The Proposal

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aikuen, Skuld, Fira, Benar, Will(Orph)

Location: Abbey Pond

The sun shows it to be just breakfast time at the abbey, but there is one otter not at the table right now. Aikuen is slowly padding around near the pond, trying to make everything ready for later. He is having some difficulty as he can no longer use his right leg, and must use a crutch for support. But he wants this to work right, and doesn't want outside help lest the secret is revealed. He has set out a tablecloth on the ground, right next to the waters edge, and there is is a hook and line on top of it. After making sure that the place looks nice enough, he plops down on the cloth, and stick his leg out at an odd angle so he can sit properly. He runs a paw through his recently combed head fur, as he taps his pocket, to make sure the box is still there. He sighs, and works on the line, just waiting for now.

At some time after the group left her, it seems that Skuld decided to come in after all. She's coming from the direction of the Orchards, perhaps having slept there. A lonely, tawny feather clings, unnoticed, within her headfur. She pauses, watching the otter for a moment, before skirting the edge of the pond, making her way towards him.

Aikuen can see the movement in the corner of his eye, and immediately goes to make sure the box is not visible. He looks in the direction and seeing as its just the cat, he sighs with relief. He puts down the hook and line, and waves somewhat. He thinks to himself, 'Ah, this is the cat, who tried to get me kicked out of the abbey, then to top it all off, she paralyzed my leg...And yet, im still friendly... i guess i have changed...'. He waves a little bit more enthusiastically, "Oi! Skuld..."

The cat's tail flickers, and she's a little more certain in her steps after the wave, though she doesn't offer a wave in return. She waits until she's closer before tilting her head, in question at the otter. "... Your leg is fixed?" Eyeing that first.

Aikuen shakes his head and taps the splint, "As it will ever be at the moment, They say as long as i don't move it for a while it should heal up... though it may never stop having that twinge of pain... Hey? What are you doing here... thought you didn't like the abbey..." He eyes the feathers, "did you come here for a snack?"

"I like the abbey fine..." She replies, "But I didn't wish to come in with everyone else... You were all going to the infirmary or to see healers..." Her eyes on the splint, then shaking her head. "No. No snack. I'm not hungry. Besides, I could go for whatever's left over from breakfast if I was." His gaze upon the feather going unnoticed. "Did they... retrieve Kentar?" This word should pass for whichever state the stoat could be found in.

Aikuen shrugs a bit, and continues to work on the line, "Kentar... will live..." He rubs his eyes for a minute, "He was in terrible shape when he came in... he will never look...or be the same again..." He looks and smiles somewhat, "He is resting now..."

Skuld takes the information in. Stares at the line for a moment, than at the pond. "Not dead is... worrying. Good. For him. For Garnet. Worrying for everyone else. He is in the Infirmary?" Her tail curls up into a little 's', her eyes following an insect on the water surface now.

Aikuen tilts his head at the cat, and chuckles, "Why is him... not being dead... worrying... Sounds like great news to me!" He chuckles a little bit more then continues, "Aye... He is resting there, im going to bring him some food later today if he is awake..."

"He's in a bad way. The fox did that. The fox knows who he was with. The fox will realise where he's gone. That fox might believe that some will want revenge for what was done... And, if the fox enjoys hurting people so much, he might even think that not only is the best defence a good offence, but that it would be fun." The cat doesn't actually sound much concerned at all. Finally she finds that feather, as a breeze causes it to poke her a little. The cat plucks it off and scowls at it.

Aikuen scoffs, "If the Fox thinks that... Then the fox is a fool! Kentar is going to be in the infirmary for quite a bit, and will not be leaving the walls for some time. The Fox would be an idiot to try to get in here... to finish him off... He has to get by me... and now disguises will work anymore... i have seen the color of his eyes..." He growls a little bit, and smiles evilly.

"You only have one leg that works properly. And the fox needn't wait for Kentar, nor come in. He would just need to find another of us outside of the abbey. Fira and Garnet aren't from the abbey... What if they don't like it here? You and Will don't usually live here either... What about when you need to go home?" The cat lets the feather go, to be carried off on whatever breeze will take it.

Aikuen eyes the cat, "First of all, the fox will not attack me... His fear tactics don't work on me... and im immune to... most of his poisons... Second, Garnet will only leave with Kentar, and Fira..." He sighs, "...will only leave...with me..." The last part he is not so sure about, he shakes it from his mind then says, "Its a chance we have to take..." He watches the feather fly away.

A long pause. The cat considering her next words, staring back at the pond, rather than after that feather. "Fine. But... I know that Kentar is back. Not how? Will said he would direct someone to go and rescue the stoat. But there was also talk of killing him. Asking someone to do so. Was that... done?"

