. "Be careful."