To Save A Life(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

---somewhere in Mossflower Woods-------

        • Leon gives that promised healing lesson to Flicktail, just not in the way he planned****

Leon frowns, he had just dropped off some herbs to Oakenpaw and left, then the storm hit and he was caught in it, he now walks along the road soaked and wet and about an hour yet from the abbey when he hears a twig snap and stops, "Hello?" A mistake to stop as a rat steps into view, "Message from Marek. Goodbye!" With that he flicks the dagger towards the mouse; Leon goes to sidestep it and about slips in the rain. This the dagger miss it’s intended target, his heart, but it still hit him in his arm as he grits his teeth in pain and falls backwards rolling a couple times.

Flicktail is walking along with a regular Iron sword in one paw, and a tallow lantern in the other, slogging along in the rain, as it got dark he began worrying about Leon and is out looking, his white foot paws stained dark with the mud that clings to them. The fox moving briskly as he searches the Mossflower Woods.

Leon pants as he looks down at his arm, blood pours from the wound and fairly bad too, he tries to hold pressure on it and it helps a little, bad for him is the rat sees him move and aims another dagger, this one would end badly seeing as he can’t fight well, he throws a rock and it hits the rat in the snout, causing it to bleed from a broken nose. Leon takes the chance, runs and trips over a log and jolts the dagger opening the wound more, he screams from the pain and then finds himself looking at the now peeved rat and does the only thing he hopes doesn’t draw unwanted attention "Help!!"

Flicktail speeds up to a sprint, sword drawn, and he hurries along toward Leon's voice prepared to strike when he sees danger, his lip curling into a snarl of Flicky's :war face

The rat laughs at this, "Scream all ya want, in fact, shut up now" He then prepares to finish this mouse off and Leon goes to move and bumps his arm, again, that’s still bleeding some. A paw full of dirt distracts the rat who moves back a couple paces "That’s it mousey!"

Flicktail comes running up. He's been practicing stealth for months as he runs full tilt trying to come up behind and thrust his blade thru the rats back

Leon gets looks for a rock quickly, finding none he throws his bag at the rat just as it throws the dagger, the dagger lands mean cms from Leon’s head as he gulps, the rat throws the bag at his foot paws now, he reaches for another dagger, hmmms wears is a dagger. He does see a sword, wait a sword is in him suddenly as the rat looks shocked and falls over dead.

Flicktail snarls. "Leave me friend ALONE" His face fearsome . As the rat falls Flicky's face goes passive and gentle "Ello Leon, wot cha doing down there?”

Leon looks up at Flicktail, "Flicktail?....I.." He looks at his arm with the dagger, bumped some and still bleeding, badly bleeding, he frowns and speaks " me." He looks tried, probably the walking earlier and being out most of the day and the fact he is losing blood.

Flicktail puts his sword away and walks down looking at Leon "" He reaches down and the fox is apparently much stronger then people give him credit for as Flicky picks Leon up like a dibbun in his arms and has enough to sling Leon's bag over his shoulder, getting the mouse under the shelter of a wayward pine to keep the rain off

Leon shivers, he is usually the one helping the wounded, not him being wounded, he speaks.." Pressure...above wound, remove dagger...slowly, pressure has to be hard, stop bleeding, got to now." His voice is a little low.

Flicktail frowns and looks a bit nervous, but the fox's grip on the mouse upper arm is crushing, he doesn't hurt the bone but it IS tight. He pulls the dagger out with a sickening welt /shhhlict/

Leon tenses up, "Not..that tight, need..Cayneen..2nd pocket..left, two knot.." He manages to stay awake, the wound just seeps blood now Leon manages to look at it best he can shivering still.."st..stich...maybe need....4...4....." He shakes his head to stay awake,.."Talk..stay awake.."

Flicktail blink blinks again, his eyes glow a predatory red in the darkness, his white face giving him a ghostly appearance as he gets the mentioned herb and gives it to Leon "Stich? I'm not a healer Leon...I kin build a fire but I need me paws...wot should I do?'” His eyes reflect concern.

Leon shakes his head " on wound,…I can’t...please, you have to, then sew..wound with free paw, just...don’t have be great just, last till get home."

Flicktail says, "Leon, please do not beg. You know I will do do i do this..." His free paw trembles he's scared but he is staying "T...tell me how."

Leon eyes close some, he opens them bit more..." when made.." He tries to do the movement with his other paw, "Like..this...Flicktail you have to try or, will bleed out slowly during..n..night and...your have to tell..Dorarose bad news." He frowns.” Cause..d….died.”

Flicktail says, "You’re not gonna do that to me!" He looks around for needle and thread, and with a nervous paw pushes it into the mouse arm near the wound opening.

Leon tenses in pain, he watches Flicktail, trying to talk him through sewing the wound shut best he can, the fox messes up one but Leon still does his best to show how far to go, and how much in and out, it won’t end up perfect but will stay shut.

Flicktail swallows hard he's VERY nervous "L..Like this Leon?” He asks his white paws red with the blood

Leon nods slowly "Now..Arnica..Golden Rod..and...Calendula." He mentions the varies pockets on the surcoat the herb is in, "On wound...then b...bandage" He sounds close to passing out and it’s clear he has used all his strength to stay awake.

Flicktail says, "I'm glad I don’t have to go out and get wet to get these' He gently retrieves each "weed" but is unsure what to do with them " them on the cut?" He assumes and begins bandaging the things to the wound, THIS he's good at.

Leon breaths slowly as Flicktail bandages the wound, his eyes closing half way, he doesn’t answer and seems the fox figures it out himself.

Flicktail puts a cool paw to Leon's head, before turning to kindle a fire, the branches of the pine shielding from the rain, while the trunk lets the smoke go up and keeps the air clear

Leon had closed his eyes some and now opens them to watch Flicktail, it’s very dark now but least the rain has slowed. "Flicky?" He says weakly.

Flicktail asks, "aye Leon?" He says still shaken as the fire begins to cast a cherry light

Leon sounds very weak, but manages a weak smile, "You..s..saved my life, I..would of died had you...not stayed calm and..listened to me"

Flicktail says, "well.. I was just afraid of Dora...that’s all" He says his ears flushing with embarrassment.

Leon coughs. "w..water, please." He listens coughing a little again.

Flicktail says, "Well of course" He gets the canteen again, still trembling.

Leon lets him give him a few sips of the water and nods his thanks, ", and you me, you..." A thought "Yeah...bad first healing lesson....but serious, I be in the dark forest without you my true friend"

Flicktail says, "Don't talk like that , I would be lonely without you “ He says "I have some strawberry cordial and some scones if you are hungry...." He knows nothing about feeding a beast just being polite.

Leon nods slowly, "Need. Get home. But.." Looks like it has to wait till morning.

Flicktail nods “You just rest, plenty of time in morning.”

Leon nods, he is still weak as he passes out, but he will live now thanks to Flicktail.

Flicktail stays beside Leon, guarding his friend from danger till morning comes.

Morning came and Flicktail carried a semi-conscious Leon back to the abbey and to the infirm, leaving him with a healer and then checking the wall tops.