Take The Lizard Down!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road -------------------------

The sun's glow lights the road, and the warm air of summer envelopes

every beast like a gentle blanket, creating a slight haze around each

object. Stretching to the north and south, the road dominates the

landscape. Hard-packed dirt is laced with ruts and stray rocks scattered

upon the ground, as well as a few stray clumps of browned grass. To the

east, a building stands, simple in design but obviously a frequently

visited location. The path leading to the door of the structure is

often-trod, and countless footpaws have left their mark in the dirt.

Trees line either side of the road, though not as thickly as they do

farther north, and the road lies bare and open to the sunlight.

Exits: The [B]lack [G]ull [T]avern, [S]outh, [N]orth

Lear is off to the side of the road his injuries not even bandaged as he looks around and hisses, he sees the rat and goes to get near him, his claws sharpened and ready to strike, and his long teeth showing.

Shaz walks along the road, he wasn't going to stay at the abbey that long it was getting to him.

Rowan was following Shaz whether or not he knew it. He gripped his spear in paw as he strode alongside the path silently while keeping the rat in site, he hated to do this but he needed a decoy.

Oak is hiding in the trees, the events of the season have interested him, and having recently recovered from Vladimir's mauling he is itching for adventure, careful to make sure nobody sees him, Oak has a long sword and his side and a quiver with arrows on his back, ready for anything in case the moment strikes, longbow as well ready.

Safana walks along the road, she doesn’t look happy and has a sword in paw looking back and forth so she must be looking for someone, it’s unclear yet who.

Shaz looks around as he seems to sense something is around, he goes to draw a blade and looks around a little jumpy after last night.

Lear growls and hisses, he waits till the rat is within view and walks past, he then luges at him claws and teeth out aiming to kill or least hurt badly this rat.

Rowan snarls as he sees the furless beast lunge out of the brush. Not wasting any time he quickly sprints over to their position.

Oak does not notice the lizard, but notices something doesn't seem right, with an arrow at the ready he looks down from the tree waiting the problem to show itself.

Shaz frowns as he hears the monitor and goes to sidesteps and get out of its way but is knocked over and the lizard ends up cutting open his shoulder, which is already hurt some and now its hurt worse, he stabs at the lizard with is dagger.

Lear hisses low,"You..zztole my captive!!!!...You didzzzz not bring Zillah...you will die..breath lazzzzt!"

Rowan standing with spear poised at the lizard he talks quietly but firmly. "I am the one who took Zillah, leave Shaz out of this mate... She is in prison just like she should be and you will too..."

Oakenpaw is hurrying down the road, the Vermin from Ferravale were not going fast enough for him, and he is hurrying and loaded for bear. He has his walking stick and comes trotting down the roadway blinking as he sees the commotion and grasps Matilda, his thick oak walking staff in both paws. His ears come fully erect as he takes in the scene, his muscles tensing.

Safana frowns and isn’t sure whether to fight or not, she seems afraid of the lizard right now.

Oak sees the lizard now and throws a dagger at him, it misses and he jumps from the tree to reveal himself. "'Ello, Shaz. In a pickle are 'ye...alow me 'te 'elp you with that. I've been itchin' te' kill summat anyway" He smirks at the lizard. "Sorry buddy, but you're it"

Oakenpaw moves to stand protectively by Safana, he holds his staff tightly, his body trembling, he wants toss BADLY to bash the reptile, but the frightened feline needs help first. He glares watching the fighter beasts with the lizard.

Shaz errrks as the monitor’s claws get his shoulder, he slices at the monitor again aiming for his chest or neck.

Lear cackles even as a dagger stabs him in the arm twice, he turns to look at the otter as he speaks and hisses, he slaps at Shaz to knock him out and looks at Rowan.."Where...zillah...get her or die...or…just die!", He picks a new target...Rowan!

Rowan Not about to wait for the lizard to get the first hit he quickly swings the spear in his paw as he tries to hit the lizard with the blunt side of the spear. "If I die you will never know where she is, mark my words!"

Oak smiles. "Now why do 'ye want the pretty rat thief?", He stabs the lizard in the shoulder with a jagged edged dagger. "Bloodclaw's dagger really 'elp don't 'de Shaz", He grins as he ducks what is sure to be an angry blow from the lizard.

Safana frowns and looks at the hare, "Bad pl..place to be hare, bad..that..THING is bad. Bad idea for me to look for it too." She lowers her sword and backs up.

Oakenpaw says, "That THING as me Willowheart and if they don't kill it.*I* will Lass even if it be the last thing Oi does.Don't worry lass I protect you though" The hare stands defensively, "Lizard you finish today, filthy vermin"

Shaz eyes go wide as he is knocked out by the clawed paw and lands on te ground with a groan, he gets a blurred image of oak the squirrel and whimpers, "R….r..run" And everything goes black, he's out cold and shoulder bleeding and claw ark on his right side face bleeding.

Lear is stabbed by the squirrel and hisses, he swipes at the squirrel with his claws, he then hisses low at Rowan and opens his mouth and goes to snap at the otter.

Rowan yelps slightly as the lizard snaps at him. He quickly turns his spear to the side in an attempt to block the jaws from getting to him. He notices the Squirrel off to the side "Careful mate!"

