The Freedom of the Gawtrybe. (A part of Marek's Revenge TP, as they talk about him)
Note: takes place at the same time as this log
I have logged this myself, instead of Zinnia, as she had to go half-way through.
"What now?" The otter says, "Well, I guess getting the wounded out of here and the dead burried would be the first thing...Then, aye, deal with Marek." The armoured squirrel, called Redtail, snorts. "Do ya always get attached to yer leaders? First it was the sea cap'en, then the-" The rat glares at him. "Shud up." He mutters.
Treesong nods" Yes fight Marek and help the abbey beasts and the long the lands taken by Marek and save the abbey also."
Zinnia frowns, "So you have to listen to the one with the shell no matter what?"
Althea frowns "It is the code of the clan, it can not be changed" A few others seem to nod in agreement at this statement.
Treesong sighs as she stays sitting by the tent she has been staying in, "I just wish grandfather was here, but he is gone"
Zinnia says, "He is alive, Ekon is alive he is in Ferravale"
Althea looks surprised at this info, "He is? But Alvar said he died, and he even had a grave so how is he alive?"
A few squirrels narrow thier eyes as if the badger lies and a few others look hopfull of the news but they don't ask how , nor do they move from thier spots.
Treesong walks over slowly "Grandfather is alive? Please say its true..Alvar does seem the type to lie." She looks at the tribe and frowns, "He could be alive, you could of been lied too."
Zinnia watches the tribe squirrels, "I..only heard, I didnt see him for proof but my friends wouldnt lie"
A bush shakes slightly in the breeze- At least, what appears to be. In truth, a small cloaked figure had ducked into it. A paw motions an all clear signal, and slowly, creeping along the ground, comes a group of five beasts- All cloaked and hooded with dark green scarfs covering their faces. Two of the largest creatures separate from the party, and circle around the camp in opposite directions; both holding yew bows. Another of the pack crawls forward, a squirrel (judging by the tail peaking under the long gray green cloak.), until he is next to the small vermin. "Rutsnout, 'ow many ye count?" John asks, his gray-blue eyes peering into the campsite. "Don' know, boss..Er, I think I see tha pri'oners.." the rat replies.
A few simplly stay sielnt and one squirrel speaks "We were told of grave, why need grave if not dead? You lie and try to trick us all"
Treesong frowns, "I did see a grave or least Alvar showed me one..but" She frowns at the clan of squirrels ," Zinnia is my friend, she would not lie if she saw my grandfather then she did..please, you all have listened to Alvar too much and yes I know he has the rainbow shell but he took it from me, didnt give me enough time to reply for a challage he simple showed up and suddenly fought"
Althea frowns as she listens " But he still won and you lost. Alvar is leader and must be obeyed"
Zinnia says, "But Alvar has been..been causeing trouble, he says he wants to keep danger away but he could bring danger to you"
"Well, John says, "Time tae go an' get meself killed..." He jokes, darkly. Rutsnout pats him on the shoulder, muttering, "Yall do fine sir!" As the squirrel moves forward, the two beasts left took positions near the rat. John steps boldy into the camp, and, drawing his hood back and raising his arms, shows a white cloth in his right paw. "Peace!" He cries, "Ah sew for peace!"
Althea starts to say something when she sees John, the squirrel finds himself suddenly surrounded by tribe beasts with stone axes and daggers, she blinks "Why do you come to this camp..speak"
Treesong catches sight of John, "Who are you?" She asks quietly and frowns when he is surrounded and sighs going quiet again.
Zinnia gasps as John is basiclly surrounded by the tribe squirrels "Wait..he doesnt look like he means trouble!" She then gets either brave or stupid as she stands and tries to talk to them, "Please don't kill him, Alvar already killed someone who found this camp no more have to die, there will be enough death when the abbey is retaken..if its retakeken" she sounds hopfull but is clearly worried still.."Please can't fighting and this whole follow Alvar no matter what stop, I mean he keeps captives? Thats slaves and dosnt the Gawtrbe hate slavers?"
