Some Good News And Bad News

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Scioto catches the tale end of a fairly bad fight after he finds some clues of Nightfur’s latest captives

Scioto is walking along a path close to the bridge and blinks as he bends down and finds 3 cross bolts and examines them to find they have bards on them, close to this is a blade, Bandits blade as he hears fighting his ears go flat and he looks threw some bushes to see a fighting Otter and none other than Nightfur, he nods to the two Ferravale guards with him and draws his own blade and goes to help fight Nightfur.

Lockjaw keeps the slaves he just brought close to him, a hare and a couple hedgehogs and an otter dibbun.

Starlight bites the paw of a rat and runs to hide in a thorn bush and whimpers.

The rat screams and slices at the dibbun and luckily misses, the rat gets a gash from Powell and stabs backwards at the otter.

Nightfur sidesteps and stabs at Powell again and his other angled  blade slices at his chest, “Ya will die otter give up and maybe ya will live!”

Powell spits blood at the fox and growls, he sees where Starlight went and blocks the path to the bush, he gets another stone and swings it and lets go with his sling.

Lockjaw is not a fool and quickly gathers the 3 slaves he has left and gets out of the area as quick as he can, he has his stoat attack Scioto.

Scioto blocks the move as his guards fight any of Nightfur's beasts, quickly disposing of them.

Nightfur chuckles as he is spit on and steps back, “Fine..I surrender..NOT!” He waits till the otter relaxes and stabs forwards in the chest and smiles as he pulls the blade out, he looks at Scioto, “Ferravale’s trusty leader!” He charges the cat both blades angled to kill!

Powell gets a look of shock as he is stabbed in the chest and falls sideways eyes starting to close and fog over in death.

Scioto cusses as the weasel has escaped and then yelps in pain as his lower arm is cut and blocks a 2nd sword and the guards get between him and the fox and attack Nightfur, the cat looks to where the weasel is and growls, it’s out of sight, he finishes killing the stoat and a rat after it stabs his left forepaw.

Nightfur gets some cuts to his arms and backs off “Retreat!!!” He runs off with the rest of his men, about 5 rats and a weasel now, the other 6 vermin are dead, he soon disappears down a trail along the river.

Powell lies on the ground, bleeding badly..””

Starlight whimpers and starts crying.

Scioto goes to the otter quickly and one of the guards check the otter and sadly shake their head, “He’s wounded badly sir, he’s going to die”

Powell coughs up some blood and looks at Scioto, “Tell..Lee…watch me daughter…and to ki..kill that slaver..f…fox” His eyes close and he dies here after taking his last breath.

Starlight crawls out and shakes Powell.

Scioto sighs sadly and picks up the dibbun, he then empties his knapsack and places her in it and both on his back, the supplies were a rope and some food/ water a guard holds now, the 3 cross bolts and Bandits blade in a front pocket, away from the dibbun. He then picks up Powell and nods to the guards as they walk alongside their leader, he lets them go to Ferravale “I will be at Redwall, I will return by tonight” One guard goes to report to Branden and maybe Nightbreath and one follows Scioto to Redwall.

After a walk or limp of an ½ hour or so Scioto gets to the Abbey carrying Powell in his arms and Starlight safe in the knapsack

Scioto walks slowly, why he decided the abbey was best he has no clue, he has a knapsack on his back and a very still otter, Powell, in his arms. The cat has a good size slash on his lower right arm and...he is limping.

Starlight is unseen, hiding in the knapsack, unseen for now.

Oak climbs down the tree. "It’s about time 'ye got here, I've been waiting hours fer' you" He smiles. "I have information"

Scioto eyes go to the voice and he groans deeply, "Info?..what sort ya annoying.." He leans on the doorway and hands Powell to a guard "Need..first need..Lee or Benar..both and healer wouldn’t hurt."

Lee is up on the wall top

Starlight whimpers, the cat is grumpy again so in the knapsack she stays.

Oak smiles. "Very well, tell when 'yer ready to 'ear 'de information" He takes a bite out of the apple. "I've got all day, well not really, but 'oo's keeping track"

Scioto frowns sliding down the wall, the knapsack forgotten till he feels movement and takes it off and groans, a novice has a healer check Scioto’s arm wound as he glares at Oak "Start..talking annoying.." He growls a little and frowns, "Unless it’s where the weasel went..ouch"

Oak laughs. "Weasels? No I don't know anythin' aboot no weasels. But I have information about a certain 'de name of Nightfur" he smiles. "I found 'de location of his base three days ago, and marked it on 'dis map"

Lee comes down from the wall top. "Wot be goin' on 'ere?"

Benar walks down just behind Lee, the squirrel staying on the steps and looking around, "If you have any information Oak it will be welcome. We can compile it with the information we already have from Flamefur and see how close to the truth she was talking."

Scioto is curious now, "Ready..well I found 3 things of interest." He opens a side pocket on the knapsack and pulls out unused cross bolts with bards on them and a blade, Bandits blade, "Found these by the bridge" The healer finishes bandaging his arm and heads off. And.."

Starlight is in the knapsack, and the top closed on her, yes she can breathe but she hears friends "Out..out..out!" she spoke? That’s new at least to the abbey.