Aikuen shrugs, "No the Fox is still alive... according to Kentar..." He then becomes confused a bit, "And there was a pompous squirrel who asked us if we could go and kill the fox... Is that what you mean?"

Skuld shakes her head. "When Kentar was still missing, I listened to you all talking while we walked back... We talked about asking that bird to look for us... And you did not wish to go anywhere near the fox. But there was talk of letting others to go... I will take it that, the fox being alive, no one has gone to hunt him. I think that's good. Who is the squirrel?"

Aikuen sighs, "Oh that... Well yah... that was at the time, and i guess it still is... but that was just to save Kentar, and now that he is back... i don't see the point..." He looks to Skuld, "The squirrel... I didn't catch his name... but if i had to guess he was some sort of royalty... and he was a totally idiot... which makes the fact that he is royalty, true." He stretches a bit then asks, "Why do you think, the fox being alive... is good..."

"I didn't say that..." The cat is quick to clarify, a twitch in one side of her muzzle. A quick little pause... "Just. That it is good that no one is hunting him for now. Because that would probably just make him worse and more dangerous to the next beast he comes across... I think..."

Aikuen say, and nods "Oh..Then aye... then... its good..." He places a hunk of cheese on the hook and tosses it into the pond. He leans back a bit, keeping a claw on the line.

"... I didn't know fish liked cheese. Aren't worms and things usually put on those things? I think I saw someone use bread once..." Skuld watches the hook drop into the pond. "But. Yes. That's why it's good. So. What will everyone do now? Now that your trip is finished?"

Aikuen shrugs, "I don't know... Cheese is what i had... besides im not here for fishing... Its mostly just a cover..." He closes his eyes, as he silently curses to himself. He sighs, "Think we're going to rest here for a bit, then go back to Moledeep, get that place fixed up... And im going to camp willow to see if i can be a trainer... That's all i can think of right now... What will you be up too?" he asks.

Skuld watches the water, giving a shrug. "I don't know yet... Find Father, I suppose. If you really have seen him, then he'll look here... After that, it will be up to him. I don't think he'll want to stay here. Or if he even still wants me, like this. So I don't know. Maybe I'll try North again, if not..."

Aikuen nods slowly, "He was really adamant about finding you... so i think he still does want you... He threatened two fully armed beast, that enough proof for some..." He sighs, "If you do go north... I wish you the best of luck on your journey..." He sighs again, and closes his eyes.

"Perhaps I'll wait here. For a while. Or nearby, anyway, until I see him..." It's sounding more of something that she's decided she should do, than something she seems to want to to. "And. I'm sorry about your leg." Said, almost as reflex, in return for the wish of good luck.

Aikuen nods, "Good..." He doesn't say any more about her staying here, or near here. But he does smile at the apology, "Its alright... It was mostly my fault anyway...But thank you for that..."

If people will take that as an apology, Skuld decides that making people believe you're sorry is pretty easy. "...You're welcome. So..." Looking from water to otter. "The fishing. It's a cover for what?"

Aikuen looks to Skuld, and then away, and then back again as he twiddles his claws in front of him, "Nothing... Its nothing... Just... Nothing..." The box in his pocket pokes him in the leg, "Well its something... but im not gonna say to anybeast... till its found out..."

"So you're either going to ask Fira to marry you, or you're going to reveal something interesting later. Maybe both. I can't see you having a plan to take over the abbey." Skuld decides. "Probably a better cover if you actually catch a fish or two..."

Aikuen looks to Skuld and frowns, "Its just the first one... Now don't tell anybeast... It was supposed to be a secret..." He twitches at the line... no luck... he sighs, "Im trying too... but this fishing is weird... but she likes it... so im working on it..." he gives it another pull.

"Trying using something other than cheese? A secret is better kept when I don't have my bag..." She jokes, patting the little pouch. "I still think bread would be a better bait. Or worms... Worms..." Thoughtful "Sparrows call everything worm... Do they eat worms, too? Like fish?"

Aikuen grabs his crutch, and stands awkwardly trying to balance himself, "Just... Just don't tell anyone... till i ask her, okay..." He sighs and begins to slowly walk back to the great hall, and then to the kitchen, but before he does he says, "Ill get some other food then... Not gonna find worms around here, without getting dirty..." He begins to hobble off, "Yes, sparrows do eat worms, usually at the crack of dawn..."

Skuld grins. "Oh, I'm good at secrets... I won't tell, promise." She nods. "I thought so... Dawn..." Turning thoughtful to herself. "Think bread works for fish... Not sure though." She offers, after him. And wonders if he'll tell the cooks he wants to fish with their food... Then again, there are always the leftovers...

