Two Stoats Plus One

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Kentar, Garnet, Fira, Aikuen, Will, Amy, Kluner, Christopher

Location: Moledeep

Moldeep: Mole Hall

Both stoats are sitting at the biggest table in the room. Next to each other as usual. Kentar is writing something down on parchment and Garnet is watching him, leaning on her husband gently

Fira makes an appearance, a book in paw and a mind to sit about at the table before she spots the stoats and changes her mind. Trying to just quietly slip through, doesn't want to interrupt their time together.

Kentar happens to look up and spot Fira. He waves at her and smiles, and Garnet does the same. "Hey there Fira." they smile at her.

Too late, interrupted. Fira offers the stoats a nod, though she's still headed for the kitchen "Hey, nice quiet day?" looks peaceful anyway.

"Yeah. Its pretty quiet. We're trying to get as much quiet as we can before it all goes away." Kentar chuckles with a smile. "How are you today?

Fira comes to a stop before she can get to the kitchen, hanging about to talk instead with a small smirk "I can understand that. Yeah though. Good, books, bit of sunny weather. It's a good day"

Kentar nods and laughs, grinning a little. "Yeah. Although, being an otter, I'd think you would like rain more then sunny weather." The stoat grins then laughs again. "You just going to stand there, or you going to have a seat?" he smiles.

Fira chuckles quietly "We have a pond and the option to get soaked through if I wanted to, that's good enough for me" she smirks at the next question "Considering it but I was going to get a cup of tea first" she leaves her book on the table, completely foreign language and alphabet so odd read but she doubts it'll go missing for it "I'll just be a second"

Kentar chuckles a little and nods at the otter. "Well, alright. Your right, the pond is there." he nods with a smile before nodding again. "Alright. You'd better come back though." he grins and winks. The stoats chuckle and whisper to each other for a few moments after Fira left, and then Kentar gets back to his writing.

Aikuen is in the kitchen, sitting on a counter cross-legged. He has a book(Modern Field Healing) in paw, as he waits for his biscuits to come out of the oven. He slowly mumbles out directions to set a knee, and he drink out of his mug of well water. He espies Fira out of the corner of his eye, entering the kitchen. He stops reading to look at her, and says, "Hey Fi!"

Fira smirks still, half for the random whispering as she turns to disappear into the kitchen and there's Aikuen. She blinks, giving him a little smile "Hey. Getting far in the book?" going to sort herself out her tea, try and not get comfortable since she's still got to go back out again.

Aikuen nods and closes the book, placing it next to him, "I've gotten pretty far... Its still odd... But at least its gotten to the more gory parts of healing... the stuff i can actually use..." He shoves off of the counter, and walks over to the oven a pulls out his tray of biscuits setting it on the counter for cooling, "Going back to the table?" he asks.

Fira grimaces faintly "Lovely" cup of tea in paw she nods back to Aikuen "Yeah, told Kentar I'd be back...Ooo, you're coming too, with those biscuits" already making her way back to hang about the doorway. In sight of Kentar and still able to watch Aikuen for objections.

Aikuen nods, and plates all the bread, "Yep, just let me get my book!" he goes over to the book and picks it up with his mug. He balance the plate on his arm as he goes to follow Fira, "Lead the way Fi! I got it! Whoh!" he almost spills his mug, but manages to catch it, and laughs.

The stoats are still sitting in their spots, Kentar still writing. Garnet is looking over his shoulder. "So love. Um. I want to go to the abbey some point. You think we can?" she asks. Kentar nods. "Sure."

Fira smirks faintly at Aik and heads back to her spot at the table, just catching a mention of 'abbey' as she settles herself down "Redwall?"

Aikuen smiles back at her, and goes to place the plate somewhat in the middle of the table. He takes a few, before going to sit next to Fira. He places the bread kind of between him and Fira, as he begins to munch on one of them. Just listening to the conversation for now.

Kentar looks up to Fira and grins. "Do you know any other abbey?" he chuckles before seeing Aikuen. "Hey Aik." He smiles. Garnet smiles at the two of them and then back to Kentar.

Fira reaches for the bread, grab a bit to nibble on before she smirks back at Kentar "I'll have you know I've heard of a couple of others in past seasons"

The smell of fresh baked bread makes its way into the adjacent rooms quickly, drawing out certain dibbuns. Will reaches for a biscuit. "I do. Kinda. I don't know if it's really an abbey but it looks a lot like Redwall but it doesn't have as many rooms. It's a long way from here though an I don't know who lives there ... I didn't see any beasts when I was there. It's past th outpost I think somewhere north...west I think. Lot of places out in th woods."

Kentar blinks and looks at them. "There are more abbey's?" he asks with a bit of a surprised look. "Only ever heard of Redwall and Lomehedge far to the south. But. That's it."

