Settling Back In Part Four
Characters: Kentar, Aikuen, Will, Sinway
Location: Abbey Infirmary
Kentar chuckles. "Healers said I could try to walk around tomorrow with a cane." he says. "When do we go home?"
Aikuen shrugs and looks to Will, "Im all set whenever, So it up to the master!...Will?"
He'd like to say 'after the fox is dead' but then they may never get home. So he settles for, "When you two are better and can walk well enough I suppose."
Kentar grins. "Few more days then...sounds good to me."
Aikuen nods, "Okay! And i get to hang around the tunnel until my leg heals, so ill be with yah for awhile until i go to Camp Willow..." He taps his splint, talking to it, "Get better! But not to quickly!" He laughs.
Will nods some, "Yeah ... guess so." He begins to chew on his lower lip thinking it over.
Kentar nods and yawns. "I'm looking forward to going home."
Aikuen tilts his head at Will, but shrugs it off, "Me too, i need to start planting vegetables before summer starts, im thinking tomatoes..."
Kentar frowns. "Carrots man!" he grins.
Aikuen is surprised, but laughs, "Oh aye carrots too! And whatever else we like... I like tomatoes... they go great in soup!" He smiles.
Kentar chuckles. "I like carrots best."
Aikuen chuckles, "Ill grow whatever i can mate! We need to restock the larder anyway, and veggies are good, maybe some fruit if i can..." He scratches his head, think about what else.
Kentar grins and nods. "Yeah." he smiles. "Sounds good."
Will says, "Probably should pack seeds or whatever we might need for plantin and pack some food t eat while th stuff we're planting's growing ... might still be some veggtables and such still in all that tangle of a gardens an orchards we got anyhow."
Aikuen nods, "Ill talk with the gardener, and see what is good to be growing this seasons at the moment! And ill pack food like for our trip..." He scratches his head, "Don't know what else is growing, wild stuff by now... maybe onions and ransoms(wild garlic)."
Kentar nods somewhat and watches the two talk. "Is there a forge at Moledeep somewhere?"
Will says, "Don't know if there's onions there but there is garlic already and leeks and some other stuff. Enough t make soup with anyway. Yeah, there's a forge down th path from th gardens."
Kentar grins wide. "You wont be seeing me anymore then." He grins.
Aikuen laughs, "Are you a world class blacksmith, eh?" He chuckles and waves a paw at him.
The rat looks at the stoat at moment, "You still have t help us with th gardens an cooking an all that even if you do get th forge workin again."
Kentar grins. "Maybe. I just like forging." he then nods. "I will."
Aikuen nods, "Alright! We got the big jobs covered, food and stuff...What else... besides the dusting?"
Will thinks a bit, "Um ... landryin stuff ... blankets and such and seein if there's anything useful in th infirmary an getin rid of what all isn't. An figurin out who sleeps where but that one shouldn be easier than th others."
Aikuen says, "Okay... Well we can figure out sleeping arrangements when we get there... But all the others are doable... I can clean the Infirmary, and see what's good." He scratches his head, thinking.
Will says, "All th medicines would be in th cabinets in there I'd guess, but they're all locked so unless you can unlock them we may need new cabinets.
Kentar yawns. " we have a cook?"
Aikuen tilts his head, "All i need is a good metal stick, and i can pry it open... Well need cabinet doors though, To replace the broken ones..." He hmms, and looks to Kentar, "Well we all have cooking strengths... I know field cooking, Fira knows Gather cooking, Will actually got experience in the abbey kitchens... So together... we almost make one full chef!"
Will chuckles, "We eat a lot of soup so far."
Sinway comes in standing at the doorway and looks around "sigh, nope not here as well." he says turning to leave when he notice the others or more the otter and the stoat "ohh i know you two.
Kentar laughs and nods. "I want carrots." he grins before looking over to Sinway. "Er...Evening."
Aikuen blinks a few times at the other otter, " Hello..." Carrots successfully shoved from his mind.
Sinway tilts his head "what you doing all the way down here at the abbey?"
Will recognizes the voice and looks the new otter over, "Hello, Sinway. This is th infirmary an we often visit th Abbey. Skuld didn't want t come in with us so I don't know where she went after we got back."
Sinway looks over to the rat "um I'm sorry I don't believe we met before, and you are?" he asks not sure how the rat knew his name.
The rat smiles, "I'm ... William."
Kentar keeps his eye on Sinway, his paw absently rubbing over the brand on his face.