Aikuen says, as he grunts when he walks, "I'll ask the...ung... cook to tell me....ung... what do fish like...ung... like to eat...ung... but ill take your...ung... your word about the bread..." He stops and looks at the few step that lead from the outside to the entry, he groans, then he does what looks like he pole vaulted onto the top step. He smiles at his agility, and then continues to walk through the door.

Aikuen hobbles out of the great hall, a hunk of bread in his good paw, as he uses his other paw on the crutch. He more or less jumps down the step one legged, and he laughs as he almost falls over. Balancing himself again, he slowly walks back to the cloth he set out near the pond.

Fira has brought food as instructed even if Aikuen already has some of his own. She's beat him to the pond too, the cloth's been given a funny look but she's assumed it was for someone else and instead settled herself down on a rock. Keeping an eye out she quickly spots Aikuen, almost raising when he nearly falls over but he looks happy enough so she settles down again, smirking faintly "Hey"

Aikuen smiles, and pads over to the cloth and awkwardly sitting down because of his leg. He pats the spot next to him, for her to sit down over here, and says, "Hey, Sorry i was gone... i needed to get some bread for my hook and line... apparently cheese is not a good choice for bait" He laughs and places his crutch behind him and out of the way.

Fira tilts her head faintly and has a quick glance around before she goes to sit herself down on the cloth too. Still thinks it might be someone else's but they can always move again later. She smirks once more at the explanation "Not sure how much better bread will be, never tried it...Works for catching otters though" she's stealing half his bread.

Aikuen laughs, "Hey! Took me like forever to walk to the kitchen!" But he doesn't care, and lets her have it, and nudges her lightly, "Well i was trying the cheese... and a kitten told me that either worms or breed would be better... and i didn't feel like digging in dirt to get some... so i got some bread instead." He drags out his line from the water, and there is in fact a piece of cheese on the end.

Fira looks amused as she snacks on the bread, keeping a little bit to try fishing with "All good practice for using crutches. I'll trade you for few of these little honey, oat, cake things...they're rather good actually, too good to fish with" she did bring food after all, offering little square of one before she fishes her own line out of her bag.

Aikuen nods and takes one of the cake squares, shoving a big hunk down his mouth. He smiles and says, "These are great... honeyoatcakethings..." He chuckles and replaces the wet cheese with a hunk of dry bread on his hook, then tossing it in the pond. He sighs and gives a quick kiss to Fira, when she isn't paying attention.

Fira chuckles quietly "I'm sure they must have a better name that's less of a mouthful" she puts little bit of bread on her hook and tosses it out into the pond, blinking when she's suddenly kissed then. She turns a small smirk on him and goes to give him a little kiss back "You're in a good mood today"

Aikuen lets go of the line, and taps his claws playfully together, scooting so he is right next to her. He laughs and says like a naughty dibbun, "I am in a good mood! What to know why! I, have a se-ca-ret! And im gonna tell you nofink!" He chuckles, and nudges her.

Fira looks all the more amused as she raises a brow, leaning her head back a little to keep a clear view of him "Oh really? You'd keep secrets from me? I'm hurt" clearly joking.

Benar walks out of the orchard with william in tow. " I have been learning how to read and how to be a Novice, i've not had much spare time."

Will nods, "Ah. Pa's getting better at reading English himself, he couldn't read it at all before."

Aikuen looks around, and smiles, "Well i could tell you... But you must promise... not to tell anyone!" He chuckles, and gets awfully close to her again and smiles, having a hard time keeping it in. He doesn't see or hear the others.

Fira isn't facing the right way to notice the other two, plus her eyes are pretty focused on Aikuen. She smirks "I swear if anyone asks I won't have heard a thing"

Will grins hearing Fira's comment. He says quietly to Benar, "That's Aikuen, he's my pa but he's busy right now. You can met him later. We /shouldn't/ bother them."

Benar looks over toward the two and inclines his head, "Yes we shouldn't interupt them if they are busy."

Aikuen winks, and says, "Alright... My se-ca-ret is..." He smiles evilly, "You are the most beautiful creature i have ever meet, and i want to be with you forever..." He pulls out an ornamental box from his pocket, and opens it, showing a gold ring with a wooden inset. A green stone is set at the top. He smiles again, "Fira...I love you with every fiber of my heart... will you do me the honor, and marry me..." He bites his tongue.

Fira starts to grin when the compliments begin but as the ring comes out it changes to surprise, her usually stationary ears actually going back as he eyes widen a little...must draw her eyes off of it to catch the words though and the grin's just starting to creep back again. Tiny pause for the brain to whirr back into life and get over the shock "...Alright" and a little more firmly as she refinds her tongue and nods one, grinning wide "Yes! Course I'll marry you" practically pouncing at him to give him a hug.

