Sharing Memories
Characters: Pike, Desire, Carve, Amethyst, Shandar
Location: Redwall Abbey
Pike wheels into the infirm, he is in his wheelchair like he would be basically, he sighs as he looks around.
Desire is sitting by the same bed she has been sitting by for the last few days: the one farthest away from the door. In the bed her brother Carve is sitting up, holding a quiet conversation with his sister. He is talking in a slightly worried tone and she writing.
Pike looks over at the cat and seems unsure of weather to wheel over to them or not, so he stays put close to the doorway and looks to see whom else is in here.
Desire gives Carve a rather annoyed look and scribbles something on her paper. Carve frowns "Lark, that's not how it goes. How can you be so.....forgiving?" Desire glares at Carve and writes something. Carve sighs and glances around, trying to figure out how to answer his sister. His eyes fall on Pike and he gives him a slight smile "Hello sir." Desire's eyes go wide with anger at her brother as he just avoided her question. She stands and sends him a glare before storming out of the room, past Pike without even a look of acknowledgment. Carve closes his eyes, as if trying to stay calm and he mutters "Why?"
Pike blinks, he looks at Carve as if unsure to even ask what that was all about. He nods nods, "Ello."
Carve opens his eyes again and looks over at Pike "Greetings. Sorry you had to see that. Arguing beasts aren't the most pleasent thing to watch."
Pike nods, "Tis ok, I was just wanding around de abbey, figureing out wot ta do, stay ir go, that sort of thing, guess can;t really go anywhere fer two reasons."
Pike leans back, "One..I can no longer walk, and two even ifs I left de abbey in me chair, an insane fox and his bird crew outta thar and de abbey on lockdown cause of it"
Amethyst enters the infirmary. Looks like she's on duty again whether the Abbey beasts like it or not. The blind rat checks the bed bound beasts first before making her way around to the cats and otter. "Abbey's had to deal with worse," Amy says. She can't remember being at the Abbey when there wasn't some group of beasts attacking it.
Carve frowns and says to Pike "I am sorry. I have heard of this fox. Do you know much about him?" He smiles at he sees Amethyst "Hello. You are...Blue-" He thinks a moment "You know I can't seem to remember your name."
Pike looks down, he almost seems to shiver and closes his one good eye, "Aye..knows enough, he be, dangerous ta mess with."
"Bluefin," the rat supplies for the cat. "Yew aren't likely t be messin with im any time soon, Otter. Not unless 'e gets past th Abbey walls an yer Redwall ghost wouldn't like thet much," Amy says.
Carve nods at the rat "Ah, right. Bluefin. I will remember that. Did you happen to pass Desire in the hallway?"
Pike frowns, "You didnt see him face ta face like I did."
Amethyst shakes her head. "Oi don't believe so," she says to the cat, "But she's so quiet, Oi could have and not known it." Amy turns toward the otter, "Yew mean th fox or Martin? Oi haven't seen anything in seasons, unless yer talkin t th cat ere."
Pike shrugs "I saw the fox, up close, he be de reason I am in this chair I am and I will never walk again in me whole life"
Carve sighs "You are right. " He says to the rat. He starts to chew thoughtfully on one of his claws.
"Oi could ask around after her iffen yew want," the rat offers. She doesn't say anything to the otter. Not much she can say about his condition, it's not likely to get better and there's nothing she can do about it.
Pike remains quiet for now.
Carve stops chewing on his claw as he answers to the rat "You can if you want, but she needs time to cool off. We argument."
Amethyst doesn't ask how a kitten that can't talk can argue, she just except that it happened. "Iffen she don't need t be in ere an she can't run too far with th Abbey locked down, she should be fine for a spell," the rat says. "Ow are yew doin otherwise?" she asks the cat as she moves closer to him to check his injuries. He's awake and talking so she figures he must be a little better.
Carve smiles "You have a point." He scratches his head "I am doing good. I feel better. How about you?"
"Good," the rat says, "Just don't wear yerself out now thet yer feelin better." She tilts her head at his question. "Me? Oi'm same as ever, Oi suppose. Why yew ask?" she questions him. She wasn't the one that was hurt, why ask about her well being?
Carve grins. "I think it would be hard to wear myself out if I am in this bed all day. In fact I think I might go for a walk later today and check on the younger sister of mine." He shrugs at the question "I was just being civil. I do have SOME manners."
"Just try t pace yerself wotever yew do," Amy says, "Oi didn't say yew didn't have manners. Most beasts in ere don't ask thing like thet."
Carve nods a bit restlessly. "Don't worry. Pacing myself should be easy." He grins "I guess I am a first than. I am assuming you are one of the healers here?"
