Talk of Alvar, luck, and crazy squirrels. At least, crazy in John's opinion. :P
Flicktail walks over and looks at the water
Ekon is medatating by the water, sitting indian style and eyes closed as he looks relaxed. He is not in his normal clothing, nor does he have his face paint on right now..sort of looks normal.
Flicktail doesn't interrupt, but insted sits down quietly some distance away, skipping stones
Ekon opens his eyes slowly as he watches the ripples from the stones and sighs. "Much is hard it do seem."
Flicktail says, "Aye, I suppose so, but I won't ya ta know I consider ye a friend."
Ekon nods. "I know friend you are and friends are good to have yes, always good a friend be."
Flicktail nods. "You should know though I will do wot I feel is right."
Ekon asks, "What is it you speak of friend fox?"
Flicktail says, "I consider Alver a coward, and While I will not go near, unless needed, nor will I attack 'im I shall always refer openely to the beast as a coward."
Ekon nods. "That is your view yes, He can be a danger he can, this is true, but nothing can I do, I am sorry. Gone to the clan am I." He frowns at this.
Flicktail says, "I can be a danger...beasts must learn that, As fer you, you can 'elp me or not that is up to ye."
Ekon says, "Control of the clan I have not, this I have told you..what they do or not do wasnt told by me to do. Upset I am. My granddaughter still there she is and can not leave."
Flicktail says, "Yes I know that, still you can elp or not....."
Ekon asks, "Help in what way?"
Flicktail says, "I do not know tribe customs.... how a beast can oppose somone like that coward?"
Ekon frowns. "You are unable to do this..nor is Treesong as she just lost the challenge given to her, one can not challge right back."
Flicktail says, "see your avoiding, I knwo bout rules, there always be a way fer good to triumph."
Ekon says, "I am avoiding not...saying you can not fight him ...least to stop his control."
Flicktail says, "There is a way to oppose 'im Ekon, if your whole tribe were about to die..would you stick by rules and let them die? I need to LEARN th' rules, I 'ave friends, even Squirrels that can 'elp."
Ekon says, "I have spoken..only clan beast can challenge him or....there may be another."
The pond has become a favorite place to a squirrel named John, and so, he is found heading to it. Seeing the two beasts, he nods a greeting.
Flicktail asks, "Who is this other?"
Ekon looks over and nods, he glaces at Flicktail, "Another squirrel, one I do believe has already thought of a challage to give but has yet to act upon it."
Flicktail says, "'Ello John come on over." Then he says to Ekon, "I wish 'e would hurry, we could use the tribe, Many will die wi' out the aid of such strong beasts."
Ekon says, "My clan, I do want back.. hard it be, they follow the one who wears the shell..this shows who leader be, one who..challage and win agaist Alvar...but only certain ones this can do."
John does as the fox asks, walking over to them. A "Hello." is muttered, and he sits near them. "Och, an' who are those?" the young squirrel asks, interjecting himself in the talk.
Flicktail asks, "'Ello John, do you know me friend Ekon?"
Ekon says, "A clan beast or..another squirrel can Alvar fight."
Flicktail says, "I 'ave squirrel friends, perhaps they can elp"
Anomen has slipped away, to just walk, he doesnt know, all he knows is he is restless and looking up blinks as he notices just how far he has walked.
Ekon says, "I know not, upsetting it be in this..times of trouble and darkness."
John nods, then mutters darkly, "Then me dream o' sliping a knife between 'is ribs might jus' come a reality...." He chuckles coldly, shaking his head.
Flicktail nods to John. "See Ekon this is one o' me brithers...I am sure e would not mind challenging Alvar...." he turns and blinks. "Anomen, be that...YOU?"
Anomen narrows his eyes as he hears the name Alvar. "No one will challenge Alvar but me, is that understood..that..beast has Treesong, has threten me and my friends and it seems he has a captive also...he has a great way of sending arrows, which he seems to like."
Ekon looks up as he sees Anomen, "You are the one my granddaughter spoke of.."
John snorts, shaking his head. "Aye, well Ah never said any thing o' challenging him, jus' slayin' 'im." He glances at Ekon. "Och, sae this be thae beast tha' they are all talkin' about?"
Flicktail says, "Well wichever of you, all I ask is let me ELP and HURRY...The Long Patrol is campped ere and soon we will take back th abbey, and we need all the elp we can get...."
Anomen draws his sword. "Alvar has the beast I love and I need to save her and I know the Long patrol is near, I have been with them the past 4 weeks..maybe longer..I had to slip away, for a walk."
Ekon frowns. "Help in fight with Alavar you can not Flicktail...alone only can Anomen fight if fight he choices, no help can have..Alvar must alone fight him as well with no help."
Flicktail asks, "Can't I be like is second or somethin? just to I dunno BE there?"
Anomen nods to Ekon. "Fine with me, trust me I have reasons to fight Alvar and like I said he is becoming more of a bother..someone from our group seems to have step on his, as he puts it, land and is at the Gawtrybe yet another reaon to fight and beat him"
Ekon says, "If beating Alvar you do...leadership of tribe you would gain..even if tempary it could be or not be""
"More o' a bother, eh?" John asks, "Yeah, well, he's been a thorn in our side tae, ye know." he pauses, then says, "An' what happens if ye lose?"