Aikuen tilts his head at the 'alright' but then she gave a definite yes, and he just explodes with happiness. He takes the hug and rolls with it, so their rolling around the ground, and he is saying...or more like blabbing out loud, "Yes?!?!... YES!!! Oh Fira! Hooyoo! You don't know how that makes me feel! Oh Fira! Yahoo!" He stops rolling, and gives her the biggest kiss anybeast has ever seen. Good thing he managed to close the box, or else it would be lost to the ground. After the kiss, he takes her left paw then taking the ring from the box, he places it on her ring claw. Its a perfect fit, and he just cant stop smiling!

Fira doesn't catch most of the words but she can still guess he's happy and laughs along, kissing him back a second later and just ends up with a huge grin on her face as he puts the ring on. She can't help but stare at it a little, she'll have to stop soon enough, glance back to him "It's beautiful...and you sneaky thing for getting it without me seeing"

Aikuen chuckles and scratches his head, "Really? Well i tried to keep it a secret... i almost let it out, several times though" He leans in, giving her a hug and he kisses her neck, then goes back out so she can see and says, "Didn't you think it was weird that i was in Anian for a while...and when i came out... nothing changed? Oh well, it just makes this moment even better!" He leans back in, and holds her in his arms.

Fira is happy to continue grinning and switching between lip reading and hugs. It's all very exciting "You have said a couple of odd things in the last few days. Had no idea it was about this though" she blinks at the comment about Anian's, looking amused a second later "Good point there...I guess I didn't think about it much. Could have been getting something made or not had enough money...Oh I just didn't notice, be happy!"

Aikuen holds her closer and says, "Aye! But i don't think i could be any happier then i am right now!" He blinks a few times kisses her again, "You really want me... Im not complaining... just surprised, and happy all the same!" He gives her another kiss. He didn't mean to just sort of slipped out.

Fira smirks back at him between kisses "You're only just realising this now?" she grins again and aims a little kiss back at him "We're engaged. We're going to get married...I think if I told this cook I met earlier then she might screech high enough to make everyone flinch. This is going to be fun!"

Aikuen chuckles, "Yah... I guess it is! Just if you tell her, make sure im not in the vicinity!" He laughs aloud, and holds her tight, kissing her neck again, "So... When do you think we should have it? I like the summer... so sometime then would be good for me!"

Fira laughs a little at the neck kiss. Tickley. She blinks at the question though "Wow, right, got to arrange a wedding...Summer's good, we can do summer. I'm guessing it'd be here? Some nice shady spot"

Aikuen nods and smiles, "Yep... We gotta arrange a wedding..." He looks around the inside of the abbey and says, "...we don't have to have it here, though it would be nice..." He points to a spot on the other side of the abbey, "There is a good spot over there... may have to go check it out later... But i don't want to move from here...With you with me..." He chuckles.

Fira leans back against him, getting comfy with a soft smile on her muzzle "We can work out all this stuff later. Today...just want to stay here with you. Maybe catch a fish for two" smirking a little.

Aikuen nods and looks back to the cloth, and chuckles "Well lets get back to our line... think the fish would have eatin' them by now?" He scratches his head and asks, "Do mind if you get me my crutch... It seems so far away... when you can’t walk right..." He reaches out for it, and laughs.

Fira smirks once more "Eaten bread, hook, line and everything probably" she grabs up the crutch but moves to help him back to the cloth herself anyway.

Aikuen says, "Thanks!" as he is helped back to the cloth. He sits down again, and put an arm around Fira, and his other claw on the line, that's still there, "Apparently they didn't like it... Oh well... It doesn't really matter at the moment!" He chuckles a bit and gives it a tug, like she does. Aikuen cant be any happier...then he is right now... And his big ole' smile, just confirms it.

Fira chuckles quietly as she settles down besides him, grabbing her own line back "It's an art of patience and maybe a bit of luck. she says as she settles against his side, perfectly content, happy and relaxed and after a few minutes she actually even dozes off at his side.

Will sees the otters and Fira has fallen asleep against Aikuen, "Well?" he asks the older otter walking over to the couple.

Aikuen can hardly contain himself, but he keeps from jumping around yelling. So he just pulls a big toothy grin, and nods!

The rat grins back, "Told ya." He sits down on the other side of the otter, "When you can, Kentar wants t see ya."

Aikuen nods slowly, "Okay mate...Just give me a second..." He gives the Sleeping Fira, a kiss, before carefully settling her down in the cloth. He picks up the empty box and his crutch and stands up, balancing himself. He smiles and says, "Okay mate... lets go! I want to be back before she wakes up..." He slowly start to hobble off toward the entry.

Will nods, "He asked for Garnet too but probably should get her later.”