Aikuen waves at the stoats, "Hiya Kentar, Garnet, and the stoat yet to be born!" he chuckles a little bit, but mostly stays out of the conversation, as he only knows Redwall as the only abbey... at least in this part of the world. He sees Will and waves at him, "Hello Will!" and he goes back to eating his biscuit still just mostly listening.

Fira shrugs a shoulder "I knew of a Wolfbane abbey or something like that anyway. There's the odd one here and there. Most of them empty these days. Redwall's the big one that's lasted through the years."

Will passes a biscuit to Amy before biting into one himself as they listen to the adults talking.

Kentar nods a little then shrugs. "Ah. Well. Redwall is the one we mean." he nods before leaning back over his parchment and writing down again.

Aikuen blinks a few times and smiles, "Sounds like fun mate! When are you planing to go?" He tries to look over at the parchment that Kentar has... cant tell anything on it... so he sighs, and goes to looking at Fira, then back to the stoats.

Fira is trying to avoid peeking at the parchment herself, still, she smirks faintly "Kind of figured"

Will nods still eating his biscuit.

Amethyst holds her bisciut in her mouth as she tunes her lute playing a short piece of music over and over listening for something only a musician would likely be able to hear.

Aikuen lightly chuckles at Fira's comment. He polishes off his biscuit, and washes it down with some water. He sighs as he goes to grab Fira's paw under the table, "Need anything Fi? Or can i just sit here, and rub your paw?!" he asks that very quietly, as he begins to rub her paw with his thumbs.

Fira laughs quietly "I think I'm fine as I am" going to give Aikuen's paw a small squeeze back before she picks up her eat and finally glances to the rats, her head tilting faintly as she watches Amy playing with the lute.

Kentar looks up and shrugs a little. "Soon. Very soon. Probably tomorrow or the day after." he nods.

Will finishes his biscuit and asks, "Why are ya goin t th Abbey?"

Aikuen nods at the stoat, and was about to ask the very same question that Will asked. He blinks a few times, and chuckles lightly. He goes to tickle Fira's paw just a little bit.

Kentar looks to Garnet and then shrugs. "Cause she wants to." he chuckles, looking to Will and smiles.

Fira lapses into a moment of silence as she sips her tea and waits for the answer. Giving Aikuen's paw a little poke in revenge for every tickle.

Will shrugs a little, "Oh. Thought maybe it was about th baby."

Kentar blinks for a moment. "Oh. Well. Actually, yes. That's why we're going." the stoats smile a little. "We think its close, but we're not sure. So. The healers up there should be able to tell us. We'll be gone for a day or two but then we'll be back."

Aikuen chuckles and looks to Kentar, "Good enough reason for me mate." He winces a bit at the poking, but continues his tirade of tickling all the same.

Fira has claws sure but she's not poking hard. In her better interests not to hurt Aikuen "Seems like just the other day you told us all about it."

Kentar chuckles. "Telling you guys all about what? The fact Garnet and I would be parents?" He laughs. "And who knew it might just happen three days after the wedding." he smirks.

Aikuen gets poked a little hard, and mumbles "Ow!" he stops tickling and just goes to rub her paw again, "Yes... it was only a few weeks ago... i thought you guys were still dead? Now you here, married, and just about to have a child... So, it does seem like the other day..." he laughs a little bit.

Will asks, "Is Kluna going to?"

Kentar nods a little then chuckles. "Yeah. Well. If I never got lost, We'd have found out she was pregnant a lot, a lot sooner." He laughs

Amethyst says, "And you would have been married a lot sooner as well."

Aikuen chuckles, "That is True..." he nods and goes to smirk at Fira, "No problem Fi, Ill just get you later" he hides a grin, and gives her a small kiss on her cheek.

Kentar laughs and nods a little. "Yeah. We would have. But, we're quite happy now." he smiles. "Anyways. We're going to go pack for our trip to the abbey." They smile and Kentar helps Garnet to her feet. "Oh, and Will. I wrote a story to read to Kluna and his brother or sister. You mind reading it and telling me what you think?" He points to the dozen or so pages of parchment on the table.

Will nods and goes to gather up the pages of parchment before sitting down to read it.

Fira chuckles back at Aikuen "I'll keep my eye on you then" a nod to Kentar after that "Happy packing"

Aikuen laughs back at Fira, then nudges her, "better Keep on your toes also!" he then waves at the stoats, "See yah later then... Do you need anything?... Anything for the way there?" he asks.

Kentar helps Garnet go towards the sleeping hall. "We're good, thank you!" Kentar smiles at them. "We'll be back later."

Fira offers the stoats a vague wave as well "Have a good trip too if I don't see you before you leave" the wave turning into a grab at the bread again after a second.

