Unwelcomed Guests!
Blackfur is sleeping, not to soundly but sleeping. A set of keys is on the desk in front of him.
Jake slips in, he watches the cat and sneaks over, be blinks and slowly goes to grab the keys being careful not to make them clink, he breaths a slow breath and grips them in his paw as he goes to back out of the room.
Blackfur opens his eyes slowly "W..what?"He blinks a couple times and then quickly becomes more awake, he spins around and his eyes narrow...”You?..What are you doing with my keys?"
Jake freezes and looks at Blackfur and the keys and his paw closes around them, he glares slightly but doesn’t say anything and keeps his head down.
Blackfur stands and walks over to him, “I asked a question, those are my keys you have in your paw."He studies him closer as he tilts his head, “Wait a darn..."He goes to take the hood off.
Jake frowns, he then goes to swiftly kick him in the gut and run, hey isn’t like he planned all this.
Blackfur gives chase and growls; he goes to shove him down the stairs.
Jake was not expecting that, he oofs as he tumbles down the stairs, the keys fall from his paw and his head hits the bottom stair, he is out cold.
Blackfur snorts as he goes down the stairs and bends down to pick up the dropped keys, he studies the uncurious beast and gently moves him with his footpaw, he smirks as he lays a paw on the hood, “Why don't we just see...just who you really are.."
"Blackfur." Skarting's voice sounds from behind the cat on the staircase, breaking his movement with her sharp words. The mousemaid still has that look on her face, that evil set of eyes, narrowed into a darkened gaze underneath a mop of black bangs. But it's.. different this time. She steps toward him, taking each stair carefully, heart pounding her chest as she realizes she's about to finally make her move. She wasn't expecting to do it right now. Not originally. But here she goes. The mouse looks down to the unconscious form, who she can only assume is Jake. "I have something that belongs to ya." It's perhaps the first time she hasn't called him 'boss'.
Blackfur turns to look up at the mouse and arches an eyebrow, “I am a little busy right now what could you possibly have for me?"He asks, he looks at her a long moment as if trying to figure her out.
Jake groans, he would get up but now probably isn’t the best time for that and he has one heck of a headache, he moves his paw and curses under his breath, the keys, he dropped them.
Skarting steps forward slowly, looking down at the hand in her pocket as she pauses right before Blackfur. The mouse is meeting his eyes with a cold, hard stare. "There are three dead bodies in the bath house," she states, calmly. And then she pulls something out of her pocket, fingers closing over it as she hands it to Blackfur. "A gift." It's his missing black rose.
Blackfur is handed the rose and his eyes go wide, he looks at her and growls low “You...YOU TRICKED ME!"He draws his sword now and narrows his eyes, "You die now.." he says coldly and voice full of hate.
Jake slowly stands, he looks between the mouse and the cat, ok this wasn’t part of his plan either, he tenses up aiming to kick the cat if he trys anything. His paw goes to his back to touch something hidden there.
Skarting has a chill look on her face as she hands over the rose. And her voice, when it sounds, is a low hiss that beats out any of the evil voices she's had up until this point. "Your time is up, Blackfur. Consider this the first of many betrayals." She expects his outburst, and it's with a steady calm that Skarting slips a hand out from behind her back and slams a dagger toward his chest.
Blackfur goes to move sideways, the dagger luckily doesn’t enter his chest but it does go deep into his right shoulder, in a roar of pain he moves his sword in an arch towards her face, aiming to seriously wound her.
Skarting doesn't quite jerk back in time and the sword juts at edge of her face, drawing a thick line of blood as she whirls back with a gasp of pain. There's a drizzle of blood in her eyes that stings almost as much as the cut, but the mousemaid isn't nearly done. She didn't quite hit her mark. But she'll keep trying. With a steady hand, she twirls the staff off her shoulder and moves in with several quick jerks of movement to not only deflect any movements of his sword, but also to send him backwards with her own advance.
Jake paw grips the sword he has hidden under his cloak, he closes his eyes and draws it out slowly, its the sword of Martin the Warrior, he grips it and goes to try and catch the cat off guard by slicing at his leg to cause him to fall, he can’t just stand by and let a beast get hurt, it isn’t like him to stand there.
Blackfur growls in pain as his leg is sliced, he goes to make another slice at the mousemaid as he falls backwards, he looks up at Jake and ,now gets a good look at him “It’s you!!!"
Jake frowns, he then glares at the cat"Yeah...me," he backs up some as he is discovered, great...he looks at Skarting"I think we need to leave"
Skarting is going after Blackfur without any hesitation, and he manages to slice at her again before he falls back against the ground. Skarting lets out a hiss, drawing back momentarily as she grabs onto her now-sliced arm. And then a glance is offered to Jake, eyes flashing with fury. "I'm not flippin' /done/.." she nearly growls at him, before lunging forward with the staff again, twirling hard over her head before she tries to slam it down upon his own skull.
