This Captive Will Be A Pawful! (Marek's Revenge TP..)
Into Mossflower Woods
Leon has decided to take a little walk to clear his mind, and maybe try and find the sparrows while he is at it.
Brightwing is here with 5 of the sparrows when he sees the mouse and hopes over “Mouseworm healer what is doingum outta here?”
Leon smiles “Hi friend Brightwing, mouseworm lookum for you and other sparra help find other wormfriends of abbey, we needum news of Benar and others.”
Along a path, not seeing the group yet, is a polecat with a quiver of arrows.
Aithne is beside her as she walks along, "Boring out here” She mutters.
Leon frowns as he seems to hear voices, “Brightwing howum many sparra have allgether?”
Brightwing answers “Haveum 35 Sparra friends..” With him right now are 5.
Pipkin is also around but hiding behind a tree and just watching what’s going on, seems he followed Leon, he turns as he hears a familiar voice of Aithne and frowns.
Leon nods, “That’s good now go and be safe and be ready when we need your help”
Brightwing nods and motions for the other 5 sparrow to take flight.
Aithne did see that and frowns “Look Whisper..birds!”
Whisper studies them and gets out an arrow with a black feather, poisoned arrow, and fires it towards one of the sparrows.
One sparrow is hit and falls from the sky hitting the ground dead.
Brightwing turns and seeing the archer he flies faster “Faster faster badworm tryin’ killie killie!” He and the other 4 get away.
Leon frowns and rushes over to the sparrow checking on the arrow in its wing and gasps as a couple tears go down his face “Poison..” He stands slowly and looks around deciding its best to get back to the village or head further into the woods maybe.
Pipkin frowns and stays where he is and watches the other two vermin.
Aithne looks at Whisper “That’s that mouse Hudson had.”
Whisper takes careful aim at the mouse and takes the only other poison arrow she has and aims and seeing as she hit a moving bird she rarely misses. She smiles coldly” One less Redwaller” She lets go and the arrow is fired right at Leon!
Pipkin rushes out quickly “Broher Leon..Bro..” He shuts his eyes in pain when the arrow finds its way into his own shoulder..”L..Look..out.” He stumbles and falls onto his side.
Leon sees Pipkin and starts to look annoyed “Pipkin..what..Pipkin!” He runs over to the rat and notes the black arrow “Nooo..Pipkin?”
Aithne frowns “You missed the Redwall mouse”
Whisper mutters and cusses under her breath, “Yeah and out of poison arrows now too..”
Pipkin looks up at Leon, the mouse is a bit blurry, ”I’m..s..sorry…” He whimpers as his shoulder burns now and hurts a lot, his breathing becomes worse and his heartbeat starts to flutter.
Leon frowns and quickly looks for an herb he has and looks at the arrow and goes to slowly pull it out hoping he can still do something to help Pipkin. He finds what he is looking for and goes to get the arrow out and apply a little of the herb to the wound. ”Pipkin stay awake”
Aithne slips out and watches the mouse.
Whisper follows and stays quiet, she is good at quiet paw steps
Pipkin doesn’t do much as the arrow is taken out slowly, it’s not a bad wound but the poison was still there and still affected the dibbun, he sees the two blurry vermin slip behind the mouse and the dibbun's eyes close as he stops breathing and his heart stops a few seconds later.
Leon shakes Pipkin gently and goes to check for a pulse in 3 different places, he fails to notice the two so close to him as panic sets in ”Pipkin?..Pipkin!” He notes the lack of breathing or pulse and holds the dibbun close as tears go down his face.
“That was supposed to be you mouse, not my fault the dibbun got in the way.” The polecat says as she steps in front of him. ”I still have arrows but they aren’t poison”
Aithne quickly comes out and sneers “Hey ya mouse, Hudson be very much interested in knowing your still alive, good grief you have like..super lucky stuff or something.” She looks down and blinks, “Wait..Whisper you killed the dibbun! You were supposed to kill the mouse!”
Leon looks up and frowns, he gently lays Pipkin down and stands, he looks between them and frowns at Whisper “ You were at the tavern.”
Whisper says, "Well I am going back into town, do what you want with him I was told to stay behind so that’s what I am doing"
Aithne rolls her eyes, "First you get bad aim and hit the dibbun, then ya like..your on ya own do what ever..."
Leon looks between them quietly and looks at the ground he isn’t in the mood right now to run.
Aithne watches the polecat leave and yells out "Your no help!" She sneers at the mouse and goes to tie his paws behind his back, "Ok do we take a walk or..something else?"
Leon frowns “What do you mean or something else?"
Aithne answers, “Does it matter, maybe drop you in the river, course that requires a walk doesn’t it? Or Whisper or better yet the rest of Hudson’s gang can use you as target practice, see they may be like 4 days away by now but we can catch up..I think”
Leon sighs as he is forced to walk along” Don’t expect me to help you.” He glances around trying to judge which way anyone else he rather see be coming from.
Aithne shoves the mouse as they soon get to the river and she chooses to walk along it, “Looking for friends? Good more target practice, be fun or trying to remember where you are so you can escape, that’s dumb cause you won’t escape, I have these!” She gets out a slave collar and cuffs and places them on Leon. ”You like?”
Leon glares at her all politeness and being worried are gone, “Your friend killed a dibbun and a sparrow, I hope you have a very bad day Aithne and I will enjoy it!”
Aithne frowns “Well..whatever mouseie” They walk along and she frowns as it starts getting dark and they, well are lost..”Where are we answer me I demand it”
Leon is beyond being his self, “Oh like I would tell you?” Ok he doesn’t know but he knows it’s been a few hours and he is tried and his foot paws hurt “I hope we run into some friends of mine so they can kick you’re..” And words he has not used in seasons flood out of his mouth.
Aithne gasps, “’re like a brother in that order, gee the elders need to re teach you manners” She chuckles and looks around shoving him into an area of downed tree branches, “We camp here and move when it’s light”
Leon falls onto the branches and looks at the vixen, “I am hoping to see Elder Benar soon and who ever went with him cause he’ll have a badger and hares with him.”
Aithne starts laughing, “” She pretends…” An old squirrel and some bunnies, oh yeah and a stripedog are coming for me” She rolls around laughing insanely.
Leon sits up slowly “Laugh it up.”
Aithne manages to calm down and wipe her eyes, “That’s funny, your funny and I am getting some rest.” She lays down to sleep.
Leon watches her and sighs, a frown forms as he is a bit surprised of what came out in his anger also, he looks up in the sky and around the woods, he doesn’t really know where they are and he isn’t sure Benar and the others are even still alive, he allows himself to fall backwards onto the branches and closes his eyes, he may as way get sleep also.