Thornshire was a vermin fort and IC group active around the year 2001, presumably run by the character Dyanast. The group seems to have gone inactive following/during the Earthquake MP in June 2002.
All information on this page has been gathered from their page on the old MUCK site,, via the Wayback Machine.
- ~8-13-01--Moved the webpage to it's perminant home on the main MUCK site, did various cleaning up in the process. Small change to the rules regarding idle times. Curently taking applications for all officers, but we especaily need more Blades because The Great North War MP has started on Black Shackle's front and will stretch out towards Thornwoods soon. You can read a newsletter article about it here and visit the planing forum for up to date info on recent developments. Also, check out Julian's Wanderer feature for info about Trealon, a new woodlander development in the vicinity.
An IC History
A few seasons back, a mysterious polecat by the name of Dyanast began a rise to power among the neumorus and disorginized vermin populating the Northlands. He was extremely skilled at sword fighting and began to win one duel after another, eventuly pressing those he beat into service under him. This was the initial begining of the hoarde that would go on to build Thornshire.
This polecat was about as insane as they come. As the number of beasts serving him grew, he fell under the delusion that Fate had decreed him to be a 'supreme ruler' of sorts. To further his ambitions, he ordered construction to commence on his fortress and set himself up as the "High Blademaster". Considering that most of his initial underlings had already been severly trounced by him, not too many dared to object! More beasts joined the ranks as the fort took shape, some pressed into service by force, others seeking the protection Thornshire would offer and many awed by the impressive power and authority that the Blademaster commanded. A few might even have had ambitions of their own as well.
The hoard evolved into four major ranks:
High Blademaster: The all powerfull fearless leader, so to speek. When he demands respect, he better get it! Seen by himself as having been decreed by fate to be an all powerfull ruler, much like other RL monarchs who claimed to rule by divine right.
Bloodrobes: The Blademaster's elite circle, consisting mostly of his most loyal followers. Often the ones called uppon to do a lot of his 'dirty' work.
Skulls: Lower than the Bloodrobes, these are all the mid to lower ranked officers in the hoarde's ranks. As a symbol of their office, they wear helmits fashioned from the skulls of their enimies.
Blades: The grunt soldiers, lowest in the ranks and most neumorus in the hoarde's numbers.
The Blademaster's ambition isn't stoping at Thornshire. His curent aim is to conquer and rule as much territory as he can get his paws on. And that's where we pick up the story. ^^
Where are we?
Thornwoods, the less then picturesque setting for the fortress, is located a ways to the north of the lands described in Martin the Warrior (Noonvale, Marshank, etc.) but still south of the Snowy North. It's still far enough north to be relitivly chilly for most of the year however (it would seldom get much above 60 degrees ferinheight). Thornshire Fortress itself is located somewhat northwest in the woods. Roads, built by the beasts of the garison, serve as the main tranportation outlet, but there are heavy tolls required for other beasts to travel on them.
Burried deep in the woods, southeast of the fortress, is the hidden Theives Village. Though they could probibly camp out anywhere, the village serves as a nice central headquarters for them. For the theif on the run, miniature hideouts (mostly hollowed out trees and holes in the ground), stocked with a coupple days food and water each, are scattered throughout the forest in case of an emergency. The theives also run a small pub, just south and out of sight of the forest, that is frequented by the hoardebeasts of Thornshire, in blatent violation of the rule that they have to stay within the fortress. Funny that the guards and officers never report them to the Blademaster...>;).
Rules of the Fortress
Thornshire Rules
IC rules:
-Blades receive their orders from the Skills, who answer to the Bloodrobes, who get their orders directly from the Blademaster. This chain of command must be observed constantly.
- Any disobedience of an order from the Blademaster will be met with whatever creative (and usualy painfull!) form of punishment he can come up with that day. Because soldiers are in high demand, death is only for the most serious offenders and seldom prescribed. (the only real ‘serious offenses’ are direct assaults against the Blademaster in this don’t try them!)
- Insubordination of assault against any lower officer will result in either imprisonment, beatings or starvation rations for a set period of time.
- Work on the fortress is continuous. All beasts except the Blademaster are required to put in a certain amount of time in its construction.
- Leaving the fortress without being on an erand for the fort is forbidden. (Note: Some guards will let you out if you happen to know the right password...this is how it’s possible to get to the pub that’s just out of sight of the fort. Even the officers are known to sneak out once in a while...)
- The blademaster will marshal the troops on the parade ground on a regular (bimonthly?) basis. Anything that doesn’t meet his standards will be...*ahem*..."taken care of".
- Visitors to the forst will be guarded one likes a spy hanging around!
- Beasts traveling through the area will probibly run into tolls...if they don’t pay up, they will have to pay it with a period of forced labor.
OOC Rules:
- The Blademaster should be an experienced player, well skilled in RP and able to take on the time-consuming duties of running a commumity. If the person playing the charicter resigns or is unable to perform their duties, the Bloodrobes, who may request the HV staff for assistance in their decision, will select someone new.