Grizel steps out of her tent and tilts her head "We have intruder..simple intruders die"
John visibly gulps, raising his arms even higher to show he is unarmed. "Ah came ere tae tell ye tha', at this very moment, Alvar is losing tae a challenge he excepted from..." He pauses, to add dramatic effect, "A squirrel called Anomen." He turns as he hears the badger. "Oi! 'Ello there, miss! Ah though' sae too, though bein' a slave for a bit migh' be better then death...Then again, these beasts seem tae bent o' it." He jokes . One of the cloaked beasts by the rat curses under his breath.
Althea glares at John, "We are not slavers, we be a simple clan that wants left alone..and we obey the one with the rainbow shell and that is Alvar"
Grizel stays where she is looking down, she doesnt wish to witness any more death.
Treesong frowns "Maybe we can let him go?"
Grizel answers "No..death he must is the law set by Alvar." Still she wishes to not watch, though seems fine with saying it.
Zinnia sighs"And..what if someone took it away while he sleep, then what?"
John nods to the badger, "Aye, an' what if it 'twas taken?" His face hardens. "As Ah said before, Alvar is losin' tae a fight- An' 'es losin' thae shell, tae!" His paws drop to his side, and looks about him. "Will ye really kill an unarmed beast, under truce, mind ye, for what? Some crazy tyrent's orders? Ah doubt that's allowed in yore code!" Two arrows are strung as the two flanking beasts ready their weapons.
Treesong frowns "You need to be carefull, they follow Alvar no matter what"
Althea seems to think on the badger and Johns words "Why would he lose it, in his sleep or a fight and how do you know he loses a fight, maybe he is wining a fight"
Grizel looks at John and folds her arms "You shall die just like the pole cat died...she raises a paw, "I say the squirrel intruder dies..and to fire on my singnal."
Zinnia frowns "Wait, no..he didnt do anything..look you dont have to listen to Alvar, some of you must not really want you? Wouldnt you rather listen to one who is a better leader?"
The squirrels surrounding john look ready to listen to Grizel and have axes and arrows ready to fire or throw. Some back off and just frown.
John curses under his breath. "Well, Ah guess that's that..." He shakes his head, then glnces at Grizel. "Ye'll sore regret that, coward." Diciding it was now the time to act, the two bow beats take aim and fire among the Tribe, then one of them, a vixen, takes aim at Grizel. Bellowing challenges and war-cries, the other two beasts near Rutsnout, a squirrel and an otter, crash through the foilage, cloaks disregarded; reviling full plat-mail and steal helms. The otter wields a spear and shield, while the squirrel has with him a ball and chain; both weapons are used with deadly effect.
Althea frowns as she sees the full plate beasts in armor come crashing in and backs up, she is not a fighter
A couple more loyal to Alvar squirrels go to fight back agaist the otter and squirrel, a couple others jion in and the rest drop any weapons and back off, seems Alvar isnt that worth fighting for and obeying.
Zinnia frowns as fighting starts now, she goes quickly over to Treesong and goes to take her paw"Lets get somewhere safer!"
Treesong looks around her as some beasts fight and others back off or look to her as if asking what to do, she sees the badger and takes her paw.."Go where?"
Grizel narrows her eyes and starts to say fire, but only gets out "F..." When the arrow hits her right in the chest and she falls backwards with a look of shock on her face. A lot of blood comes from the wound as she starts to get up and fails, one squirrel beside her charges at the one who fired the arrow off.
"'Cuse me, ma'ams, bu' do ya need an escort?" Rutsnout says as he pops up next to the Badger and her squirrel friend. John, cursing aloud this time, throws a punch at the nearest squirrel willing to fight with his gauntleted left fist. He draws his sword from under his cloak, and swings it at the next beast to come near. The vixen smiles as the arrow finds it's mark, then aims for the fool charging her. The squirrel soon falls, an arrow between it's eyes. The Otter and Squirrel were back-to-back, slaying those brave, or foolish, enough to atack them. Another arrow thuds as it hits a squirrel near John.
