Sparring match between Kan and Opie
This was a little bit of Rping me and my friend did. It was a sparring match but he didn't know that at first. :p enjoy!
Kan punches at Opie's face
Opie dodges and follows up with a counter strike
Kan whacks you on the arm to counter the counter.
Kan follows up with a jump kick at your shoulder.
Opie performs a duck
Kan loses his footing and slips on the ground
Opie attempts to kick kan
Kan takes the kick
Kan retaliates with a quick hangmaker to opie's head
Opie duck's the slower punch and delivers a quick jab at kan
Kan grabs the punch and shoulder throws Opie.
Opie does a backflip to where the feet are towords the bed
Kan rushes opie with a flurry of punches.
Opie comes back with a hard punch
Kan takes it on the nose
Kan falls on the ground and raises his hand
You say, "Old on a minute "
Opie steps on kan
Kan grabs your leg with all his might and slings it upwards as hard as he can
Opie hits the celing hard and hits the ground
Kan stands up shakily
Kan wipes the tears from his eyes, and the blood off his nose
Kan prepares for the next round
Opie offers a truce
Opie says, "lol"
You say, "Oh, it's just freindly sparring, Freind."
Opie says, "ohh ok, good to know you wont kill me."
Kan falls into a mixed martial arts style and begins the round with a low
kick to your shins.
Opie jumps but gets hit in the proces, falling to the ground
Kan steps back to allow his opponent to get up
Kan falls back into stance.
Opie gets up
Kan waits for opie's move
Opie runs and jump kicks
Kan ducks low and lets opie fly over
Opie hits the wall
Kan takes advantage of the moment to pin him on the ground.
Kan releases opie out of the pin and falls back
Opie goes for kans right leg
Kan kicks opie in the face with his left.
Opie says, "oww"
Opie feals dazzed
You say, "you left your guard open"
Kan lets opie's concussion subside
Kan steps back four paces and begins a run
Kan jumps and attempts to tackle you while punching with his right arm
Opie dodges and grabs you by the back of the shirt
Kan hits the ground hard and drags opie to the ground with him
Kan lays there for a moment to catch his recently knocked out breath
Opie hits kans head
You say, "ouw"
Kan rubs his head and gets up.. dashes across the room to gain his space
Kan prepares for the next round
Opie does likewise
Kan falls into a stance, a loose stance where he can move easier.
Kan begins hopping back and forth to limber himself.
Opie is still somewhat dazzed
Opie readies himself
Kan waves at opie
Opie wave at kan
Kan edges towards Opie
Opie is dizzy
Kan performs a sweeping kick at your feet.
Kan stubs his toe through his boot on your foot.
Opie falls and hits the floor
Kan hops back on one foot, rubbing his toe.
Opie is still on the floor...
Kan attempts to do the a flying smash with his elbow on opie
Opie attemps to roll
Opie bearly makes it
Kan nearly broke his arm. on the hard floor.
You say, "Oh man we gotta get some kinda padding."
Opie says, "yea"
They end the sparring match there.