Wait?..Your My Enemy Now?!(Marek Revenge TP...basiclly..)
Anomen walks down the dirt road, it feels good to be back and this little walk was to clear his mind and maybe find out some news if he could, he is also careful and stays off the main road.
Alvar has been following Anomen and steps out in front of him, a couple tall squirrels with him, "Hello.." Around his neck is a rainbow shell and he has more feathers in his head fur.
Anomen slows as he sees Alvar.."Who are..you?"
Alvar grins "Leader of the Gawtrybe..well main leader who has final say so in all matters, and one being" He gets in the other squirrels face, "You’re not allowed on our land and any help offered before is now no more"
Anomen steps back "What?..But Treesong was gonna talk to Ekon, wait.." He seems to remember "She left cause he was ill or something and she became leader..where is she is she ok?" Worry is in his voice.
Alvar rolls his eyes, "Oh she is fine....but I am leader, not her she was not ready" He smirks "Then suppose in a way she is a co-leader," He seems to so enjoy this "As my mate...as for Ekon, ...he died" Well he believes he did, it’s a lie for the most part but he makes it sound so real.
Anomen tenses up and looks ready to draw his sword" But?..Your mate?!.." He stutters a little at his bit of news and looks like he wants to not believe it, then she did rarely talk to him and its possible.."No..I can’t believe that and why would your help be refused?"
Alvar watches him and narrows his eyes "I wouldn’t draw the sword if I was you or face death..the clan goes back to the old ways and defends their land...and offers help to no one, besides all said is not keep now that I am leader. You stay away from us and we stay away from you."
Anomen looks at the ground "But...why would she..I love her and this makes no since" He still looks ready to draw the sword.
Alvar says something in a language unknown and the squirrel has 6 archers and they aim at Anomen" Do leave..." He smirks "Oh you love her, how nice...but she is my mate now and you will turn around and go or be found full of arrows by your stupid friends!"
Anomen glares at Alvar, "I will leave...but if something has happen to Treesong or your responsible for the death of her grandfather..I don’t care WHO you are, you’re a dead beast!"
Alar rolls his eyes " Fireing in one..two...."
Anomen backs up and glares daggers at Alvar, "You win this round, but not the next.." He backs up and makes sure they don’t fire arrows and then goes off into the woods, this is something the others need to know of and now. He heads back to the base camp where the LP is, running very quickly.