Aikuen nods at the stoats as they leave, "Well I'm here if yah need me!" he chuckles a little a bit... And then he notices his wife going for the bread again, giving a small smirk to her, "My hardtack... is simply irresistible ain't it! Just can keep away for it for long... can yah!" he chuckles a little bit, also going to grab at a piece for himself.

Fira chuckles quietly "It's here, it's still warm and it means I won't have to make anything else for a while. It'll do"

Amethyst smiles hearing Fira's comment. She doesn't say anything though just goes to fiddling with her lute again since Will's busy looking at what Kentar had wrote.

Aikuen sticks his tongue out at her, "Yah well... don't have to be rude..." he fake grumbles for a little bit before laughing, and squeezes her paw, "I bet you still like it all the same..." he waits until she takes a bite before kissing her.

Fira smirks and givers him a small kiss back "Well maybe it's been slowly growing on me a little bit"

Kluner walks in from the storage chamber following his nose to the smell of bread. He waves to all the beasts here, "Heya... Ummm.... Wills... Amies... Ikes... and Firha... Rights?" he ask as he bounces to the table reaching for the biscuits. Otters are not fazing him at all for the moment, cause he is hungry!

Amethyst turns at the little weasel's voice, "Hi there Kluna. Aik brought bread in from th kitchen. What have you been doing?"

Aikuen smirks at her, going to wrap an arm around her, "Horah! I'm really proud of my bread... It better be delicious! I hope you like it enough!" he sees Kluner reaching for the bread, "Hey Kluna... Hungry? Here yah go!" he takes one of the biscuits and hands it to the weasel.

Kluner cant reach the bread, due to his small size, and he jumps up to reach it. Then the otter gives him the bread and he says, "....Tanks... Ike..." he takes the bread and runs over to Amy to sit down. He slowly nibbles on the bread as he says, "Kluna's been explorin... its a bigs place... and Kluna can walks arounds now... causes nows... da..." he glances at the otters, and becomes silent as he eats his bread.

Fira smirks and rolls her eyes at Aikuen and then Kluner gets a little smile as he appears. She looks curious when he stops midsentence though "Cause now...?"

A stoat appears. One of them. Its Kentar. "Ah. Where is that now. Aha!" he goes over to something and places whatever it is that was on Garnet's chair into his pocket. He then sees Kluner and smiles. "Hey Kluna."

Aikuen sees the eyes roll, and he frowns, before kissing her again. He then turns back to Kluner, and tilts his head at his mid sentence ending. He blinks a few times and leans against Fira, keeping quiet... as he has a guess at what it is.

Kluner looks to Fira and says, "Cause... of.... Nothings... Becauses... its not anymores..." he hears his father and looks to him, and waves the biscuit at him, "Heya Fajer! Wats yah doings?" he asks walking toward him. He hopes to get away from the other conversation, and change it to this one.

Fira shrugs lightly at Kluner's response but Aikuen leaning on her proves a good enough distraction anyway and she moves an arm to rest around him, aiming a little kiss at his cheek

Kentar smiles and sits down for a few minutes. "Well. I came out to grab Garnet's necklace that she forgot out here when we went into the sleeping hall." he smiles. "And what are you doing?"

Kluner nods a little as he is now in reaching distance of the stoat, "Kluna was explorins... then Kluna was hungrys... came in heres... gots some bread, and was takins a littles bit... now your heres..." he wraps his tail around one of the chair posts.

Aikuen grins as he is kissed, sighs, and goes to start rubbing her paw again. He can stay distracted enough, and he helps her along, by trying to start a game of claw wars! One of his favorite games while holding her paw.

Will finally finishes reading over what Kentar had written. He puts the parchments back in order and stretches after sitting so long. Then gather up the paper and hold them out the stoat, "It's good. I think they'll like it. Hi, Kluna. Didn't see you come in," he chuckles grinning at the weasel.

Fira smirks a little at Aikuen, quietly playing along with the little game of claw wars. Missing out on anything said at the time too but happy enough anyway.

Kentar looks at the weasel then chuckles. "Ah. So. Doing good then." he smiles. The stoat's attention is grabbed by Will. "Ah. Good. Thank you." he takes the parchment back and sets it carefully aside. He was about to pick Kluner up until there was a loud thud coming from the sleeping hall. "Uh. K-Kentar! Can you. Please come in here for a sec." The stoat rolls his eye. "I'll be back. Probably just dropped something." he smiles and goes towards the sleeping hall. As soon as he's out of view. "Oh no! Uh...I know what to do, I know what to do!!!"

Amethyst look toward Will as he gets up, "It lives! I thought maybe you'd left."

Kluner blinks a few times and climbs up on Garnets chair, slowly rubbing his tail, at his father odd yelling.

