Silverfangs Captured!
This starts in a clearing in Mossflower, goes to the gates of Redwall and ends in the infirm on Redwall.
--Clearing in Mossflower--
Silverfangs is sitting under a shade tree, mediating quietly, he isn't too deep into it as he is close to fishing his meditation and is still not very alert to what’s going on around him.
Bloodclaw walks into the area, quietly slipping out his poisoned dagger, and waiting for the right moment to grab the fox.
Oak is watching in the tree, he quietly slips out his Long Bow and arrows and waits for the right moment to kill the rat.
Silverfangs doesn’t hear Bloodclaw right now. He takes a deep breath and slowly releases it as he starts to finish mediating; his eyes are still closed for now.
Bloodclaw cackles quietly and he approaches the fox, and from behind places the dagger behind his throat, and dagger laced with a poison so deadly that one pinprick could kill you in about 30 seconds. "Hello, old fox, havin' a nice day are we?” He plunges the hilt of the dagger into the fox's throat. "How 'bout now?” He laughs maniacally.
Silverfangs eyes open as he hears the rat and the laugh, he remains calm oddly enough and speaks after a cough, "If you wish..Something of value, I have nothing of value with me sir rat?"He remains still as he speaks as well.
Bloodclaw is shocked, he sees the fox's calmness as idiotic, powerful, hilarious, and disturbing all at once, when the feeling comes off he takes a deep breath as well. "No I believe you do have something of someone else". He kicks the fox. "GET UP!, 'ye stripedog harvestin' old coot!"
Oak tries his best not to chuckle at what is going on, if only Oz could hear the rat calling him stripedog, he keeps the bow ever so still, just waiting to pull back on the string.
Silverfangs oofs as he is kicked, he looks at the rat and goes to grab his staff to maybe take a swing at the rat if he can.
Bloodclaw grins as he pulls out his sword. "Mayhaps it'd be better if 'yer dead..'And no witnesses at tha'”
Silverfangs takes a ,swing at the rat with his staff, he watches the rat closely as he stays in fighting stance.
Bloodclaw is surprised when he is knocked off balance. "Yer good fox". He swings his blade aiming for the kill. "But not good enough!"
Silverfangs steps sideways and goes to swing at the rats footpaws in order to knock him down, though he doesn’t seem interested in killing the rat.
Bloodclaw is knocked down by the blow of the fox, realizing that this fox isn't his equal in combat, he's his superior. Bloodclaw makes a run for it.
Silverfangs watches as the rat goes to make a run for it and shakes his head, he goes to try and grab him by the back of his cloak.
Bloodclaw barely slips away from the fox, heading deep into Mossflower Woods, without a real since of direction, sometimes even the fiercest rat can be a coward.
Oak jumps out of the tree, and places his bow and arrow back in the quiver. He draws out his sword, looking into the direction the rat went. "'ello my name is Oak. I'm chasin' 'de rat through 'dese 'ere woods, 'opin to kill 'im...I'll 'elp 'ye find 'em". He has a glare of battle fire that does not lie, showing that he for sure wants to kill the rat.
Silverfangs looks at the squirrel "If that is your wish, it may be helpful to...find him so he doesn't hurt anyone...let us go then." he lets Oak led the way.
Bloodclaw nearly collapses out of breath, Redwall Abbey..This could come in handy.
Oak looks around and points. "There 'ee is, there's not a 'dang in Mossflower 'dat I dunno 'appens. 'ee's there" he grins, drawing his sword and approaching Bloodclaw.
Silverfangs walks up to the rat slowly and looks down at him, he shakes his head "Why do some choose such a life, perhaps it would be best to...let someone know he is here, a..fitting punishment, rather than death, he seems unable to fight back at the moment"
Oak grins. "All 'de better, klll 'em quickly, no, wait...let 'im suffer"
Silverfangs frowns at the idea of killing and bends down beside threat to check for a pulse beat, perhaps not the best of ideas.
Bloodclaw notices Oak and grins. "Ah, my spy, 'did 'ye bring the 'ol fox to me, well done".
Silverfangs blinks as he hears this "spy?" his attention goes to Oak and away from the rat.