Sinway eyes shift to kentar "what happen to you?"
Aikuen scratches his head, and watches Sinway, yawing.
Kentar keeps his eye on the otter. "I was captured by a fox. Tortured for a few days. Then I escaped. Here I am."
Sinway yawns a little "why ya staring at me?" he asks smirking "got something to say, say it, if not don't look at me like that.
Kentar hrms. "Because last time we met, you wanted to kill me as I remember."
Aikuen moves his head closer, widening his eyes, and grinning, "What he said!" He chuckles.
Sinway smirks a little "you forget where we are don't you." he says with a yawn
Aikuen scoffs, "So? I've been attacked more at the abbey, then you'd think..." He chuckles.
Will sits back and just watches, half wishing Fira where there to help keep Kentar and Aikuen from doing something stupid yet again. "We forget? Oh yeah, you we're in th order ... that explains everything."
Sinway shakes his head "and you also forget what i once was." he sighs "as a former member of the order, i would never dishonor the abbey or what it stands for buy attacking in the abbey, even more so if that beast is injured and is in care." he smirks again.
Aikuen nods somewhat, "Okay...I'll give you that..." He stands and balances on the crutch, "Now if you will excuse me... I have to see Fira... I haven't seen her since lunch...And i know i shouldn't be walking... But I most go!" He laughs as he takes a few test steps, and nods.
Kentar shrugs. "I just don't want to die, thanks." he then nods at Aikuen. "See you later." he nods.
Will takes over Aik's spot on his cot now that he's left.
Sinway yawns a little "im sure you don't." is all he says.
Kentar nods. "Trust me. After what I've been though, I just don't need to have to worry again."
Sinway smirks "so tell me why did you hurt her, and don't give me that bull that you wont stand to have your friends threaten because i don't think my skuld could carry out any threat she said." he sighs a little.
Kentar sighs. "Because she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut...But afterwards, she attacked us again...I told her I was sorry...and we made up for it."
Sinway looks at him with deadly eyes "its not your place to teach her any thing."
Kentar watches the otter with the same look. "And it is not the father's place to leave his dibbun."
Sinway smirks again "its also not a father place to take the dibbun out with him while he goes and kills a bunch of vermin now is it?"
Kentar watches. "She thinks you left her. Forever. I don't get what kind of father goes out and leaves his dibbun alone with no one around."
Sinway smirks a little "last time i checked i left her at the abbey so thats not alone, and i did not tell her where i was going because i was afraid she follow me and get mixed up in all this, i did it to protect her and i know that once i explain it to her she will understand."
Kentar frowns. "Then find your child, explain it to her. But I'm telling you now, stop being a bad father, because she deserves more then you." he says.
Will keeps quiet letting the stoat talk to the angry otter. of the two of them, Kentar seems to be the one better at talking to beasts.
Sinway looks at him with even deadlier eyes "Everything I did was to protect her, nothing I did makes me a bad father, your one to talk, cutting out a dibbun eyes and ears for no reason other then idle threats, you have no place to call me a good or bad father." he says with a wicked smile "its not your place to say if im a good father or not, you have no idea what she gone through what ive saved her from." he sighs a little "and here i was about to forgive you."
Kentar smirks. "Everyone I've talked to so far thinks your an awful father. Now get out. Your bothering me." he says, looking to Will next. "How many stupid otters are in mossflower? Aikuen...him. Who next?"
Sinway smirks a little "every one has no right to call me one." he says smiling "what i did could of got her killed if i had told her where i was going she would follow and get hurt." he says smiling again
Kentar looks to Sinway once more. "Everyone has every right. You abandon your kid so that you can go off on a mission of evil after taking an low do you get..." he closes his eye and yawns.
Sinway smirks a little "ohh not as low as having some one very close to me skin alive, thats the second time its happen to me, and his soul would never rest in peace if i had not avenged him. and also being afraid that your daughter could be next."
Will sighs, "So far Fira's th only smart one I've met." The rat looks over to Sinway, "I don't know what kinda of dad you are, but I do know that Kentar, despite being stupid, kept Skuld safe while we we're fighting th fox that captured him." He looks back over to Kentar, "Shut up, you're not helping anyone." Looking back to the otter, "Skuld isn't in here and the stupid stoat needs to rest and shut up. If you two keep bothering each other I'll call for th healers to settle this for you."
Kentar doesn't open his eye. "Listen otter, I've skinned many alive. Every day I regret it. Even as an evil beast, you have to live with what you do. If that beast that was skinned alive was a kind beast, then I'm sure that he or she would never have wanted that. Although if it was a low life vermin like you, then maybe you did the right thing after all."
