The main Abbey Healers get drunk (Mourning Lorimis RP)
A good song that would go with Lorimis dieing (I think) is "Say Your Name" by Plumb. :)
RW Abbey: Wine Cellar
The wine cellar is cool, dry, and dimly lit. It is a very large, low room, extending far back into the Abbey's underworks. The vast space is almost entirely taken up by rack upon rack of wine bottles and ale casks, barrels of all sizes, and shelves of flagons and stoneware flasks. For all the space available, the drink here only fills a small part of it, and most of the barrels still stand empty. There have been obvious work efforts occuring here recently, and the cellar is, if emptier than seasons past, cleaner than it has been in a long while. The further corners of the cellar are hidden in shadow, and consist of many nooks and crannies.
Exits: [Up] to the Kitchens
Leon the mouse. Angela and DoraRose the mice, an otter Novice and a mouse Order Brother, both spoofs.
Leon is not one to normally do this but after waking in the infirm, after fainting he wandered into here of all places and got a little October Ale, then a little more and sat down with something a little different, some fruity wine, just a small little bit he sips at.
The door to the kitchen opens and closes, and the soft glow of a lantern, combined with the tap-tap of a staff, comes down the stairs. Soon Angela, bowed with grief, enters the cellars. Upon seeing her grandson-in-law, she shuffles over to him after getting a tankard of wine and sits down. "'Ello." she says simply, then drinks about half the tankard in one fell swoop.
Leon looks surprised she is here, "Let me guess...looking for me?" He sniffs the wine he has and finishes his glass,"Ya know...this stuff sort or tasty, like...ummm fruit or something." Yeah he is starting to lose it and he didn't have much just one mug October Ale and this half a glass so far.
Angela shakes her head. "Nope, I'm doing what you're up to. Drinking." She finishes the wine in another mouthful and eyes the Master Healer closely. "You have a low alcohol tolerance, don't you?" She now pours herself some October Ale. And drinks a significant amount.
Leon manages a chuckle, "Maybe..." He gets a little more of that fruity wine and sips it "I never drink this...stuff...umm yeah causee" He lets the word cause last a little while and chuckles again, "But tis...ok and glass so pretty, I think...yeah that's it"
Angela nods and quaffs the rest of her ale. "Thought so. 'Ere, 'ave some of this." she pulls out a small canteen. "It's rye whiskey." She goes to pour him some in it's own glass, then drinks a good mouthful herself.
Leon looks at it, well she gave it to him so it can't be too bad right? Maybe it doesn't have anything much in it and he shrugs and takes a good gulp of it, and a 2nd and it's then it kicks in and he gasps and coughs his eyes widen, "W...What...this stuff is strong tasteing-cough- and...makes me feel strange." His words start to slur a little as he cups a paw over his mouth.
Angela wrinkles her nose. "Whiskey. Makes you drunk faster." She sips it again, then adds, "Why're you down here? I'm 'ere..." her words are beginning to slur. "Ahem. I'm 'ere to...grieve, I guess you could say."
Leon looks at the glass, there is still a little in it so hide it, yeah let's drink it and make it worse that's a great idea his now drunken mind decides as he finishes his glass and sets it down, "L...L...Lorimis died and...s...I ..should of been like the room, umm in the room and he kicked me out made me go bye bye...but he let Oz in...why Oz and not me" He sits down on the floor and frowns "Floor is cold inna here...did you know that?"
Angela sniffs and drinks the rest of her whiskey. After gasping for a few moments, she says, "Umm......we should've both been in there, sth...sthonny. We...err...that's terrible. Oz...Ozzer's norra...'ealer..." She loosk at the floor. "'S cold? Dinnden't know that..."
Leon shrugs, "He was only there...errrrr hour or so and some other healer went inna the room...Sister something or other..." He frowns, yes drunkness has another effect as he holds his stomach and then barfs on the floor and coughs holding the side of his head with his paw, he wishes he could hold both sides as both sides hurt right now.
Angela holds up a finger. "Orange...or Lemon.....don't, er, ammember 'er name right.....later? Now. Yeah, now's the wurd I was a-lookin' fer..." She hiccups, then hiccups again. And again. And again. "A *hic* real *hic* hea*hic*healer like *hic* usn's wou*hic*would've*hic* saved h *hic* hi *hic*him..."
Leon frowns, unlike her he is not use to drinking where maybe she is. He stands and grabs a cask to support himself as he feels dizzy, he ends up barfing again and coughs as he slides against the wall as the room spins, "Don't like movin'...dumb rooms.....or feeling like my insides want to come out or my head wants to...f...fall off." He closes his eyes he has the worse headache he has had in his life, whiskey was a bad thing to try as he coughs again, his throat hurts too and great he barfs again so he curls up by the wall .
Angela is used to drinking alcohol and so she just nods. "Erm...*hic* 'appens *hic*. You'll *hic* er, ye'll get *hic* used to it....*hic* I fink..." The door to the kitchens opens and a male otter Novice comes trotting into the cellars. Upon seeing the 2 healers, he just stands there, aghast. "What in the seasons is happening down here?!"
Leon frowns as he stands up "Just...leaving..." He falls flat on his face as he is dizzy, very dizzy and has barfed 3 times as he groans a little.
The Novice rushes forward to check on the Master Healer and help him to a chair as Angela asks the other mouse in a puzzled tone, "Why're *hic* ye on *hic* the dirt *hic* dirty floor *hic*?"
Leon looks ready to pass out, he looks at the otter in his drunk haze and frowns..."Feel....horrible...need little help" Or maybe a lot.
The Novice shouts up the stairwell, "We need a healer down here!" as Angela keels off her seat and lands with a bump on the floor, her staff skittering away from her. Footsteps echo from the stairs, and DoraRose and an Infirmary helper come dashing into the cellar. The Brother goes to check on the Master Healer as the Warrior stands looking at her family in shock.
Leon holds his head, he was fine till he tried that whiskey....yeah now he will be very leary to take a drink from her EVER again. He ends up barfing on the brother and frowns "S...Sorry...don't take any offer...what ever its BADDDDDDD" He frowns "And...don't spin....spinning bad kay"
DoraRose rushes forward and goes to hold her husband close as her grandmother begins giggling oddly as the Novice and Order Brother lift her and begin to carry her to the Infirmary. "Leon...Leon, I'm not spinning, it's because you're drunk. Oh, why did you do this, love? You're gonna wake up in complete misery..."
Leon starts to say something to Dorarose.."Dora...Dorarose..." And then he slumps agaist her out cold, he has passed out and is rather deeply unconscious.
DoraRose sighs, a tear trickling down her cheek. Taking a deep breath, she stands, her muscles rippling as she lifts her husband in her strong arms. Sighing again, she carries him to the infirmary as Abbeybeasts stare at them, wide-eyed.
Thanks for reading!