Oak smiles, and walks calmly up to Bloodclaw, when he gets there he claps him on the back. "Good 'ol Bloody...'ye know I didn't come to spy 'fer 'ye...I came to say 'yer...DEAD!". He quickly stabs Bloodclaw in the shoulder, then twists and rips, leaving the rat bleeding on the ground.
Silverfangs grips has staff as he watches the fight, he isn't urea whether to intrude or help the squirrel out, or tend to the rat maybe.
Bloodclaw's grin goes away and becomes a frown. "Betrayin' me eh?...well nobody double-crosses Bloodclaw, he slices at Oak with his poisoned dagger.
Silverfangs frowns, he goes to swing at the rat with his staff, aiming to help the squirrel and knock out the rat.
Oak slips just out of reach of the poison dagger and delivers another swing of his sword, which coupled with Silverfang's staff, he is sure will cause Bloodclaw to lose his balance.
Bloodclaw manages to block the sword, but the staff comes down, hitting him so hard that it nearly caves his skull in, but Bloodclaw manages to attain his balance, and pull out two daggers similar to his black poison daggers, but these are blue, he stabs the squirrel and the fox with them, and goes to grab the fox.
Silverfangs wasn't watching for the blue dagger and is stabbed with it, he growls slightly as the pain and blood appears on his lower arm , he goes to try and kick the rat and loose his balance as he falls onto his knees, he goes to get up and collapses onto the ground.
Bloodclaw picks up the fox, and leaves the squirrel laying there, he heads for the gates.
--At the gates of Redwall Abbey--
Bloodclaw stands by the gate and screams, towards the ramparts. "I know 'yer there old hare!, tell 'yer stripedog friend to come down here!"
Jake looks at the rat "What do you want rat?"
Rosenade perks her ears, and sets the tray down, frowning. "You know him?" she asked the hare, unease in her voice.
Bloodclaw grins. "ye heard me old hare, get 'yer stripedog friend down here!, I have a surprise for 'ye"
Silverfangs is unconious right now, and the rat has him.
Oz is on the wall top, after hearing the rat's voice, he growls low and the name calling didn’t help, he climbs the ramparts and looks down at the rat and with a growl he speaks" It be best to leave rat, while you still have fur!"
Bloodclaw holds up the fox. "Really?, I think 'ye should think 'afore 'ye act...stripedog". He has a black dagger at Silverfang's throat, and it doesn't look pretty.
Rosenade frowns even more from that sight, quietly drawing her own dagger from her habit belt. "I don't know what's going on... But I don't like it." she said, looking back to the hare, as if waiting for any instructions he may have.
Jake frowns as the rat says the name again, he looks at the mousemaid ":I say go inside...safer"
Oz takes one look at the rat and the fact he has Silverfangs and growls, he disappears and is soon down at the gates, glaring at the rat, has eyes a slight discolored to them, maybe a hint of red to them even...."Release me now" his voice is not very calm at all.
Bloodclaw grins "I've got 'yer old fox friend stripedog!, if 'ye values his life, 'yill surrender the seadog named Pike to me, although I wouldn't say no to that Fox champion of yours either. He hear that?, a fox for an otter, or a fox for a fox. Oh, that's right, he's an Otterfox ain't 'ee"
Silverfangs is still...unconious
Rosenade frowns and shakes her head. "Lives are at stake." she replied, before glaring at the rat. "We could always exchange them for sparing your life. Which is a better deal..."
Jake glares at the rat, as he sees Oz he frowns, he steps in front of Oz and looks at the rat "Why do you want Pike for rat face?"
Bloodclaw laughs. "Tis a long story, 'ye old rabbit, 'ee did summat ta me and 'ee deserves ta be DEAD 'fer it". He turns. "Now, trade?"
Jake glares at the rat now,"Look no one is going to surrender Pike, let the fox go and leave"
Oz is behind Jake now, he growls low as he s still mad...VERY MAD!...he goes to shove Jake out of the way and looks at the rat, he is on the borderline of...well it won't be too fun if he gets madder at the rat .
Rosenade snorts. "No one deserves to die." she says, before glaring. "No one except vermin."