Pike seems to have nodded off in his chair.
"Yew say thet now, but once yew get up an walkin yew might not think yew need t as much," the rat says, "Oi'm a healer, partly anyway. Had training from some beasts an a bit ere seasons ago. Worked ere back when there was a siege long time ago. Oi'm not in th order an Oi only got ere about a week ago, but Oi can do th job as well as th rest in ere. Some of th Abbey beasts don't mind and others don't care fer me t be in ere."
Carve nods "I am glad to know that I am in the paws of a beast who knows what they are doing. Mayhap beasts would like you better if you joined the order?" He says this as a question.
Amethyst says, "Maybe. Oi've considered it before. My husband wouldn't like it any if Oi joined th order. 'e doesn't much like th Abbey. Well not th Abbey so much as 'ow it's run. Oi'll likely go up north once the fighting ends, whenever thet is."
Carve frowns "Who is your husband?" His frowns darkens "Whats up North? I think you should just stay here if you like it here, but thats just my thoughts. You can do whatever you like."
"Oi don't know why Oi'm tellin yew this. Guess cats are just easy t talk to or somethin'," Amy says a bit annoyed with herself for talking so causally with a beast she barely knew. "Oi wouldn't mind stayin ere, but th family would mind," she admits slowly, "There's a village up north thet's allies with Redwall and in this fight against th crazy fox outside."
Carve grins and wiggels his eyebrows "I must agree. Us cats ARE easy to talk to. You have a big family?" He frowns slightly "A village? whats it called?"
"Why th sudden interest in my life?" the rat asks not sure if she should be telling the cat so much about herself, expecally given the name she'd given him wasn't the one most beasts called her by.
Carve shrugs and says quickly "Sorry, I don't mean to pry. My mum always said that I was curious." He frowns "But that was when I was a kitten. I suppose old habbits die hard."
"Village is called Ferravale," Amy says since the cat is likely to hear about it sooner or later from some other beast. "My family's not as large as it once was, but still not th sort family a beast wants t cross. Abbey Champion happens t be part th family in a way," She says slowly not sure if meantioning being somewhat related to Flicktail would help or hurt her as far as the cat is concerned. "Enough questions about me. Wot about yew an thet kitten Desire? Where'd yew two come from an 'ow come she don't talk any?" Amethyst asks.
Carve grins "Your family sounds very....rough?" He frowns darkly "Me and Desire come from the mountain range across the flatlands and grasslands. We lived there with our parents, but than we decide to leave." He does not mention that he just left a huge part of his history out of the picture or how Desire lost her tongue.
Amethyst nods a bit. "Sounds like yew had some trouble. Oi supect somethin happen t make th liddle kitten not want or not able t talk," she says filling in what wasn't said with a bit of common sense and her own life's experiences. "Oi wasn't born blind an Oi don't supect Desire was born mute either," Amy says flatly. She understands why he'd leave things out, but it's a little unfair after he'd somehow got her to say quite a bit about herself.
Carve sighs "Yes we did have trouble. I supose I can tell you....Desire got her tongue cut out by the scum of the earth." He spits these words out with a hiss "I got myself wounded, but I wish she could have at least kept her tongue. She had a very beautiful singin voice before it all happened."
Amethyst scowled. She was a singer herself as well as a musician and healer. "Th fox outside do it?" she growls wanting to know what beast needs killing for harming the kitten. Amethyst does not take kindly to beasts that hurt dibbuns.
Carve shakes his head "No. It was done by a beast named...well I never really caught his name, but he was another cat if I remember right. He had a band of other vermin with him and he ruined life for my whole family....he ended life for two of them."
"Do you know if 'e's still alive?" the rat asks still angry at the nameless cat for hurting Desire despite the rat hardly knowing the young cat he’s hurt.
Carve shakes his head, anger starting to sound slightly in his voice "I know he still lives. In the mountains he would taunt us every day, rubbing it in that we were alone in the world. He never killed us, but that's probably because he preferred to see us suffer in the way of the soul rather than body. We were forced to leave, but I swear on my fathers saber that I WILL find him someday."
Shandar struggles out from under one of the beds, having decided that she isn't getting enough attention. Once near the pair, she goes to Carve and hugs him around the knees, not being able to reach any higher.
Amethyst nods, "Good, just don't go off first chance yew get without plannin anythin. Don't want t leave Desire with no family just t avenge er an the rest yer family."
Carve nods "I won't don't worry. There is one thing that I can't understand about my sister though. She wants to FORGIVE the cat who did that to her. How can she even think that?" he glances down in suprise as the mouse hugs his leg. He smiles sightly and Ruffles her head fur "Hello little one."
