
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Ross, Amethyst, Flicktail

Location: Redwall


Ross is leaning up in his bed, looking tired, and bored. The weasel still has covers draped over him but it can clearly be seen he's missing a leg, as the lump that would usually indicate there's a leg there isn't. The weasel looks miserable as his eyes just stare forward, half closed. All that can be heard is an occasional grunt with raspy breathing.

Amethyst comes up the stairs from outside with a small brown fuzzy something in her arms. She disappears into the healer's dorm with it and returns shortly without it. The rat closes the door half way before checking each bed in turn.

Ross's head slowly turns to follow the rat as she takes some furry thing by him, this probably being the most exciting thing he's seen all day, and when she's checking the beds, he sort of softly takes hold of his blanket and says, "Ms. rat, I needs a bit o'water. I be a bit hot, I be."

Amethyst twitches an ear at the voice. "Kin ye take it ina cup?" she asks not breaking her routine as yet for him. There are a number of water pitchers in the infirm so they may be one near his bed or the next one over.

"Aye," the weasel says, his head nodding weakly as if he's drowzy, light headed. Then Ross looks to the rat, looking at her carefully. "Ay, ye be blind," he says slowly, then shakes his head. "Ah, sorry 'bout that, ain't eva' seen a blind beast. I be cripled in me own way. I be missin' a leg now." Then he chuckles and says, "Strangest thing. It be hurtin' all the time, now.... now I can tell ya, it be itchy. Itchy like a madbeast, but ain't no leg there ter scratch. Now I be feelin' warmish, like I be sick, er somehin'."

"Thems called 'ghost pains'. Yer body don't lossin' parts off it," the blind healer says as she makes her way round to his bed. She pours a glass a bit clumsily for him. "Can ye sit up t drink?" she questions holding the cup out to him.

Ross slowly, the weasel with shivering paws takes the cup, now indicating to the rat that he's already leaning up. Quickly he gulps it down, and when he's finish he lets out a breath, almost a gasp for air. "Ah, thankya'," he whispers, his eyes closing for a moment. "So, this happens to creatures who be loosin' things like legs and tha' like, do it? 'ow's about this 'ere bein' hot-like?" Now his eyes open and look back to the rat. "That be normal to?"

"Ow long since yew lost it?" Amy asks.

Ross has to think about that as he looks forward. "I dunno," he says, trying to remember, the strain in his face saying so. "Half moon ago, maybe?" So, estimated about 2 weeks. "Ah, the otha' leg still be hurtin' roight bad. Already gave me somethin' fer that pain, they did. Ay." Now he looks confused as he nods weakly to her. "'ow come ye be a heala' in this 'ere Abbey? I though just a bunch of woodlanders be runnin' this place."

"Vittles are good an so's th drink. Why not stay a spell? Walls are strong and if the tales they tell are true this place aint goin' no where," Amy says. "Half a moon yew say? Could be nothin' or coulda healed bad. Need look at it t be sure."

Ross swallows slowly, nervously. "I ain't goin' nowhere marm. See, this riverdog over 'ere, 'is name be Sinway, 'e be me brotha' now. Said 'e'd look after me since I can't be lookin' after m'self properly. A leg gone, th'other hardly workin'. " Then the weasel looks down at the blanket which lays over him and says, "The other 'ealers already be takin' a look at me leg everyday. Say it be 'ealin' fine. Say," then he looks back to her, "Ye be friends with these 'ere woodlanders then, if yer workin' for 'em?"

"If they all say yer healin' fine yew likely are. Pain may just be thet yew aint used to havin' just th one leg still or might be a fever. Had th pain ever since loosin' yer leg or some it come later?” the rat asks.

Ross shakes his head slowly at the question, rubbing at an eye with a paw. "Comes 'ere and there," he says. "Was 'orrible when I first lost it. Stayed 'bout the same the first several nights. Now it all depends. 'urts bad at night, usually when I be sleepin'. Wake up with it. Me one leg there, achin' like a badger be sittin' on it all night, an' the otha', the one missin' now, it just.... ah, it just keeps on itchin'. I feel like I be drivin' to be a madbeast seein' that I can't scratch it." Now a brow raises as he looks to the rat once more. "Ay, ye an' tha' fox over there, Flicky be 'is name. Ye two get along with these 'ere woodlanders now?" Then he chuckles slightly. "Think there be any 'ope for a former hordebeast turned, eh," now a hint of depression, "useless?"

Amethyst shrugs, "From wot Oi 'ear fox was a hoardbeast once. Now ee's their hero an champion. Protector o Redwall an all thet. He's done a good job of it too."

Flicktail yaws widely like a fox showing many shrp pointy fangs "who been tellin lies about me?”

Ross looks quickly to the waking fox, alert for a moment, before calming down seeing which of the two foxes is speaking. "Ah, aye, that what I be 'earin'. Maybe there be 'ope for me in this 'ere Abbey after all." Once more he leans his head back, closing his eyes. "Ah, feelin' drowsy now."

Amethyst smirks and turns her head toward the fox's voice and calls over to him, "Said yer a hero an saved everybest ere." She turns her face back to the weasel soon enough. "Might be. They're fond o putin' a body t work and they don't got much requirements. If they did I wouldn't be in ere with th hoard gone ... so much."

Flicktail says, "aye thts wot Oi said..likes oi tell ya they be all loies"

Flicktail says, "but oi do ave a confession ta make Ame....."

Ross smiles now at what the rat says to the fox, then he looks to her, shaking his head weakly. "Nah, marm, ye' be a good beast ye be. Yer a 'ealer, ye can walk and give sick beasts tha' treatment they need. They need that, an' I don't know 'ow to do that even."

Amethyst shakes her head. "Only took up healin' cause I aint to keen with a blade. Hard t fight iffen yew can't see wot yer fightin'," she says. Not that that's ever really stopped her that much in the past.

Flicktail doesn't say more to Ame, just looking around to see who is in the Infirmary.

Ross looks to Amethyst still as he smiles yet his eyes remain tired. "Ah, well, 'least ye' got a talent that's always in need marm. More than what I 'ave." Then he coughs but it's a weak cough, and his head points to the direction of Flicktail. "Ay, Mr. Flickytail, 'ow ye' doin' mate?"

Flicktail says, "um..oi arn't doin much.........me arms be all wrapped up.....ame be a good beast wi knots let me tell ya."

The weasel seems to be doing well and the fox isn't asking for anything just yet so Amy takes the time to check the other beds and the fuzzy thing she'd left in the healer's dorm earlier while she's at it.

Ross falls asleep.

Flicktail slips back to sleep

Amethyst can be heard talking to somebeast in the healer's dorm, "Stay in ere an don't leave fer anythin'. I'll be in th next room workin'. An' when I'm done we'll go down an get vittles." After a while the rat returns to the infirmary and find the weasel and fox both asleep. Shrugging the rat resumes her duties of keeping the infirmary in order which while currently peaceful is less boring when the patents are awake.

Hactor glances, sleepily up from a book he was reading, at Amethyst. He says in his low gruff voice, "Ah nurse. How are things?" It was an innocent question, and the old fox was looking to break his boredom in anyway these days.

Hactor closed his book ( having difficulty reading with one eye anyway.) He simply shrugged and said, "Not sure. Been sittin here for a good fortnight. Not sure what moods people are in."

Amethyst says, "Everybeasts 'side yew 's sleep. Yew don't need t worry much about them. They was in fair spirits roight b'fore though."
