Cuddly Spear Wielder

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Fira, Aikuen, Venei, Ella

Location: Moledeep; Garden Burrow

Fira has chosen a nice quiet moment to sit inside. The kids are off playing, possibly with Aik and while she's not being mobbed by small otters or larger otters who act like small otters, you know who you are, she's messing about with her old spear, curled up in a chair and unbinding the rock shard on the top.

The otters are in fact with Aik. Or at least one of them is. The twins have gotten very rambunctious over the last week. Spring is nipping at their noses. And their rudders and paws just quiver at the mention of water. Its dangerous times now. But in a few weeks. All that winter energy will be released. And give the adults some darn piece and quiet! Heh. They have managed well so far. While Ella is off still playing hide the cheese from Garnet. Venei had dropped off. Aik carries her around heading into the burrow, in search of of some Fira goodness, "Hey..." he mouths. Venei has her arms wrapped around Aiks neck, as she slowly rub her face in it. Aik smile before heading over to a chair, "What yah up too?" eyeing the spear.

Fira has a similar energy but she's at least older and wiser and better at waiting or finding distractions in this case. As usual there's a pause before she catches sight of him out the corner of her eye and looks up, smiling softly when she spots Aik and one sleeping twin. The question she catches and the spear gets a glance "Oh, well I just thought I'd fix the thing up while the twins couldn't get near it. The stone comes loose a lot"

Venei's footclaws dig into Aiks stomach. Her dream getting a little more active it seems. Aik just grits at it, and just lets her sleep on. As he goes to plop in a chair near Fira. But far enough to not to hinder her spear maintenance. He nods, "Have you tried gluing it on as well? I know it wont stay as well as your bind. But at least it wont fall off. you know. If you do both." he suggests. The little otters breaths slowly, and hrms from time to time.

Fira undoes the bindings again, going to begin the process all over but not while she's talking, or rather watching Aik talk. She shrugs "That always required getting glue and getting it perfect" she smirks faintly "I don't know, I haven't actually tried much with it, I don't make weapons"

Aikuen rubs the back of Venei, "Lets see how to make glue... Isn't just take some flour and water then boil it. I think... I don't remember..." he chuckles quietly, "Never made it myself. Sides. It was just a thought. as long as you got the binding perfect. There be no reason for glue..." he leans a little closer, "You made a spear didnt yah? That a weapon you know." he smirks.

Fira shrugs once more "I don't know, I've seen the odd recipe but they were kind of gross. Might be a better way" she snorts and smirks at the last bit "Well I took a pointy rock I'd had for years and tied it to a stick. I've reached caveotter crafting skills at least"

Aikuen chuckles, "Oh the years of ottery advancement. Soon you will be using... the wheel!" he laughs quietly, putting up his free paw to block at the pending attack.

Fira just smirks at him, almost sweetly as she calmly goes to move his paw out the way and leans in close...before flicking him on the nose "Cheeky"

Aikuen chuckles quietly as she moves the paw. Leaning in as well. and he gets lost. Happens when there close. Then his nose is flicked. He grunts, "Hey! Owie! Got me when i wasn't looking. Sneaky otter." he rubs the end of his muzzle, "Cheeky and in pain." he sticks his tongue at her.

Fira flicks at the tongue too as she grins "You knew what was coming you just didn't see me getting past your defences so easily"

And now Aiks tongue hurts. Just flam-tastic. He glares knifes and other cutlery at Fira before saying, "Well... You... And... you... Can." he frowns, "...I cant help it..." he snorts, "Still. When i wasn't looking. For shame!" he grins back at her.

Fira laughs quietly and leans over to actually give him a kiss this time "You were looking dear, just not at my paws"

Aikuen grins at the kiss, kissing her back as well. Of course he is! He noses her before they go there separate ways again, "Well..." he flips his head over, leaning on the arm rest. Looking up at Fira, "I could say that... I was lost in your gorgeous green eyes. And all the rest of the world was just a mere audience in your presence..." he grins, "... That would certainly explain it!"

Fira smirks at him and sets her spear to one side, holding out her paws to take Venei off of him. Flattery gets him freedom from the kids "It's a good thing that doesn't work for anyone else but me...or at least it better not"

Aikuen snorts quietly, getting up, "Let me just..." he plops down next to her now, before unhinging Venei from his neck and passing the sleeping one to Fira. Aik is now free to put his arm around Fira. Ah yes. He smiles at her, "It doesn't. At least i've never tried..." he rubs his chin, as if thinking about it, "Hrm... Yes..." he grins, "That could work." Venei dislikes being moved around while napping. And when her paws are let loose she squirms a bit before settling into Fira. Burying her face in once again. No place like mom.

First things first, Fira cuddles the dibbun close and kisses the top of her head to relax her. Smiling a little at Venei before she rests against Aik's side. All comfort taking care of she aims a light wack at Aik's chest "No going round getting into fights with maids and melting under their eyes" she says jokingly.

Aikuen watches her do those things. Getting all cozy and such. He smiles warmly at that. So once again, he is unprepared for the hit, "Ufff. Hey..." he chuckles, "Got me again my little otter-nut." he eyes her, before sticking out his lip with a frown, "... If i have too. You know THAT'S SO hard to do. I just cant help it, you know." he chuckles and starts to snuggle.

Fira rolls her eyes, smirks and snuggles up "Yeah yeah, you'd better try or I'll just have to keep coming and getting you out of trouble instead"

Aikuen smiles, kissing the top of her head, "... I never get into trouble! I'm perfect in every way! But for you. I will try to control it. And aim it all at you!" he growls and makes eating motion in her hair, "Rawr rawr rawr."

Fira eeps and waves Aik off with a paw, she likes her head without the gnaw marks. She laughs "You get in trouble all the time some weeks! Now stop trying to eat my head silly great lump"

"No" The otter simply says with a grin, "Im no lumpy. Im just..." he smirks and nibbles at her neck. He then runs his nose against it, "...Okay... Im done...for now..." he stick his tongue out.

Fira laughs quietly, trying not to wake Venei by trying to escape the cold nose. She kisses him again "But you are silly"

Aikuen kisses her right back, putting a paw behind on her neck... Just to keep her there for a little longer. He likes it, okay. Cant really blame him. He nuzzles her cheek before going back to just settle back, holding two of his girls close. Its all very cozy until Garnet comes from the kitchen, with a very disgruntled looking Ella, "your daughter made a mess. You can have her back." Ella tries to look innocent. Aik takes her and cuddles with her as well. Its her punishment. To have to stay all cuddly with her family. The horror.
