Short Fight On The Dirt Road(Thorns of Steel)
--This log is short but interesting for the Thorns of Steel TP--
Scioto is on patrol on the dirt road, news of the missing badger has him worried as to just what is going on in the Mossflower area, He has his battle armor on today, a chainmail vest and some padding on his shoulders, elbows and knees, his sword at his side. He scans the road and stays very alert.
Desotoe catches site of the feline and grins evilly, he has taken off the sling, though the arm is still tightly bandaged he still can use it slightly, though he must hold his cutlass in his left paw now and that paw is not as strong, he steps in front of the feline, "Well well well, the last beast I need to deal with has come to me"
Scioto stops as he hears the voice and glares at the ferret, "Heard some news that you have the Abbey’s badger father, so where is he?"
Desotoe smirks "He is somewhere the abbey will never find him, could be dead by now for all I care, and I don't care"
Scioto eyes narrow as he draws his sword, "I don't care for your attitude today ferret, it needs dealt with. You are under arrest for murder and possibly two murders, how do you plead?"
Desotoe smiles coldly "I plead guilty, I killed the mouse and a vole maid, would of killed the stupid fox too had he not took my tail and I had an arm injury, could of took him very easily."
Scioto shakes his head, "I don't know how well Flicktail fights but if you had injured him or would have the whole abbey and Ferravale hunting you down to slay you, not to mention various other beasts"
Desotoe chuckles, "I have kept away this long, and no one caught on till recently"
Scioto growls as he steps closer to Desotoe and the early sunlight bounces off his blade as he prepares to fight. “Where is the badger?”
Desotoe is also ready to fight and rushes forwards with blade in paw and goes to slice at Scioto best he can and at the same time avoid any injury himself. “I don’t know..not here” He smirks.
Scioto jumps back and blocks the blade with his easily and goes to try and disarm the ferret of his blade with a flick of his arm and a twist of his sword.
Desotoe tries his best to hold onto the cutlass and then loses his grip as it is his less strong arm that holds it and the blade flies and buries it's self into a tree, The ferret looks at the cat and goes to kick him in the stomach.
Bora is watching the fight and circles the two beasts and watches from the skies.
Scioto gasps as the kick knocks him backwards and he has the breath knocked from him and falls backwards, knocking himself out as he hits the ground hard.
Bora caws and gets a look at the feline, seeing that it’s the chieftain of Ferravale he starts to fly higher into the air.
Sorrlagg is walking along the dirt road about this time and sees the fight and rushes towards them
Desotoe smirks and then goes to try and free his blade to finish the cat off.
Bora caws loudly and goes to dive bomb the feline, deadly talons out and ready to rip his throat open and slay him while the feline is out cold.
Sorrlagg acts fast and pulls out his longbow and notches an arrow and fires it right at the bird’s chest.
Scioto is out cold so can’t do much defending himself
Bora caws and dives and just when he is about to kill the feline the arrow buries its self deep into his chest and into his heart, he crumbles into a feathery mess and lays beside the feline.
Sorrlagg notches another arrow “Hey ferret, think fast!” and then he fires the arrow at Desotoe.
Desotoe errks and leaves the sword behind and runs for his life from Sorrlagg, arrow misses him and lands in the same tree as the cutlass and Desotoe disappears into the nearby woods.
Sorrlagg checks Scioto and picks him up carefully and slowly heads back to Ferravale.