Amethyst sighed as the dibbun clung to Carve's legs. "Looks like yew got a new visitor," she said very lightly poking the mouse dibbun with her walking stick. "Oi tell em t stay out of ere, but none of em listen," she said leaning down to pet the mouse. "Oi suppose yew kin stay a bit a long as yew behave yerself," she tells the dibbun, "An soon as one th proper healers comes in yew need t go out or we'll both be in trouble." She address the cat again, "Some beasts are strange like thet. My father-in-law was like thet once 'e got old."
Carve grins "You can both stay as long as you want. It gets boring in here." He frowns "Are you like that?"
The dibbun seems to have nodded off, still cuddled against the cat's legs.
"Like what?" Amy asks, "Like Aik? Not really. Oi guess it depends. Never really had anything bad happen like yer sister did, not that was some beasts fault least ways. Not really. Don't know 'ow Oi'd feel if Oi was in yer place, except being mad and wantin th beast what done it dead, but thet's natural."
Carve nods "Thats what I ment....wait, who is Aik?" He clenches his paw "Trust me. It is more than being mad. I really feels quite horrible."
Carve nods "Thats what I ment....wait, who is Aik?" He clenches his paw "Trust me. It is more than being mad. I really feels quite horrible."
"Aikuen Tazan, better known as Aik, was a warrior otter from some far off island. Used t be a drunk. Also was my father-in-law. He was a good fighter and a strict father, also an darn fool all most th time. He passed on a long while back. He was real old," the rat says quietly, "He'd been through a lot of battles and lost his first wife an daughter before he came t Mossflower. He left a second wife,a grown son, two grown daughters, one liddle son, a grandson an granddaughter. An th rest of us. Was a bad day when thet ole riverdog went t th dark forest or whever riverdogs go to," Amy says, running her mouth off again. "Yeah, never been thet mad, but Oi've known beasts thet have been. Aik was one, an his eldest had a bad temper when 'e was liddle," the rat says. She doesn't know what it is about the cat, but she just finds herself talking and saying things she wouldn't normally say t any beast. Maybe she should take a break from the infirm for a while.
Carve chuckels slightly "He reminds me of Somone I once knew. Why was Aik mad?" he sits up in his bed, geting a better look at his conversation partner.
"Oi don't remember all the reasons. 'e didn't like me joinin th family. Guess 'e though 'is son could do better or somethin'," she scoffs, "Otter didn't know anything. Oi heard 'e was tryin' t quit drinkin an 'is son tricked 'im into drinking some. Otter'd never had cordial before so Will tells 'im a glass of ale's cordial and even managed t get hisself some ale or somethin, though 'e was only a dibbun and got stupid drunk. Ole otter didn't like thet an nearly drown Will fer gettin drunk. One time those two got in a arugment an pair o swords ended up stuck in a tree afterward. Once Will forgot t leave a note saying where 'e'd be an 'is Pa yanked 'is arms out there sockets," she grimices at the memory, "Aik fixed Will up after, but Oi gave thet otter a piece o my mind fer thet, as did th stoats. Aik an Will didn't see no wrong with et. Crazy th pair of em." Amy shakes her head, "Oi married a idiot in other words. Could be worse, though."
Carve eyes are wide through the whole of this tale "Wow, sounds like a....interesting relationship between the pair of them. So you married Will? How did Aik feel about it?" He yawns.
Amethyst says, "Th otters weren't too happy about th idea when we first told em. Course might been because we were still dibbuns at th time an Aik though we were just pretending at first. Once 'e realized we were serious 'e wasn't too keen an th idea. There also was thet whole bit when 'e acidenly broke some my ribs, when 'e was mad at Will an threw Will int me. Otter didn't see me. Oi got better. An by th time Will an Oi were old enough t get married th otters didn't mind too much." She smiles a little, "Will sure picked a fine beast t adopt as 'is father."
Carve laughs dryly "Aik sounds very interesting. He broke your ribs by throwing your husband to be at you? Wow. I am glad you and Will got together in the end." He sighs and lays back down in his bed "I feel a bit tired. I hope you won't find me rude if I drift off." He yawns than after a moment, falls into a pit of sleep.
Amethyst chuckles, "Aye. Aik was somethin' else. When yer up an about more yew ought t met Flicktail, th Abbey Champion, 'e ..." the rat pauses as she hears another beast enter the infirmary. One of the Brothers has come on duty. She nods at him and gathers the mouse dibbun. The rat carries the sleeping mouse down stairs to the dibbun's dorm before taking her break, leaving the sleeping cat in the Brother's care.