Kentar looks to Will and then nods. "I've already told him to get out for bothering me, my next step is to call the healers. So. I will shut up."
The rat scowls at Kentar briefly, "Stupid stoat worse than th otter even," he tosses a pillow at Kentar.
Sinway smirks a little "i was in no fight with any fox." he says with a sigh then turns to kentar "ohh im far from a low life, i did what i thought was best to protect my daughter, since it was clear they where targeting the ones close to me, as it was the same group who skin my mom and dad alive right infrount of me, when i was only 4 seasons old." he says looking over to the rat "ohh i would of been happy as ever to leave him alone but he has to talk about me as if he knows who i am im not a vermin im not a low life im not scum, i don't kill with out reason, i don't like to kill, i wish i didn't have to leave the order, but i did."
Kentar blinks as the pillow comes at him, the stoat raising his paws to block it, letting out a loud yelp as it makes contact. "What...ow...did I tell you about throwing stuff at me Will?" he asks. "Remember? I almost killed you last time...stop, please...Just because I'm being stupid doesn't mean you can throw things..." he holds his bandaged paws, almost in tears thanks to the pillow. He's ignoring the otter now.
Sinway takes the pillow and move it to the side "nor am i any bit happy that what happen to you happen." he says looking over the paw with out holding it
Will sighs, "Sorry. You need t shut up faster next time. Or would you have rather got bitten instead?" He's not in a good mood right now
Kentar sighs. "I don't need you to be sorry, otter." he mutters. His paws are totally bandaged so there's not much to see.
Kentar looks back over to Will. "I don't need to be threatened either, thank you very much..." he sighs. "Cut me some slack...Just...stop threatening and throwing things at me."
Sinway looks at him "who said i was sorry i got nothing to be sorry about, im not going to pity you, thats like kicking a beast when he is down." he says sighing "im just making sure you know im not happy that it happen to you."
Kentar looks back to Sinway. "I don't care. Leave me be."
Sinway smirks a little "no i guess you don't."
Sinway sighs "fine ill leave." he says before walking out.
Will curls up on Aikuen's cot, "Sorry about th pillow," he says not wanting the stoat to stay mad at him.
Kentar sighs and nods. "Its alright Will." he says. "Its just...I'm tired. Of everything." he smiles slightly. "So. Why did you pick me to be your brother?"
The rat shrugs a little still annoyed with the stoat.
Kentar tilts his head. "There has to be some reason..."
Will sits up, "Well I like you and you act like your my brother so why not say you are."
Kentar nods slowly. "Thank...thank you Will. It means a lot to me." he smiles somewhat. "What's that?" he points over the rat.
The rat looks puzzled and turns around to look of course courious as ever, his ill will toward the stoat forgotten.
Kentar grins and then chucks his pillow at the rat.
The rat smiles a little seeing nothing a figuring it had been a joke, then the pillow hits him in the back of the head, "Ow, hey!" He turns around laughing, "Ok, I'll stop throwing stuff at you .... when you're hurt anyway."
Kentar quickly lay back and pretended he never tossed a thing. "What? Ow hey? What happened?"
Will grins over at the stoat, "You know what happened. ... Hope Racky's awake when we get home .... Hope he likes you, don't know why he wouldn't but I don't know him that well. He sleeps a lot."
Kentar grins and chuckles. "I know what happened, yeah. The healer that passed by tossed the pillow at you. She told me not to say anything but...I figured it can't hurt" he grins. "Well. I'm sure I'll like him too." He then takes a deep breath and moves over to the side of his bed, patting it. "Come here for a moment Will..."
The rat hesitates a moment, "If you push me onto th floor I will tell on you." He still goes over and sits down anyway.
Kentar chuckles. "I wont push you onto the floor." he smiles. When the rat is sat down, he sits up and goes to give Will a hug.
Will hugs the stoat back very gently.
Kentar hugs tight but gently. "Thank you for asking me to be your brother. It really does mean a lot."
Will says, "Your welcome. ... an I talked t him ... well sorta an so it's ok."
Kentar nods and lets go. "Well. Thanks still." He smiles before yawning. "I'm going to try to get some sleep." he lays back and yawns
The rat nods some and goes back to lay on one of the empty cots so Aikuen can use his own when he gets back.
Kentar watches Will for a few moments before closing his eye and pulling the covers over him a bit more.