Blisa and guards vs. Hudson.....who shall win? or The enemy of my enemy is my friend (Marek's Revenge TP)
Ferravale entryway
Blisa the cat and Ferdinand the ferret. Deekrun, another ferret. Aithne the vixen. Hudson the wildcat. Deathtalon the hawk.
Hudson steps out of the tavern and starts to head to the path heading out of Ferravale, a couple rats and a ferret with him.
Aithne walks threw the crowd, upon seeing Hudson she hurries over "Hey sir, I only managed to get maybe 8 beasts and a rat died, but the only other one there, someone guess working there died too...I think "
Hudson folds his arms over his chest "You think? One thing I dislike is witnesses, panic is fine as long as they are too fearfull to remember"
Aithne nods "I believe they were, I mean no one really saw what was happening and its a vermin village whats a little madness now and then huh, its expected"
Hudson sighs, "Whatever, 8 is fine that will do nicely, what I need to find out is where different beasts hide and find them, see some beast knows"
Deekrun's voice comes out of the darkness of a nearby alley, "Find someone hide?"
Aithne says, "Well yeah some beast, but had to say who and its not like they will say where, even if you make them afriad. Why worry on it, why do you need them for?" She gasps at the sudden voice."
Hudson draws his cutlass "Who dares listen in on us, show yourself"
Deekrun walks into the open, flies circling his head and a bottle of cheap drink in one paw, "I, Deekrun." He rasps out as he walks into the open.
Aithne makes a face and coughs, "I dont think you could..sneak up too well"
Hudson narrows his eyes "What do you want, me and my friend are busy discussing things that dont condern you"
Deekrun picks at his claws, "Only offer services. Just trying to do job. Do not be angry." He gives a low, hissing chuckle and then pretends to ignore both parties.
Aithne shakes her head "Yeah sounds intresting." She looks at Hudson again
Hudson rolls his eyes as he looks around, "CoME we need to find someone to answer our questions"
Aithne groans some, "Can't we give it a rest sir..besides dibbuns are loud and annoying and...and loud"
Hudson gives her a look and folds his arms over his chest, "I know that"
Aithne smirks " What about the ones inside that fortress, maybe one of them knows?"
A petite white cat, almost out of her kitten years, suddenly appears in their midst, her cloak draped behind her shoulders, clearly revealing her knife and dirk. "Good day. May I help you?" A ferret steps to her side, his golden eyes suspicious, his paw laying on his sabre hilt.
Deekrun eyes the small cat as she enters the scene. Now, this is interesting. He sips his bottle of drink and watches what Blisa might do.
Hudson slowly looks at the white cat, "And who are you, get lost I am busy here." He looks at the vixen, "Its possible but I am not stepping footpaw in there again, fool beasts, and the fact a dibbun was still there" He speaks quietly "She feared me and knew nothing and a beast I should trust turned on me, she will pay...she wants to stay let her."
Aithne looks at the cat ", we are fine, right sir?" She looks to Hudson.
A sabre tip suddenly appears a mere inch from the wildcat's face as the kitten smiles coldly. "I am Blisa, tamer of snakes, daughter of Scioto, and Chieftain of Ferravale. I suggest you change your attitude before Ferdinand changes your face." The ferret is holding his sword expertly, his strange golden eyes cold and hard, menacing, even. A female rat in the uniform of the village guards is nearby, tossing a knife up into the air and catching it expertly, a baker's dozen more knives strapped to her belt and baldrics. Behind the group, there is a huge stoat with a mace, and within a few paces there are 4 more guards of various species and both genders. They're all staring at the wildcat threateningly.
Deekrun breaks out into a low, feral chuckle that sounded not unlike a snake being strangled. He smiles wickedly, showing a mouthful of yellow fangs off as he taked delight at the misfortune of the wildcat that had rejected his help.
Aithne frowns, "Umm going to ask around, yep..good day sir" she hurries off.
Hudson nods, he smiles best he can "Now now no need to get upset...Scioto ya say, intresting"
Blisa cocks her head to one side slightly, still smiling. "Yes, I said Scioto. Now that you've decided to be more civil, perhaps you'll tell me who /you/ are." One of the guards, a female weasel, follows the vixen as she runs off. Ferdinand does not move his sword, but he does take a quick glance at Deekrun. That laugh is a bit disturbing, y'all.
Hudson nods "Of course, such a pleasant kitty aren't you and what's it matter whom I am looking for its just a...friend"
Deathtalon flies in and lands near Hudson whispering to him quietly.
Hudson smirks and listens to the bird and smiles slowly" I see..thank you"
Deekrun stops snickering and gets rather interested. Climbing up a post to the top of a nearby porch, he sits on the top of it and watches and listens to see what will happen next. He doubts he will need to make a run for it, so he lays down and peers over the edge."
Blisa narrows her eyes and nods to the huge, hulking stoat, who comes up behind the wildcat and laughs, raising his mace above Hudson's head and then just stands there, threatening. "I don't think you quite understand. I can't trust anybeast I have not seen before. All I'm asking is your name, and since you were oh, so rude, /who you're working for/." The female rat guard leaning on the wall whistle and holds up her knife, poised to throw. "Hey, birdie. What'cha sayin'? Don'tcha know it's impolite to whisper?" Ferdinand keeps his sabre point right in front of the wildcat's nose.
