You Best NOT Get All Stressed On Me-Redwall Log
Redwall Log
In Log:
Leon- Brother and Master Healer of Redwall
Flicktail-Resident of Redwall
Rayen- A healer and Wife to Flicktail
Juliana-Dibbun of Flicktail and Rayen (unconscious)
RW Abbey: Great Hall
The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.
The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.
Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.
Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]
a message (board) with notes tacked to it
Leon is sitting in one of the chairs, sipping some lemon tea quietly; he is the only one in here right now as it is a little late
Flicktail sits down and daubs at his eyes, his cheek fur soaked with tears
Leon looks up and notices the fox and nods "Flicktail..hello" He does notice the tears, "You ok sir?"
Flicktail asks, "Would you be ok if your Dibbun were unconcious nearly drowned?" He asks softly
Leon frowns “No, the healers are keeping an eye on her. I am just glad I was at the pond when it happen...I was able to get her out, the shrew is...well not sure a couple otters took him somewhere after he...well let’s just say he will have a sore neck a few days"
Flicktail says, "Will...she be..ok? How did it happen? She can't even hear, she is so...scared"
Leon says, "That shrew probably sneaked up on her. I don't know I just hear yipping and I jumped in the pond. Oz made sure the shrew didn’t run off and had him tied to a chair, he talked to the shrew and the shrews......choice of words..were not the best"
Flicktail says, "Will she be..ok? She was just learning to TRUST beasts" He sniffles
Leon speaks quieter "Sorex...the shrew, about got himself a broken neck..or worse. And I do not know I Will know more tomorrow, she is alive. I would suggest staying away from that shrew"
Flicktail doesn't seem to want to go to the shrew, he just begins sobbing
Leon reaches out to touch Flicktail's arm, "Please trust me, I WILL do my best and so will my healer staff. Rayen is most likely up there as well and she is one of my healers"
Flicktail nod nods "I know ye will..." He still sobs "No one I rather have....I'm...scared”
Leon nods, he speaks "Its ok to be scared. And that shrew will be escorted out and not allowed back inside." He frowns," And to think. I saw the shrew outside, he had some issues with the heat and I had, helped me and seems he has a bad way of repaying abbey kindness"
Flicktail says, "I cannot even comfort her, if she even lives"
Leon says, "Yes you can, you can be there, you can touch her paw, you can rock her carefully maybe"
Flicktail nods "Maybe......if she...”
Leon says, "Don't be saying she will die, just have faith she won’t…. ok"
Flicktail looks up "Just want ya to matter wot happens...I know you do your best and I be grateful...but it feels like the sun...will never raise again....her the sun.”
Leon sighs, he pats Flicktail's paw “I will keep you updated or have Caleb tell you updates if you want"
Flicktail says, "I will be by her side so you will know where I am"
Leon nods “That sounds good Flicktail, that way when she wakes up she will see you"
Flicktail says, "I hope she doesn't hate me. I hope she is not scared"
Leon says, "Why would she hate you, if anything she probably hates shrews and the pond now"
Flicktail says, "For not being there....she...always LIKED the water. She didn't even cry when there was a Bath"
Leon says, "Well let’s hope this doesn’t change her mind then"
Flicktail sighs and sniffles " thinking......of joining" He says softly
Leon tilts his head "Joining what Flicktail?" He is curious, but awaits a reply.
Flicktail sniffles and says barely able to be heard "The order"
Leon says, "Oh..that is something that can take seasons to complete, Caleb is close to 2nd rank novice now and that rank is harder and longer than you have 1st,then 2nd rank on novice and then Brotherhood"
Flicktail nod nods, his ears hanging "I am not the..Champion now...and..I just do that...first Fox Brother.”
Leon says, "Could be interesting, but a lot of hard work and not sure thoughts of some"
Flicktail says, "But first, Juliana has to..get well. AT least." He points to the Tapestry "Martin has not...come visit me."
Leon says, "There is different tests on 1st rank novice and then tests on 2nd rank novice and some tests take days to thing Caleb is doing, a task for getting to rank two since he has gone through he is tutoring Thorn, helping her with math and reading"
Flicktail is trembling as he listens and nods
Leon asks, "And why would martin visit you?"
Flicktail says, "to tell me that...That Juliana is gonna...join him"
Leon frowns "Please don’t worry, your give yourself a nightmare thinking about it and stress yourself. I don’t want you in a cot cause of stress?. Have you eaten today?"
Flicktail nod nods "I had...some lettuce”
Leon sighs “You need something besides that, some soup...or bread...good grief" He seems upset now "Do you want to be laying in the infirm weak? I don’t think Rayen would like that"
Flicktail says, "I am...ok, I just want her back is all.. don’t know if beasts like this...get better I have never...seen it"
Leon shakes his head "Ok you’re going to eat or you are not allowed up there to see her, do you understand?" He sounds serious.
Flicktail says, "I...won't cause no trouble..." He nods
Leon stands and heads to the kitchen, after some arguing he does come back with some soup, a roll and water and lays it before the fox ", then and only then can you be in the infirm"
Flicktail sips the soup listlessly "Thank" He doesn't sound like he means it
Leon watches him, he will make sure he eats all of it and that the fox has the roll an water "You need to keep up your strength, even if you’re not champion if you were needed for some fight you wouldn’t be prepared right now"
Flicktail shakes head 'seen enough blood....take the oath.”