- The Blademaster should be able to connect for approximatly five hours a week on average, participate in the planing and running of any TPs and MPs and is responsible for managing the skills list and any promotions, along with appropriate IC occupations.
- Bloodrobes are selected through an application process or by the promotion of a Skull by the Blademaster and other Bloodrobes. They work closely with the Blademaster to plan and execute TPs and MPs, and may recommend players for promotion by the Blademaster, along with contributing to the well being of the community.
- Skulls are selected through either the application process or (most commonly) by the Blademaster, Bloodrobes and other Skulls through the promotion process. The primary job of the skulls is to take care of the training of new Blades. Every one or two Skulls is responsible for approximately 10 Blades (the number varies depending on the ratio of Skulls to Blades). It’s the Skull’s responsibility to assist new players in their group with RP skills, the rules of the fort and the MUCK and their role in the community. They’re also in charge of their group ICly, especially during TPs and MPs.
- Blades are the grunt solders and any vermin species character can join by sending a page #mail or e-mail to the Blademaster and Bloodrobes. All members are required to have read and be familiar with the Rules and the MUCK and Thornshire, and should have at least read the basic RP, Combat and OOC Guide to IC life tutorials.
- The Blademaster will be checking the laston times of all members periodicly. If you havent connected your character in over two months (in danger of idle purge) and you haven't page #mailed him saying you'd be gone, your name will be removed from the skills list, no questions asked.
- In order to be promoted, you must make that wish known by page #mail to an officer of the next rank up. (you can only be promoted one rank at a time). If the officer thinks the player is up to the job, he or she will recommend them to the Blademaster, who has the final say. That person’s promotion will be officially announced at the next muster on the parade ground.
- All members will be granted sweep privilage within the fortress. Abuse of sweep will result in loss of that privilege. The Blademaster and the Bloodrobes reserve the right to +banish any problem players from the region.
- TPs in the fortress must be cleared by the Blademaster and Bloodrobes before they can happen. Anyone may submit a TP idea by page #mailing the Blademaster and Bloodrobes with the proposed idea, date and time, and they will let you know if you’ve got the go ahead. Or just send in the idea and they’ll see what they can do about it.
- If you intend to start a brawl within the fortress, please check with the other occupants of the room first. Also, keep in mind that there’s no infirmary for miles and wandering healers (if any) may charge a steep price! You could stand a good chance of dying from any serious injuries!
- Most importantly, have fun!
Artwork--see what the fort looks like
What you'll find on this page is a bunch of sketches to give you an idea of what the fort is going to look like....other than to help the people building the thing on the MUCK, it's mostly just eye candy. So take a good look!
- NEW* Do you draw? If you've got artwork of your Thornshire charicter or anything else related to Thornwood and the Fortress, send it here and it may be displayed on the page!
- Floor Plan of the fort. The quasi-offical floor plan ^^
View of the main gate
The High Blademaster's sanctum (These arent your ordinary barracks ^^)
Interior veiw of the Blademaster's Sanctum
Another interior view, looking at it from the Blademaster's throne
A map of the Thornwoods
- NEW* A pic of the Blademaster, Dyanast
Apply to be a Bloodrobe or Skull
- Welcome! This is the application page for two of the ranks of Thornshire beasts; the Skulls and the Bloodrobes. Whether you know what these are, or you haven't the faintest clue, it's in your best interest to read the job descriptions below.
The Skulls are not a secret society for college males, like in the movies. Rather, they are the military captains of the Thornshire army. They answer directly to the Bloodrobes, who usually carry orders from the High Blademaster. They also command the Blades, the rank-and-file soldiers. Much of their job is helping newbies in the fortress as well.
The Bloodrobes are the elite circle of the High Blademaster, the ruler of Thornshire. They often take council with the Blademaster, and may advise him or her without overstepping their boundaries. They are also the High Blademaster's executors, carrying out the Blademaster's orders themselves, or passing the on to the Skulls, as they see fit. Their OOC duties include helpstaffing and taking applications for Skulls once the initial application stage is over.
If you're having problems with the form, send it as a plain e-mail instead.
Thieves' Village
Thornwood Thieves
Hidden deep within the woodlands surounding the Fortress, a small village can be found. This is the central base for a group of theives. Proffit is their main motive...and they certanly know how to get it. Sometimes in leage with the beasts of the Fortress, sometimes stealing from under the Blademaster's nose, they change sides often in favor of whichever is the best for them. They also run the Polecat's Mug, a pub secluded elsewhere in the woodlands where Thornshire's hordebeasts will often sneek off to for the occasional drink and a break from the rigors of the military life.
Members of the Theives Village have certain rules that they must adhere to.
- The first rule is to obey all the MUCK's rules. Be polite OOCly and the such. For further information some good souses include 'news rules', 'news mission', and 'news agreement'.
- The Thieves' Village contains two basic factions that are under the rule of the Master Thief. The two are the Common Thieves and the Expert Thieves, both have their IC and OOC rules.
- The Common Thieves make up the majority of the Thieves' Village. They are fairly restricted ICly, but can basically do whatever they please as long as they don't anger the Master Thief.
