The Life, and Travels. Of Stoats and Otters.
Characters: Kentar, Garnet, Robin, Chris, Kluner, Fira/Jero'e, Aikuen/Zekeal
Location: Dirt Road, Bank of the River Moss
The stoats...Kentar...leads the others off into the woods then to the road. Slowly he starts up it and smiles. "So. I'm glad to let Will and Amy get some good alone time." he chuckles. "I think after everything that's happened the last while, they deserve a break. By themselves." he nods a little. Garnet chuckles then sets her head on Kentar's shoulders, and Robin just chuckles.
Fira has picked up her cloak, spear and hat again on the way out and follows along behind the gaggle of stoats "Mm, so long as nothing bad happens they'll probably enjoy it"
Aikuen has gone back to his Zekeal form, minus the soot paste, As he didn't feel like putting it on while they were on the move. The hood conceals his face well, only exposing his mouth, which he does for Fira's sake. He didn't take his javelin because. Well, he has only one arm so there would be no point. And also because the redcoats know that he uses one. He chuckles a little bit at the last part, "Or they will learn that they need us... real quick..." he snaps his claw, "Nuts, i forgot to tell him about the carrots... oh well..." he hmms to himself, as the whispered part that Will said, floats in his mind. Soon the otters are behind the stoats, just a few meters behind them, "Jero'e... Love..." he mouths, "I have something i want to tell you... that...ummm.... the younger rat... said... before we left..."
Fira tilts her head at the mention of carrots "Carrots? What about carrots? They'll probably be making a start on the harvest before we even get back anyway" plodding along, back on the road again. Perfectly content until Aik starts being curious. She raises a brow though it's a little hidden with the hat "Hmm?"
Aikuen wants to put an arm around her, really badly. But that may be too conspicuous as they are on the open road. He sighs but then grins, "The younger rat whispered something to me, as i was hugging him... He told me something. In which i thought was a dream at first. But it turns out he really told me... He told me that..." he smiles faintly, "That he would like a little sister... not a brother, if at all possible. But he said a brother is alright also... Thought you might want to know..." He is still clue less about it, but the idea is now floating in his mind.
Fira ohs, sort of staring at him for a moment...she gives the stoats a quick glance but they don't seem about to interrupt. She couldn't really ask for a better time but it still makes her brain stall "Um, well...I can't really do anything about that" the brain keeps stalling too.
Aikuen blinks a few times at her, with a tilted head. Fira has been keeping it well from him. But it was only a matter of time, and one slip up to get him to know. Before this moment, if you asked him. He would have never truly realized it. It was the stall and the last 'well' that gets the cogs moving in his mind. Why she had been tired. Why she has been hungry for foods she would normally never eat in quantity. Why she leaves early in the morning, to go outside... THE TEA!... he blinks a few more times, and says very slowly, "Well..." almost seems lost for words, BUT DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! "Well... what, darling?" he takes her paw softly.
Fira scratches the back of her neck and the stoats get another glance but all quiet there. She looks back to Aik again, opens her mouth and nothing. Or at least a long pause before a last look around and she moves to walk a little closer to him, private conversation clearly as she whispers and tries not to think it through too much "I'm pregnant" she does force a bit of an apologetic smile. She had wanted to tell him sooner after all, she just never found a good moment.
Aikuen has his head tilted until she moves closer. And then she says it. He has to stop moving, lost felling in legs. So he stops and blinks a little, mouth hanging a little. He just stares at her, unblinking. Brain has successfully stoped. Thank you and leave a message. A takes a few minutes before her words start to sink in, and the servos begins pumping life back into his mouth. So he can say something. He takes a step closer to her and says almost as slow as a snail, "Your... Pre-...Pregnant..." he blinks, and what he has been thinking clanks together. He smiles faintly, "Your going to be a mum..." and he hugs her with one arm, as tight as he possibly can, while making sure... not to hurt... the unborn. He is so happy...
