Amy Tazan Returns to Ferravale

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Chief Scioto, Amethyst Tazan

Location: Ferravale - Ferravale Tavern

Scioto is sitting when he usually does and sipping an ale, he has done patrol and even finished early.

Amethyst tapps her staff along the ground as she drags herself into the tavern. The rat had relied on her wits and the kindess of strangers to make it this far north on her own. The blind rat takes a seat at a table that sounds less full of noisy beasts as the others. She can smell the cat near by but can't quite place him as it's been many seasons since she was last in this village. "Ale o'ver 'ere!" she calls out to whatever beast might be serving drinks. "Mine coin's go as any others," she adds to try and sped the server along.

Scioto looks over as a bartender goes to get the ale for the ratmiad, the cat finishes his own ale and walks on over to where the rat maid is "Greetings, I think I may recozice you, you had been in the village before, though been a while."

The rat's ears perk up and she turns her blind eyes toward the cat's voice. "Yew might. Used ta live ere 'bout .... wot? Eight seasons ago? Somethin' loike thet. Lived behind the pottery shop, long time ago. Been down in Mossflower for ages now. Billy, my husband, couldn't stay in one place for over long. He went off someplace. Got sick of waitin' come back up this way," Amy said tiredly. "Yew sound an smell familar but the name's not comin' ta me," she told the cat.

Scioto answers,"I am Scioto Chieftain of Ferravale, The village has not changed too much..well Tavern was rebuilt since then but other than that nothing too major of difference."

"Ah. Thet'd be how I'd ave known yew. I suppose th markets a bit different since we sold the pottery shop. Suppose something else is in there now. ..... How is .... your girl doing? I think it was you had a daughter about the same age as mine is. She should be grown by now I'd think," Amy says as the server walks up and sits down her ale.

Scioto smiles "Blisa...she will be 7 seasons by mid spring...she is learning good skills on leadership, should it ever be needed that she take over, I mean she will one day but hopfully not too soon"

"Oh? Thought she was older than that. Must ave remembered wrong. Been so long I can't know wots wots up ere anymore," Amy says as she sips her ale, "Good to know yers has sense. Mine ran off to find her own way in the world first chance she got. Always was a strange one. Preferred to pester beggars than play with the other dibbuns." The rat listens to Scioto talk about the recent goings on in the village. She orders another ale once her first one runs out. The chief is pulled away to attend to chiefly things and Amy sits just listening to the sounds of the other beasts in the tavern as she sips her ale. No, Ferravale isn't a bad place to stay a while, not a bad place at all.