Kluner blinks a few times and climbs up on Garnets chair, slowly rubbing his tail, at his father odd yelling.

Aikuen sighs again as he lost a round of claw wars, then he hears the yelling and looks off in that direction, "Oi! Kentar... Whats wrong mate? She drop something and it broke? Do you need help cleaning it up?" he asks not knowing what happened.

Fira isn't really aware anything's going on until Kentar comes back yelling and then he's panicky and confusing and a glance to Aikuen doesn't shed light "What's going on?"

"Something...Uh. Something broke alright! No! No you. Um." there's a yelp of pain from the inside of the room. "Help!" Kentar panics but he does manage to get her into the infirmary.

Aikuen blinks a few times at the 'help'. He lets go of Fira and goes over into the sleeping hall, then following the shouts to the Infirm. He goes wide eyed at what is happening when he enters. He runs back into the hall, looking a little in shock, "Oh... Geeze ... Alright calmness... Okay... Fira get some towels and hot water and get into the infirm.... Will and Amy, watch Kluna... There is going to be a new stoat here tonight..." he runs back in to help in any way he can. Which is not a lot, but he is support as he has seen this before... and kinda knows what to do.

Fira isn't confused so much as in disbelief now "It can't be..." but she quickly snaps herself out of it at Aikuen's request, getting up and quickly moving off in search of towels and water, soon getting them to the infirmary.

Amethyst blinks a little at the yelling and smiles as she sorts out what it all means. "Hear that Kluna? Th baby's going t be here real soon so you need t stay out here while Aik, Fira and Kentar help Garnet with th baby, understand?"

Kluner blinks a few times and nods slowly, as he begins to chew his tail. He is going to be a big brother soon... and he doesn't know what to think... He climbs off the table and walks over to Amy, and places his tail on her leg, "I heards yellins... are theys gonne be okays?" he asks.

Will does wonder a little about what is going on in the infirmary but stays where he is. Kluna's voice snaps him out of a daydream and he just looks at the weasel a moment before answering, "... They should be."

Amethyst nods some, "They'll be fine. Garnet has three beasts t help her an th baby so it should be alright. Do you want t do something while we wait, Kluna? ... maybe we could get some paper from the supply chamber and you could make something to give the baby when they get here or for Kentar and Garnet, I'm sure they'd like that. We can do anything you want so long as we stay away from the others while they're helping Garnet and the baby."

Kluner nods a little, "I likes to draws somthings... please..." his tail oddly twitches now.

Will nods, "Ok then, to the storage chamber!" he points to it and nudges the weasel forward while taking Amy's paw as he goes to follow Kluner should he move.

Kluner doesn't even to bother to resist, he is still thinking as he is pushed into the storage chamber.

Moledeep: Storage Chamber

Will follows Kluner into the storage chamber with Amy beside him. He pulls out some paper and a bottle of ink from one of the shelves and sets them on the floor for Kluner. "There's lots of stuff in here use whatever you want for your project." He sits down by the dibbun hole to check on Racky before turning back to watch his nephew.

Amethyst allows herself to be pulled around and ends up ploping down on the floor to sit by Will, their paws still clasped the whole time. "My wrist hurts. I /wonder/ why that is." She leans back against the wall as she digs her claws into Will's paw a little in revenge for not letting go of her while he was, from her point of view, running about.

Kluner takes one of the inkwells and dips a pointy claw in. He takes it out and begins to draw a very accurate picture of Kentar and Garnet, and himself, holding a little baby. Kluner has a hidden talent of drawing, that he doesn't know about. To him, this is just drawing.

Will pries his paw from Amy's grasp and looks down at Kluna's picture while he reaches over the weasel to get a candle from one of the shelves above him, because he's bored. "Whoa! That's really good, Kluna!" he exclaims seeing the weasel's drawing.

Kluner looks up smiles, as no beast has ever admired his work before, "Reallies?" He then points to each drawing and explains what they are, "that's Fajer... Thats Mujer... Thats Kluna... and dats eithers Chirs... or Janats... Dont know yets..." he goes to add facal feature to his drawing.

Will chuckles, "Can see that. I can't draw very good. Nothing like that. Most beasts can only draw that good if they're real old and have been drawing forever or somebeast taught em how and I think that takes a long time for em t learn it." He picks at the candle in his paw shaping it as he talks only half aware of it as he watches Kluna draw.

Amethyst pulls calls over, "/What's/ going on?"

Will looks back over to Amy, "You should s- ... never mind. ... Kluna's drawing a picture for Kentar and them ... it's really good like ... like a painter or something would make ... kinda but with ink instead of paints." He really wishes she could see it and he walks back over to sit with her. "It looks just like them too ..." he adds turning his attention more to the candle now a bit solemnly.