The stoats, blissfully unaware of the conversation behind them, kept going. They didn't even notice that they stopped. So they just keep walking. Walking. Walking. Still walking. Getting further away. Further.
Fira is over the shock herself so him stopping and staring worries her for a moment, mainly because it means the stoats are getting away. She looks their way a couple of times but just has to wait for Aik to snap out of it and oof when he finally does and hugs her. There's a proper smile as she hugs him back. One more thing to cross off her list of worries "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner...I wanted to be more certain and then there was never a good time"
Aikuen lets her go to plant long kiss on her, "Love... anytime... would have been a good time... I love you, so much. And this is the greatest news..." he wishes he could hold and twirl her. He wishes he could do so many thing. Cartwheels all the live long day. He is having a hard time containing himself. But once again. They might be spotted, by unwanted beasts. He embraces her again, as he is going to that not matter what. He has too, "Its perfectly alright... I'm glad you told me now... i cant... I'm so happy... I thought something was wrong with you... was going to get a proper healer soon, to check you out... but it makes sense..." The stoats pop off from his sight, so he mouths quickly "Fira. You are the love of my life. And i cant see anyone else. As the mother of my child... But the stoats are leaving us, and we three, need not to get lost..." he grins and hugs her one more time, tight as he can. Before holding her and walking off down the road. Hardly contain himself.
The stoats STILL don't notice the otters lagging behind as they vanish into the woods. But its Kentar who stops them when he realizes. "You otters coming!?" he asks as he pokes his head out of the trees. "Come on!"
To be fair any unwanted beasts have already seen a fair bit of hugging and kissing by now. Fira's stomach's probably happy not to be twirled though even if she hasn't had the chance to refill it with anything but tea. She chuckles quietly at his bounciness again though "Well I'm fine. Queasy bit fine and already saw a healer, it's why I went to the abbey" the stoats get a glance at their mention and she grimaces faintly "Knew that was going to happen" taking off at a quick run to catch up.
Aikuen looks to her as they catch up to the others, "OH..." he snorts with amusement, "You sneaky. Said you were going to get some books..." he chuckles, "Didn't even realize... i didn't even notice till these past weeks..." he laughs, "Come on. The stoat away!" they both jog up to the stoat with his head poked out, "Yah... Yah, were coming. Just... talking and stuff" he says matter of factly, before chuckling. He looks to her and mouths, "Do you want to tell them? Or do you want to keep them in the dark?" he grins, and puts an arm around her. And no one can stop him!
Kentar huhs and tilts his head as Aik mouths something. He can't lip read so he just shrugs and thinks its stuff like 'oh I love you, blah, blah, blah'. "You guys are slow. Come on! We'll have to move faster if we want to reach the river moss before we set up camp." he says, catching up with the rest of the stoat family.
Fira smirks faintly at Aik, slowly down to match his jog "Well I didn't want to get your hopes up without at least being fairly certainly I wasn't just ill" she looks back to the stoats again as they finally catch up, just nodding to Kentar "Right, yes, sorry" then Aik's mouthing gets a glance before another one to Kentar and she slowly shakes her head, mouthing back "Not right now maybe" Finally she looks back to the stoats "...Camp sounds good. Somehow missed breakfast"
Aikuen sticks out his tongue out at Kentar, "Sorry... well move faster next time. I promise" and mouths back to Fira, just getting the gist of the lip read "Okay... my lips are sealed then...till you say its alright" he grins and when the stoat finally turns he gives her another hug and a kiss, and mouths "Oh Fira... Were having a kit!" he grins before heading off after Kentar with Fira in paw. He laughs and says aloud, "What? No breakfast? May have to make you some... Hardtack... when we make camp!" he chuckles to himself.
Kentar finds the otter's very odd right now, shrugging it off and standing next to Garnet again, who sets her head on his shoulder. Chris was still sleeping. And Kluner now, was just walking next to Robin, paw in paw, tiredly. "So. We should be at the river. Soon." he nods. He hopes.
