The Otter Finally Gets Some Rest (A little bit Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Players involved: Bottlebrush, a fox, and Lee, an otter.

Ferravale Tavern

BottleBrush makes his way into the tavern, the fox looking around at the beasts within before he picks a table where he can put his back to the wall. He grins at a few beasts whlie his good eye tries to pick out any fimiliar faces.

Lee is seated in a far booth, alone, a flagon of ale set before him on the table. The otter looks tired, care-worn, like he needs a rest desperately. He casually eyes the other patrons, with little interest, really, though he does nod a greeting to Bottlebrush when the fox enters.

BottleBrush smirks and nods back to Lee before he makes his way over, "Ahoy matey!" He tries to speak in the otter tone, "What has your rudder in a bind? You look like you have not slept in days!" He plops down at the otters table, "Sorry for scampering before. I am trying to get known at the infirmary so I can heal beasts. You're Flicktails son, he said?"

Lee looks up, then nods. "Aye. Adopted. Only father figure I ever known, really..." He sighs. "An' yes, yer right, I ain't been gettin' good sleep in a very long while. This whole Marek business be very stressful."

BottleBrush chuckles, "He is a good beast. Always had the dibbuns running around him at Redwall." He sits back a bit and sighs at the memory before looking at Lee again, his good eye piercing, "Get some rest, matey. You will get yourself hurt if you don't, you know?"

Lee nods again. "Aye, I know that, but lately, findin' sleep ain't been exactly easy..."

BottleBrush smiles, "I got a few herbs in my pouches that help beasts relax. I usually use them on sick or injured beasts who have trouble sleeping. They don't knock you out, but they help you get there."

Lee leans forward. "Oy, ye do? Ye 'ave me interest, tell me more... More importantly, can I 'ave some now?"

BottleBrush laughs and starts to rummage in his pouches, "Where was it? Hmm..Oh, order some hot water, please. You want to steep these, like tea leaves. A dollop of honey would not go amiss." He then perks, "Ah! Kava leaves. These will help you unwind, and you look strung tighter than a squirrels bowstring!"

Lee calls a waitress and orders hot water and honey.

BottleBrush carefully tears up a few leaves and drops them in the hot water, the fox chuckling, "Let it steep for fie minutes, then drink. Just do not eat any of the leaves." He asks the waitress for a spoon to remove the tea leaves, "Within an hour, tops, you will be ready to knock off for the night."

Lee nods, watching the fox. "I never 'eard of Kava leaves before... Are they rare?" He briefly considers asking why he shouldn't eat the leaves, but decides not to.

BottleBrush waggles his paw a bit, "Uncommon, around here. I have other leaves that do the same and are moe common. These are a bit more powerful and you look like you need the sleep, Lee."

Lee leans back in his chair. "Oy, yer right about that. I'll be glad ta get some good shut eye for a change. Been awful long time."

BottleBrush fishes the leaves out with the spoon and chuckles as he slides the cup to Lee, "Drink up. I hope they put enough honey in, as the leaves can be bitter." The fox grins, "This should keep you asleep until sunrise, if nobeast wakes you. that's just an estimate, though."

Lee hesitantly reaches for the cup. "Oy, that sounds good ta me." He raises the cup to his lips, tentatively takes a first sip, screwing his face. The otter doesn't stop, though, and downs the whole cup quickly. "Oy... Not too bad, coulda used a little more 'oney, though..." He sets the empty cup on the table.

BottleBrush chuckles, "Noted for next time." The fox stretches and yawns, "Anyhow, I should head to bed as well. Sleep well, Lee. Look me up if you ever need help."

Lee yawns already. "Oy, thanks, mate. Be careful out there, an' thanks for the sleep 'elp."

BottleBrush smiles, "It's what healers do." He waves a paw as he pads off.

Thanks for reading!