Amethyst nods a little and leans against Will as he sits back down next to her, "I should just take a vow of silence shouldn't I. That'd fix everything, huh?" she teases trying to cheer him up. "That's a real useful talent you got there Kluna. You could make money off that if you wanted to." she smiles to where she believes the weasel to be, she's trying to be supportive since she likes the little weasel and his family, which she will be joining in a few more seasons if things continue as planned.

Will picks at the candle slowly. Hearing Amy's joke he manages a small smile for her though it doesn't last long. "Wonder how much longer it'll be," he mumbles looking over the wax figure in his paw, continuing to carve on it with claws.

Kluner dips his claw in the inkwell once more, and signs his name at the bottom. The scrawled name of 'kl00n4' adorns the parchment, as he holds it up to the light, "How longs do dese ussaly lasts... being bornded..." he asks setting the drawing down and looking to the rats.

Will agrees, "Yeah. Don't know how long just that it's usually a long time. A real long time." He rolls the finished wax figurine in his paws making it spin around. It was a green candle a while ago and now it's a little figure of a dancing rodent maid. The figure strongly favors the maid beside him. The figure is frozen in the middle of a dance, her braid sticking out behind her in a wavy line and the skirt of her dress fans out around her with the speed of her dancing. One footpaw is laid flat while only the toeclaws of the other brush the floor. The figure even holds a staff in one paw at a backward angle to keep it out of the way while dancing. "Your drawing done?" he asks Kluna watching his new figure spin around with a smile, he thinks it turned out very well.

Amethyst can tell Will's playing with something in his paws and reaches over to 'see' what it is. "Interest," she smirks gently feeling the figurine, "but there's one little mistake ..." she grins setting her staff aside and using the wall to pull herself to her feet, "... well, maybe two. One There should not be a stick. ... and two ..." she holds out her paws for him to take them, "... /she/ seems to be missing a partner." She smiles hoping Kluna's presence won't discourage him any and asks, "Would you?

Will laughs and sets the figurine down carefully before taking the rat-maid's paws in his own, "Hope you know I've never done this before."

Amethyst rolls her eyes, "Oh and I get asked /so/ often. Come on, the worst Kluna will probably do is laugh at us and I doubt he'll ... Ow! That was my foot. Something else we need to practice I see .... Hmm, you may have to carry me after this. But if you stop I will find my stick and hit you with it so don't try to get out of this."

Will sighs and dances akwardly with her, "Fine. But if Pa or Kentar comes in here ..."

Amethyst says, "They'll laugh at you but I don't mind if they do. ... Make sure we don't step on anything ... that I don't step on anything."

Will moves so he has his arms wrapped around Amethyst and they 'dance' slowly in a small circle to avoid stepping on either Kluna's drawing or Will's figurine. "This better or should we go outside t do this?" Will asks the maid grinning as /so far/ the little weasel hasn't said anything or laughed at them.

Amethyst blushes a little as Will holds her close and they try to dance. "We could but we're supposed to be watching Kluna ... and since you're better at /watching/ than I am ... you could tell me if he's still here or not. ... either he's being very quiet or he left. I'm hoping for the first one because the second one would be very bad ... and I'd have to not be here like this and I like this ... even if neither of us can dance."

Will glances around the room quickly before rising up on his tiptoes, still going in circles, to kiss Amy lightly on the muzzle and whispers, "if he makes fun of us we'll tickle him til th others come looking for us."

Kluner has been chewing on his tail since there little dancing started. He just watches them, not laughing or saying anything, until they mention tickling him, "Pleases no tickles Kluna..." he smiles a little bit.

Amethyst leans into the kiss a little and nuzzles against Will hugging him tightly. Her ears move toward Kluna's voice when he speaks, and smiles a little more whispering to him, "Shhh. Just ... just don't tell Fira about this ok. She ... uh ... isn't very thrilled that we like each other, ... th way we do. Can you do that?"

Kluner tilts his head, and continues to chew his tail, "O'kahs..." as he doesn't get it, but he has no reason to deny them such a request.

Will smiles at the weasel as they continue to 'dance', "Thank you. .... It won't be like this forever. After next Spring things will be better." He's quiet a while as they go round and round slowly. She's humming a tune he she's been teaching him the words to.

Amethyst sighs, "Wish it was Spring /already/ or it'd a least hurry up more in getting here .... no chance we could get away with Winter instead? No, probably not ... more chance some beast'd say something against it when they ask .... You think we could ask for them t skip that part?"

Will sighs, "We're not doing that ... not what you keep bringing up." He adds quieter, "..... not if we don't have to."

Kluner rubs his tail, quite confused again. But if the rats are not going to discuss it, then he wont ask. He picks up his drawing and holds it in his paws, admiring it for a second, "I hopes they likes it... I wonder if its a boys... or girls... I hopes its a boy..." he smiles a little.