Fira chuckles lightly and there's more mouthing "Once we make camp and he's not busy looking out so much" she returns the hug and seems quite happy for now, walking along with the others "Will have to be more than hardtack I think unless it's a lot of it" looking forwards to the river and not just cause it means food.
Aikuen nods, "I brought plenty of things besides hardtack. But i did bring a ton of hardtack! Cause i love the stuff!" he grins. They walk behind the family of stoats, "Aye good. The river. Good to be back in a river again. I need to wash off any dirt and junk before i apply anymore soot paste. Don't want to muck up my fur, or anything!" he grins and squeezes her paw. Still cant contain himself, "So Kentar, How much father to the river. SO i can make my girl some food!" he laughs.
Kentar shrugs a little which makes Garnet's head bob a little. "Little while yet. So, lets talk, more walk!" he laughs, peeking over his shoulder and grinning a little. "So! Looking forward to seeing me old village?" he asks.
Fira smirks at Aik "I know, I know. You and your hardtack" softly shaking her head though she seems more amused than anything. She looks back to Kentar again for his answer to Aik's question and nods slowly "I'm sure I'll survive till then...What's your village like now anyway?"
Aikuen grins a big ole grin, and squeeze her a little bit. Just cause. He then looks ahead as Kentar asks that question, "Aye, what is it like? The last i heard of it... we wouldn't be going there. At least we otters!" he chuckles, "But yah, i love traveling, and going to new places. So yes. Yes i am looking forward to it!" he grins. Its true. Except for the going in disguise part. But he will be doing that from now on. He sighs at that.
"You don't remember me telling you what it was like? After I got back from it when we were last on the east coast?" Kentar asks. "Its a beautiful place. Its been rebuilt. There are still a few places that are the same. My old home, has been. Fixed up a little. We can go there for a bit. The grave yard where my parents and first wife rest, is there." Garnet looks at her husband for a second, sighing slightly, then looks back to the ground ahead of them. "Jasper is there too." Robin adds. "Jasper? He's...Still alive!?!" Kentar gets a big old grin on his face.
Fira shrugs lightly and apologetically "Well, it was a long time ago and now you get to talk it up again. It sounds nice anyway. Little coastal thing, always good...Who's Jasper?"
Aikuen just shrugs. It was a long time ago. And lot of crud has happened between now and then. Cant help if he forgot. He nods at Fira, but doesn't add anything. Doesn't need to, as that is the question he was going to ask anyway.
Kentar starts to dance a little, Garnet's head still on his shoulder, the stoat laughing. "Haha! He's alive! Haha! I thought he burned in the fire...haha!" Robin shakes his head. "Nope. There are a whole bunch who survived. All who asked about you. All who asked where you went. That's one of the reasons Uncle and I went to find you." Robin explains. Then he looks to Aik, since Kentar doesn't seem to have heard the question. "Captain Jasper. He was pa's best friend back seasons ago." he says. "Nicest rat you'll ever meet. Maybe with the exception of Will." Robin smiles a little. Seems like there's still a military in the village. Question is...good or bad?
Fira seems to be having similar thoughts as she gives Aik a glance before looking back to the stoats to question again "And though there are a number of beasts who survived you're sure it'll be safe for me and Aik to visit the place?"
Aikuen and the other minds are one on this question, "Aye, Even with the disguises we cant hide the fact that we are otters. And can be discovered that we are, quite quickly... If they get a good look at us... I don't want slavers hanging around us..." he frowns slightly. He can only keep up the charade of being Zekeal for only such a long time. Some beast is bound to spot him different.
Robin nods. "We're both sure. Things are different. The only military that's there is the village guard that Jasper kept alive for protection. The only slaves there are the ones to their freedom. And the only woodlanders there are mostly otters anyways!" Robin laughs. "Unless things changed over the weeks uncle and I left." he nods. He thinks Aik knows about Kentar being his real father and all that. "Yeah. Aik. We'd not be going if we weren't sure!" Kentar smiles.
