Brother and Sister, Together Again....
FV:Infirm:Main Room
This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.
Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's [R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack
~Emyuil the mouse. DoraRose the mouse. Lee the otter.
Emyuil is waiting quietly by DoraRose's bedside, his tears long since dried, Nightbreath long departed. He rocks back and forth slowly in his seat, lamenting mentally how unfair this all is.
DoraRose has been napping, and she now opens her eyes, looks at her brother, and smiles slightly. "Hey."
Emyuil smiles tentatively. "Heyo," he murmurs. "Are the dreams going away?" he asks, concerned. He wishes he could take on his sister's pain, wishing he'd taken the hit instead of her...
DoraRose shudders slightly, but pastes a smile on her face, wanting to hide her pain from her brother, who might be all grown up, but will always be her baby brother. "They're....they're not so bad, I guess. No worries. Did you sleep well?"
"I didn't sleep," Emyuil says tonelessly, able to tell that his sister's not telling the whole truth. "D'you think your memories will get in order? I don't want to do what the Seer says we might have to..."
DoraRose reaches over to squeeze her brother's paw, her smile faltering. "I....I hope so, Emmy. I'm...I'm sure they will. Don't worry." Forget the fact that /she's/ all worried about it. Forget the fact that she didn't go into the Bloodwrath this past time she was in battle, although by all rights she should have. Forget her freakishly splitting headache!
Emyuil tries a tentative smile again and holds his sister's paw and strokes it. "I--I bet they will," he tries to convince both of them. "Once your wound heals--" He shakes his head. "You'll be fine," he finishes.
DoraRose smiles, then laugh bitterly. "Who're we trying to kid? I'm sorry, Emmy, but I don't see how anything could make it better. I don't ever anticipate it getting better, or ever truly knowing when what I'm remembering is valid. I'm sorry...I just....I just can't."
"Then the Seer," Emyuil says bitterly. "It's the only way." He clenches a fist in frustration. "I still hate him."
DoraRose frowns, then her face clears and she nods. "Yeah...I know. I understand. I...I don't /like/ him, but....I don't know. I'mnot sure how to explain it."
"He has honor," Emyuil admits. "Sometimes I envy how sure of himself he seems, but he's one of the good guys."
DoraRose nods and squeezes her brother's paw. "You have nothign to be envious of. You're such a wonderful baby brother; I'm proud to be your sister."
Emyuil strokes his sister's paw again and smiles bashfully, lowering his gaze. "I'm...I'm honored," he whispers.
DoraRose smiles and sits up, gently touching her left temple as her headache worsens slightly. "It's the truth, y'know." She goes to put him in a head lock, all of a sudden, and ruffles the fur between his ears. "And you're still my baby brother. Always will be."
Lee knocks on the door and looks in. "'Ello? Oakenpaw? Are ye here?"
Emyuil grins, bursting into laughter helplessly, flinging his arms around his sister and laughing till his eyes water.
DoraRose laughs aloud and looses her balance, basically falling into her brother's lap. She is still laughing when the otter opens the door, and she tries to control herself, but fails miserably.
Lee stares at the scene before him. "Glad to see ye doin' better."
Then we had to leave here....thanks for reading! :)