Will slows the 'dance' til they stop. "I'm sure they'll love it, Kluna. .... Kluna? Do you like Amy, you think she's nice?" he wants to know if Fira is the only one against the wedding even though Kluna hasn't been part of the family for very long.

Amethyst lets go of Will's paws and takes a step back bumping into a wall. She doesn't care too much about it and slides down it to to sit down, little too much spinning. She laughs, "Oh, now I'm dizzy. That was fun."

Kluner thinks about for a few seconds before smiling and nodding, "Yeses Kluna likes her... she is nicest... and funs!" he laughs a little bit, and nods again.

Will smiles, "Good. Do you know what's gonna happen next Spring?"

Amethyst closes her eyes and leans against the wall smiling still a little tired from spinning.

Kluner shakes his head, and bites his tail in wonderment.

Will picks up the figurine he'd made earlier and toys with it in his paws a while, "Well, next Spring, that's three seasons from now so it's a long time away still, but next Spring ... I'm gonna marry Amy and then she'll be my wife and I guess kinda your Aunt or something. What ya think of that?"

Amethyst is resting with her eyes still closed but her smile widens as she hears Will tell Kluna their plans, even if it is the short version.

Kluner tilts his head, "Gonna marries hers?... Like Fajer and Mujer?, a few dayses ago?" he doesn't know what to think so he just says, "Hoorahs!" but nothing else.

The voice of Aikuen can be heard from Molehall, "Oi! Will! Amy! Kluna! come out and meet the newborn" and the padding can be heard of the otter coming toward them.

Will nods, "Yep like that. Though it may be a little bit different then their's was but it'll be mostly th same ... unless something happens. Yeah it'll be like that. But it won't be til next Spring so we still have the rest of Sum- er... Ah, sounds like your new sibling is here!" He walks over to help Amy up and find her staff for her.

Amethyst, with Will's help, gets to her feet and walks toward the hall. Both rats are a little flushed from 'dancing' but aren't thinking much about what they may look like after that now they've heard the baby stoat is here. "Come on, Kluna, th baby's here!" Amy calls out as if he can't heard. The rats don't wait for him though and head out to the hall.

The otter sees them coming out, "Hey, were in the infirm... and Garnet is a asleep, so be a little quiet..." he smiles and walks off toward the infirmary.

Moledeep: Infirmary

Aikuen walks back into the room immediately goes to sit next to Fira, and grabs her paw. He has seen the babe, let them see him now

Kentar is sitting next to the bed with Garnet, little bundle in his arms.

The rats come in still flushed and both grinning from ear to ear and not just because of the new baby. They move to one side to let Kluna have room to see the baby first and show off what he'd made.

Kluner walks in and stops when he can see the bundle. He starts to chew his tail, and very slowly walk forward toward the stoats. He gets up close and says, "Boys... or Girls?" he asks as he climbs up on the bed carefully to look at the babe. There is a drawing in his other paw, but you cant tell what it is from this angle.

Kentar smiles as Kluner gets on the bed. "Kluna. Say hello to your new brother." he smiles, moving the little stoat so that Kluner can see him and he can see Kluner. "Boy." he answers after a moment. "Christopher. Say hello to Kluna." The little stoat giggles and reaches out to touch the weasel.

Kluner blinks and smiles, as he hears it was a boy. He looks to his brother, and even goes out to grab his outstretched paw, "Brudder... cristofer... Helloes, Cristofer..." he grins as this is beginning to settle in.

Will looks over at the baby, he hasn't had much experience with babies so he copies Kluna a little by waving a little a the baby, "Uh ... Hi, Christopher." before reverting to what little of the birthing process he's familiar with, looking to Kentar and trying to keep his face serious as he'd seen other beasts in the past do as he asks "How is she?"

Kentar looks at Will and smiles before looking to Garnet. "Her? She's doing quite well. Tired though." he nods a little.

Amethyst sits down on one of the cots still very happy with how things have been going.

Will's mind goes blank and he can't remember what words come next, if any. He just nods slowly then turns around and walks out of the infirmary.

Kluner lets go of his brother, and sits down, with the drawing in front of him. He now knows... that he... is this little guys big brother... He smiles and holds out the drawing, showing it to his brother and father. The drawing is of Kentar, Garnet, and Kluner and the baby is being held by the little weasel. The drawing is very good, very accurate to what they look like in real life. He smiles and points at the little baby drawing, "Sees Crisotfer... this is yous, and this is me's... I'm your bigs brudders!" he laughs a little bit.

Kentar looks down to the drawing and smiles. "Wow Kluna. That's really, really good." he smiles. "Did you draw it yourself?" the stoat asks. The little stoat just giggles and reaches for the drawing.