Leon nods “Well, it’s up to you if you start your novice training or not to become a Brother in the order"
Flicktail woodenly eats what he is given his head hanging
Leon watches him, “Also I suggest resting, getting some sleep ok? “
Flicktail says, "I will sleep next to Juliana"
Leon says, "I am sure we can have a cot next to her, should be fine. The infirm cots are not too uncozy"
Flicktail says, "I don't care..not leaving her"
Leon nods, “Just eat and drink when needed, get rest also...ok, she will want to see a healthy and strong dad not a weak and sick one"
Flicktail says, "If, she sees me, at all...I have not been a very good father"
Leon asks, "Why do you say that, where have you been ?"
Flicktail says, "Obviously not protecting my dibbuns..."
Leon asks again "Have you been outside the abbey or just elsewhere in the abbey and you can’t be somewhere all the time that would be hard"
Flicktail says, "How did you feel when your dibbuns were lost or harmed."
Leon says, "I was upset when they were captured once when they were dibbuns, not really dibbins now as they are 7 seasons now, well 7 and a half....and I was scared but I had hope they would return safely and they did"
Flicktail says, "You are the reason I have hope Leon"
Leon manages a smile “And I don’t think Oz will let anyone near Juliana if they mean her harm, trust me...I think he could of easily killed the shrew earlier, had he really wanted to"
Flicktail says, "it were not Oz's fault...but I should have been there"
Leon says, "Well the shrew choice of words...don’t blame Oz for wanting to strangle the shrew, Oz protects the dibbuns and dislikes threats against them, if some evil doer wanted to kill the dibbuns, they would have to kill Oz first to get to them"
Flicktail says, "Sorex tried to kill her, and she was...helpless...the Shrews of mossflower should know...word. Should be spread"
Leon nods "Yes we should try and get a message to the shrew group about this Sorex, but I don’t think he would go near them, then I am unsure their thoughts, the shrews don’t like vermin after all themselves"
Flicktail asks, "But the GOUSIM know me don’t they? They know my Dibbuns? I was the General of the Army of North Mossflower at one time...when we fought that evil fox"
Leon asks, "May also want to tell Ferravale's chieftain as well, just keep an eye out for this shrew and which fox? There been a lot of evil foxes "
Flicktail says, "Forget his name now, one arm, I cut it off with Martin's blade. He is a good fox now"
Leon shrugs "No clue who you mean, wasn’t when I was here"
Flicktail nod nods "Martin Bless you Leon, For being a healer and for trying to help me daughter”
Leon says, "it’s my job to help the injured when I see them, even some vermin who are less than thankful I have helped, I helped Marek when he was evil.."
Flicktail says, "Don't know wot really else to say. I am trying not be too worried"
Leon says, "Hard to say who this fox was, was too many seasons ago for me..was before I was even around most likely but maybe it’s in the logs, an abbey beast could find it"
Flicktail shrugs "I just..want her to be well again” He nods
Leon says, "She will, just give it time it won’t be an overnight thing"
Flicktail looks up hopeful "Are you sure? Does she..wake up?”
Leon says, "She has yet to stay awake but never know, maybe tomorrow"
Flicktail asks, "Stay awake? but she DOES wake up?"
Leon says, "Not fully no"
Flicktail wilts
Leon frowns as he stands, "I am sorry "
Flicktail says, "not your fault...She is first"
Leon nods and sighs, he tries to change the subject “By the way...the one armed fox from seasons ago....there was a Hacoor...Hactor mentioned as a one armed fox in the logs I saw once, I remember reading it as a novice cause it was interesting"
Flicktail nod nods "I fought and Kroova. Hactor was the name, one armed foxy now“
Leon nods “ was champion for a long, long while, before I was even here "
Flicktail says, "I’d give it all know? I loves this place though, and all you beasts"
Leon nods as he collects the empty bowl and plate , and mug "I am going to the infirm now, you can follow but stay out of the healers way and stay quiet. The infirm is fairly empty just Juliana, and there is a hedgehog with a broken nose, they fell down the steps....and a vole maid about to give birth soon...for sure stay back from her" He chuckles "Unless you want a broken paw cause you offer yours to hold"
RW Abbey: Infirmary Recovery
This comfortable but spartan room has several small alcoves lining the wall. Infirmary bunks with resting and recovering patients lie in these alcoves, each cordoned off with a gossamer drapery of linen for privacy. The room is lit with oil lamps and the pleasing warmth of a small hearth fire. This room is kept quiet, except for the occasional snore, hacking cough or sniffle of its sleeping infirmary occupants.
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Exits: [Back] to the Main Infirmary
Flicktail sits next to his daughter holding her paw.
Leon enters and checks on the couple others here and nods to the vole here, the soon to be father and sighs "This kind of thing can take hours relax" The vole sort of nods and Leon walks over to Flicktail.
Rayen is asleep close to Juliana as well, a novice healer is on duty.
Flicktail looks up at Leon, his eyes full of hope, yet pleading
Leon says, "I will wake you if there is any change, ok?"
Flicktail nod nods, though the fox doesn't look like he will have much sleep.
Leon sighs “Sleep Flicktail please”
Flicktail lays down by his daughter and falls asleep
Leon sighs and makes sure a healer stays close by and wakes Rayen, then heads off to home.
Rayen wakes and nods to Leon, night shift she is ready.
Leon does on last check and then is off to bed himself.