Bloodclaw is now laughing a cold, loud, and maniacal laugh, that fills the area directly outside Redwall Abbey with an aura of pure dread. "I don't think so, 'ye see. If I don't get what I want.." He presses the dagger to within a fraction of an inch of Silverfang's throat. "The Poisoned dagger will do its work in less than a minute".
Jake is shoved aside and oofs as he about falls onto his face, he looks from Oz and then the rat and frowns, he mutters "That can’t be good"
Benar steps up to the edge of the parapet, watching what is going on outside the abbey for now, the Brother frowning softly, remaining out of sight and observing.
Bloodclaw seems to love getting the badger angry, he says in a loud voice, full of sadistic glee. "I'll kill 'em stripedog...oooh yes I will, he raises the dagger to a slit position, and begins to sing in a voice that though sing-song, is more evil and disturbing, and quite serious than sarcastic and mocking. "I'll kill the old fox, in front of the STRIPEDOG, in front of the STRIPEDOG, in front of him...STRIPEDOG!, stripedog!, STRIPEDOG!...STR-ipe--dddooggggg!, mwuhahahahahahahhaha".
Oz growls deeply and looks ready to grab the rats throat. He stays where he is for now, but for how long remains to be seen.
Benar listens for a moment more but when the rat starts singing he hurls something at the rats head, intending to stun or surprise him. What he's thrown is the cup he was carrying, nothing deadly but if it hits should give the others a chance to act.
Rosenade swallows a little bit, lowering her dagger. "Can't we make another deal?" she asks nervously, only to see something falling, heading for the rat.
Jake frowns, he has to do something to prevent anything bad from happening, a death or worse...a bloodwrath badger or both, he digs into his cloak and finds a vile of something he mutters "Old scales" he slips behind Oz and frowns "Sorry ahead of time Oz" he places the vile under his nose and looks at the rat."I say hut up rat and tell us what you want and I have no bally clue where Pike is right now"
Bloodclaw is hit by the cup, he starts to turn to the squirrel who threw the cup, but keeps singing. "So what 'ye gonna doooo, Stripe-dog, stripe-dog, what 'ye gonna do...when I kill 'de Fox withhda poison dagger, quick death, but mind's aaaaain't peaceful, oh stripedog, watch-him-die!". He kicks the fox.
Oz growls low, he blinks as Jake uses the knockout stuff which was probably a good move, he growls and blinks couple times, his eyes a deep red now, he then passes out, lucky he doesn’t fall onto anyone,hee hee.
Bloodclaw sees the bloodwrath badger and runs, he isn’t that stupid, carrying the limp fox with him.
Rosenade blinks, and looks to the hare. "Shouldn't we stop him?!" she asked, sounding a little panic-y by this point.
Jake frowns as the rat gets away he sigh "This isn’t good" he looks at the passed out Oz and frowns "Ok we need to tell Flicky wants going on and that someone is captive and Pike is in danger"
Rosenade gives a weak smile, stepping over to the hare. "Well, he have other problems... How're we getting HIM back in?" she asked, pointing down to the badger.
Benar sighs softly, shaking his head and glances down from the wall top at the gathering outside the gates. "Perhaps you'd care to explain to me what is going on out here?"
Jake looks up at Benar and frowns "A rat named Bloodclaw, causing some problems....he has captured a fox named Silverfangs and...umm" he looks at Oz now and back to Benar "He was about to....well Bloodwrth, didn’t think anyone wanted a bloodwrath badger at the gates"
Benar nods and vanishes from the wall tops, a few minutes later the squirrel steps through the gates and stares down at Oz. "Well... this is a pickle to get home to."
Rosenade frowns and shakes her head. "We'd need like another badger to get him in..." she muttered.
Two otter guards appear on the site, to help the unconscious Badger Father back into Redwall, the only problem is..he's a badger, and the two otter struggle a while, but only manage to move him 10 feet, before they collapse. "Hmm, 'ees a bit 'ard to move" one of them says.
Jake sighs and looks down the road "Need to know where the rat went to or an idea anyhow, Oz knows the fox, not sure how but...that’s what upset him when the rat had him."
Rosenade looks up, and gives Jake a light smile. "We'll find the poor fox... He'll be fine." she assured him.