Fira nods slowly "Alright. Just wanted to be sure...can't wait to get there then obviously. Long way to go yet though"
Aikuen nods and smiles, "Aye good Kentar...good... Otters? Really?" he snorts with amusement. He then looks to Fira and nods, "Yep, i was looking at the map. Almost take as long as he did when we went east the first time. Though not that far north. A good 4-5 day march to get there, if we can manage..." maybe talking about Fira, and her unborn, "I cant wait either... I want to see... if they have RUM!" he laughs, "Just to see if they have it... I wonder if they have any Ashurian rum?" he laughs again. Man he is on fire... with his own jokes, "Right now, the only thing I'm looking forward too... is the river... This cloak is hot!" he chuckles.
Kentar laughs a little. "I'm sure it is, Zekeal." he smirks a little then hrms a little, the stoat looking to the sky. "It will be great. You've got no idea how happy I am to be going back." he smiles a little then grins at Aik. "When we get there, we'll hit the pub and have" he grins.
Fira smirks at the pair of them and there's another shake of the head "Seasons preserve us. Just don't go and drink too much. I don't really want to help Garnet or the others keep you out of trouble"
Aikuen blows a raspberry at the stoat, for his ignorance, "I don't drink anymore. You Know that. Haven't touched the stuff in seasons. And i plan to keep it that way... But I will have tea, or water with you... that i don't mind!" he remembers the last time he ordered tea at a pub, and got the weirdest looks, "I'm just looking for Rum as it is rare in this part of the world. Like on the island, wine is very rare. but here, you can get it cheaper then anything... But if they have Ashurian Rum, ill buy it for you, and you can taste the wonders, that is my island!" he grins and looks to Fira, "Don't worry about me too much darling. Ill stay out of trouble. And keep a good firm eye on the old stoat master!" he chuckles.
Kentar frowns a little. "Just cause you were a drunk once, doesn't mean you can't have drink with your best friend..." he grins. "I mean. I only drink on special occasions. And I think when we get there, it will be a special occasion!" he laughs. Aik has never seen Kentar drunk before. Drunk Kentar is boring.
Fira continues to shake her head a little "Ah I don't really think you'll get in too much trouble when you've got all of us to pull you away again if need be...I also don't think you're about to become a drunkard by having one drink but if you're not certain then perhaps best not to"
Aikuen shakes his head, you cannot sway him, even if you tried, "Sorry Kentar, no can do. But thank you anyway, for your offer! It would be best for the whole village if i don't... Don't want to draw attention, more than we have too!" he grins. Kentar maybe a boring drunk. Aik is a mean drunk. He tends to start bar fights for fun, when he gets drunk. Fond, painful memories. Will has first hand experience with that. Aik chuckles, and keeps a firm hold on Fira as they continue on. He will probably not let go of her until she elbows him. He just cant, and wont, not for a long time.
Bank of the River Moss
"One rum wont make you drunk, silly beast" Kentar says. He'll maybe spike something later on as an experiment. SO for now, they just keep walking. A few hours later, they're all at the river, a camp already set up. Robin, Kluner, Garnet, and Chris are all already asleep. But Kentar has gone off near the waterfront, standing on a boulder, which just brings him to Aik's height, staring out over the water almost as if he's a ghost.
Fira is soon on the case of food once they're at the river, splitting off from Aik a bit so she can eat her fill without looking too greedy. Even if he does know it seems she's still trying to act normal.
Aikuen is not hungry, and lets the mother-to-be have first dibs on whatever is in the pack. His mind is on other things. He thinks about what his kit might look like in the future. He knows that the young well have khaki fur, he knows that. He hopes that the little one will get Fira's beautiful eyes. And her brains. He chuckles and pops off his hood, as its dark out so cant really tell anyway. He sighs and kisses Fira a little, "Love, I'm going to go see Kentar. Make sure he is alright..." he grins a little and rubs her back before getting up and heading toward the waterfront. He stands next to Kentar, looking into the river. He doesn't say anything.