Blackfur growls and goes to kick the mousemaid, he snaps his fingers as blood goes down his shoulder, he smiles coldly as 2 guards come "Kill them!" he orders as one guard goes after the mouse and the other goes after the hare, both slicing at the intruders chests.
Jake glares at the her "This blooming....whoa “He just about is stabbed in the chest, he does get a cut on his arm and winches in pain, he grips the sword and starts to back off, another guard comes at him from the side and he stabs that one and frowns as he looks back “Guards are coming lass!"
As if on cue more guards do come to join in on the fight, the pair is quickly getting outnumbered.
Skarting is slower at this than she thought she'd be. Probably because she's now got blood dripping into one of her eyes and stinging horribly.. And her right arm is sliced neatly up the side. She catches the kick in the side, as she turns to avoid it, and falls back against the floor with a hard thud. Still into this, though, Skarting looks up through a haze of blood and a blinded eye to grin at the cat. "That's all y'got? Though I knew you were stupid. If y'believed me for so long." She misses the first guard, sending her staff jerking backward to hit him hard (if not fatally) in the face. And with more guards, Skart takes a woozy step back as if actually considering staying in the fight longer. "Can't fight me yourself, Blackfur!?" she shouts at him, staggering slightly.
Blackfur stands as he holds his bleeding shoulder; he smirks as he states coldly "This should end quickly, for you two." The one guard is killed but there is still 3 more guards who go on the attack, the cat glares at the hare now and goes to try and move towards him, he then leans against the wall, not fatally hurt but still a deep enough gash that will take some time to heal and he does have a healer to look at it."Finish them off!"He orders the guards.
Jake backs up, he isn’t good at up in your face fighting, he looks to Skarting,"I don’t blooming care....we run!" He goes to grab her and bolt while they can.
Skarting is breathing heavily, heartily outnumbered, and not quite willing to give up this fight just yet. This was probably a stupid idea. But, again, she did likely just save Jake from some unknown fate. In any case, she's losing a lot of blood and kind of sinks against the wall as more guards storm into the area. So when Jake grabs at her to bolt, she only protests a little. "I'm not flippin' finished!" she protests again, though she grabs at the hare for support as she looks behind them and sees /way/ too many guards coming their way.
Blackfur snorts as he slowly heads off, he is finding a healer and assumes the guards will finish them off.
Jake frowns, he looks at the stairs and curses and then well....up is good as he just lifts her up and bolts down the hallway, but not before he slices off the head of one of the guards,One down....two to go.
Skarting is continuing to curse, but she's so out of it at this point that she barely even notices Jake lifting her to bolt down the hallway. "Got 'em.." she mumbles in a dazed stupor. "Got 'em..." Flipping stubborn mousemaid. So much for her brilliant plan.
=======Jake and Starting get away and lock them selfs in a room as the guards search for them,meanwhile Blackfur limps off to a healer among the slaves he knows of==
Tungur has been awake for a bit, more nightmares getting him going. "Could let me keep you company...I can't be worse, can I?" he says quietly, eyes closed still.
Jo gets up and walks over to Tungur, sitting down by him. "Spikes...id never do tat' to Daena."
Blackfur enters with a growl and a bleeding shoulder; he glares around and spots the otter and snorts.
Daena smiles at Spikes, moving around so that she is sitting by Jo, "I know ye wouldn't, I was just kiddin' ya." She grins up at Tungur, and raises both eyebrows at Blackfur.
Tungur slowly sits up and was about to say something before he looks at Blackfur. "Heh. What's wrong cat, walk into a wall?" he asks before yawning and wiping his eyes.
Longspikes chortles merrily at Jo's hurt tone, "Ah, was just pokin' fun atcher..." he says, then his eyes swivel to Blackfur. The scent of blood in the air... weakness. The huge hedgepig shifts a bit, big paws closing to fists. Can't run fast, can swing right... but damned if he can't strangle beasts but good... And this cat looks nice and soft... He rolls forward, standing up onto his stump-thick legs.
Blackfur growls low, his leg is also bleeding, he limps over to the otter “Bandage it!" he orders, he looks at his guards “You two find the mouse and the hare...kill them!"
Jo frowns, standing up and grabbing a bandage from the small box of supplies. " 'old still please." He starts wrapping the cat's leg up.
Tungur looks to Jo and shakes his head. "Don't do it. In fact...why not just kill him?" he stands up, and slowly moves towards Blackfur with a grin, cracking his knuckles.
