The 67th Regiment

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Based inside of Mossflower Woods, the 67th Long Patrol Regiment was setup to keep watch over Redwall Abbey, and her allies, while keeping the woods safe for any travelers passing through.

Differences from Salamandastron:

The base that the hares operate from is hidden within Mossflower Woods. Only the Abbot from Redwall, and the hares of the Long Patrol know its location...unlike the giant mountain from the west.

Command structure differs in that there is only one single commanding officer, and one assistant to him. He deals with deciding schedules, duty rosters, and is the only beast to keep in regular contact with the Badger Lord at Salamandastron for official business.

Despite being allies to Redwall, the hares are not obligated to assist in any matter unless it threatens the whole of Mossflower. There will be situations where the Long Patrol may decide to let things take their course until otherwise deemed necessary.

While Salamandastron has a school, and non-military jobs (Dibbun caretaker, teachers, etc etc), The 67th is purely a military base. No woodlanders outside of Hares, are permitted within the base's walls unless otherwise cleared. No vermin species of any sort, and only registered LP officers are permitted inside or to know where the base is located.

Blow is the current 67th division roster.

Commander: Lieutenant Roscuro Thaddeus Cuthbert Rumbold the Third

Second in Command: Open (TBD)