Amethyst sits on her cot reveling as much in the new baby as in her own thoughts right now. She doesn't care that she can't see the baby and knows sooner or later she'll met him anyway so she's in no hurry.

Kluner nods, "Yeps... Whiles we was waitings... i drews it with my claw" he holds up and ink stained claw, and then looks to the baby, "You wants it? Oh'k! sures!" he gives the little one the drawing, because it didn't take him too long to make... and he doesn't really mind if he destroys it or not. He can always make another.

Christopher takes it in both paws and looks at it, giggling and smiling like an idiot. He waves the picture about but doesn't destroy it. In fact he drops it near Kluner by mistake, only laughing more. Kentar looks to Amy and smiles some. "Amy. Would you like to hold him?" he asks.

Aikuen has been quiet, just sitting here rubbing Fira's paw, as the little weasel sees his brother. Then he hears Will leave and he blinks a few times... Wondering if he should go after him or not. He looks to Fira and sighs. He will deal with it later, because he needs to stay in here, just in case of complications that may arise.

Kluner smiles and picks up the drawing. A little bent, but other then that its fine. He rolls the picture and places it near garnet, so when she wakes, she will see it. He sighs and places his tail in front of him so the little one can play with it... but then he hears his father say that, so he retracts it and scoots back a bit, and lays near his mother.

Amethyst sits up looking thrilled, "Me? Hold th baby? Can I, really?" She pushes off her staff and stands up, "Do I need t come over there or what?"

The stoat laughs and smiles. "Amy. Sit down. I'll come over to you." he smiles and slowly goes over, kneeling next to Amy. When she is sitting again, he gently puts the babe into her arms properly. "There. Be careful not to drop him."

Amethyst adjusts the stoatbabe in her arms so as to cradle him, supporting him mostly with her right arm as she very gently touches his face with her left paw as much as she can with him being so little and grabby no doubt. "Hello, little one. I'm Amy. I'm a friend of your daddy's. It's big out here isn't it, Chirstopher?" she coos to the newborn she's too busy notice Will's absence or anything else now that she's holding baby Christopher.

Kluner smiles at Amy, before curling up next to his mom. And soon the little weasel is asleep, tail twitching from side to side, with a small little grin on his face. He mumbles "Brudder..." before drifting off.

Kentar looks over to Kluner. He was about to ask if Kluner wanted to hold him after Amy but since Kluner drift off, that will have to wait. He looks back to Amy and smiles. "I think he likes you." he chuckles. The little stoat was indeed, reaching up and trying to grab Amy's whiskers, giggling madly.

Amethyst leans closer to the baby unable to see what he's doing too well. "Owch! Ow. I think you should take him back now." she says rubbing the side of her snout and scowling down at the baby in her lap, "Are you proud of yourself, Christopher?" she says a little annoyed as the baby waves a white whisker in his little paw. "He has quite a grip, my fault for getting with in grabbing range though ... have t remember that."

Aikuen nudges Fira over so he can sit in the chair as well, not just on the arm rest. He chuckles at rat-maid and sighs leaning into Fira and closing his eyes, still rubbing his wife's paw. Fira smirks and shakes her head going to lean into him also. He has got to stay here, she is just gonna have to also. Fira soon drifts off, but Aik remains awake, just in case the stoats need him for anything, before he drifts off as well.

Kentar chuckles and smiles a little. But before he could take the babe back, Christopher rubs his face into Amy's side, giggling. "Alright I'll take him back." Kentar reaches down to take his son but as soon as he's away from Amy, he starts to bawl, trying to reach towards Amy again.

"He wants to torment me doesn't he? Sorry Chris but you need t go back to your mama and daddy for a while, I'm sure they'll take good care of you," Amy chuckles.

Kentar laughs a little before thinking. "Here. Amy. Take him for a second." The stoat thinks for a moment, handing the babe back to Amy.

Amethyst sits on her paws to keep from taking him back. "Nope. I held him already. It's somebody else's turn now. See if Will wants to risk holding him."

Kentar frowns a little. "Amy. Please? Just for a second. Humor me. I think I'm onto something."

Amethyst sighs, "Fine." She moves a little and holds out her paws again for the baby.

Kentar smiles a little then sets the sobbing Christopher in her arms. And after a few moments, he stops crying. He buries his face in her side and then drifts off to sleep. "Aha! Amy. I think he likes you." he grins wide.

Amethyst smiles a little, "Wonderful. ..." she sniffs the air distracted, "... willow trees? .... Oh. ... Where ..." she starts to ask then sighs and says, "... never mind. I'll find out later." It /looks/ like she's talking to Kentar but she isn't and the faint sent of willow trees is coming from the sleeping hall.