Oak laughs. "I murder careful wid' me long sword" He looks at Shaz and glares at the lizard, "Ye' watch it lizard, 'urtin all 'dess beasts. I've faced worse 'den you, and I owe Shaz one" He turns to Safana. "Can I borrow 'yer sword lass, ye'll get it back I promise" He has a plan, and it's not going to be very nice for the lizard .

Safana frowns at Oak and at first refuses and then decides “Sure here...I am not in this fight I rather enjoy living", She hands the squirrel her sword carefully.

Oakenpaw moves in while Oak retrieves the sword with a cry of "EEEEUUUULLLIAAAAA!"...He is an expert with his staff and wicked fast as he makes a thrust toward the lizard's leg he would like to break the lizard’s leg . He is intent on striking at the lizard and means to get around it to see to Shaz and give the other fighters time if he distracts the lizard but breaking the lizard leg would be a bonus.

Shaz groans, he is still passed out and..bleeding.

Lear goes to snap the otters spear in his jaws, he is in front of the rat, that is till the hare there, he goes to snap at the hare's ear and the staff makes a connection and he hisses as bone snaps and he drops to his knees.

Rowan falls back slightly stunned at having his spear snap in his paws. "You daft lizard now I need to make a new spear!" With that he draws his sword and rolls to his feet snarling. "Give it up vermin! You already lost!"

Oak grins, taking the broken leg as an opportunity he places the sword carefully on the quiver and pulls back as far as he can, with all of his strength aiming at the lizards chest, concentrating on nothing else, he lets loose and the sword flies through the air at the lizard very quickly at an almost perfect pace doomed to strike him within seconds, the force of the sword pushes Oak back a few feet and he adds a few sprained leg joints to a bruise he got on his arm from using the sword. "Die, 'ye filthy monitor!!"

Safana hides, yes she hides ok :P"I am...getting back to my boat, forget this.." She leaves the area..coward?...maybe but she leaves all the same, drink maybe?...yes:).

Oakenpaw kneels beside Shaz and uses a paw to staunch the bleed...beginning to minister to the ratty rat rat. He mutters "They keep hitting this rat in the head. It will be impossible to hurt him..heads way to hard" Looks like when Oakenpaw has the time he will be getting out needle and thread he winches as the tip of his ear stay in the Monitors jaw, leaving his left ear with a ragged tip.

Lear reels up and hisses at Rowan and goes to give a death blow to Rowan, he hears the squirrel and turns around only to get the surprise of a lifetime, he stands in shock as the sword enters his chest and the force sends him crashing into two trees, one falls over its smallish one and a larger one breaks the lizard’s back as he crashes into it, it’s clear he is dead before this as his eyes have death mist in them and blood goes down his chest and onto the ground, he is dead instantly when the blade hit his evil heart..dead lizard!

Rowan watches in shock as the lizard lunging at him suddenly shoots through the air away from him. Was that a flying sword...? He looks around as minor tunnel vision leaves his eyes. "Thanks for all the help."

Oak walks over and pulls the sword out of the lizard. "Ha!, I've always wanted 'te do that" He nods at Rowan. "Yer' welcome" Cleaning the bloody sword in the grass he hands it to Rowan. "You, get this sword back 'te 'de lass, Me? I'm gonna clean 'de monitor's pockets...he might 'ave good gold"

Oakenpaw checks the rat’s airway, and will begin suturing the head wound to make sure the bleeding stops. his nose curled as a few drops of red stuff from his own ear and mixes with rat blood, "Filthy sad vermin....Gotta find my Willowheart.”

Shaz groans, it’s his shoulder that’s hurt not so much his head and a claw mark to the face, well your face is on your head.

Rowan blinks as the sword is handed to him. "I didn't see any Cat, someone else can return it." He sets it on the road as he over hears Oakenpaw. "Aye mate, she is fine and resting at Redwall."

Lear is dead, real dead..he has some gold and silver and that hare fur cloak, but that is covered in blood and torn badly.

Oak looks at Shaz. "Ye' okay?" He pauses "Never mind 'dat, 'yer not dead and dat's good enough" He puts his bow back in the quiver and walks off. "I'm 'ungry...I'm going 'te 'de tavern" He stops and gets the sword and then heads to the tavern I Ferravale.

Oakenpaw checks to see if The rat's arm is broken or shoulder dislocated....he also begins WASHING the rat.

Shaz goes to push the hare away, his shoulder has a gash on it and needs washing not that he likes the soap.

Rowan grumbles over his broken spear before sheathing his sword and finding the straightest stick he can find and pulling out a dagger.

Oakenpaw gives the rat a VERY gentle swat "Hold still..YER the assassin beast *I* am the healer beast wot. I know wot I am doing" He washes more of the rat just because he can. Then begins the Suture job there along with a generous portion of infection preventing moss.

Shaz opens his eyes.."The lizard..need' dead lad....someone kill it"

Oakenpaw asks, "That look like a LIVE Lizard ta you?" he points ta the skewered lizard.

Rowan starts to drag the dagger along the length of the stick after he gets the point off of his broken spear.

Shaz groans..”N..o..no”

Lear is clearly and for sure dead, death mist eyes and yep he is..DEAD!.