Sometimes Club II

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 03, 2012 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Riverdale. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 9 replies.

Sun, 06/03/2012 - 11:30

Our Sunday RPs have stalled (and staled) a bit in recent weeks, so I'd like to remind both current, former, and aspiring participants that the Sometimes Club is in fact two things: an OOC ritual and a (changing) cast of IC characters with a shared story. The ritual—Sundays at ~7 pm eastern—will remain the same for now, but I propose that it is time to change things up a bit in the IC realm. This proposal is motivated in equal measure by the difficulty of getting new players into our current story and by the rather dramatic shift in cast since the inaugural run of RPs.

We have all sorts of options for starting anew. We could explore the backstory of an existing character (Dangeon's time as queen of Darkfur's island; Amos' parental conflicts; Stubb's life at sea; Sandy's days in chains). We could do an extended cutaway (the McCullough clan's response to Carn's disappearance; Anba's activities; Delilah's flight with the Keepers). We could do something entirely different (the construction of the Northern Cities; etc.) My personal inclinations set me against dream sequences or anything like that, but we can discuss it.

By no means should we ditch the current storyline. We've built a long and deep story over the past nearly two years (!). I just think I'm not alone in perceiving a need to shake things up a bit.