- To steal anything ICly, you must have permission OOCly from the victim you plan on robbing. This rule applies to Common and Expert Thieves alike.
- Common Thieves can steal from anyone except for Expert Thieves, and whatever they steal they must pay a 5 percent tax of its value to the Master Thief. If they don't pay the 5 percent tax and are caught they will have one to three digits of their paw cut off.
- If Common Thieves are caught trying to steal from an Expert Thief, they will have one to three digits cut off their paw. That is if the Expert Thief doesn't slay the offender.
- Expert Thieves are free from taxes and get to keep whatever they steal. Expert Thieves can steal whatever they want from a Common Thief as long as they have an IC reason to do so. (Expert Thieves don't need OOC permission. They are skilled enough to accomplish it)
- Expert Thieves are allowed their own quarters in Thief Hall if they desire it.
- Common Thieves can move up in the ranks, but it isn't easy. The OOC requirement to become an Expert Thief is to log three RPs of your character successfully stealing something from another character with their OOC permission. Once these logs are turned in and reviewed, the Expert Thieves will vote on whether or not your RP skills are worthy enough to become an Expert Thief. The Master Thief has no say in who becomes an Expert Thief, yet he/she may vote if they wish to.
- The IC requirements to become an Expert Thief is usually determined by the Master Thief. The Common Thief will normally be required to obtain some item of great value.
- If you break any of these rules for any reason or break an IC rule without facing the IC consequences you will be revoked from the group.
Page #mail Nox for info about joining the group.
A History of the current Thieves Guild
Submitted by Nox.
For years upon countless years, the forest of Thornwood has been an abominable and mysterious woodland. The very word struck fear into the peaceful beasts that lived in the countryside surrounding the dark forest. Travelers rarely returned from the depths of its winding and confusing paths, and when they did, they were either half dead or stripped of everything they once possessed.
Many rumors surrounded Thornwood, some said it was haunted, others believed wild and savage beasts roamed upon its maze-like paths. Yet both were far from the truth. Infact, Thornwood for scores of years served as a secret haven for evil vermin. In particular thieves, brigands, and assassins alike. Nestled deep into the depths of Thornwood a village of vermin thrived, and stalked the forest. The vermin preyed on unsuspecting travelers, and at times, when supplies were low, went out and raided the surrounding villages of woodlanders. Thus Thornwood remained a place of terror until recently.
Dyanast and his growing horde saw Thornwood as prime piece of real estate to claim for their own. Dyanast, ignorant to the rumors and myths of the woodlands, infiltrated Thornwood.
This of course, caused problems for this thriving village, and it struggled to remain secret. Many of its loyal members actually joined the horde, and thus the Thieves’ Village of Thornwood began to dwindle.
Then Nox came. A cunning and sly beast he was, the marten actually served under Dyanast as a lowly Blade. Doing just enough to get by without being slain, he grew sick of horde life, and set out to find this Thieves’ Village, having heard rumors of such a place amongst the other grunts of Thornshire. Weeks he roamed the many paths of Thornwood, and no signs of the place ever revealed itself. Sometimes, Nox felt as if he was traveling in circles, and soon he was hopelessly lost. One day, Nox was resting in a tree, weary and worn he was, the forest itself seemed to be eating away at his moral. Until upon fate’s chance, he suddenly noticed a silent figure creeping along the forest floor. The beast was cloaked in black, and walked with subtle movements, his feet hardly making a noise upon the ground. Nox edged silently along the branches that loomed above the dark figure. Assuming this beast was some black guard Dyanast had sent to track down Nox, seeing as he deserted the horde, the marten slowly drew out a dagger. Narrowing his eyes, he leapt from the branch, flying down upon the cloaked beast and driving his dagger into his back. The beast was slain instantly and fell limp to the ground.
Nox gathered himself and turned the corpse over, discovering the beast was actually a ferret. He searched his belongings, taking his gold, and discovering a small parchment. Too Nox’s delight, the parchment was infact a map, with exact directions to the Thieves’ Village. Nox discarded his dirty and worn clothes, and took the ferret’s cloak and other belongings. Feeling refreshed, and wearing new, comfortable clothes, Nox set out with a determined demeanor to find the elusive Thieves Village.
Another week of wandering, and trying to read the map, Nox found more than he bargained for. Discovering the village, he was quite amazed, though that amazement turned to rage as he was captured as soon as he stepped into view. Cutthroat vermin, and thieves brought him into a small fortress near the northern part of the town, and presented him before several elite looking vermin. Donned in lavish clothing, they were obviously the leaders of the village. Nox soon learned otherwise.
To his astonisment, he had actually slain the Master Thief of the Thieves’ Village. The council of Expert Thieves immediately recognized this, seeing as Nox wore the Master’s clothes, and the fact the Master had disappeared. Also, to his utter unbelief, under their law, he who can slay the Master Thief shall become the new Master Thief. Thus, Nox was christened their ruler that day. It didn’t take long for him to settle into the life of the Thieves’ Village, and he was soon plotting ways to take advantage of Dyanast’s horde.....