Benar says, "Indeed, all will be well, but for now we have to take care of those who are here with s and that means Oz, he is one of us."
About two hours pass before Jake's question is answered, Oak comes towards the abbey gatehouse, leaving his weapons there, and staring at Jake. Oak still has Bloodclaw's blue knockout dagger protruding out of his chest.
Jake nods slowly "True, and like I said, let Flicktail know and Lorimis too maybe on what happen," He blinks as the squirrel comes into view and raises an eyebrow.
Oak looks down at his chest and rips out the dagger. "Stupid RAT!...'did 'ee get the old fox too?"
Benar has retreated inside over the two hour period.
Jake looks at the mouse now, "I hope you are right on that miss, I would hate to see anything happen that’s...bad"
Oak stumbles off to the infimary.
Rosenade frowns a little bit, but gives the squirrel a little smile. "C'mon, let's get you to the infirmary." she suggested, deciding to help him. After all, he just pulled a dagger out of his CHEST...
Jake nods as the mousemaid speaks "Yes, maybe he can...answer some questions too"
--- To the Infirm—
Oak is helped into a bed by one of the healers, he coughs as he looks up at the assortment of beasts. "'ello, my name is Oak, as 'ye can see...I tried 'ta kill Bloodclaw myself and...failed"
Jake steps into the infirm, he isn't the healer type and just looks over at Oak, he looks to see whom else is around before walking over to him to ask a quick question "Tried to kill him, thought you worked for him?"
Rosenade helps the poor squirrel to the infirm, smiling at him lightly. "Well, at least you gave it a try..." Oak shakes his head. "No, 'ee was my customer. 'dat aside, 'ee was bad business, tried to steal my services instead 'o buying 'im, and 'ee tried to kill me, I wan't 'em dead now...and I know where he's hidin'"
Benar steps into the infirmary, pausing by Rosenade, frowning softly at Oak then glances at Jake. "So where did this rat come from? Did he just appear at the gates.
Jake looks at Benar "He appeared at the gates Benar, and he had Silverfangs unconious and not sure from where he came maybe" he looks at Oak "Oak knows.....well?"
Rosenade quirks a brow, and smiled a little bit at the mentioning. Even grinning a bit. "Well, why don't you tell us? Maybe we can end his reign of terror."
Oak grins. "say please" he demands.
Rosenade sighs. She figured things would come to that. "PLEASE tell us?"
Benar looks toward Oak and quirks his ears, "Master Oak, please would you tell us what is going on?"
Oak thinks for a moment. "Won't say nuthin til the OLD 'are says please"
Jake waits for Oak to say something, he glares at the squirrel(Oak), he mutters omething "Look...tell us...fine tell us please”
Benar says, "Mr Oak, this is really not the time if a beasts life is in danger." he frowns at the squirrel" Oak nearly falls out of his bed laughing. "NUTHIN, hahhahahhahahhahahha"
Benar frowns at Oak and shakes his head then glances at Rosenade and Jake. "Well it seems we are wasting our time, I suggest we go find Flicktail."
Rosenade blinks, and growls a little bit. Out of sheer irritation, she reared her paw back, and gave the squirrel quite a rough slap.
Oak laughs once more as the female mouse slaps him. "Oi!, that 'urt. 'ye keep that up and ye'll learn nuthin at all woman"
Rosenade grabs the squirrel and lifts him, quite roughly, by the hem of his shirt. "Oh, you'll tell, damn it. YOU WILL TELL." she said.
Jake hold back his temper and takes a deep breath, he mutters a little he starts to say something when a small cry is heard in the hall, the hare frowns and disappears into the hall, he comes back with a small hare in his arms, he watches for now as he speaks to the hare "shhhhhh starlight...shhhhhh"
Benar says, "Rosenade, unhand him at once" He frowns at her, "At once I tell you, this is Redwall abbey not a tavern to be brawling in, especially with an injured beast."
Oak nods and looks at the dibbun hare as he speaks to the mouse "Yeah, be quiet for the dibbun little girl, dibbun are 'de future 'o 'de Abbey". He passes out.
--Had to go after this so not sure what happen, probably a talk on how to question Oak later---