Zinnia jumps a little when she sees Rutsnouit, she seems unsure of weather to follow him or not. She looks back at the tribe as some fight and some look like they wont fight, in fact seem like they are unsure what to do in fact.
Althea frowns, she tends to one of the wounded squirrels and shakes her head, "This is wrong..very wrong"
Treesong frowns, she starts to run but stops as she looks at the tribe, "No stop fighting!..Do not fight!" She looks near tears as she knows they wont listen to her, some do look her direction, some not fighting only frown.
Anomen walks into camp, he almost stumbles as he frowns at the chaos in the camp and holds his arm, he walks slowly..endangering himself maybe in the procress as he holds up a certain rainbow shell "Stop the fighting! It ends now I ..I order it to" He pants as he is tried and drops to his knees.
Althea eyes go large as she sees the rainbow shell in Anomens paws, "What ?..But..does that mean Alvar dead?"
Most of the camp look at Anomen, weapons are droped and a couple shocked gasps are heard, a couple others stop what they are doing and seem to wait on what will happen next, only one squirrel seems agaist this and pulls out a dagger to sneak behind the worn out Anomen.
Treesong frowns, she sees the one squirrel behind Anomen" Anomen behind you!"
Blood trickling into his eyes, John slumps forward, a squirrel holding a wooden club standing over him. The Gawtrybe squirrel looks over at th- New leader?! then drops the club, scrambling away. The beasts around the Squirrel and otter back away, The amoured squirrel swinging the ball and chain slightly. The two bow-beast step out, and walk towards John, their bows at the ready. The vixen looks upset about- She smiles, and lets lose her arrow at the muderous squirrel behind the other tree-rat. Rutsnout looks at Anomen, then says to the two beast near him. "I thinks it okay now...Er, that's tha beast we're helpin'!" John sits heavily on the ground, blinking. He looks at Anomen, then lets out a weak laugh. "Ye came jus'..." his head hits the ground as he passes out.
Anomen spins around just in time to see his would be killer fall over dead, geee that would of been the shortest leader ship in history, he frowns and looks very tried himself and looks at all the beasts stareing at him and leans agiast a tree when he fails to stand up well right now.
Zinnia looks worried as she looks at Anomen and walks a little closer, "W..Where is that one squirrel..Alvar?"
Althea goes to check on Anomen, she is a healer after all.
The squirrels mutter to one another and watch Anomen as if waiting to be told what to do, a small pawful of squirrel who were much loyal to Alavr is dead, luckly not many were loyal to Alvar as most didnt fight or was uncertain weather to or not.
Treesong rushes forwards till she is in front of Anomen, she is clearly worried about him, another squirrel checks on John and tends to his wounds.
Anomen takes a couple deep breaths, he has a wound on his left wrist, a cut on his right check and a wound to his side, lucky for him iots not deep. He smiles at Treesong"Alvar is dead." He is still worn out and thats very clear.
John, after a bit, opens his eyes. He sist up, much to the panic of the squirrel tending to him, and says, "Ah told ye Avlar was losin'!" And promtly passes out again. Rutsnout rushes over to John. "Is tha boss dead??!" The armoured squirrel looks at him. "I think not."
Althea stays calm and finishes tending to Anomen, she looks at John and finishes whats needed with John as she speaks "He will need to,,rest, stay here maybe couple days"
Zinnia looks around the camp and slowly sits down, "Well..what now?"
Treesong gently hugs Anomen, she just stays quiet and hugs him carefully.
Anomen hugs Treesong and looks around, "Ummm..." He then remembers he has the rainbow shell, "Oh..yeah this..well what happens now is the tribe helps fight Marek.."
"What now?" The otter says, "Well, I guess getting the wounded out of here and the dead burried would be the first thing...Then, aye, deal with Marek." The armoured squirrel, called Redtail, snorts. "Do ya always get attached to yer leaders? First it was the sea cap'en, then the-" The rat glares at him. "Shud up." He mutters.