Shar's heavy crossbow thunks softly as it is settled against thebars, aimed at Longspikes, the razor-edged quarrel gleaming with lethal sharpness. A second crossbow appears on the opposite side, this one leveled at Tungur. "Move not. Sit. Or die."
Tungur was about to lunge at Blackfur, arms fully outstretched, but then he stops dead in his tracks, eyeing the crossbow. "Oh. Thats why." he nods. He sort of just stays in that grabbing pose for a second before he stands up straight.
Daena watches Jo, Blackfur, Tungur, Longspike and Shar and her rats. Her violet eyes flicking all over the place. She decides to just stay where she is, and not mess thing sup worse.
Blackfur growls as he sits by the wall, his shoulder wound is deep, not life treating but it is deep, his cut on the leg isn’t too bad at all, as he fell backwards at about the same time he got it, he hisses low “They die!!Both of them, they can’t hide forever!"
Jo mutters and keeps wrapping, not very happy now that the cat isn't holding still.
Tungur laughs a little. As he turns, he makes his long tail try to crack against Blackfur's cheek sharply before returning to his cot. "Oops. Sorry." he says, even if his attempt fails.
Longspikes growls; a vicious, hateful sound you wouldn't expect from a woodlander... "I'll have your skull as a bowl, Longtail... a nice matchin' set o' thirteen of'em." He says, shovel-sized paws flexing, knuckles crackling as the rage comes to a steady simmer. He turns his glare onto Blackfur... so close, yet so far. "What mouse and hare?"
Bur, a skin-and-bones lop in a tangle of chains, stirs lightly in the corner. One eye flits open at the racket, and then screws shut upon observing the chaos. The rabbit hunches his shoulders inward, recoiling from the scuffle. "Lordy lordy," he rasps, dismayed.
Daena turns hearing the voice, she holds a finger to her muzzle saying, *you might not want to get yourself into anything right now*......
Blackfur listens to all the, well craziness as he is bandaged up, he glares at the slaves and looks to the guard nearby,"Dont just stand there, and find the two intruders...” The guard nods and heads off. The cat goes silent as if in deep thought, ok just a simple matter it will be dealed with soon.
Jo wrinkles his nose and finishes with Blackfur's leg, hesitating a little before starting on his shoulder.
Shar's pale, corpse-blue eyes peer around the cell slowly, focusing on each occupant in turn. That bland, cold gaze doesn't stop moving, wandering back and forth with a lazy ease. "Relying upon slaves to bandage wounds foolish. Erebos capable, useful, safer.”
She says, her monotone drifting through the air and settling in the ear like a cold breeze.
Bur musters strength to nod to the otter--perhaps wishing to smile, but unable in his depleted state. Work has worn him rough, but the rabbit manages to shimmy his way up the wall, clenching heavy chains in his feeble paws. Vacant eyes scan the gathered creatures, warily eyeing each.
Blackfur speaks "I don’t know where erebos is right now...and this is one reason why this slave is still here even...he has helped some members with healing"
Tungur smirks a little bit and then hums. "If you ever, ever touch him, Blackfur. I'll kill you, crossbows or not."
Jo glances over at Bur, blinking a couple times. He had never noticed the poor guy before. Jo keeps wrapping, not quite done with bandaging blackfur's shoulder.
Daena moves slowly and unnoticably over to the rabbit, offering an arm to help hold him up. She frowns at Blackfur, not saying anything but silently thinking, *If he even looks at Jo th' wrong way Tungur won’t even git a chance. I'll kill 'im first.......*
Bur has, heretofore, kept mostly to himself. A quiet lad, the rabbit is often recruited for various duties about the camp--not known to put up much of a fight. He accepts Daena's help with a grateful dip of his head, and, with a soft cough, suggests, "Clove oil, ole' cap. It'll 'elp “
Longspikes decides to sit down again, seeing as he can't run around swatting heads off certain cats like he'd want to without earning a few new spikes in bad places. "Forget the oil. Lettim rot and fester... deserves it, the scum."
Jo finishes up with the bandaging and steps back away from Blackfur.
Bur bites into his lower lip, in vague regret of his suggestion. But the lop adheres to a solemn oath; he cannot help but interject his knowledge when appropriate. His gaze flits for a fleeting moment to Longspikes, remorseful, and then falls to the floor.
Blackfur hissses, he is helped up by a guard and glares at all those in the room."Lock the door back" the guard obeys as the cat goes to head off, he looks at the group and growls low, he then smiles "I do hope my guards find your friends,..They will die soon, oh don’t worry I will let you know when they die, no one tricks me and lives" With that he limps out and goes back to his room.