Scioto frowns "A weasel got away with a hare and...two hedgehogs, sorry"

Oak frowns. "Is that Marek's bolts?" He has a rather serious look on his face. "If Nightfur is dangerous enough 'te 'ave captured Marek, perhaps I should have killed 'em while I was 'derr"

Benar stares at the Knapsack and pushes past Scioto, "Scioto! Why do you have someone in there, who is that?" he hurries over toward the Ferravale leader.

Scioto frowns, "So could carry an otter, which leads to bad news and the flap fell over it when placed it down, he takes off the flap, fairly easy to do.

Lee asks, "Wot bad news?"

Starlight shakes her head, she was fine inside and it was sort of fun, till the idea of almost being trapped scared her, she first sees Benar and smiles wide.

Oak nods. "Well, I must be goin' too many people isn't my style unless I'm in a battle" he lays the map down. "Feel free 'te use 'dis....I'll be around if 'ye need me"

Scioto nods, "Besides two other captives...Bandit and he has Marek as well found out...and" He frowns" The otter that help in the fight in the woods he...he died"

Benar says, "Oh Starlight," He reaches into the knapsack and lifts her out, holding her gently and looks at Scioto and sighs, "I am... very sorry to hear that." He hugs Starlight firmly and then turns, "But there is some small light, Lee there is someone to see you here."

Starlight hugs Benar and smiles "It’s me.." She giggles some but frowns at Scioto's words and hides her face in Bear’s robes and seems to be crying a little.

Lee swears loudly, and kicks the ground. "Scioto! Ye better be wrong! He can’t be! 'E were in Cavern 'Ole not two hours ago!" He yells at the gate guards, next.

Benar hugs Starlight tightly, shaking his head, "Lee... calm down... please..." he glances at Scioto, "Are you sure?"

Scioto nods, he blinks as Oak leaves and shakes his head "That annoying, as for..the otter he was in the woods and I heard fighting, a weasel had some slaves, think bought them from Nightfur, the weasel got away with a hare and couple hedgehogs and almost that dibbun"

Lee rants at the guards for a few minutes until he is spent. "I...can't 'ave another beast die...Nightfur is a dead beast..." He looks emotionally drained.

Starlight finally looks at Lee and frowns, she speaks "Bad foxie"

Benar squeezes Starlight and walks over to Lee, "No one else need die... we must stop him before this goes any further." he holds the little otter out to Lee, "Someone hasn't said hello yet."

Lee looks down, and sees the dibbun at last. He wipes his eyes and holds his paws out to hold her. "Starlight! Me little darlin' I've missed ye..." He tries to compose himself.

Scioto picks up the map and looks at the X on it and blinks, "Well..Interesting"

Benar chuckles warmly and lets Lee take Starlight then look back at Scioto and walks over to look at his map, frowning and seeing if it is anywhere near the two places Flamefur pointed out to him.

Starlight hugs Lee and smiles some.

Lee hugs the little otter tight. "I've dearly missed ye, sweet'eart." He kisses her forehead gently. "I won't ever let anythin' bad 'appen ta ye ever again, I promise ye."

Scioto is studying the map, the X looks to be east of the bridge and a little North, he hmmms, "That squirrel Oak be a real pain but helpful also it seems"

Benar says, "That is one of the two locations Flamefur gave us," he tilt his head, "If that is the one then I’ll have to thank Oak personally.""

Starlight hugs Lee "Luv" She says and yawns as if she is tried, but also worried about something.

Scioto nods "Best to be careful too Benar, Nightfur is not an easy foe"

Lee blinks. "Starlight, did ye just speak?"

Benar says, "I am not going out myself but we best talk to Flicktail about sorting this out." he glances at Lee and chuckles, "Took you long enough to notice Lee."

Starlight nods, "Hi." Yes she talks and clearly voices not liking Nightfur, "Badfox has friends...have Dora..and Zork and a fat fox who’s funny"

Scioto listens and frowns "Yeah the fat fox would most likely be Bandit," He stands from where he was sitting down

Lee nods, rocking the little dibbun gently. "Aye, I'll formulate a plan later...Benar, could ye tell me where ta find Foremole? I'd like ta give Powell a proper burial..."

Starlight ends up falling asleep in Lee's arms

Starlight leaves Scioto's group and wanders off on her own.

Benar says, "Foremole is in the Bell Tower construction sight, I'll ask the Abbot to do the service for him."

Lee continues rocking the sleeping dibbun. "Thank ye. 'E deserves a good funeral..."

Scioto listens as they speak, he decides to hand the map to Benar so he can show it to Lee and anyone else.

Benar nods to Scioto and takes the map, "well I will go put this in my office with the other map and we can all sit down and plan later."

Scioto asks, "Do you need me at the meeting Benar?"

Benar says, "That may be helpful, thank you Scioto."

Lee says, "A meetin' will be most useful."

Scioto nods "Yes just send me word as I feel an attack on Nightfur's Base will be very soon"

Lee says, "Yes, may be before the week is over."

Scioto nods

Benar says, "Of course well then I will go and talk to the abbot, I shall see you all later"

Lee nods, seeing to burial arrangements

Scioto watches as the two head off, well he does need to get back to Ferravale so he heads out to do just that, "I will return if needed."