Treesong nods" Yes fight Marek and help the abbey beasts and the long the lands taken by Marek and save the abbey also."
Zinnia smiles "Sounds like a good plan to me"
John opens his eyes again, this time groaning. "Ugh...Me head..." Rutsnout almost jumps with glee, 'till Redtail slaps him. "We're perfesionals, ya can't go jumpin' up an' down like that! Bad from, y'know!" The two bow beasts, who are both foxes, shoulder their weapons. The Vixen sighs.
Anomen looks at the rainbow shell in his paw and for now slips it on his neck, he blinks as he is surrounded by tribe beasts, not to attack but to listen to him, he has a clan beast take Treesong to a tent and stands slowly, "I..ummm..this is tempary, me as leader. Ekon is true leader not I. Ok like said we need help ta fight Marek and to free beasts, some tribe beasts are inside." A voice says "Yes 6 or 7" Another speaks " yEAH we will lsiten to...errr..." The squirrel nods "Anomen, my name is Anomen.."
From the woods there is the sound of approaching beasts, their stealth level certainly not the highest on the list. After a moment of crunching and crackling a small group of five beasts burst through the foliage, yelling in unison, "Salvation is here, mates!" Most of them arent really armed with actual weapons; in fact they seem to only have a few sticks and a knife or two between them. Their desire to fight dies quickly, however at the sight of no actual battle going on. They stand awkwardly at the edge of the clearing until one of them, a female squirrel, breaks away and runs over to John. She glances worriedly at Rutsnout, gesturing brashly at John, "Is he alright? What happened to him? Do something! Can't you see he's in pain?!"
Anomen looks up as some others come, he looks at the tribe beasts again, well he will have to have a meeting, it can wait as he is tried.
The rat looks at her, his eyes briming with tears. "I don' know wha' ta do!" Rutsnout finally blurts out, then sits on the ground, weeping. Redtail rolls his eyes. "Ah think Ah'm fine, nae thanks tae ye!" John says to Trillis. "Though Ah did have a knock tae the head- These beast knae how tae swing a club!" John blinks again.
Trillis raises an eyebrow at the weeping beasty, seeming almost more concerned for him then for John. After a moment, however she grins at John, happy to see him alive, "Ach, come on now. You've suffered worse! You're not going to let a little knock to the head finish you off, eh?"
"Not o' me life." That didn't sound right. John shakes his head. He sits up, looks at the rat, and shakes his head again. "Ah'n nae died. See?" He pokes Rutsnout, and the rat practally leaps on John. "Boss! Yer okay! I've n'er been so 'appy in my life!" more tears follow.
Trillis raises an eyebrow and glances at Redtail for answers, "Boss? He" She gestures to Rutsnout, "agreed to work for John? Is he sick in the head?"
"Sick in tha head? Maybe. 'Im as a boss? No." Redtail says. "He jis calls 'em tha' because of some vermin thing." The two foxes glare at him, but he still goes on, saying, "Yea, we did agree ta help whith these tribe, and even more, Marek..." the otter and the two foxes nod at this. "Aye," The otter says, "We all have reasons to fight him, don't we?" again nodding. John smiles weakly. "Aye, well, ye'll get yore pay in due time..."
Trillis nods slowly, seeming to process Redtails flow of information, "I see. So you're all working together." She looks down at John, saying in a speculating voice, "So you really are serious about going off to fight this Marek and his army?"
The otter helps John to his feet. "Aye." John states. "Ah am. An' when thae time comes, Ah 'ope he's horde is ready tae die." He adds darkly. "Now, Ah'm gonig tae go back tae Far-" Rutsnout interups him. "Bu' I though the squirrel lady said ya can't leave 'ere 'till yer head is better?" The otter sets hims back down. John sighs. "Fine...But ye lot had better stay 'ere..." The otter carries John over to a cot and dumps him on it. "Fine." The otter says. John, still in his chainmail, lays his head on it. Snores can be heard soon afterwards.