Flicktail looks at John and rolls his eyes. "Squirrels..."
Flicktail says, "if e loses then I am going to DUNK 'im inna pond."
Anomen frowns, he is unsure there, he shakes his head. "First..simple I win will just pass leadership back to Ekon...if I lose..I am unsure, but we need the clans help, if they will still help."
Ekon frowns "If fight with Alavar lose...then death will come to you."
John nods slowly. "Ah thought so...Alvar doesn't seem like thae beast who'd let ye go..." He bows his head, adding, "Ah would come along, jus' incase, tae kill him for ye. If that's allowed, o' course."
Flicktail says, "I 'ave seen Anomen...that Alvar don't stand a chance."
Anomen says, "I can fight and fight well, I am miltary advisor. This doesn't mean I will win, I could lose and I know this...but if I win I plan to get the squirrels to join us, to help us. But Alvar also has another captive he could injury, which isn't good or tell others in the clan to injure her, I need to fight him away from the clan grounds if I can."
Ekon stands. "Luck you will need..I must rest..good eve."
Flicktail says, "I wish I could give you Martin's blade." The fox looks down. "But I ave not found it yet."
"Still," John says, "There is always dumb-luck..." He shakes his head. "Bu' Ah hope, for yore sake an' those other beast's, tha' ye win."
Anomen looks at Flicktail, but only nods "I have a blade, a well made one...." He thinks.."Maybe you can...then again I dont know where the camp is." He frowns.
Flicktail says, "Wotever you need Anomen, you need only tell me..and I will do."
John shrugs. "Well, where ever ye fight 'im, Ah wish tae be there..." His paw strays to his sword-hilt. "Tae know ye did thae job." he adds, darkly.
Anomen frowns. "I plan to fight Alvar...hopefully away from his camp as possible..Treesong is there, I love her and dont want to see her hurt. Also...Alvar caught a beast you and I both know well, he has threaten to kill her and Treesong if anyone else gets on his land, he knows I want to face him in battle...maybe you could try and find the camp of those gawtrybe while I fight Alvar as seems I need to do it alone..and if I lose," He frowns... "I want you to make sure Treesong is safe...get her to Benar and the Long Patrol if need be or somewhere here."
Flicktail says, "Don't be so blasted secet..who be this other beast?"
Anomen sighs. "He has Zinnia..."
Flicktail says, "Then e be in more troible then e knows...worry not Treesong and Znnia will be safe."
Flicktail says, "if e as an abbey beast I am now empowered to act"
Anomen nods. "Yeah...I know someone else who will skin me alive if...they knew Zinnia was in danger"
John eyebrows raise. "Thae badger? Ah met 'er a few nights ago, in thae tavern..." He nods. "Aye, we'll dae our best tae get them away..."
"Thae, Ah don' fancy a tribe o' blood thirsty squirrels after me." John adds as an after-thought.
Flicktail draws his sword and holds it aloft "Th Abby Champion protects beasts and I will not shirk in me duties
Anomen nods "Then you find the camp and get Treesong and Zinnia away...and try and talk to those squirrels, I think they maybe follow Alvar out of fear or some sort of ..clan code thing, I dont know...I will deal with Alvar and if needed," He frowns, "Kill him..." He seems to dislike the idea of killing.
John says, "Aye, well, Ah'll try..."
Anomen says, "As for the squirrels...they are dangerous and will follow orders of who ever is their leader at the time..they have stone axes, archers..but I dont think they are bad they just fear punishment if they dont obey Alvar, thier leader right now....a leader that shouldnt even be leader" He growls, so un-squirrel like.."And marries Treesong...he will pay!"
Flicktail says, "Aye well I ave many fellows to elp, we will be, in and out wi stealth, John, me brother, can elp me."
John face darkens as he addreses Anomen. "If ye don' kill him, he'll jus' come back like thae little..." He doesn't complete the thought.
Anomen nods slowly, "Me..getting killed would be bad too, I am needed."
Flicktail goes to get some of his...shadier friends to plan the rescue "I will be there when ye needs me Annomen."
Anomen watches as Flicktail heads off and sighs, "Well...I plan to act soon...guess if I win I will have a lot to..think on."
John lets out a mirthless laugh. "Well, Ah'm no'...Aye, acting is always better then speakin'." He shakes his head. "Again, Ah'll help 'ow ever Ah can."
Anomen says, "Then again...if I win, that means they follow me, I do not wish to be a leader to the Gawtrybe like I told Ekon, he is rightful leader...I will help them if needed, but not as leader.""
"Don' they have a stone or some such thin'?" John asks, "Ye could hand it back tae Ekon..." After a bit, he extends his paw. "Ah'm John McGrove, bae thae way."
Anomen says, "Its a shell of some sort.." He nods and shakes his paw. "Anomen...a guard of Redwall Abbey and right now Miltary advisor.
John smiles. "'Tis nice tae met ye, Anomen..." He laughs- genuinely, this time -And says, "Ah could be called adviser...thae that may because Ah'm 'un o' thae only beast here actively helpin' tae get rid o' Marek..."
Anomen listens and smiles "I best get back to my camp, I need to let Benar and Lord Sebastian know whats happen...and I best get going as I was supposed to be back by now." He rushes off.
John calls after him, "Farewell, Anomen! An' good luck!"