The Audition Process

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


1) Apply on the muck by typing ' +skills apply recolligoastrum ' .

2) You will recieve a page, asking a few questions about your character; the questions are:

  • Is your character a new recruit or a returning member?

If they're new, what reasons do they have for joining?

and, lastly; What would they do in the group? (i.e. magician, musician, juggler, etc.)

3) After you've been accepted into the group, the details of where to rp your entrance/reentrance to the group, etc. will be decided.


1) If your character is a returning member, there will just be a happy little reunion RP, so your job is pretty much done :]


If your character is a new member, there will be an RP in which they meet the group, and audition. The auditions are rather straightforward.

Wait! What if I want my character to join the circus, but I don't want them to go in with any pre-aquired abilities?

Hey, I'd like to thank myself for asking this vital question. The answer is a lovely one:

Part of the troupe's mission is to find potential in the untalented, and foster any abilities they might have. Meaning, if you have an orphaned dibbun character you'd like to have grow up in the circus, go for it! Later in life they'll be some pretty snazzy performers.
