Super awesome happy place

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.
Exits: [Out]

Lenore is sitting in a corner, watching the comings and goings in the tavern.

Ragg walks into the tavern. The pick pocket seems to be in a good mood.

Lenore suddenly appears beside the weasel and gives a low caw. "You seem happy."

Ragg grins as his eyes alight on the raven "Is there somthing bad about that? maybe you should be happy more."

Lenore clacks her pionty, dangerous-looking beak. "I don't do happy." She hops over to the bar and orders a bowl of elderberry wine. "I'm only happy if my master wins a fight." She states in a lower tone, glancing about the tavern.

Ragg trys a frown "but happy if fun." than his frown becomes real and he says in a whisper "are you sure we should be talking about...'him'?"

Lenore pays the barkeep and waits until there are nobeasts nearby other than Ragg. Turning to him, she murmurs back, "Why shouldn't we if we're careful? Are you /scared/?"

Ragg's face turns into a faked grin "even if we are careful, all beasts have ears." he looks rather annoyed "I am NOT afraid. He just makes me...nervous."

Lenore gives another low caw. "You should fear /him/... he is more dangerous than any other beast you shall meet." she sips her wine. "What shall we talk about instead, Oh Mighty Weasel?"

Ragg rolls his now serious eyes "do /you/ fear him?" He shrugs "He may be dangerous but he...never mind." The light comes back to his eyes "I am the mighty one now? If thats the case we are going to talk about...." he thinks a minute than grins "we are going to talk about shadows"

Lenore flicks her head around to look at the weasel. "Shadows, huh? What about them?" she poufs up a little bit, her eyes glinting strangely.

Ragg shrugs "I like them quite alot. you?" his eyes keep twinkeling as he sees her strangley glinting eyes.

Lenore narrows her glinting eyes. "You are a strange beast... Shadows are useful. Where is this conversation going?"

Ragg grins and his eyes are nearly dancing now "I enjoy being strange. Shadows can save well as take them." He ignores her question with a grin. He may be giving a hidden warning or he might just be in one of his 'moods'.

It is clear why Lenore's eyes are glinting -- she is full of distrust, and a bit of pent up anger. She glares at Ragg and snaps out, "Outside. Now."

Ragg's eyes are now shining with joy and victory "Outside? why would I do that?" he grins and slips toword the door, deciding that making this bird any more mad would be a death wish.

Lenore caws, then follows the weasel out, leaving wine and payment on the bar.

Outside the tavern...


The scent in the air notably changes within the village compared to the sweet fragrant flowery smells outside the east gates. Stale air, rotting food and the occasionally not particularly pleasant smelling inhabitant all assault the nose until it gets used to things. Mercenary guards patrol the high wooden palisade wall separates the vermin village from the outside world, the only break in sight in the form of the main gate to the village to the east. North of the path one of the few stone buildings in the village stands a little run down, now an inn it butts up to the side of the tavern and boasts many beds available, at least that's probably what the sign says, much like the building it's old and the beast who wrote it has probably died of old age long after the paint was last touched up. West finally buildings begin to spring up everywhere and the path widens into a large clearing at the centre of the village.

Exits: [F]erravale [Inn], [T]avern, [Back] to gates, [W]est

Ragg comes out of the tavern. He eyes are still shining and he sits down on a barrel, waiting for the raven.

Lenore flies out the door and perches on a nearby sign. She looks a bit calmer now as she asks, "How can a shadow take lives?"

Ragg smiles "thats my secret now isn't it?" he seems to be enjoying himself.

Lenore suddenly launches herself at Ragg with a caw, landing on the ground in front of him, her beak stopping just inches away from his face. "No more games! I'm not in the mood! Give me a straight answer!" She is now mad, and an angry raven is a rather scary sight.

Ragg's laughing eyes stop for only a split second but they start again when he find himself still alive. He paw wanders of to the hilt of his rapier "calm down. this is why I think you should try being happy somtime. It makes you much less angery." He shrugs "about the shadows...." He nows he is walking on thin ice but he grins "my arrows." He pulls one out and holds it in plan sight "my arrow is a shadow. It is black. it can kill. It could even kill somthing that would happen to be above me." He does not say 'bird' right out, but that is what he is implying.

Lenore caws, a sharp, hard sound. "How dare you threaten me?! I ought to report you to Stormfeather -- I have been with him much longer than you have!" She is definetly ticked off.

Ragg scoots backward off the barrel, keeping his gleaming eyes on the ravens eyes . His eyes are no longer laughing but doing something strange. Fear? revenge? glee? victory? who knows. He grits out "fine. tell him. who says I was threatening you? He would not be happy with you saying his name out in the open." He keeps his paw on his hilt.

Lenore narrows her eyes. "How would you know?" she backs up a pace or 2 and watches Ragg. Looks like she might not like this weasel.

Ragg shrugs "It's just a thought I had." He is still being carefull and he backs up as the raven does than stops when she does.

Lenore watches the pick-pocket closely. "Why did you join us?" A simple question... or is it?

Ragg frowns "why would I tell you that? Lets just say that I was board with my life" He maybe telling the truth but it is not likely.

Lenore begins to fiddle with the carved-bone skull hanging from the silver chain about her neck. "Oh, really? Are you sure that's all?"

Ragg eyes the movement "I am very sure that's all. Why do you ask?"

Lenore drops the death's head and smiles as best as a bird can. "Oh, no reason, really." Her smile is not a nice 1.

Ragg's eyes narrow in suspcion "I see...." He frowns but trys to shrugs it off "you have been with him how long?"

Lenore tilts her head to 1 side, her smile now condencending. "Now, why does that matter?"

Ragg shrugs and with a gleefull twinkel in his eye he uses the raven's come back "no reason really."

Lenore raises an eyebrow. "Ah, touche." She nods then asks, "Now that we.../understand/ each-other, shall we go back inside?"

Ragg shrugs "do you have an ambush waiting for me?"

Lenore smiles craftily. "Not today, I don't."

Ragg smiles secretively "good..." he walks toword the tavern.

Lenore stays facing the weasel and extends her right wing towards the tavern door. "After you."

Ragg shake his head "ladies first. I insist"

Lenore nods. "If you insist." she turns her back on him and goes to enter the tavern once again.

Ragg nods "I do insist." he follows her in.

Back in the tavern...

Lenore hops over to the bar and orders a plate of scones. She turns her back to the bar and watches the door.

Ragg comes in after a minute. His eyes are back to there normal state and his face has a grin on it. He goes over to the bar beside Lenore and sits down.

Lenore faces the weasel. "Why?" an open question. Of course.

Ragg grins "why what?" His happiness is just a cover form what he is hiding.

Lenore she opens her beak to speak, but then a shadow falls across the window. With an "I need to go," she leaves, flying through the door, and is soon out of sight.