The stoat doesn't see Aik approach but he knows he's there anyways. He folds his arms and has a disturbed look on his face. He says nothing yet. Nothing at all. Just stares across the river.
Fira nods to Aik's words and waves him off. She'd say something but her mouth's a little busy chewing on one of his bits of hardtack.
Aikuen after a bit look at the stoat, and moves his head back a little, before moving it too look at the sky. He sighs happily, "Nice night out... clear... lots of stars... and such..." he rubs his head headfur which has slicked back to normal, after yesterdays poofing.
"Maybe." Kentar replies. "There's something out there." he nods towards the other side of the shore. There's a few red lights. Beasts moving about. About a dozen or so of them. But that's all that can be told from this far out.
Aikuen blinks and looks in the direction of the nod. He squints and then he see the light. Not good. The otters eyes widen a bit, but he keeps calm. He moves closer to Kentar and whispers in his ear, "What do you think... good... bad... indifferent?" he cant tell, "Do we bother?"
Kentar doesn't move. "Not sure." he says. "But they wont get to us as long as we stay here." The stoat says simply. "If they were to cross the river, we'd hear them. If they were to go around it, a day or so, which means we'd be long gone." he says. "But. I don't like it. That's where we've got to go."
Aikuen stares at the lights now, keeping an eye, "Well what do you suggest we do? Have to make a decision soon..." he would normally follow to see what they are up too. That is out of the question now, "We could go in a different direction then normally plan. Change direction on the fly. We might lose them that way..."
Kentar nods then frowns a little more. "But we'd also add another six days to our trip." he frowns. "No. They'll be gone by morning. See?" he points out over the water, the beasts already on the move. "They're leaving. Going along the river."
Aikuen frowns also, "Not that much of a path change... If i lead, add a day or two, tops..." he knows what he is doing. But he is glad that the others are moving, less to worry about, "Ah good... Very good... We don't need that right now..." he smiles faintly.
Kentar nods then sighs. "Yeah." he nods a little before jumping down off the boulder. "Lets go for a walk." he says, starting to walk along the riverbank.
Aikuen eyes the other riverbank before nodding, "Aye..." to follow Kentar, after a quick glance of where camp is. He walks to the side of him, his good arm crossed with the other inside the cloak. He takes a very deep breath of night air, and releases slowly and quietly. He hmms lightly and looks to Kentar, "What's wrong mate? You seem... off..."
Kentar sighs. "I'm nervous. That's why." he says. "Since Robin said Jasper and some of the others are still alive and well, I." he scratches his head. "I'm not sure you're going to want to stay at the village."
Aikuen blinks a few times, and nods slowly. Keeping his gaze on what's ahead of them, and away from Kentar. After a bit he says, "Why are you nervous... what is it that makes you afraid... that i wont stay there... what about them, does that to you..." he hmms to himself, trying to get a few facts straight.
Kentar hms. "They were slavers Aikuen. Some of the best. You or Fira would never stand a chance if they decided to go back to their old ways." he says. "They know tricks that few of your kind couldn't even dream about. I'm not sure you'd want to go there. Heck, I'm surprised you even consider me a friend." he says.
Aikuen doest say anything. He keeps silent as he picks up a few rocks and runs then through his paws. Thinking. He tosses a few in the air, and pop off another few into the river. Aik then stops and looks to Kentar, a small frown on his face, "Kentar... you must think very little of me... My Kind?... Please. Slavers have nothing good against me... No matter what you think, or have seen. I have seen it all... and worse..." he then shakes his head, "I will always be your friend... How could you even think that... And if you were my friend, you would tell me if we should just head back now... or continue on. I trust you with my life. And she trusts me..."
Kentar listens carefully and sighs slowly, stopping and sitting next to the river. "You really would be surprised." he mutters. "Whatever I've told you about what little I've done. Is...not really...fully...true. So..." he shrugs. "I just hope you like my old friends. I'm just...nervous is all." he says, staring into the water.