Deathtalon folds his wings "None bussinesssss"
Hudson smirks "Calm yourself my friend and I work for no one, not anymore, and I know Scioto I meet him a couple times, no worries I care less of this villages leader" He nods to Deathtalon "We can talk later my friend"
Deathtalon nods "I await orders....masssterrr" He flies off before anyone can do much and he flies fairly high too.
Deekrun slowly slips over the top of the roof. What he was hoping for did not happen, so he made himself scarce again.
Blisa frowns a little, then waves her paw. Ferdinand reluctantly lowers his sword, and the stoats behind the wildcat thumps the ground with his mace. The knife-wielding ratess comes up, grumbling angrily. Drawing another knife, she starts juggling them. The other 3 guards, a male fox, a female wildcat, and a male fox wielding a claymore, also come up, and the whole little group surrounds Hudson. Unless he can magically sprout wings, he's going to have trouble escaping. The kitten smiles again and draws her dirk. "Who did you /used/ to work for, then? If you are truly innocent and have nothing to fear, then you'll have no reason to not tell us."
Hudson looks at the group surrounding him and smiles a little " was Marek but see I decided to stop working for him" Part way a lie "And he even sent an assassin after me...didn't work, the assassin was....well he lost his job is all I will say"
Blisa stops smiling and her face hardens, her green eyes glaring at the wildcat full in the face. "Oh, really? And how do I know you really aren't a spy sent by Marek? And even if you are telling the truth, why should I trust somebeast who used to work for the one I have sworn vengeance upon?"
Hudson frowns "I hate Marek, trust me I want to see him die for what he did" He looks serious, yes he wants the stoat dead but not cause he wants to help, but the kitten wouldn't know that.
Blisa tilts her head up a little as she thinks on this for a moment. " what did he do to /you/ to make you hate him so?" The guards are still ready to beat the living snot out of the wildcat.
Hudson seems willing to answer, but how is the question, "He tried to kill me...helllo"
Ferdinand raises his sword point up again as the kitten scowls. "There is no place for rudeness here. Perhaps I should lock you in the holding cell until your manner has calmed down some." Blisa stares at the sky as she adds, "Do you want to know what he did to me, after which I swore that I would either kill him myself or dance upon his grave?"
Hudson blinks, ok he will have, nice? He smiles slowly "Oh I am sorry, what did he do, see you and I both hate Marek"
Blisa turns her icy glare upon the wildcat, her voice like steel left out to freeze. "He took over this village and injured my father, making him forget Ferravale, forget my mother and baby brother, who had been murdered seasons before, forget everything. But worst of all, he made Daddy forget /me/. And that I can never forgive. NO ONE threatens to kill my father and make him forget me and gets away with it."
Hudson nods "Well I promise, I wont hurt Scioto..." No he can have the bird or the vixen do it, oh well darn he cant get to him...well the bird can. "So do relax yourself kitty, all is well"
Blisa bares her teeth. "DON'T call me kitty." She's had just about enough of this wildcat mouthing off, and it shows. "And all is /not/ well. Redwall has fallen, my father, captured, and I have your stupid-headed, dirt-faced insolence to deal with...oh, and let's not forget to mention a snake that wants to eat beasts. All is so very not well, Mud Face."
Hudson growls low Blisa and takes a deep breath "Well, I can help kill a few of Mareks forces on the road, be my greatest joy" He sneers at this, fun he thinks.
Blisa breathes deeply and smiles again. "That would help get us both toward our only common goal; the death of Marek. I still don't trust you and your little friends. So I would suggest you stay at the Black Gull tavern and Inn down the road. Unless, of course, after a while you decide to change your attitude. Then perhaps you may stay here." The guards shift their weapons a little, the female rat still juggling her knives.
Hudson chuckles a little coldly "What ever you say dearie, not that I like it here, as for my friends they wont bother you, trust me"
Blisa snarls. "Don't call me dearie, either. And if any of your precious little friends are seen in my village I will have them locked inthe holding cell. Now stop mouthing off, or that's where you'll find yourself."
Hudson nods to her "Of course, do forgive me" He grins as he looks around and to the sky, then back to her, "Besides they take orders from me" He then mutters "And what I need isn't here"
Blisa raises an eyebrow. "And what is it you need?" The guards still have the wildcat surrounded, so he can't make an exit.
Hudson narrows his eyes at Blisa, he has to be careful with what he says "Just a beast who I need to talk to, and he isn't here, he's going to meet me elsewhere" He waits on a reaction.
Blisa keeps smiling, her green eyes hard and cold. "Oh? Well, that's probably a good thing that he isn't here. Why do you need to talk to him? If it has anything to do with the fate of Redwall or Ferravale, I really ought to know...being the village Chieftain, after all."
Hudson looks at Blisa, fate of Redwall or Ferravale he thinks, "I do not know, its why I am speaing to him, we are close friends, he helped my mate it seems" Yeah close friends...not.
Blisa thinks for a moment, then nods. "When you find out for sure, please do tell me. We both need all the knowledge we can gain to defeat our mutual enemy."
Hudson nods but it's unclear just what info he will share, and that's if his soon to be "guest" will even talk to him, there is always death but he needs this info.
Blisa nods and waves again, and the guards back off and arrange themselves behind her, leaving the way to the gate free and open. "It was wonderful to meet you," she says a touch sarcastically. "Do come again." Most of the guards put up their weapons, although Ferdinand still has his out and ready for action.
Hudson rolls his eyes as he mutters. "Brat" under his breath and walks quickly away before that body guard stabs him.
Thanks for reading! :)