Kentar doesn't notice the smell at all. Too distracted by the sight of his son sleeping peacefully in Amy's arms. "Aww. So cute." he smiles. "You'll make a great mother one day, Amy."

Amethyst asks, "Hmm? Oh, yeah ... guess so. ... We'll see."

Kentar nods a little. "Yeah." he takes the babe back and then slowly sets him with Garnet, both stoats sleeping away. "I need to build him a crib sometime." he says.

Amethyst shrugs, "There's trees outside and a smithy somewhere around here, what's stopping you?"

Kentar shrugs. "Nothing. I just didn't expect him so soon." he says.

Amethyst grins, "Babies never come when you want them to they just come. That's why you make the cribs and things ahead of time. Some even get that stuff given to em when they marry if their family's rich enough or have a spare laying around and think t put it t good use."

Kentar nods and laughs. "Yeah. I was planning on getting the crib and stuff ready in a few days but. I guess tomorrow it will have to be." he nods. "So. When are you and Will going to get married?" He laughs. "Everyone in the family aside from you two so far are married." he grins

Amethyst sighs, "Still in th Spring ... Fira not looking or unconscious? I'm told she's still against it. The wedding will be here most likely .... but if a certain otter is still against it by the end of Winter that will change. As much as we both want you all t be there if there's a chance there won't be silence when it's asked 'is there anyone who has a reason' and so on then there will be a problem and it .... I have a solution to that problem should it arise but my solution isn't very popular so we'll have to wait and see.

Kentar nods a little then sighs, scratching his ear. "Look Amy. She'll be fine with it soon. I promise. Its just a lot to take in is all." he says. "If you still want to have the wedding here even if her opinion doesn't change, the beast doing the speaking could just skip over that part."

Amethyst raises a brow, "And that won't cause more problems? For now we'll just wait and see what happens. A lot of it isn't planned yet but we had time ... lots of time ... I'm told we can't skip Winter nor can we change it /to/ Winter .... I don't like waiting."

Kentar nods a little. "You guys could do what Garnet and I thought of doing." he says quietly.

Amethyst asks, "What was that?"

Kentar whispers. "You could get married in secret. Not let the otters know." he says. "Garnet and I were thinking about doing it but we decided against it."

Amethyst nods some, "I'll keep it in mind if ... if things go that way or something comes up. Never know what could happen in three seasons. Wish it wasn't so far away."

Kentar nods. "Aye. But remember. Its not up to anyone to decide if you get married or not but yourself." he smiles.

Amethyst nods, "Understood, however I know it wouldn't go over well if for example we went out tomorrow and recites some vows in front of a few random beasts we'd found for witnesses. Partly because he's too young age wise and even if he /was/ older I still doubt he'd like that idea too much. I understand what you're saying but a good deal has been decided for us because of his age and mine, for good reason of course but still makes things difficult."

Kentar nods. "Yeah." he chuckles a bit. "I remember when I was your age, Amy. My father wanted me to get married." he laughs. "My father was an idiot though. It took half the village to convince him I was too young."

Kentar nods a little. "Well. Aikuen is bloody ancient. Times were different." he chuckles with a big grin. "Well. You look. You look seven or eight seasons old." he says with a tilt of his head. "Am I right?"

Amethyst nods some, "Close enough. Now how old would you say Will is?"

Kentar hrms. "I'd say about five or six. But I've known him longer and have a better guess." he nods. "So. What is your age?"

Amethyst nods again, "He's almost six. And I'll be a full season old than I was this fall. It's one of those numbers you mentioned. But seeing as I'm a /lady/ I wouldn't be proper for me to say which."

Kentar nods then chuckles. "I'll say seven. Since it seems a little better." he grins. "Anyways. I could just tickle it out of Will if I wanted it bad enough."

Amethyst smirks, "You could try. Don't know if it'd work ... if you do try to tell me first so I can watch."

Kentar nods and grins. "Alright. I'll tell you." he laughs before thinking. "How old do you think I am?" he asks.

Amethyst says, "Old enough to have married Garnet whenever you wanted if things had gone more in your favor."

Kentar laughs. "Yeah. True enough." he chuckles. "Older then you and Will but younger then Aikuen. So." he chuckles before yawning a little. "Mhm. Sorry. Tired. Long day and all."

Amethyst nods, "I'd say around ten maybe a little more, hard t tell sometimes. But I'd say at least ten."

Kentar grins. "Very close. One off." he laughs. "But it's a great guess."

Amethyst stands up and starts for the hall, "I should let you sleep. Besides I have some things t take care of anyway." As she leaves she says, "Seven ... nearly seven but you don't need t spread it around any."

Kentar smiles softly and takes baby Christopher in his arms before laying on a bed on his back. "I wont tell anyone." he yawns and looks at his son. "I love you Christopher." he whispers quietly before drifting to sleep.