Aikuen sits down next to him, and tosses the rest of the rock in the river with several small splashes, "Its fine Kentar... I have never told you what i have done... and i never will. And i will never ask for your full story. Maybe as I'm dying, ill write out my memoirs or something..." he puts an arm around his shoulder, "I'm sure i will, and if not. We will leave, go down south a few leagues and wait for you to come back. Hang out by the beech and stuff... and it will all work out..." he then frowns and removes his paw, "You still haven't answered my question. What do you think? Should we go back? Or should we continue on?" he is going to need a direct answer.
Kentar smiles a little and then nods. "Thanks." he mutters quietly before taking a little while to think. "We'll continue on." The stoat says finally. "I want to go." he nods. "Anyways. Aik...your a good friend. Best I've ever had...Thanks." The stoat goes to give him a gentle hug.
Aikuen smiles and nods, "Its fine... And okay then, we will continue on. But i was just saying my and Fira would go back, but i want to go too. Hopefully, it'll all work out." he chuckles and oofs at the hug, going to hug him back, "Aye, i know... Your mine. A beast with similar dark pasts. We know how each is going through. We help each other. Wether it be good, or bad. Its what we do..." he chuckles and pats him before letting go to stand up, "Come on... lets head back. Lets not stray to far..." he chuckles.
Kentar nods and smiles. "Yeah. But I don't have beasts hunting me." he smirks slightly then stands, starting to walk back toward camp. "You know. One of these days, we'll have to tell each other our pasts. Compare our lives. Laugh at everything we've done bad." he smirks a bit. "I find it helps to laugh at ones past."
Aikuen walks along side him again, "Maybe one of these days... not soon... and not for a long while... Its been 5 seasons since... but still, i cant even talk about it... to a rock or something. I just cant bring myself to do it... maybe..." he sighs and shrugs, "It does if you can find the humor in it i suppose... I find that its easier just to ignore it and fill that void with... better things..." he chuckles, "Why do you think I'm so bouncy?" he laughs.
Kentar chuckles a little. "your always so bouncy. Even after being tortured." he laughs. "Which I don't get really. How can you be beat up and still able to laugh and play?" He grins. "So...what is it you and Fira were talking about earlier to slow you down so much?" He asks.
Aikuen chuckles, "That i can tell you..." he smiles faintly, "Ever since i was born i was beaten up. By some beast or another. Wether it was my father because he didn't like me. The training, because it was part of the program. The militia, getting hurt everyday. Or by random beasts because i am a Tazan. I have gotten used to it so much. That it doesn't bother me anymore. Plus laughing and playing, helps you heal. You don't dwell on your pain. You move on. You patch up and dust yourself off." he grins. He didn't tell Kentar that what the otter said, actually hurt him more, then what he actually did to him. He died a little on the inside that day. They both enter the camp, and Fira has drifted off on the otters cloth, and piece of hardtack clutched in her paws. Aik grins and walks over to her, "Now for that... You are just going to have to ask her... That means... you will have to wait till morning!" he grins.
Kentar nods a little and sighs. "Yeah. I'm...sorry about your uh...past I guess." he nods then when they enter the camp, he quickly curls up next to Garnet, frowning at Aik. "Come on. Not even a hint?" He asks. "Please? I'll do anything!"
Aikuen shakes his head, as he takes the piece of hardtack from her paws and munches on it, "Nope. No hints. No nothing. You will just have to wait till morning. Its only one night of being on the edge of your seat. But i will not tell you. Nope... Even if you kissed my footpaws, and called me master for the rest of your life... Though that would be something..." he grins and curls up to Fira. He waits until the stoat drifts off, or is not paying attention before kissing Fira's cheek, "Night... I love you..." and then he goes over to her belly and kisses it, and mutters "Night... young one..." he grins before curling back into one fuzzball of otters, and drifts off.
Kentar laughs at Aik quietly. "Fine." he mutters quietly, turning away and slipping his arm around his wife. The stoat drifts off but dreams about undesired memories. Nightmares. Warnings of them to turn back and go home. A night of hell.