Blisa is Missing! -- Bolts of Chaos TP
This ICly happened on July 20th, the day after the tavern got destroyed.
The scent in the air notably changes within the village compared to the sweet fragrant flowery smells outside the east gates. Stale air, rotting food and the occasionally not particularly pleasant smelling inhabitant all assault the nose until it gets used to things. Mercenary guards patrol the high wooden palisade wall separates the vermin village from the outside world, the only break in sight in the form of the main gate to the village to the east. North of the path one of the few stone buildings in the village stands a little run down, now an inn it butts up to the side of the tavern and boasts many beds available, at least that's probably what the sign says, much like the building it's old and the beast who wrote it has probably died of old age long after the paint was last touched up. West finally buildings begin to spring up everywhere and the path widens into a large clearing at the centre of the village.
Exits: [T]avern [R]uins, [F]erravale [Inn], [Back] to gates, [W]est
Raymond is paceing back and forth in the entry, another guard with him and hands him a paper which he scans and sighs, "Yeah looks good, more guards at the entry and center of town, maybe market area, I dont know still getting use to this suddenly in charge of all thing" Things have calmed a little, but beasts are still scared and who could blaime them as the tavern burned down after some explosions and the Chieftain is likely dead and the beast responsiable for it all is still on the lose.
A frazzled-looking fox guard comes running at top speed from the area of the Cheiftan's home. While he's still a fair distance away, he starts yelling, "Sir! Blisa! Raymond! They're missing!" he collapsses at Raymond's feet, panting and gasping out, "I...went and...checked....the Cheiftan's was des...deserted...." he swallows, rises and salutes, still breathing heavily. "I checked everywhere, Sir. I can't find them."
Raymond eyes go wide "W..W..What?!..Oh great what else is going to happen..ok ok, we need to find her, hopefully she wasn't in the tavern, the chieftain was in the tavern..ok you and another look for Blissa and be on the lookout for a crossbow weilding beast, its not loaded and he also has daggers and maybe a sword, he was last seen running from the entry."
The fox nods and runs off, yelling at another guard to join him. They dash out of sight to search all of Ferravale, desperatly hoping to find them alive within the village.
Raymond frowns, he is stressed enough and this just adds to it.
After what seems to be 3 eternities, the 2 guards return and salute. "Sir! They're not in Ferravale. Permission to start searching for them in Mossflower woods?"
Raymond nods "Just be carefull, we have no clue who or what we are dealing with yet"
A few days later....I suggest reading this story, then reading the rest of the log. :) .
Blisa and Ferdinand are quickly walking down the road, paw-in-paw, cautious looks on thier faces. The sun is setting. They're not goign to make it to Redwall before to hurry, got to hurry....
A rustling from the brush and then silence. Then rustling from the other side of the road...dark forms moving in the red-stained undergrowth, the veins of the leaves bloodshot by the light of the dying sun...a cloaked form...
Blisa whirls around, screaming. "What's that?!" Ferdinand steps in front of her, drawing his sabre like lightning, ready to fight to the death at a second's notice. "Thow yourthelf!!"
Rustle. Snap. Rustle. Finally, a black paw extended before the cloaked form of...Nightbreath. The Seer steps out of the shadows with both paws held forward in a placating guesture. "Sorry, sorry. I meant no harm...I was betrayed by an accursed bramble thicket...But no time to waste. We must keep traveling _at_ _once_."
Blisa screams again, but this time with relief. Ferdeinand puts up his sword and scoops up his charge. "Nightbreath, Thir, are we going the right way?" he starts walking anyway, unwittingly headed south, which is the way he wants to go.
"Yes." Nightbreath nods once, curtly, and draws his blade-rope out, deciding it would be best not to let Blisa see the starblade he also carries, of the same sort as the one Vladmir carried once. So the jagged katana-like sword stays in the sheath...but any would-be ambushers now have Equilibrium to deal with should they dare show themselves. "Due south until we stand at the gates. A bit of a walk so we should pick up the pace." The Seer puts his acorns where his mouth is, striding purposefully along the road, just ahead of Ferdinand, watching in all directions for pursuers...with more than just the eye or ear. The setting sun bathes his mottled dark cloak in a rich golden brown, glinting orange off the metal of his blade-rope's tip and staining Blisa's white fur a honey-like caramel hue, and Ferdinand's sword a brassy gold.
Ferdinand follows, matching the ermine's pace stride for stride, juggling Blisa on his hip. The kitten clings tightly to him, her green eyes almost like fire in the setting sun-light. The golden orb slowly sinks below the horizon, until it's gone, and they must make another fireless camp....maybe in a tree again.
Thanks for reading! This last part happened today, July 24th. :)